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The Role of Quality Systems in Developing Egyptian Agricultural Exports
maha elnamky | Salwa Abdel Monem | Hussein Sarhan
The quality of agricultural exports is one of the most important foundations on which to develop and improve these exports to global markets. Therefore, studying the effect of applying quality standards on increasing agricultural exports is one of the most important determinants for improving the system of those exports. By studying the relative importance of agricultural crops in the research sample, which is represented by potatoes and onions from vegetable crops, oranges and grapes from fruit crops, it was found that exports of potatoes and onions represent about 25%, 21% of total vegetable exports as an average for the period (2014-2018), while orange exports represent About 53% of fruit exports are about 24% of the average fruit exports for the aforementioned period. By studying the effect of applying quality standards on agricultural crops from the beginning of production for export, it was found that applying these standards leads to a reduction in agricultural losses from the crop by a rate ranging between (20-15) %. Also, the application of quality standards leads to an increase in the costs of production and marketing of the crop, but in return, the increase in costs can be compensated for by the increase in profit through higher prices at home and abroad, in addition to benefiting from the percentage of losses that are saved. With regard to the actual effect of implementing quality, the results concluded that the rate of change before the application of quality and after the application in relation to an increase in the production of the best crop is orange by 50%. The potato crop came with a 500% increase in profits, and about 355% of the return on the pound per ton.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Isolation and Identification of Nonstarter Lactic Acid Bacteria from Traditional Baramily Cheese
Ahmed Ali | Youssef El-Kenany | Ihab Aumara | Osman Aita
Nonstarter lactic acid bacteria (NSLAB) have an important role in quality and safety of traditional Baramily cheese (Domiati cheese related type). Therefore, the objective of this study was to isolate and identify NSLAB with potential technological features from traditional Baramily cheese. Thirty-three samples of Baramily cheese randomly collected from retails in Cairo metropolitan area. The samples were characterized by physiochemical, textural profile and microbiological analysis. Ninety presumptive NSLAB (30 Lactobacillus spp < /em>. and 35 Enterococcus spp < /em>.) strains were isolated on MRS and Kenner-Faecal (KF) Streptococci media; and were characterized for growth temperature, salt tolerance and milk coagulation. All presumptive NSLAB isolates were tolerant to 6.5 % NaCl. Of them, 40 isolates were tolerant to 10.0 % NaCl including 16 presumptive Lactobacillus spp < /em>., and 24 presumptive Enterococcus spp < /em>. isolates based on the results, 11 representative isolates with potential technological features were selected for genetic identification using 16S rRNA technique, then were confirmed for growth and acidity development in skim milk within 48 h, and were tested for antimicrobial activity against some food spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. The eleven isolates were identified as Ent. durans (1), Ent. faecalis (5), Lb. paraplantarum (1), Lb. plantarum (3), and Lb. rhamnosus (1). All isolated strains were confirmed active in skim milk, and some exhibited antimicrobial activity against tested food spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. Both Lb. rhamnosus and Lb. plantarum were confirmed as the isolates with high activity in milk. Ent. durans and Ent. faecalis exhibited antimicrobial activity against Enterobacer aerogenes and E. coli. However, Lb. plantarum exhibited antimicrobial activity against both Enterobacer aerogenes, E. coli and Ps. aeruginosa. Listeria. monocytogenes, S. typhimurium, and Campylobacter. jejuni showed significant resistance to all tested NSLAB isolates. They can be concluded that the identified NSLAB isolated can be used to standardized and improve the quality and safety of Baramily cheese and other types related to Domiati cheese
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]An Economic Study for Climate Change Impact on Wheat Production in the Northern West Coast Region of Egypt
Elham Abdelaal | Mona Elsherbini
This paper aimed to examine the impact of climate change on wheat productivity in the five rains- fed districts: El-Negaila, Sidi Barrani, El-Daba'a, Marsa Matrouh, and EL-Alamain in the northern west coast of Egypt in which the cultivated wheat area represents about 41.4% of wheat area in Matrouh Governorate (1990-2019). The productivity is fluctuated between 1.167 to 13.38 Ardab/Fadden accompanied with the fluctuation in precipitation between 24.35 to 115.10 MM3/Season, and fluctuation of average difference between Max. Min. temperature from 8.07 to 7 ºC. Fully Modified Ordinary Least Square (FMOLS) technique was applied to investigate the relationship between wheat productivity and the independent variables (precipitation, temperature, cultivated area, labor and technology). OLS function showed that the model suffers from endogenity and heteroscedasticity. LLC and IPS statistics of panel unit root test proved that the included variables have unit root, i.e. they are non-stationary at level. Pedroni panel residual cointegration test confirmed the long run relationship between the first-order integrated variables [I (1)]. FMOLS function proved that natural climatic variables are the main determinants of wheat productivity, as a 1% increase in annual rainfall improves wheat productivity significantly by 3.3%, while temperature affects the wheat productivity negatively by 5.7%. The far west districts are the most affected by rainfall, as 1% increase of rainfall in EL-Negaila and Sidi- Barrani districts increase wheat productivity by 8.4%, 5.1% respectively. Results in all districts except EL-Negaila and Sidi Barrani showed the extent of labor intensification to enhance productivity, also all districts showed the importance of technical improvements. It is recommend adopting water policy as rain harvesting, building stone dykes and cisterns to provide: 355.5, 301.7, 287.9, 339.8, and 245.8 MM3/Fadden in El-Negaila, Sidi Barrani, EL-Daba'a, Marsa Matrouh, and EL-Alamain districts respectively to improve wheat yield to 12 Ardab/Fadden under drought climate of north coast
