Extending and amending the Sikes Act and establishing the Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge
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Informations bibliographiques
Extending and amending the Sikes Act and establishing the Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge
S. hrg
U.S. G.P.O., For sale by the Supt. of Docs., Congressional Sales Office, U.S. G.P.O.
D'autres materias
United states; Law and legislation; Public lands; Wildlife refuges; Bayou sauvage national wildlife refuge; La.); Bayou sauvage national wildlife refuge (new orleans; New orleans; Military reservations
hearing before the Subcommittee on Environmental Pollution of the Committee on Environment and Public Works, United States Senate, Ninety-ninth Congress, second session, on S. 1352 and H.R. 1202 bills amending and extending the Sikes Act and S. 2741 to establish the Bayou Savage Urban National Wildlife Refuge in the state of Lousiana, September 17, 1986
Monographic; Government Publication; Text
Auteur institutionnelle
United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Environment and Public Works. Subcommittee on Environmental Pollution.
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