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Профилактика минеральной недостаточности в организме кур-несушек
Bolshakova, L.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
For increase of efficiency and natural resistance, decrease in the cost price and increase of poultry efficiency the big attention is given to questions of bird mineral food. Now for balancing of bird rations on mineral substances, especially on calcium, the poultry-farming enterprises apply an expensive cockleshell which is delivered from Azov. During too time in our country there are enough of local sources of the mineral raw materials which use in bird feeding can be effective enough. Dolomite in the form of flour which stocks are great enough can serve one of sources of bird mineral food. As a result of the spent research it is established, that use of the local mineral additive dolomite in feeding of hens-layers probably as a substitute of an expensive import cockleshell. For an optimum dose it is possible to accept 3% of dolomite from forage mass. At use of the given dose the best results of egg efficiency, livestock safety and the expense of forages have been received. | Для повышения продуктивности и естественной резистентности, снижения себестоимости и повышения эффективности отрасли в целом большое внимание уделяется вопросам минерального питания птицы. В настоящее время для балансирования рационов птицы по минеральным веществам, особенно по кальцию, птицеводческие предприятия применяют дорогостоящую ракушку, завозимую с Азовского моря. В тоже время в нашей стране имеются достаточные количества местных источников минерального сырья, использование которых в кормлении птицы может быть достаточно эффективным. Одним из источников минерального питания птицы может служить доломит в виде муки, запасы которого достаточно велики. В результате проведенных исследований установлено, что использование местной минеральной добавки доломита в кормлении кур-несушек возможно в качестве заменителя дорогостоящей импортной ракушки. За оптимальную дозу можно принять 3% доломита от массы корма. При использовании данной дозы были получены лучшие результаты яичной продуктивности, сохранности поголовья и расхода кормов.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Энергодефицитные состояния у свиноматок при микотоксикозе
Dubina, I.N. | Petrovskij, S.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the influence of mycotoxins on state of energy metabolism and development of energy deficient states of bred and milking sows maintained in the production breeding conditions. Clinical status of sows was characterized by concurrent mycotoxicoses. As a result of action of mycotoxins in sows there was developed an energy deficiency and state of acidosis. The mentioned above changes played an important part in the pathogenesis of mycotoxicosis. There were presented the following results: analysis of groups of pregnant sows and suckling-pigs; the content of mycotoxins in mixed fodders; symptoms revealed at sows and pigs; indexes of carbohydrate and lipide exchanges in blood of sows; the content of trace elements in blood of sows; gas composition of sow blood. | Исследования проведены на супоросных и подсосных свиноматках, содержащихся в условиях промышленной технологии. Клинический статус свиноматок характеризовался сочетанным микотоксикозом. В результате действия микотоксинов у свиноматок развились энергодефицит и состояние ацидоза. Данные изменения являются важной составной частью патогенеза при микотоксикозах. В табличной форме представлены группы супоросных и подсосных свиноматок, содержание микотоксинов в комбикормах, симптомы, выявленные у свиноматок и поросят, показатели углеводного и липидного обменов в крови свиноматок, содержание макроэлементов в крови свиноматок, газовый состав крови свиноматок.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Анемический синдром при сочетанной недостаточности меди и кобальта у крупного рогатого скота
Kovalenok, Yu.K. | Sovejko, E.I., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized the determination of efficiency of application of saline and chelate forms of copper and cobalt for treatment of anemic syndrome of cattle. It was found out that lack of copper and cobalt in cattle diets in the conditions of normal supply of iron could be a cause of cattle anemic syndrome. It took place because of the iron adsorption disorder in intestines and its inclusions in haem, as well as lowering of ehritropoztin synthesis. In the conditions of administration of copper and cobalt-containing preparations for animals there was noted the increasing of iron and haemoglobin content in blood. Administration of ethylene diamine tetraacetates of cobalt and copper made it possible to reduce considerably all evidences of clinical and laboratory symptoms of anemia and hypomicroelementosis in comparison with application of copper sulphate and cobalt.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Оценка профилактической и терапевтической эффективности комплексного препарата Феровитал в условиях клиники и производства
