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Characterisation of South African field Ehrlichia ruminantium using multilocus sequence typing
Dlamkile, Zinathi(University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases) | Neves, Luis(University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases,Eduardo Mondlane University Centro de Biotecnologia) | Morar-Leather, Darshana(University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases) | Brandt, Christopher(Agricultural Research Council Onderstepoort Veterinary Research Institute Department of Vaccines and Diagnostics Development) | Pretorius, Alri(University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases,Agricultural Research Council Onderstepoort Veterinary Research Institute Department of Vaccines and Diagnostics Development) | Steyn, Helena(Agricultural Research Council Onderstepoort Veterinary Research Institute Department of Vaccines and Diagnostics Development) | Liebenberg, Junita(Agricultural Research Council Onderstepoort Veterinary Research Institute Department of Vaccines and Diagnostics Development)
Heartwater, one of the major tick-borne diseases of some domestic and wild ruminants in Africa, is caused by Ehrlichia ruminantium. The genetic diversity of E. ruminantium isolates renders the available vaccine ineffective against certain virulent isolates. To better understand the E. ruminantium genotypes in South Africa, a total of 1004 Amblyomma hebraeum tick deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) samples from cattle in three South African provinces were tested by pCS20 Sol1 real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and characterised by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) using five housekeeping genes. Out of 1004 samples tested, 222 (22%) were positive for E. ruminantium. The occurrence of E. ruminantium in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces was 19%, 22% and 27%, respectively. The E. ruminantium positive samples were screened for housekeeping genes and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis revealed three main lineages: clade 1 made up of worldwide isolates (eastern, southern Africa, and Caribbean isolates), clade 2 comprised only West African isolates and clade 3 consisted of Omatjenne, Kümm2 and Riverside. Some study sample sequences were not identical to any of the reference isolates. However, they could all be grouped into the worldwide clade. Genetic variation in the sequenced regions was observed in the form of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Using MLST to characterise E. ruminantium field isolates allowed the South African genotypes to be clearly distinguished from the distinct West African isolates. CONTRIBUTION: Characterisation of E. ruminantium field isolates is important for the control of heartwater and contributes to preliminary knowledge required for the development of a more practical vaccine against heartwater.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]In vitro propagation and genome sequencing of three ‘atypical’ Ehrlichia ruminantium isolates
Junita Liebenberg | Helena C. Steyn | Antoinette I. Josemans | Erika Faber | Erich Zweygarth
Three isolates of Ehrlichia ruminantium (Kümm 2, Omatjenne and Riverside), the causative agent of heartwater in domestic ruminants, were isolated in Ixodes scapularis (IDE8) tick cell cultures using the leukocyte fraction of infected sheep blood. All stocks were successfully propagated in IDE8 cells, whereas initiation attempts using endothelial cell cultures were unsuccessful. Therefore, the new technique should be included in any attempt to isolate field strains of E. ruminantium to enhance the probability of getting E. ruminantium isolates which might not be initiated in endothelial cells. Draft genome sequences of all three isolates were generated and compared with published genomes. The data confirmed previous phylogenetic studies that these three isolates are genetically very close to each other, but distinct from previously characterised E. ruminantium isolates. Genome comparisons indicated that the gene content and genomic synteny were highly conserved, with the exception of the membrane protein families. These findings expand our understanding of the genetic diversity of E. ruminantium and confirm the distinct phenotypic and genetic characteristics shared by these three isolates.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cellular immune responses induced <i>in vitro</i> by <i>Ehrlichia ruminantium</i> secreted proteins and identification of vaccine candidate peptides
Nontobeko Thema | Alri Pretorius | Selaelo I. Tshilwane | Junita Liebenberg | Helena Steyn | Mirinda van Kleef
Secreted proteins are reported to induce cell-mediated immunity characterised by the production of interferon-gamma (IFN)-γ. In this study three open reading frames (ORFs) (Erum8060, Erum7760, Erum5000) encoding secreted proteins were selected from the Ehrlichia ruminantium (Welgevonden) genome sequence using bioinformatics tools to determine whether they induce a cellular immune response in vitro with mononuclear cells from needle and tick infected animals. The whole recombinant protein of the three ORFs as well as four adjacent fragments of the Erum5000 protein (Erum5000A, Erum5000B, Erum5000C, Erum5000D) were successfully expressed in a bacterial expression system which was confirmed by immunoblots using anti-His antibodies and sheep sera. These recombinant proteins were assayed with immune sheep and cattle peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), spleen and lymph node (LN) cells to determine whether they induce recall cellular immune responses in vitro. Significant proliferative responses and IFN-γ production were evident for all recombinant proteins, especially Erum5000A, in both ruminant species tested. Thus overlapping peptides spanning Erum5000A were synthesised and peptides that induce proliferation of memory CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and production of IFN-γ were identified. These results illustrate that a Th1 type immune response was elicited and these recombinant proteins and peptides may therefore be promising candidates for development of a heartwater vaccine.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Histologic and immunochemical study of the pathogenesis of heartwater (Cowdria ruminantium infection) in goats and mice
Brown, C.C. | Skowronek, A.J.
