AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

Does faecal matter reflect location? An initial assessment of isotopic variability between consumed prey remains and faecal matter for wild jaguars


Crowley, Brooke E. | Wultsch, Claudia | Kelly, Marcella J.

Informations bibliographiques
Isotopes in environmental and health studies
Volume 55 Numéro 5 Pagination 478 - 498 ISSN 1477-2639
Taylor & Francis
D'autres materias
Bioapatite; Mesozoic era; 87sr/86sr; 13c/12c; Mountain pine ridge forest reserve; 15n/14n; Isotope ecology; Carnivores; Panthera onca; Landscapes; Isotope labeling
This work was supported by the Virginia Tech Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation (to CW & MJK), an Explorers Club Exploration Grant (to CW & MJK), Panthera Kaplan Awards (to CW), a National Geographic Society Waitt Grant, (to CW & MJK), the Oregon Zoo Conservation Fund (to CW & MJK), the Seattle Woodland Park Zoo Jaguar Conservation Fund (to CW & MJK), the Roger Williams Park Zoo Sophie Danforth Conservation Biology Fund (to BEC), and the Wildlife Conservation Society Jaguar Conservation Program Fund (to CW & MJK).
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