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Effect of Spraying with some Antioxidants on Growth, Yield, Fruit Quality and Nutritional Status of Navel Orange Trees
Eman Abdelmoniem | Said El- Shazly | Ahmed Elgazzar | Noha Mansour
This study was carried out through two consecutive seasons 2016 and 2017 to investigate the effect of spraying with some antioxidants on vegetative growth, yield, fruit quality and nutritional status of twelve years old Navel orange trees on sour orange rootstock grown in a private orange orchard in Qalubia Governorate, Egypt cultivated in a silty clay loam soil. This experiment involved three antioxidant materials named (salicylic acid, citric acid and folic acid) and each one spraying by three levels of each of with (250, 500 and 1000 ppm) from each salicylic, citric and folic acid plus control treatment so the experiment included ten treatments. Selected trees were spraying three times (at the beginning of the growth cycle in March, just after fruit setting in May and just after June drop in July) by aqueous solution of salicylic acid, citric acid and folic acid until the point of runoff. The highest values of vegetative growth were obtained by spraying 500 ppm salicylic acid, 1000 ppm citric acid and 500 ppm folic acid. Regarding to yield, results pointed out that the foliar spraying with 500 ppm salicylic acid, 500 ppm citric acid and 250 ppm folic acid gave the highest values of yield. Treatments 500 ppm salicylic acid, 250 ppm citric acid and 250 ppm folic acid gave the highest values of physical and chemical fruit properties. In respect to nutrients content, the highest values of macronutrients were obtained by spraying 250 ppm folic acid, while that spraying 1000 ppm salicylic acid and 250 ppm folic acid gave the highest values of micronutrients. Therefore, using treatments 500 ppm salicylic acid, 500 ppm citric acid and 250 ppm folic acid may be recommended from economical point of view and as good treatments for enhancing Navel orange growth, yield, fruit quality and nutritional status especially under old citrus orchards.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Assessment of house sparrows passer domesticus damage to single and double winter cultivations under field conditions
Norhan Yacoub | Ahmed Abdelmegeed | Abdallah Shehata Kassab | Ola Abdelbar
The ultimate goal of this study is to find out the most suitable combinations of adjacent crops that reduce house sparrows damage. The experiments were established using single and double combinations of four wintery crops. Namely, soft wheat, hard wheat, sunflower, and barley. The double cultivations were designed by growing varying crops nearby a fixed one crop as follows 1- (soft wheat alone), (soft wheat- near sunflower), ( soft wheat near – barley), and (soft wheat near – hard wheat) 2- (barley alone),(barley- near soft wheat), (barley near - hard wheat), and (barely- near sunflower) 3-(hard wheat alone),( hard wheat- near barley), (hard wheat near – sunflower), and ( hard wheat near – soft wheat). The experimental results revealed the following; the damage percentage of house sparrows to soft wheat was 25.9 %, but when grown nearby sunflower, barley, and hard wheat the soft wheat damage reached 5.9 %, 25.9 %, and 33.3 %, respectively. In single cultivation of barley, house sparrows damage was 8.2 %, but when grown nearby soft wheat, hard wheat and sunflower, the barley damage reached 13.5 %, 1.7 % and 1.2 %, respectively. Single cultivation of hard wheat house sparrows damage was 0.0 %, while when grown adjacent to barley, sunflower, and soft wheat, the hard wheat damage reached 0.0 %,0.0 % 3.8 %, respectively. In single cultivation of sunflower, house sparrows damage was 20.2 %, while when grown nearby, barley, soft wheat , and hard wheat, the sunflower damage reached 9.5 %, 10.2 % and 36.3 %, respectively. Results obtaine from this study revealed the following: 1- sunflower could be grown nearby barley and / or soft wheat, but away from hard wheat; 2- barley could be grown nearby sunflower and /or soft wheat, but away from hard wheat; 3- soft wheat could be grown nearby sunflower, but away from hard wheat; 4- hard wheat could be grown nearby barley or sunflower, but away from soft wheat. These concomitant cultivations can be successfully practiced be small growers to protect their main crops from house sparrows attack naturally and effectively without using any pest control compounds and without any extra costs as well.