Eleven adult goats and 32 adult outbred mice were inoculated IV with Cowdria ruminantium-infected blood (Kwanyanga isolate), monitored clinically, then serially euthanatized. Predominant clinical signs of disease in goats were depression, head tremors, seizures, and dyspnea. In mice, dyspnea and depression were the only clinical signs of disease noticed. Tissues were examined histologically and immunohistochemically for C ruminantium colonies or antigen. In goats, C ruminantium was detected only in endothelial cells of the brain, even though gross and microscopic lesions were confined to the thorax. In mice, C ruminantium was detected only in endothelial cells of the heart and lungs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Characterisation of South African field Ehrlichia ruminantium using multilocus sequence typing
Zinathi Dlamkile | Luis Neves | Darshana Morar-Leather | Christopher Brandt | Alri Pretorius | Helena Steyn | Junita Liebenberg
Heartwater, one of the major tick-borne diseases of some domestic and wild ruminants in Africa, is caused by Ehrlichia ruminantium. The genetic diversity of E. ruminantium isolates renders the available vaccine ineffective against certain virulent isolates. To better understand the E. ruminantium genotypes in South Africa, a total of 1004 Amblyomma hebraeum tick deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) samples from cattle in three South African provinces were tested by pCS20 Sol1 real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and characterised by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) using five housekeeping genes. Out of 1004 samples tested, 222 (22%) were positive for E. ruminantium. The occurrence of E. ruminantium in Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal and Limpopo provinces was 19%, 22% and 27%, respectively. The E. ruminantium positive samples were screened for housekeeping genes and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis revealed three main lineages: clade 1 made up of worldwide isolates (eastern, southern Africa, and Caribbean isolates), clade 2 comprised only West African isolates and clade 3 consisted of Omatjenne, Kümm2 and Riverside. Some study sample sequences were not identical to any of the reference isolates. However, they could all be grouped into the worldwide clade. Genetic variation in the sequenced regions was observed in the form of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Using MLST to characterise E. ruminantium field isolates allowed the South African genotypes to be clearly distinguished from the distinct West African isolates. Contribution: Characterisation of E. ruminantium field isolates is important for the control of heartwater and contributes to preliminary knowledge required for the development of a more practical vaccine against heartwater.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Genetic diversity of <i>Ehrlichia ruminantium</i> strains in Cameroon
Seraphine N. Esemu | Roland N. Ndip | Lucy M. Ndip
In order to investigate the extent of genetic diversity among Ehrlichia ruminantium strains in Cameroon, a partial fragment (800 bp) of the E. ruminantium map1 gene was amplified by nested polymerase chain reaction in 121 of 156 E. ruminantium pCS20-positive DNA samples extracted from ticks and cattle collected from two ranches. Deoxyribonucleic acid sequencing of the map1 gene products indicated the presence of at least 21 genotypes at the nucleotide level and 16 genotypes at the amino acid level circulating within the study sites. Some of the genotypes were identical to Antigua (U50830), Blaaukrans (AF368000) or UmBanein (U50835), whilst the others were new genotypes. Twenty-four representative sequences were deposited in GenBank and given accession numbers JX477663 – JX477674 (for sequences of tick origin) and JX486788 – JX486799 (for sequences of cattle origin). Knowledge of E. ruminantium strain diversity could be important in understanding the epidemiology of heartwater
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]In vitro isolation of Ehrlichia ruminantium from ovine blood into Ixodes scapularis (IDE8) cell cultures
Zweygarth, E.(Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute) | Josemans, A.I.(Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute) | Steyn, H.C.(Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute)
Four stocks of Ehrlichia ruminantium (Welgevonden, Ball3, Nonile and Blaauwkrans), the causative agent of heartwater in domestic ruminants, were isolated into Ixodes scapularis (IDE8) tick cells using the leukocyte fraction of the blood of infected sheep. Organisms of two of the E. ruminantium stocks (Welgevonden and Blaauwkrans) propagated in IDE8 cells were also successfully used to infect bovine endothelial cells. All stocks were successfully propagated in IDE8 cells using Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium nutrient mixture Ham F-12 containing 10 % foetal bovine serum (FBS). The technique should be included in any attempt to isolate uncharacterized E. ruminantium stocks.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Genetic diversity of Ehrlichia ruminantium field strains from selected farms in South Africa
Helena C. Steyn | Alri Pretorius