Kurdeko, A.P., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus) | Zajtsev, V.V., Vitebsk Biofactory (Belarus) | Dremach, G.Eh., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Zajteseva, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus clinic and production conditions there was analyzed the prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy of a new national complex iron dextrane preparation Ferovital against deficiency (nutritional) anemia of new-born cattle and swine. In course of the study there were analyzed results of hematological and biochemical tests of blood of piglets which were administrated with Ferovital preparation. There were also marked the general economic index: live weight gain, disease incidence, piglet death rate, etc. Research results showed that the Ferovital preparation had an expressed prophylactic and therapeutic efficacy both in clinic and production conditions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Состояние перекисного окисления липидов у глубокостельных коров
Postrash, I.Yu. | Soboleva, Yu.G. | Zasinets, S.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Postrash, Ya.V., Vitebsk State Medical Univ. (Belarus)
The influence of iron deficiency state on metabolic processes and intensity of lipids peroxidation processes at dawn-calving cows was analysed in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of study there was determined the intensity of lipids peroxidation processes in blood plasm depending on the level of hemoglobin and red blood corpuscle quantity. It was studied that in animals with low hemoglobin the oxidizing stress proceeded more actively than in animals with the normal hemoglobin level. Data analysis of lipids peroxidation processes showed that pregnancy condition was accompanied by strengthening of mentioned above processes. That fact was proved by the indicators of lipids peroxide oxidations presented both in absolute and in relative units. The content of diene conjugates, containing in 1 mg of lipids, was in 1,3-1,8 times higher at pregnant cows in comparison with non-pregnant ones, trieneketones content - in 1,2-1,6 times. Similar differences were observed in the process of analysis of diene conjugates and trieneketones values rated per 1 ml of plasma. More considerable differences were stated for trieneketones; the analysed indicator was in 1,6-2,1 times higher at pregnant cows
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Токсикометрическая оценка препарата Аесел
Belyavskij, V.N. | Ushakov, S.S., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
Development of new selenium preparations in a complex with vitamins for the purpose of decrease of trace element toxicity and increase of its bioavailability is the topical problem of veterinary science. A new antioxidant water-soluble complex Aesel, which includes selenium as the activated product of interaction of methionine and sodium selenite, vitamins A and E, is researched. Lethal doses of the preparation for mice and rats were identified through intragastric and subcutaneous introduction. Due to the results of the research it was determined that Aesel is rated among the forth class of danger, so it is dangerous to a very little degree. Lethal doses of the preparation on the pure selenium, calculated on Pershin method, for rats at parenteral introduction is equal 5,48, at enteral introduction - 39, for mice at parenteral introduction - 7,72 mg/kg. Lethal doses of the preparation calculated on all making components equal to 39000 mg/kg.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Совершенствование профилактических мероприятий при гипомикроэлементозах супоросных свиноматок в условиях диспансеризации
Kovalenok, Yu.K. | Nikolaenko, S.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There was studied the width of distribution and peculiarity of clinical manifestation of mineral exchange diseases at pregnant sows, and also perfection of preventive actions at pathology of mineral metabolism in the conditions of prophylactic medical examination. Results of research have shown, that diseases of mineral metabolism widespread (84,7%) among pregnant sows in the conditions of industrial production, are most extended scarce conditions on Zn (17,7%) and Fe (22,5%). Clinically this insufficiency was expressed by oppression, appetite distortion, occurrence on a skin of specifically red stains correct roundish the form: with the clarified sites in the centre, are registered as abortions at final stages of pregnancy. It is established, that the way of preventive maintenance of hypomicroelementosis of pregnant sows with use of chelated forms of microelements is more preferable than sows, as reduces percent of clinical display of Zn