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Preliminary studies of the development of Anaplasma marginale in salivary glands of adult, feeding Dermacentor andersoni ticks.
Kocan K.M. | Wickwire K.B. | Ewing S.A. | Hair J.A. | Barron S.J.
On each day of feeding on susceptible calves, salivary glands obtained from groups of adult ticks that transmitted Anaplasma marginale were examined for A marginale colonies by use of light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. On day 8 of feeding, salivary glands were examined, using fluorescein-labeled antibody and methyl green-pyronine stain. Use of fluorescein-labeled antibody consistently revealed small numbers of fluorescent foci in salivary gland acinar cells obtained from ticks that had fed for 8 days. Colonies of A marginale were seen by transmission electron microscopy only in salivary gland acini of male ticks; these colonies could not be identified, using light microscopy, in companion 1-micron plastic sections stained with Mallory stain. Methyl green-pyronine stain, used commonly to detect theilerial parasites in tick salivary glands, did not differentiate A marginale from cytoplasmic inclusions normally found in salivary gland acinar cells.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Detection of colonies of Anaplasma marginale in salivary glands of three Dermacentor spp infected as nymphs or adults.
Stiller D. | Kocan K.M. | Edwards W. | Ewing S.A. | Hair J.A. | Barron S.J.
Salivary glands from males of 3 Dermacentor species (D andersoni, D variabilis and D occidentalis) that were infected with either the Virginia or Idaho isolate of Anaplasma marginale as nymphs or adults were examined for colonies of A marginale by use of light and electron microscopy. Prior to dissection of salivary glands, exposed ticks were held at 25 C for 15 to 18 days, followed by a 3-day incubation at 37 C. Ticks of 2 species transmitted A marginale to calves; the third tick species was confirmed infected by demonstration of typical colonies in tick gut cells, but transmission was not attempted; Colonies of A marginale were seen with light microscopy in salivary glands of all 3 species of ticks; they were located in acinar cells that contained simple granules. Colonies varied morphologically from small, compact ones to larger structures that contained distinct organisms and often were adjacent to the host cell nucleus. Electron microscopy confirmed that the colonies were rickettsial organisms. Morphologic features of A marginale varied and included reticulated forms, forms with electron-dense centers, and small particles; these various forms were similar to those described previously in midgut epithelial cells of ticks. We believe that the organism seen within tick salivary glands may replicate in the glands before its transmission to the vertebrate host.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Differential extraction of antigens of Anaplasma marginale.
Adams J.H. | Smith R.D.
Ovine anaplasmosis: in utero transmission as it relates to stage of gestation.
Zaugg J.L.
Modified indirect fluorescent antibody test for the serodiagnosis of Anaplasma marginale infections in cattle.
Montenegro James S. | James M.A. | Ristic M.
Demonstration of vaccine-induced immunity to anaplasmosis without induction of persistent postvaccinal complement-fixing and agglutinating antibodies in yearling steers.
Corrier D.E. | Johnson J.S. | Wagner G.C.
Anaplasma marginale infections in American bison: experimental infection and serologic study.
Zaugg J.L. | Kuttler K.L
Test of the sheep ked Melophagus ovinus (L) as a vector of Anaplasma ovis Lestoquard.
Zaugg J.L. | Coan M.E.
Detection of Babesia spp., Theileria spp., and Anaplasma ovis in Ornithodoros lahorensis from southern Xinjiang, China
Li Siang | Zhang Liu | Zhou Peng | Li Zheng | Song Haonan | Song Yaping | Li Chuan | Xiangzheng Wanqi | Wu Junyuan
Ticks are blood-sucking arthropods that have negative economic impacts and can spread a variety of diseases through their bites. There are few reports on soft ticks (Acari: Argasidae) and tick-borne pathogens in southern Xinjiang, China. This investigation supplements the available information for this region and is concerned with an argasid tick, apicomplexan parasites of the Babesia and Theileria genera and a bacterium of the Anaplasma genus.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Development of Anaplasma marginale in salivary glands of male Dermacentor andersoni
Kocan, K.M. | Goff, W.L. | Stiller, D. | Edwards, W. | Ewing, S.A. | Claypool, P.L. | McGuire, T.C. | Hair, J.A. | Barron, S.J.
Development of the rickettsia, Anaplasma marginale, salivary glands of male Dermacentor andersoni exposed as nymphs or adult ticks, was studied indirectly by inoculation of susceptible calves with homogenates and directly by examination, using light microscopy and a DNA probe; some unfed ticks were incubated before tissues were collected. Salivary gland homogenates made from ticks in every treatment group caused anaplasmosis when injected into susceptible calves; prepatent periods decreased as the time that ticks had fed increased. Colonies of A marginale were seen only in salivary glands of ticks exposed as adults and not in those exposed as nymphs; the percentage of salivary gland acini infected in these ticks increased linearly with feeding time. However, the probe detected A marginale DNA in salivary glands of ticks from both groups; the amount of DNA detected increased as feeding time was extended. The amount of A marginale DNA appeared to remain constant in gut tissues, but to increase in salivary glands. Salivary glands of adult-infected male ticks that were incubated, but did not feed a second time, became infected with A marginale, and the pattern of infection of acini varied with incubation temperature. Development of A marginale in salivary glands appears to be coordinated with the tick feeding cycle; highest infection rate was observed in ticks exposed as adults.
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