Heartwater is a tick-borne disease caused by the intracellular rickettsial parasite Ehrlichia ruminantium and transmitted by Amblyomma hebraeum ticks. Heartwater is problematic in endemic areas because it causes high mortality in ruminants and leads to economic losses that threaten productivity and food security. This may indicate that there is augmented genetic diversity in the field, which may result in isolates that are more virulent than the Ball3 and Welgevonden isolates. The genetic diversity of E. ruminantium was investigated in this study, focussing on the pCS20 gene region and four polymorphic open reading frames (ORFs) identified by subtractive hybridisation. The 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid gene confirmed E. ruminantium in brain, blood and tick genomic deoxyribonucleic acid samples (n = 3792) collected from 122 farms that were randomly selected from seven provinces of South Africa where heartwater is endemic. The conserved E. ruminantium pCS20 quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay was used to scan all collected field samples. A total of 433 samples tested positive with the qPCR using the pCS20 gene region, of which 167 were sequenced. The known stocks and field samples were analysed, and phylogenetic trees were generated from consensus sequences. A total of 25 new clades were identified; of these, nine isolates from infected blood could be propagated in cell cultures. These clades were not geographically confined to a certain area but were distributed amongst heartwater-endemic areas in South Africa. Thus, the knowledge of strain diversity of E. ruminantium is essential for control of heartwater and provides a basis for further vaccine development.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]In vitro propagation and genome sequencing of three 'atypical' Ehrlichia ruminantium isolates
Liebenberg, Junita(ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Research) | Steyn, Helena C.(ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Research) | Josemans, Antoinette I.(ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Research) | Faber, Erika(ARC-Onderstepoort Veterinary Research) | Zweygarth, Erich(University of Pretoria Faculty of Veterinary Science Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases)
Three isolates of Ehrlichia ruminantium (Kümm 2, Omatjenne and Riverside), the causative agent of heartwater in domestic ruminants, were isolated in Ixodes scapularis (IDE8) tick cell cultures using the leukocyte fraction of infected sheep blood. All stocks were successfully propagated in IDE8 cells, whereas initiation attempts using endothelial cell cultures were unsuccessful. Therefore, the new technique should be included in any attempt to isolate field strains of E. ruminantium to enhance the probability of getting E. ruminantium isolates which might not be initiated in endothelial cells. Draft genome sequences of all three isolates were generated and compared with published genomes. The data confirmed previous phylogenetic studies that these three isolates are genetically very close to each other, but distinct from previously characterised E. ruminantium isolates. Genome comparisons indicated that the gene content and genomic synteny were highly conserved, with the exception of the membrane protein families. These findings expand our understanding of the genetic diversity of E. ruminantium and confirm the distinct phenotypic and genetic characteristics shared by these three isolates.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Genetic diversity of Ehrlichia ruminantium field strains from selected farms in South Africa
Steyn, Helena C.(Onderstepoort Veterinary Research Vaccine Development and Diagnostics) | Pretorius, Alri(Onderstepoort Veterinary Research Vaccine Development and Diagnostics)
Heartwater is a tick-borne disease caused by the intracellular rickettsial parasite Ehrlichia ruminantium and transmitted by Amblyomma hebraeum ticks. Heartwater is problematic in endemic areas because it causes high mortality in ruminants and leads to economic losses that threaten productivity and food security. This may indicate that there is augmented genetic diversity in the field, which may result in isolates that are more virulent than the Ball3 and Welgevonden isolates. The genetic diversity of E. ruminantium was investigated in this study, focussing on the pCS20 gene region and four polymorphic open reading frames (ORFs) identified by subtractive hybridisation. The 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid gene confirmed E. ruminantium in brain, blood and tick genomic deoxyribonucleic acid samples (n = 3792) collected from 122 farms that were randomly selected from seven provinces of South Africa where heartwater is endemic. The conserved E. ruminantium pCS20 quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay was used to scan all collected field samples. A total of 433 samples tested positive with the qPCR using the pCS20 gene region, of which 167 were sequenced. The known stocks and field samples were analysed, and phylogenetic trees were generated from consensus sequences. A total of 25 new clades were identified; of these, nine isolates from infected blood could be propagated in cell cultures. These clades were not geographically confined to a certain area but were distributed amongst heartwater-endemic areas in South Africa. Thus, the knowledge of strain diversity of E. ruminantium is essential for control of heartwater and provides a basis for further vaccine development.
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