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[Effect of wheat straw quantity on germination, growth, yield and it's component of two wheat cultivars (Bacra jo-l and Abu-Graib-3) Triticum durum L. and Triticum aestivum L.]
Saied, S.M. | Borazan, M.H.M. (Mosul Univ. (Iraq). College of Science)
[Effect of nitrate concentration on quantity and quality of denitrification activity by some isolated soil and water bacteria]
Abo-Seada, M.N.I. (Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)
[The potential for minimizing sheep imports value to Saudi Arabia]
Duwais, A.M. | Mansour, M.M. (King Saud Univ., Riyadh (Saudi Arabia). College of Agriculture)
[Tractor operating costs in Saudi Arabia]
Wahby, M.F. | Babeir, A.S. (King Saud Univ., Riyadh (Saudi Arabia). College of Agriculture)
[The marketing policies of Egyptian rice and its production and exporting positions]
Ashry, A.M. | Megahed, W.A. | Sayed, M.S. (Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)
[Role of pesticides in controlling tomato pests in normal and sustainable agriculture at Fayoum governorate [Egypt]]
Zidan, Z.H. | Afifi, F.A. | Sobeiha, A.K. (Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture) | El-Hamaky, M.A. | Moawad, A.G.
[Degree of freedom from some rural values between farmers in different groups of age at one village in Kafr El-Sheikh district, Egypt]
El-Adly, A.M.M. (Tanta Univ., Kafr El-Sheikh (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)
[An analytical study of effects of tenure system on the yield of selected crops at Sharkia governorate [Egypt]]
Ashry, A.K. (Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)
[Environmental pollutants affecting fodders]
Gamal-EL-Dim, A. | Ahmed, E. (Ministry of Agriculture, Cairo (Egypt). Agriculture Extension and Rural Development Research Inst.) | Nasrat, S.
[A social survey for basic needs of illiterate rural males in Mankabad, Assiut Govermorate, Egypt]
Dabous, M.M.M. (Assiut Univ. (Egypt). Faculty of Agriculture)