M. Ibrahim | S. Makled | A. Elsabea
Water is one of the most important inputs and elements of development, and the importance of water in Egypt is increasing due to the lack of resources and increased demand in recent periods, where rain is scarce and covers most of its deserts. The River Nile is the main water supplier in the Arab Republic of Egypt, where the share of the river about 55.5 billion cubic meters per year, and the problem is limited to the study of the current and future use of water, while Egypt suffers from the constant amount of water available to cover these uses, The high rates of Egyptian population growth, with Egypt's share of water remaining constant, and hence the problem of water shortage, is a threat to the national economy in general and the agricultural sector in particular. The aim of the study is to use water for the time being and to work to increase the efficiency of water use in future years The study shows that the quantities of water used in irrigation for agricultural crops in Aswan fluctuated between the minimum and the decrease, ranging between a minimum of about 40.1 billion m3 in 2012 and a maximum of about 62.1 billion M3 in 2008 with an annual average of about 50.48 billion m3 during the same period. And the study of the equation of the general time trend for the quantities of water used for irrigating agricultural crops in Aswan and it shows that there is no mathematical picture suitable for the nature of the data and that the data revolve around the mean arithmetic.
Naima Samir Abd El-hamid | S. Makled | Salwa Abd Elmonem
Medicinal and aromatic plants are considered to be non-traditional, multi-use crops, both in their direct form and in their indirect form, through the extraction and use of active substances in the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry, perfumery, cosmetics and soap, either in the form of pills, plants or medicinal and aromatic herbs. The cultivated area of medicinal and aromatic plants in Egypt amounted to about 46.2 thousand feddans with a percentage of 0.27% of the crop area of about 15.525 million feddans in the agricultural season (2011-2018). The cultivated area of the study crops was about 20.21 thousand feddans, The company has about 48.15% of the area of medicinal and aromatic plants during the period (2011-2018), and Egypt is located in the markets of medicinal and aromatic plants worldwide, with a trade volume of more than 60 billion dollars annually, which is a major exporter of 158.94 million dollars Which is equivalent to about 1127.038 million pounds in 2014 representing about 3.07%, 0.594% of the camel The value of Egyptian agricultural exports and total exports of 36.711, 189.741 billion pounds respectively in 2014, the problem of the study is that the cultivated areas of medicinal and aromatic plants are limited and fluctuating and low in some cases, where in recent years the areas of latency and rumen decreased from about 5,545,99759 years 2010, 2017, 2016 to about 5.152, 98759 acres in 2018, and although it is profitable crops for the farmer and the new land can be a good solution to compensate for the cost of reclamation, and this reflects on the domestic production of the failure to meet the needs of export and meet the needs of the company V Local of medicinal and aromatic plants. In spite of the urgent need to increase exports, the deficit in the Egyptian trade balance is about 329.085 billion pounds in 2017. The study examined the productive and economic indicators of the most important medicinal and aromatic plants in Egypt. The cultivated areas of the study crops declined. The latency decreased by 5.1% With an average area of about 3,616 feddan and an average area of about 3651 feddan, while the average area of the basil was about 10.685 thousand feddans, while the average value of cash amounted to about 29,072, 41.561 million pounds for the quail and basil respectively, The value of their exports continues to rise by 10.6%, 15.42% from the average of 3866.8 and 2553 thousand dollars respectively for the period of study, as well as the increase in quantities exported from cumin and monetary value by 11.79% from the average of 1047 tons and 16.45% The statistical estimate of the production of the most important medicinal and aromatic plant crops in the sample of the study, Cumin and Rihan, was examined to determine the economic efficiency and productivity of the agricultural resources available and used for each and their importance in Egyptian agriculture, Illustrates the high economic efficiency of the majority of the elements of production of crops, cumin, basil sample study of farmers Samalout and Beni Mazar of basil in Beni Suef governorate, low economic efficiency of the element of seeds in crop cumin, manure and municipal phosphate crop basil which requires rationalization of the use by farmers of cumin sample study. The study also included the statistical estimation of the production cost functions of the most medicinal and aromatic plants in the sample of the study. Finally, the study dealt with the quantity, value and price of Egyptian exports of basil and cumin.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Optimization of Poly-β-Hydroxybutyrate (PHB) Production by an Egyption strain of Rhizobium fabae F44 using Response Surface Methodology
