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Продуктивные качества свиней в зависимости от количества животных в группе
Rubina, M.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the influence of a number of pigs in a group on swine productivity and blood indexes of pigs. In course of the study there were analyzed blood indexes of piglets before and at the end of the experiment. Research results showed that it was efficient to organize husbandry in small groups (10 heads per carriage). The adaptative period of animals in the conditions of husbandry in large groups (20 heads) was longer (the adaptation took place by the seventh day). In these conditions the average daily live weight gain of piglets was lower than in the conditions of small group husbandry on 5,1%. Research results showed that animal husbandry in the conditions of different number of heads per group did not render negative influence on morphological and biochemical blood composition.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Оптимальные параметры площади пола и фронта кормления при выращивании ремонтных телок
Moskalev, A.A. | Puchka, M.A. | Tatarinova, G.M., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Perfect norms of floor area and feeding front are determined for replacement heifers on free stall management. These norms promote creation of more comfortable conditions of management, increase of average daily live weight gains at 9,1%, hemoglobin content – at 4,8%, erythrocyte quantity – at 6,3%
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Выбор оптимального времени осеменения коров при помощи детектора эструса Драминьского
Yushkovskij, E.A. | Garbuzov, A.A. | Rubanets, L.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized a determination of an optimal time for cow insemination with the help of oestrus detector by Draminsky's method. In course of the experiment there were used black-and-white nonpregnant cows at the stage of oestrus (sexual heat). In course of the study there were used clinical, biochemical and hematological research methods. Dynamics of changing of estrous cycle slime depending on a day of sexual cycle was analyzed. Indexes of the reproductive function of cows in experimental and control groups were compared. Research results showed that revelation of cows with oestrus with the help of oestrus detector by Draminsky's proved to be efficient and informative. Insemination of animals at the stage when the resisting of oestrus mucilage after the minimal indexes (180-200) rose sharply up to the indexes 300-320 proved to be efiicient. This made it possible to realize single insemination of animals.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Новый экологически безопасный препарат для дезинфекции животноводческих помещений
Gotovskij, D.G., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Creation of a composition for disinfection of livestock houses which possessed an expressed sanitizing action and was safe for livestock animals after the repeated application was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Formula of the presented the following components: potassium persulphate, amber and citric acids, sodium dodecyl sulfate. For strengthening of disinfecting effect there was also used detergent – sodium dodecyl sulfate (lauryl). Rational balance of components was selected and bactericidal properties of the preparation were estimated at the first stage of the study. At the second stage there was estimated theinfluence of the composition on livestock animals after the repeated aerosol spraying at their presence, as well as the biochemical, morphological and immunological blood indexes of experimental animals. Toxicity of the composition was realized by an example on white mice and rabbits. Research results showed that the composition for disinfection created on the basis of potassium persulphate and organic acids in the presented concentrations rendered the expressed bactericidal action, did not influence on metabolic indexes, had not skin and skin-resorptive action and could be used for air disinfection and surface areas of livestock houses in animal presence
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Влияние норм внесения подстилки при беспривязном содержании ремонтных телок нa их гематологические показатели, поведенческие реакции и продуктивность
Moskalev, A.A. | Balueva, N.A. | Puchka, M.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Division of selection area at rest and feeding areas and setting the straw bedding norms for heifers of 6-12 months of age as 2 kg per animal daily, 13-16 months of age – 3 kg and 17-25 months of age – 4 kg promotes increases of average daily live weight gains compared to traditional technological solutions and norms at 6,4%, hemoglobin content – at 3,7%, erythrocyte quantify – at 5,6%
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