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ahmed youssef | Ibrahum El-wardany | Magdy Hassan | Mohammed Shourrap
In this experiment, a total number of 165 birds (150 female + 15 male) from each developed laying hens Silver Montaza and Matrouh 20 weeks old up to 40 weeks of age. All bids were weighted and randomly distributed into five treatments with three replicates per treatment (10 females and 1 male / replicate) with almost similar initial average body weight. Feed and fresh water were ad libitum during the experimental period. Each experimental group was exposed to natural day light and supplemented with Ultraviolet light as in its program light, the first group (control group) exposed to no UV light, the second, third, fourth and fifth groups were exposed to 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours/day respectively to UV light from UV lamps after sunset, and controlled by a timer as following : 1- Hens in the first treatment were exposed to sun light and yellow lamps to 17h/day without exposed to UV lamps (Control). 2- Hens in the second treatment were exposed to sun light to sunset, UV lamps for 1h/day and supplemented with yellow lamps to the end of light period. 3- Hens in the third treatment were exposed to sun light to sunset, UV lamps for 2h/day and supplemented with yellow lamps to the end of light period. 4- Hens in the fourth treatment were exposed to sun light to sunset, UV lamps for 3h/day and supplemented with yellow lamps to the end of light period. 5- Hens in the fifth treatment were exposed to sun light to sunset and UV lamps for 4h/day without exposed to yellow lamps. Birds were reared under similar condition. The results indicated that live body weight (LBW), feed intake (FI), egg mass, some blood components, immune responses to sheep red blood cells and New castle were significantly improved (P≤0.05) by exposed birds to UV lamps after sunset supplemented in its program light. It could be concluded that the efficient exposed time to UV lamps was (2-3 hours/day) for silver Montaza and Matrouh developed laying hens.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Studying Rain Water Catchment Potentialities in the Northwest Coast of Egypt Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
Asmaa Khater | Ayman Abouhadid | Usama Elbehairy | Mohamed Aboelghar | Abdelraouf Aly
Sustainable agricultural development of the desert areas of Egypt under the scarcity of irrigation water is a significant national challenge. Existing water harvesting techniques on the northwest coast of Egypt do not ensure the optimal use of rainfall for agricultural purposes. Basin-scale hydrology potentialities were studied to investigate how available annual rainfall could be used in agriculture irrigation to increase crop production. The present study includes data related to agricultural production in the form of geospatial layers including climate, soil, land covers unite and rain water catchment areas. Thematic classification of Sentinal-2 imagery was carried out to produce the land cover and crop maps following based on the (FAO) system of land cover classification. Contour lines and spot height points were used to create a digital elevation model (DEM). Then, DEM was used to delineate basins, sub-basins, and water outlet points using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (Arc SWAT). Main soil mapping units of the study area identified from Land Master Plan maps it was(Very shallow gravelly and rocky soils and barren rock). Climatic data collected from the Central Laboratory for Climate. The results showed that the study area receives a significant amount of precipitation almost every three years, however, water harvesting methods are inappropriate to store water to be used in agricultural during drought seasons. The amount of precipitation(81.9 mm), surface water runoff(4.46 mm), potential evapotranspiration(70.5 mm), and actual evapotranspiration(7.10 mm) for the years (2004 to 2017) shown as results of (Arc SWAT). The land cover map showed that tree crops (olive and fig) cover 195.8 km2 when herbaceous crops (barley and wheat) cover 154 km2. The maximum elevation was 250 meters above sea level while the lowest one was -3 meters below sea level. The study area receives a massive variable amount of precipitation; however, water harvesting methods are inappropriate to store water for purposes.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and compost rates addition at different depths on some soil chemical properties
