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Comparison of ethanol and 4-methylpyrazole as treatments for ethylene glycol intoxication in cats.
Dial S.M. | Thrall M.A.H. | Hamar D.W.
The efficacy of 4-methylpyrazole (4-MP) and ethanol as treatment for ethylene glycol (EG) intoxication in cats was compared. Twenty-two cats were assigned at random to 6 experimental groups. Cats of 1 experimental group were given only 4-MP; those of another experimental group were given only EG. Cats of 3 experimental groups were intoxicated with EG and given 4-MP at 0 hour or 2 or 3 hours after EG ingestion, and those of 1 experimental group were given EG and treated with ethanol 3 hours after EG ingestion. Physical, biochemical, hematologic, blood gas, serum and urine EG concentrations, and urinalysis findings were evaluated at 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours, 1 week, and 2 weeks after EG ingestion, or 4-MP treatment in cats of the 4-MP only group. The half-life of EG and percentage of ingested EG excreted unchanged were determined for each group. 4-Methylpyrazole treatment at 0 hour was most effective at preventing metabolism of EG. 4-Methylpyrazole was not effective in preventing development of renal failure when given 2 or 3 hours after EG ingestion. Ethanol given 3 hours after EG ingestion was successful in preventing development of renal dysfunction in 2 of the 6 cats treated 3 hours after EG ingestion. Of the remaining 4 cats treated with ethanol, 2 developed transient renal dysfunction and 2 developed acute oliguric renal failure and were euthanatized. 4-Methylpyrazol given 2 or 3 hours after EG ingestion was less effective in preventing EG metabolism than was ethanol given 3 hours after EG ingestion. Therefore 4-MP, at the dose found to be effective in dogs, cannot be recommended as an alternative to ethanol for treatment of EG intoxication in cats.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The effect of ethanol on zinc, calcium and copper concentrations of tissues in rats
Lee, K.W. | Lee, H.B. (Kyongbuk National Univ., Taegu (Korea R.). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
This study was designed in order to clarify the effect of ethanol drinking on the mineral contents on liver, kidney, muscle and hair. Forty-five rats were divided into 2 groups and a control group. The control group received tap water and the other 2 groups were given 8 % and 40 % ethanol as drinking source. Liver, kindney, muscle and hair samples were taken and analyzed for zinc, calcium and copper contents by atomic absorption spectrophotometric methods. The zinc content of muscle showed significant (P0.01) decrease in both groups. The calcium content of hair showed significant (P0.1) increase in 8 % ethanol group. The copper contents of kidney and muscle in 8 % ethanol group and liver in 40 % ethanol group showed significant (P0.1) decrease
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Clinico-pathological findings of experimental ethylene glycol poisoning in dogs
Sung, E.J. | Lee, H.B. (Kyongpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Влияние глюкагонных добавок на морфофункциональные свойства эритроцитов у высоко продуктивных коров
Kvetkovskaya, A.V. | Nadarinskaya, M.A. | Zayats, V.N. | Rukol, S.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
An effort to demonstrate the mechanism of homeostatic alteration of high-producing cows at the period of increasing milking capacity and peculiar features of its changing in the conditions of introduction into cattle diets of carbohydrate containing and carbohydrate compensative additives was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of the experiment there were used white-and-black breed cows of 3-4 lactations with body weight of 700 kg and milk yield over the last lactation of 7000-8000 kg of milk. Experimental cows in two weeks before the supposed calving were administrated with 50 ml of propylene glycol, 6 g of niacin and 50 ml of glycerin; and in course of 60 days after calving the administration of the additives was realized in doses of 125 ml; 6 g; 50 ml, respectively. Research results showed that application of mentioned above additives rendered the positive effect on cow liver that was proved by the improved hemic function of experimental cows: increasing of quantity of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, and hematocrit
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