Wafaa Radwan | Samah Abu Hussein | Mahmoud Nassef | Sawky Selim
The present work is aimed to isolate, purify, identify a newly isolate Rhizobium fabae from different regions in Egypt then, produce and optimize Poly-β-Hydroxybutyrate polymer (PHB) production by the selected isolate Rhizobium fabae F44 using a statistical approach of response surface methodology (RSM). Rhizobium fabae F44 isolate was picked up from Sharkia Governorate in Egypt and then identified by the 16SrRNA gene as Rhizobium fabae. Eleven different variables which affect the production of PHB polymer were screened by Plackett–Burman statistical design approach. Maximization of PHB production was adjusted by the terms of The Face Central Composite Design (FCCD) of RSM and assessed at three coded levels (–1, 0, +1). One way Anova was used to statistically analyze all obtained results in relation to post hoc multiple comparison analysis performed by Tukey’s HSD. Appulses of nutritional and physical factors (two carbon sources, two nitrogen sources, mineral salts, pH, temperature, incubation time, inoculum size and agitation rate) were studied using Plackett-Burman design method. 58 isolates were obtained from the different 9 governorates with 100 % infection plant technique. The 16SrRNA showed a similarity of 99.56 (%) to Rhizobium fabae F44. Out of all tested significant media components, sucrose, yeast extract, agitation rate had the highest significant effects on the response as for PHB production, with confidence level > 98% and were further optimized using FCCD. Predicted Maximum PHB production was observed as (78.51%) which in near the mid-point (0) values (concentrations) of sucrose which reached (25 g/l) and yeast extract of (0.5 g/l) for 48 hrs. at 150 rpm agitation rate. The observed experimental value reached 87.5u/ml was very close result to the predicted one validating the model. So, Response Surface Methodology is an effective statistical approach which can substitute the use of one variable at a time approach due to its adequacy and efficiency to optimize PHB production by Rhizobium fabae F44.
Ibrahim Ibrahim | Hamdy Ebeid | Yasser Kishk | Abdel Fattah Abdel Fattah | Khaled Mahmoud | A. Ibrahim | H. Ebeid | Y. Kishk | A. Abdel Fattah | K. Mahmoud
The present study was conducted to prepare nano-chitosan particles (CN) by ultrafine grinding from crude chitosan powder (CC) using a ball mill with 130 numbers of zirconia beads in range from 0.5 to 1.5 mm diameter (75 beads 0.5 mm diameter, 30 beads 1.0 mm diameter and 25 beads 1.5 mm diameter). In addition, physical and rheological properties of chitosan solutions were determined. The results revealed that ultrafine grinding has effectively milled the chitosan particles to nanoscale. Prepared chitosan nanoparticles were characterized by devices X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Zetasizer particle sizes and Zeta potential of chitosan particles (after milling for 30, 60 and 90 minutes). The particle size of nano-chitosan was distributed in a range of 250-600 nm. with a polydispersity index use as an anti-oxidant and antimicrobial with reducing the amount used to deliver the desired purpose. Additional research is required to further investigate the potential value-added utilization of these chitosan derivatives in improving the quality and safety of some food products.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Production of low-fat white soft cheese using sodium caseinate and / or butter milk powder as a fat replacer
Rowida Abd Elkader | Rezk Awaad | Zakaria Rizk Hassan | Wafaa Salama
The purpose of this study is to improve texture, flavor and overall quality of low-fat white soft cheese. Using sodium caseinate (SC) and / or butter milk powder (BMP) in different ratios. Buffalo’s milk was divided into two portions. The first portion was standardized to 3% fat and served as a control (1). The second portion was standardized to 1% fat and sub divided into five parts, the first part was served as control (2), the second part fortified with 2% SC (T1), the third part fortified with 2% BMP (T2), forth part fortified with 1% SC + 1% BMP (T3) and fifth part fortified with 0.5% SC + 1.5% BMP (T4). All cheese treatments stored in salted whey (5% NaCl) at 5±2°C up to 3 months. The results indicated that, control (2) had obviously lower moisture content than control (1). Addition of sodium caseinate and / or butter milk powder to cheese milk led to an increase in moisture content of resultant cheese compared to control (2). A slight increase was observed in total nitrogen % of low-fat all soft cheese treatments versus control (2) being more obvious in T2 and T3. Low-fat soft cheese treatments were characterized by higher soluble nitrogen % than control (2). Moreover, the results showed also that, replacing of milk fat with SC + BMP caused a decrease in hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, chewiness and gumminess in fresh cheese compared to control (2). Sensory properties of Low-fat soft cheese were highly improved by adding SC + BMP to cheese milk as a fat replacer. Low-fat soft cheese was most preferable in T3 with adding SC + BMP (1:1), those improved the compositional as well as the organoleptical properties, especially its body and texture of low fat brined soft cheese after 90 days of cold storage.