Yousry Mahmoud | Hussein Elmaddah | Mansour Elsodany
Two field experiments were conducted on clay loam soil during the two successive seasons, summer season 2017 using maize plants and winter season 2017/2018 using barley plants at El-Gemmeiza Agricultural Research Station, El-Gharbia Governorate to evaluate the direct and residual effects of compost rates mixed with the surface soil layer to 10 cm or added in 30 cm mole depth, arranged in parallel orientation with respect to one another and spaced at 3 m apart besides the nitrogen fertilizer rates on improving some soil chemical properties. Furthermore economical analysis was done by calculating the net income for every treatment to determine the economical treatment. The rates of compost were 0.0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 Ton fed-1, while the nitrogen rates were 0.0, 50, 75 and 100 % of the recommended dose for every growing crop. The experiments were conducted in a split-split plot in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replicates. Results can be summarized as follows: 1- All treatments slightly decreased the soil reaction (pH) in the two growing seasons. 2- Soil salinity (EC), soluble cations and anions and total soluble salts (TSS) significantly increased by increasing nitrogen or compost rates and significantly decreased by increasing application depth. On the other hand, SAR values were significantly decreased with all treatments. 3- All treatments led to significant increases in Ex. Ca, Mg, K and cation exchange capacity (CEC), whereas Ex. Na and ESP were significantly decreased with all treatments in the two seasons. 4- All treatments clearly enhanced total nutrients (N. P and K) of the investigated soil. Also, Organic carbon (O.C, %) and C/N ratio were significantly increased with all treatments. 5- According to the economical analysis, the application of 5 ton compost fed-1 in 30 cm mole depth with 100 % the recommended dose of nitrogen fertilizer for every crop was the best treatment compared with the other treatments, since it gave the highest net income (16809.80 L.E fed-1). 6- Therefore, it is more useful to use those treatments (compost rates at 30cm mole depth with nitrogen fertilizer) to get a markedly improve in chemical properties which reflect on higher yield.
Neveen Aly | M. El-Eraky | Salwa Abd Elmoneim | M. El-sawy
It is estimated that the rice cultivated area in Egypt is estimated at about 1.4 million feddans producing about 3 million tons of rice straw. The same estimates indicate that the cultivated area of summer maize is estimated at 2.1 million feddans, which produces about 5.5 million tons of woodland (in 2013), Most of which are burned and not the maximum benefit. The problem of research is to increase the amount of agricultural waste, especially for rice and maize crops, and not to achieve the economic efficiency of these quantities of agricultural, And the study of the development of the area cultivated for each of the maize, cotton, sesame, sorghum, lupine, black beans, sugar beet, rice and the total of these crops in Egypt during the period (2000-2016) the annual average of about 324.44, 460.06, 72.66, 354.76, 4.07, 1471.2, 298.88, 1452.41, 3114.4 and the total area of the maize crop during the study period. The statistical significance of these equations was proved, while the sesame yield was not substantiated. The development of the production capacity of the most important plant waste was studied in Egypt during the period 2000-2016. The average annual production capacity of the maize, cotton, sesame, sorghum, lupine, peanut, sugar beet, rice straw, These crops are 5586.12, 871.06, 94.47, 4.53, 235.65, 1711.65, 3217.06, 3217.06 and 2634.6 tons respectively during the study period. The general trend equations showed a decrease in the production capacity of cotton, sorghum and thermos. While the production capacity of each of the sesame, peanut bean and sugar beet was increasing. The statistical significance of these equations was not proved, nor was the statistical significance of the production of maize, rice straw and total production capacity of these crops. The cost of feeding was about 13505.1 pounds, representing about 78.3% of the total average cost of the head, representing