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Assessment of Some Essential Oils and Their Mixtures as Material Repellents Against Adults of The Confused Flour Beetle, Tribolium confusum (Du Val) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
salwa pasha
Repellency of the six essential oils (EOs), Clove (Eugenia aromaticum), Aloe (Aloe vera), Lemon (Citrus limon), Camphor (Euca-lyptus camaldulensis), Mint (Mentha spicata), Marjoram (Origanum vulgare) were evaluated against adult of the confused flour beetle Tri-bolium confusum, by allowing adults to choose between untreated filter paper halves with 1 -2g white flour or treated with different concen-trations of the oils and their mixture at three different exposure times. In individual oils ex-periments, Eucalyptus camaldulensis was found to be the best effective of repellent effi-cacy, followed by Mentha spicata and Eugenia aromaticum. Citrus limon and Aloe vera have moderate repellent efficacy. Results of combi-nation effective showed that mixtures' repel-lant activity. It has been shown that the most powerful mixture of Clove + Mint repels activ-ity against adults with Lemon + Aloe, Lemon + Marjoram, Lemon + Mint, and Mint + Aloe during the entire exposure period, while Lemon + Camphor and Camphor + Mint lost repellent activity after 24 hours.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Accumulation and Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Vegetables Irrigated with Wastewater in Giza Governorate, Egypt
Ayman Abu- Elela | karam Farrag | Usama Elbehairy | Ayman Abou-Hadid
The present study measured the concentrations of heavy metals (Zn, Ni, Pb, Cu, Cr, and Cd) in soils as well as vegetables (faba bean, cabbage, onion, garlic, zucchini, capsicum, eggplant, potato, okra and green bean) irrigated with wastewaterinthe western part of Giza governorate, Egypt.Human health risks to consumers of these vegetables were performed. The study revealed the considerable variations inmetal contents of water, soiland vegetables samples. Generally, wastewater of the study drains was not suitablefor irrigation purpose according to the bacteriological guidelines. Almost all the physicochemical parametersand heavy metals concentrationsof water and soil samples were compatible with the recommended permissible limits of irrigation and agricultural use, respectively. Vegetable species showed remarkable difference in metals concentrations of various plant portion, Zn showed highest tissue concentrations followed byCu. Heavy metalsconcentrationsindifferent edible portionsdecreased in a descending order as Zn > Cu > Pb > Ni > Cr > Cd with low translocation values (< 1) for studiedvegetablesexcept forfaba bean.The health risk index (RI) for humans was low if edible portionsfrom studied vegetables are consumed, in particular Cd, Cr, Pb, and Ni whose concentration valueswere relatively higher than the health based guidelines values. Considering the probable health risk associated with the consumption of contaminatedvegetables, it is important toregularly monitor the levels of metals in wastewater, soils and vegetables in the studied area.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of Different Control Methods on the Rust Flour Beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)
Sara El-Deeb | Maha El-Ghannam | Pansea Azzam
The presented study aimed to evaluate the different control methods of the rusty flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). The experi-ments were conducted to evaluate the effi-ciency of a chemical pesticide (Mala-thion), biopesticide (Tracer 24% SC), plant oil (Lemongrass oil), plant extraction (Ac-etone extracts from Rosemary), powder (Diatomaceous earth) and modified At-mosphere (argon gas). Mortality percent-age increased with increase of exposure times at all tested concentrations. The tox-icity effect of different treatments against adults of T. castaneum at the LC50 after 7 days post-treatment at 30±1°C could be ar-ranged in descending order as follows: Malathion, Tracer 24% and lemongrass oil, while, acetone extracts from Rosemary and diatomaceous earth (DE) were the least effective. The LT50 values against the adult stage of T. castaneum were 19.99, 2.33 and 4.86 hr. for Argon 100, 80 and 60%, respectively. In order to avoid the disadvantages of using chemical insecti-cides such as malathion, it is recommended to use other more safe control methods for the environment as Tracer 24% or lemongrass oil or Argon gas.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A Comparative Study Between Different Preservation Methods on The Viability of Some Yeast Cultures
Reham Abdallah | Ibrahim Sayed Ahmed | amal hassan | hemmat Elshesheetawy
The influence of chilling, freezing, and dry-ing preservation methods on morphological properties and viability of four yeast cultures, isolated Saccharomyces boulardii (SB1 and SB2), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC), and Kluyveromyces lactis (KL), was studied. chilling preservation had no effect on yeast colony morphology parameters till the end of the preservation period in contrast with freez-ing and drying preservation methods. Drying preservation resulted in the highest viability decrement % of yeast cultures ranged between 59.38 to 40.21% as compared with other preservation methods. There is a noticeable re-duction in D values of preserved yeast cultures by drying, which varied from (33 to 26 day) in comparison to chilling and freezing preserva-tion that recorded (119 to 83 and 180 to 57 day), respectively. The obtained results re-vealed that chilling preservation under proper conditions, as well as freezing, is more prefer-able for the preservation of studied yeast cul-tures than that preserved yeast by the drying method.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Detoxifying Enzymatic Activity and Insecticide-Resistance Gene Expression in Field Populations of Pink Bollworm, (Pectinophora gossypiella (Saund.))
