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Modulation of thermal killing of bovine lymphocytes and preimplantation mouse embryos by alanine and taurine.
Malayer J.R. | Pollard J.W. | Hansen P.J.
Addition of alanine and taurine blocked killing of lymphocytes caused by culture at 45 C. The optimal concentration for thermoprotection was achieved at 12.5 mM for L-alanine and 5 mM for taurine. Both D and L forms of alanine provided thermoprotection. The effect of these agents was not simply to increase osmolarity of the culture medium, because NaCl did not provide thermoprotection at comparable concentrations. Alanine and taurine were each tested at concentration of 50 mM for ability to block heat shock-induced killing and developmental retardation of 8- to 16-cell mouse embryos. Both agents enhanced embryo development after exposure to high temperature, though development remained less than that for embryos not exposed to high temperature. In one experiment, for example, 81% of embryos cultured at 38 C advanced in development during culture vs 0% at 42 C, 15% at 42 C with alanine, and 32% at 42 C with taurine. The beneficial effect of alanine at high temperature may have been partly attributable to effects independent of thermoprotection, because development of embryos cultured at 38 C was also improved by alanine.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]In vitro effects of a mixture of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxins on chloride flux in everted jejunal sacs of male pigs.
Panichkriangkrai W. | Ahrens F.A.
In vitro effects of a mixture of Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxins (STa and STb) on isolated jejunum of 3-week-old male pigs were studied, using everted intestinal sac techniques. Heat-stable enterotoxins increased chloride secretion and chloride absorption in everted intestinal sacs. The increase of secretory flux was greater than that for absorptive flux. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (6 x 10-9M) increased chloride secretion, but had no effect on chloride absorption. Neither vasoactive intestinal peptide nor pilocarpine (10-5M) had additive effect to ST. Secretory effects of ST were not blocked by atropine 2 x 10-5M), clonidine (10-6M), or morphine (4.2 X 10-6M).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of ascorbic acid supplementation on plasma protein profile in buffaloes during heat stress.
Gade, Nitin E. | Singh, G. | Sonawane, Pankaj R. | Mahapatra, R. K.
Heat stress is major concern for maintaining optimum production in livestock. The improvement of productivity in dairy animals, exposed to adverse environmental conditions, is primarily focused on improving the microclimate and nutritional management of the animals. The experiment was conducted on three groups of animals comprising six adult buffaloes in each group. Two groups were exposed to heat stress in the psychrometric chamber (40oC), the third group was kept under ambient conditions as control. One of the exposed groups was offered ascorbic acid (20g/day/animal). The blood samples were taken at every 4th day up to 16th day. Samples were analyzed for the total plasma protein and plasma albumin. Results showed that as the days of exposure progressed, the level of stress increased which is evident from the elevated level of total proteins. When compared with the ascorbic acid supplemented group (7.28±0.09 gm/dl), the non-supplemented group had higher protein content (7.93±0.13 gm/dl). There was significant difference (P 0.05) in protein levels among the groups. The level of albumin also followed the same pattern as that of total protein but in heat stressed (2.42±0.17gm/ dl) and ascorbic acid supplemented animals (2.41±0.19 gm/dl), the globulin levels declined as compared to group kept at ambient conditions (2.79±0.33 gm/dl). Further, the Albumin:Globulin ratio was significantly (P 0.05) higher in heat stressed animals (2.78±0.43) and ascorbic acid supplemented animals (2.19±0.30) as compared to control group (1.61±0.37). It can be concluded that ascorbic acid supplementation would be beneficial to buffalo producers of the arid/ semi-arid regions in amelioration of stress challenge imposed by the harsh weather.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Surviability of Listeria monocytogenes in Agricultural Field Soil.
Moshtaghi, H. | Garg, S. R. | Mandokhot, Usha V.
Survivability of Listeria monocytogenes in clay loam soil was examined at 30° C for a period of 35 days. The microorganism inoculated in soil steadily declined from 3.5 × 10 6 g -1 to 3.9 × 10 4 g -1 (P = 0.05) on 35 th days. Destruction of normal soil microflora by heat treatment resulted in marginal rise in 3.3 × 10 6 g -1 of L. monocytogenes to 4.2 × 10 6 g -1 during the first 7 days, followed by steady decline to 5.6 × 10 4 g -1 on 35 th days. Heat treated soil inoculated with lower concentration of L. monocytogenes (3.6 × 10 4 g -1 ) supported sharp rise in its population to 4.8 × 10 6 g -1 (P=0.05) during the first weak which gradually declined, but remained higher (6.1 × 10 4 g -1 ) than the initial load even on 35 th days. In non-sterile soil, the rise was less appreciable but L. monocytogenes maintained its levels (10 4 g -1 ) during the experimental period. Survivability of the microorganisms was also observed in the soil with added chicken manure, cattle manure or sheep/goat manure.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Микроклимат в зоне отдыха поросят, рост животных при использовании для локализации тепла брудеров
Solyanik, A.A., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the influence of methods and means of spot heating and localization of warmth on indexes of microclimate in piglet breeding houses and resting area of piglets and their growth parameters. In course of the study there taken into consideration the indexes of an average temperature on piglet resting area housings; atmosphere relative humidity, air velocity, content of carbon dioxide, content of hydrogen nitride in the housing and resting areas of piglets. Research results of microclimate of swine breeding areas and resting areas of piglets under different means and methods of heating and warmth localization showed that the it was the most efficient to add for the local heating in the first three weeks of suckling period the glow-discharge tubes or in suckling period or weanling periods - the heated floors; and in suckling period - brooders in the form of tops with shields.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Рост, сохранность и физиологическое состояние поросят при использовании для локализации тепла брудеров различных конструкций
Solyanik, A.A., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the influence of methods and means of spot heating and localization of warmth on growth, viability and physiological status of piglets. In course of realization of the experiment there was issued a task of scientific substantiation of application of brooders of different construction and proposition of the most optimal method of microclimate formation in resting area of piglets for the increasing of their growth and viability, and improvement of physiological state. Research results showed that the highest indexes of growth and viability, and intensity of metabolic processes in piglets were obtained after the combined application in course of the first three weeks of suckling period of filament lamps and heated floors and brooders in the form of tops with shields, and at a later stage – only brooders of this construction in comparison with animals which were in course of a suckling period under the infrared radiation lamps or at the space-heating floor.
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