about 96.1% of the total average variable costs of the head of about 14049.2 pounds, and amounted to about 17574.8 pounds without the use of silage, which Indicates that the use of silage in nutrition leads to a reduction in feeding costs by about 4069.7 pounds per year, This is due to the lower daily costs of feeding the head of cows when using silage in feeding. The cost of producing a ton of milk for dairy cows that used silage was about 3849 pounds, while the cost of producing milk for the head of dairy cows that did not use silage for about 13715.1 pounds, The production of milk is about 2805.4 kg, and thus the cost of producing a ton of milk for dairy mixtures that did not use silage about 4888 pounds, due to lower feeding costs for animals that used silage than not used silage in feeding.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cytogenetic analyses of the anti-mutagenic effect of Tamarix nilotica in mice bone marrow
Shaimaa Shebl | Fathy Abdeltawab | Neima Elsenousy | Halima Abdou | Mahrousa Hassanein | Hassan Darwish
The usages of medicinal plants as therapeutic agents have been practiced in a large scale of applications that make studies of their mutagenicity and/or anti-mutagenic /anti-carcinogenic effects very essential. The current investigation is focused on the anti-mutagenic effects of the Tamarix nilotica (Ehrenb) crude extract using chromosomal aberrations analysis in mice bone marrow. In fact, a single plant may have diversity of phytochemicals ranging from bitter compounds that stimulate digestive system, phenolic compounds for antioxidants and many other pharmacological properties, antibacterial, and antifungal, tannins that work as natural antibiotics, diuretic substances and alkaloids, etc. Tamarix is represented in Egypt with two indigenous species which are Tamarix aphylla (L.) (H.Karst) and T. nilotica (Ehrenb.) Bunge (T. nilotica (Ehrenb.). In addition, it was used in Egyptian traditional medicine as an antiseptic agent. Extracts of Tamarix species have been widely used in traditional medicine in Asia and Africa mainly for their antiseptic, astringent, diaphoretic and diuretic properties. The current investigation is focused on the anti-mutagenic effects of the Tamarix nilotica crude extract using chromosomal aberrations analysis in mice bone marrow. Mitomycin C (MMC) was administered to mice as a positive control alone before and after treatment with 5 or 0.5 mg/ kg b.wt Tamarix crude extract as acute (24 and 48 h) and sub-acute (15 consecutive days) doses respectively. Results indicated that the Mitomycin C (MMC) exposure induced statistically significant increase in chromosomal aberrations compared to the control, however T. nilotica revealed slight insignificant effect on aberrant mitosis rate. Chromosomal aberration domain structural and numerical aberrations. The frequency of chromosomal aberrations (CA) and mitotic index (MI) decreased with increasing the dose and time of T. nilotica treatment, especially pre-treatment (plant + MMC). This effect was found to be dose-dependent. In conclusion, the results showed that T. nilotica could be considered as a good anti-mutagenic agent.
ramadan taha ibrahim elsharawy | M. Ragab | M. El-Sentresy | H. El-Shatla
ABSTRACT The date industry in Egypt in general and in Siwa Oasis in particular has an important economic position in the food industries sector, where the value of manufactured products amounted to about 41.5 billion pounds, representing about 15.7% of the total value of production of food industries to about 263.8 billion pounds during 2017. The research aims to In general, the research aims to identify the feasibility of investing in the activities of the units and drying and filling dates in Siwa Oasis by studying the criteria of financial and economic evaluation of these projects to identify the financial and economic feasibility. The results showed drying units and packing date is the small capacity, and the large capacity in Siwa Oasis is as follows - The possibility of expanding the establishment of drying units and packing dates in the small and large capacity for Siwa Oasis, where 160 workers on average, while the average wage per day for the worker about 345 pounds, 295.5 pounds respectively during the season 2018/ 2019. - The average value of Net Present Value worth was 12.99 million pound, 29.94 million pound respectively, accordinat to the