Rabab Desouky Alam | Amgad Sobeiha | Abdel-Aziz Khdir | Naima Alsenosy
A study was conducted to assess two enzyme detoxifying activities and insecticide-resistance gene expression quantitation using real-time (PCR). Four populations of pink bollworms were compared with the baseline laboratory strain. Field populations showed higher levels of enzymatic activity, glutathione-S-transferase and β–esterases, than those of the laboratory strain. The amplification curves scored a cycle threshold (Ct) value of 25 for the ribosomal protein subunit7 (rps7). For the BtR gene, the Ct values of analyzed biological groups ranged from 20 for the laboratory strain to 24 for the Fayoum group. For Cad1, the Ct values ranged from 19 for laboratory strain to 23 for Fayoum and Qalubia populations. Therefore, the present work introduces a method for the challenge of monitoring resistance to Bt toxins in crops which requires, according to the IPM (Integrated Pest Management) program, a wise insecticide application.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of Bio- and Chemical Fertilization on Growth, Yield, Essential Oil and Chemical Composition of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) Plant
Omniea Allam | Soheir Hassan | Awad Kandil | Ahmed Abdel Hamid | Abdallah Korayem
A pot experiment was carried out in seventeen levels of fertilization to evaluate the effect of the bio-fertilizer mixture alone or in combination with chemical fertilizer (NPK) on Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill). Bio-fertilizer was a mixture of Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus circulans and Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza. Results indicated that the use of bio-fertilizer at 3.75 ml/pot four times with 25% of NPK gave the highest significant values of vegetative growth, yield parameters, and NPK uptake; how-ever, fertilizing with bio-fertilizers without NPK application showed the lowest significant values in the two experimental seasons. The same addition of bio-fertilizer gave the highest significant values of total microbial count of soil and increased cumulative CO2; whereas the addition of 100% NPK gave the lowest significant values in both seasons. The full dose of NPK significantly increased volatile oil percentage while the addition of bio-fertilizer only significantly decreased it in both seasons. GC analysis of essential oil showed that the highest percentage of anethol (12.77 %) was obtained by applying 3.75 ml/pot bio-fertilizer added one time + 25% NPK and de-creased estragole (72.78%).
Basma Mohisen | Fatma Fahmy | Mona Reyad | M Abd Elfatah
The problem of research is facing Egyptian exports of frozen vegetables in general, and the mixture of frozen vegetables in particular, with intense competition in foreign markets, which requires studying this problem and proposing appropriate solutions to it. Therefore, the research aimed to study means of developing and increasing agricultural exports of Egyptian frozen vegetables. The research focused on the exports of the Egyptian frozen vegetable mixture, as it was found that it ranked first among the total Egyptian exports of frozen vegetables during the period (2014-2018), where it represented about 70.1% of the total quantities. The research has reached some conclusions, including: The time trend equations for the quantity, value and price of Egyptian exports for both frozen vegetables and frozen vegetable mixtures were estimated during the period (2004-2018). It turned out that the ratio of the increase to the average in both the quantity and value of exports of frozen vegetables mixture is greater than that in the total frozen vegetables. By studying the geographical distribution, the most important importing countries for the Egyptian frozen vegetable mixture were identified during the period (2014-2018), namely Saudi Arabia, America, France. By studying the market share index of the most important importing markets for frozen vegetables mixture shows that Egypt occupies the first position in the list of countries exporting frozen vegetables mixtures in the Saudi market during the period (2010-2012) with an amount of exports estimated at about 4.9 thousand tons and a market share of about 72.2%. By studying The External of individual demand for the Egyptian frozen vegetable mixture in the Saudi market shows that an increase in the price of Egypt by 1% leads to a decrease in Egypt's exports to Saudi Arabia by 0.89%. A 1% decrease in India’s price leads to a decrease in Egypt’s exports by 0.89, meaning that there is a significant impact of price changes and that India is a competitor to Egypt within the Saudi market. The research recommended 1. Study the non-price competitive reasons, as Egypt has a competitive price advantage, yet its market share in the Saudi market is decreasing (it may be due to taste, packaging, export facilities, etc.). 2. The competitive advantage between Egypt and India is decreasing more than the other two competing countries (Spain, Belgium). 3. Focus on studying the reasons for India's increasing competitiveness of Egyptian exports. 4. There is an effect of price competition, especially with Mexican and Chinese exports, and it is recommended that this price competitive advantage be improved in favor of Egypt. 5. Italy is the largest competitor in the French market (it has a significant price impact on Egypt's exports, followed by Spain).
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