and Fe deficiency, stabilize level of hematological and biochemical indicators of blood more effectively, and also raise industrial indicators of pregnant sows. | Целью работы было изучение широты распространения и особенностей клинического проявления заболеваний минерального обмена у супоросных свиноматок, а также совершенствование профилактических мероприятий при патологии минерального обмена веществ в условиях диспансеризации. Результаты исследований показали, что болезни минерального обмена веществ широко распространены (84,7%) среди супоросных свино¬маток в условиях промышленного производства, наиболее распространены дефицитные состояния по Zn (17,7%) и Fe (22,5%). Клинически эта сочетанная недостаточность выражалась угнетением, залеживанием, понижением и извращением аппетита, появлением на коже специфически красных пятен правильной округлой форма: с просветленными участками в центре, зарегистрированы так же аборты на конечных стадиях супоросности. Установлено, что способ профилактики гипомикроэлементозов супоросных свиноматок с использованием хелатных форм микроэлементов предпочтительнее, поскольку сокращает процент клинического проявления дефицита цинка и железа, эффективнее стабилизируют уровень гематологических и биохимических показателей крови, а также повышают производственные показатели супоросных свиноматок.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Применение органического селена при гипотрофии поросят
Voloshin, D.B. | Zavodnik, L.B. | Pechinskya, E.S., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
Belarus is among regions, where the selenium content in soil, hence, in cereal and other cultures considerably below requirements that leads to insufficiency of this microelements in a diet as the person, and animals. Synthesized in the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physiology, Biochemistry and Feeding of Agricultural Animals new organic compound of selenium - selenopyran on variety of criteria has no analogues in the world among considerable quantity selenium of containing preparations and favourably differs from all known forms of microelements. Selenopyran, brought in fats and forages, shows antioxidatic the properties which are not conceding traditionally applied in veterinary science and medicine to antioxidants. Arriving in animal body with forage or in the form of injections, selenopyran is capable to play a role of a metabolic regulator. It activates enzymes of antioxidatic body protection, reduces formation new and will neutralize of earlier formed activeproducts of peroxide lipids oxidations, improves functioning of cellular membranes, normalizes metabolism, makes active cellular, humoral and phagocytal immunity links, raises nonspecific resistance and efficiency of animals. Toxicity of selenopyran more low, than at all known organic connections of selenium, and more than in 100 times is less, than at sodium selenit. The data allow to expand possibilities of application of organic selenium and to use it as a preparation raising resistance and body viability at the expense of the patronage of cellular structures from influence of oxidizers and free radicals, to normalize metabolism and to stimulate thus the big additional body weight at animals. The influence of medicine organic selenium on piglet bodies what are behind a growth and development is shown. The results showing the dynamical changes of haematologicals, physiologicals and biochemicals indices under the influence of selenopyran was given.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Метаболические нарушения при полигипомикроэлементозе коров и их влияние на клинический статус новорожденных телят
Grigorchik, M.M. | Abramov, S.S. | Petrovskij, S.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the metabolic status of cows in the finishing period of pregnancy, as well as influence of its disorders on clinical status and breeding and economic indexes of new-born calves. Research results showed in pregnant cows in interlactation period there was stated the development of subclinical poly-hyper trace element deficiencies. There was realized the analysis of indexes of trace elements metabolism in cow blood; blood indexes characterizing protein metabolism; as well as biochemical blood indexes characterizing the carbohydrate metabolism and functional state of liver and kidneys. In the conditions of subclinical poly-hyper trace element deficiencies of cows there were revealed the biochemical changes which showed the lowering of the functional activity of liver and intoxication. Economic and clinical indexes of calf crop were analyzed. Research results showed that in calves (obtained from cows with trace element deficiencies) in an early extrauterine life there statedthe development of a toxic form of dyspeptic disorder which was accompanied with high degree of young stock death.
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