Internal Rate of Return, it reached about 55.5% and 73.5% respectively, which is intended to be higher than the opportunity cost available in the community, for capital investment of about 16.25%. - The Pay Back Period rate for these units was about 1.6 years, and the rate of Benfit to the cost indicated a value greater than the correct one for all date drying units and packing in Siwa Oasis. Which indicates the possibility of expanding the development and establishment of date drying units and packing in Siwa Oasis according to the criteria used in the study, which emphasizes the safety of investment and efficiency of customization in the date drying units and packing to provide new employment opportunities and promote the employment of women and increase the value of agricultural production and income in the oasis, The negative effects of the research are increasing the monopoly of owners of these units and work to reduce the prices of dates and oasis and reduce the incomes of agricultural producers. The recommendations of the research can be summarized as follows - Training and raising the skills of those involved in the anufacturing process. - Control the export of dates, which indicates the maintenance of the reputation of the dates of the Siwa in particular, and dates in Egypt in general. - Provide financial support by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which indicates the purchase of sorting machines. - Provide financial support by the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation to provide the bags necessary for the process of curving, which indicates to improve the qualities of the product, which encourages the increase of exports. - Preparation of a database and information for agricultural statistics and data on drying units and packing dates and complementary industries.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Enhancement of resistance against Rhizoctonia solani by glycine betaine and UV-C radiation in green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
Mohammad Aboul Fotouh | Maha Mohamed | Farok Moawad | Mamdouh Tag El-Din | Hani Srour
Rhizoctonia solani is considered one of the most harmful pathogens affecting green bean productivity. Phaseolus vulgaris, L. cv. paulista seeds were subjected to UV-C for 60 min. and/or immersed in glycine betaine (GB, 5 mM) for 24 hours to stimulate plant biochemical defenses against R. solani. After treatments, seeds were sown in soil infested with R. solani, then seedling samples were collected after two weeks to evaluate plant resistance and some antioxidant enzymes activities. The results clearly demonstrated that disease index (DI) was highly reduced by GB (54.7%) followed by UV+GB (38.3%) and UV (35.6%). Seed treatment with UV-C for 60 min or GB (5 mM) for 24 h alone or together enhanced plant rooting in infected seedlings comparing with control. Also, there was a high correlation between the levels of lipid peroxidation and Rhizoctonia root rot disease index. Seed treated with UV-C, GB or both mitigated the effect of infection on the lipid peroxidation (Malondialdehyde levels) with percentages of 26.8, 40.2 and 29.3% respectively in comparison with the infected control. Regarding to the plant defensive enzymes, GB was the only treatment that triggered a significant increment in the superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in roots of both infected and non-infected seedlings as compared to the control. On the other hand, guaiacol peroxidase (G-POD) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activities were elevated by all treatments in infected plant roots in comparison with control. The maximum activity for G-POD was attained with UV treatment (9042.5 protein) followed by GB+UV, GB and infected control with values of 7776.5, 7152.4 and 6508.8 protein, respectively. Similarly, PPO exhibited higher activities with significant differences in all treatments over the infected control with percentages of 54, 59.4 and 48.7% for UV, GB and UV+GB respectively. Finally, it can be concluded that treatment of green bean seeds with UV-C and GB enhanced green bean seedlings tolerance to R. solani by activation of the antioxidant enzymes and activation of defense-related enzymes like polyphenol oxidase. The results of combination of UV-C and GB treatments indicated the absence of synergetic effects in induction of plant tolerance.