M. ElRefaie | Fatma Fahmy | M. El-Eraky | A. Abd Elmaqsoud
The research aimed at identifying risks facing agriculture from water availability and natural hazards by planning the cropping pattern under low risk, and studying the impact of both climate change and geographical area on the productivity per Feddan. The study estimate risk of cropping pattern in the first scenario was estimated to be about 6.6% under normal restrictions. In the second scenario, it was 3.04% under normal restrictions in addition to stabilize the area of rice at 750,000 feddans, with self-sufficiency of 10% and 20% of wheat and maize The total return on risk under the first and second scenarios was about 73.315 and 75.133 million pounds. The cropping pattern in the second scenario is better than the first, as it achieves a higher net return and also achieves state policies in terms of reducing the rice area. It also increases the self-sufficiency of wheat and maize. The effect of climate change and geographical area variation on productivity during the period (2013-2016) showed that their impact ranged from 61 to 92%. There Also was a negative impact of climate change on the productivity per Feddan. except for wheat crop the effect of either wheat has not been determined. The study recommended pulling the optimal cropping pattern, the need to increase the awareness of the seriousness of the negative effects of climate change and the development of awareness programs through the various media, and the production of new varieties afford climate change and salinity, and the use of modern technological methods Such as protected agriculture.
Sara Abd El-Maksoud | M. Sayed | Fatma Badawy | Eman Fahmy
All living organisms are subjected to changing in conservational conditions, to which they must adapt to. Stress is defined as a threat refers to the physiological balance of systems critical to survival organisms. Five yeast strains (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) were subjected to different adverse environmental situations, such as thermal, osmotic and oxidative (salt) stresses. The objective of this work was to detect the most tolerant yeast strains under salt or heat stresses. Five yeast strains were exposed in a first experiment to heat stress at 20°C or 40°C beside to the control at 30°C to detect the more tolerant strain. The same yeast strains were subjected in a second experiment to two different concentrations of salt stress (NaCl); 0.5 or 1.0 M, separately, for two days (at 30°C as normal temperature for growth), other strains were exposed to 0.5 M concentration of NaCl for 24 hours, then 1 M for another 24 hours. For the heat stress results, strain S4 was more tolerant at 40oCwith insignificant difference compared to the control (30oC), while it showed significant difference at 20°C. Strain S5 also was more tolerant at 20oC with insignificant difference compared to the control. For salt treatment, the only insignificant value was for strain S3at 0.5M NaCl compared with the control.
A. Mazeed | E. Zidan | A. Abd El-latif
Data revealed that Egyptian clover were visited by 22 genus of arthropods belong to 16 families and 7 orders. The identified species were classified to phytophagous, Nectarivore, predatory insects. During both seasons Apis mellifera L. and Megachile sp. were the most abundant pollinators detected at the first week of May till the end of flowering season in mid-June. The highest activity period for A. mellifera was detected at 11:00 am. However, the lowest activity was found at 3:00 pm. and 5:00 pm. in both seasons, respectively, with insignificant difference between them in the first season. Whereas the highest activity period for Megachile sp. was detected at 1:00 pm. and the lowest activity was found at 7:00 am. During both seasons. The free pollination treatment produced the highest mean number of seeds per head followed by the caged with honeybees followed by the caged without honeybees treatment with average (48.15, 43.85 and 13.20 seeds /head) and (51.10, 46.10 and 10.85 seeds /head) during 2017 and 2018 seasons, respectively. The caged plants without honeybees produced the low weight of 1000 seed. Whereas the non-caged treatment produced the highest weights with an average (2.75 and 2.55 g) and (3.50 and 3.90 g) during both seasons, respectively.
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