Walaa Sapt | Hany Metwally | Aboelezz Shehata Omran | Mohamed Ragab
The field experiment was carried out during the two growing seasons of 2013-2014 and 2014-2015, at the farm of Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University, Shoubra El-Kheima, Egypt, to investigate the effect of irrigation after the depletion of different available soil water levels, soil conditioner, foliar application of glycine betaine and potassium silicate on vegetative growth and chemical composition of garlic (Allium sativum L.), cv. Sids-40 under water stress conditions. The experimental treatments were arranged in a split split plot design, with three replicates Irrigation levels were conducted after the depletion of 60%, 75% and 90% of available soil water in the main plots. Irrigation treatments were started six weeks from planting, soil conditioner at the rates of 2 m3/Fed and control were distributed in the sub-plots. Foliar applications of glycine betaine was used at 2 mM/Land potassium silicate was used at 0.5 g /L, after 50, 65, 80, 95, 110, 125 and 140 days respectively, from planting compared with control were devoted in the sub-sub plots. The results indicated thatthe irrigation after depletion of 60 % available soil water with applying soil conditioner and glycine betaine or potassium silicate increased the Plant lengthof garlic after 150 days from planting. Bulb diameterand nitrogen contentshowed significant increase as a result of irrigation after depletion of 60 % available soil water with applying soil conditioner in addition to the foliar application ofglycine betaine.Prolin content was significantly increased as a result of irrigation after depletion of 90 % available soil water without applying soil conditioner with the foliar application of distilled water (control).Whereas, the lowest value of Prolin content appeared with irrigation after depletion of 60 % available soil water with applying soil conditioner and foliar application of glycine betaine.Total soluble solids (TSS) andtotal Sugarsincreased significantly as a result of irrigation after depletion of 90 % available soil water without applying soil conditioner with the foliar application of glycine betaine.It was therefore concluded that vegetative growth and chemical analyses of garlic responded positively to irrigation, applying soil conditioner and foliar application of 2 mM/L glycine betaine or 0.5 g/L potassium silicate
Rehab Mohamed | M. El-Eraky | M. Kandeal | M. El-Sawy
This research is aimed at investigating the evolution of the food gap of faba beans and its underpinning factors. Faba beans constitute the most basic foodstuff Egyptian diet. Among all legumes the beans crop occupies the largest acreage and provides the beans crop occupies the largest acreage and provides the largest volume of production. However, domestic production of faba beans is increasing falling short of its ability to meet the domestic consumption requirements. That is the food gap of faba beans is widening year after year. In fact the gap increased substantially from 73 thousand tons in year 2000 to about 650 thousand tons in 2016. By an increase of about 891%, this research is intended to study the evolution of the food gap of faba bean in Egypt During the period (2000-2016).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Prediction of Tomato Early Blight Disease Under Climate Change Conditions in Egypt
Hassan Hassan | Shaker abolmaaty | Afaf Elmenisy | Nagy Abdel-Ghafar
Early blight caused by Alternaria solani (Ell. and Mart.) is one of the most important economic diseases, which caused considerable loss in their yield and quality under Egyptian conditions. Aim the research was to study the relationship between climate change and disease severity for prediction in future seasons. Disease severity was recorded for three growing periods i.e. summer (May. to Aug), autumn (Jul. to Oct) and winter (Nov. to Mar.), at three governorates (Behira, Ismailia, and Assuit) during growing seasons 2016/2017-2017/2018. Severity of early blight disease on tomato has been predicted by regression estimated accumulative disease severity values during 2007/2008 to 2015/2016 season and average max and min temperature and humidity through these seasons. Prediction of disease has been formed as Y= b0+b1x1+b2x2+.......... bqxq. Three models were created to describe the severity disease by multiple regressions (MINITAB® program). The highest value of early blight disease was recorded through season 2017/2018, while the lowest value was recorded during season 2016/2017. Also, highly disease severity was estimated during summer period compared with autumn and winter growing periods, but through winter growing period was the least severity and moderately severity estimated in the autumn growing period. Influence of environmental conditions on the severity of early blight disease during seasons from 2007/2008 to 2015/2016, in Behira governorate, the highest disease severity was showed in season 2010-2011, and the lowest disease was in season 2012-2013, but in Ismailia governorate, highest disease severity was estimated in season 2010-2011and lowest disease was recorded in season 2013-2014 and in Assuit governorate, the highest value of disease was in season 2010-2011, and the lowest value was in season 2013-2014. For Forecasting, significantly differences noticed between disease severity through 2020/2030, 2030/2040 and 2040/ 2050s seasons compared with 2008/2018s seasons and thier relation with climate change in tested governorates, where severity of tomato early blight disease was icreased from 11.8% during 2008/2018s seasons to 2040/ 2050s seasons 15.4% during at Behira governorate, from 18.8% during 2008/2018s seasons to 2040/ 2050s seasons 36.3% during at Ismailia governorate and from 18.8% during 2008/2018s seasons to 2040/ 2050s seasons 40.4% during at Assuit governorate with slight change in maximum or minimum temperatures and percentage of relative humidity.
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