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Relationship of upper and lower urinary tract infection and bacterial invasion of uroepithelium to antibody-coated bacteria test results in female.
Ling G.V. | Cullen J.M. | Kennedy P.C. | Ruby A.L. | Brooks D.L.
Pulmonary histopathologic findings, acid-base status, and absorption of colostral immunoglobulins in newborn calves.
Lopez A. | Lofstedt J. | Bildfell R. | Horney B. | Burton S.
A study was conducted to investigate whether aspiration of amniotic fluid is associated with a deleterious effect on absorption of colostral immunoglobulins or on blood gas and acid-base values of healthy newborn calves. Fourteen calves purchased from commercial sources were transported to a research facility immediately after birth and fed colostrum with known concentrations of immunoglobulins. Blood samples for gas analyses were collected within 5 hours of birth, 24 hours later, and prior to euthanasia. Between 3 and 5 days of age, calves were euthanatized by an overdose of barbiturates. Eleven calves had evidence of bronchoaspiration of amniotic fluid, as determined by presence of meconium, squamous epithelium, or keratin in histologic sections of fixed lung or by cytologic analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Blood gas tensions and pH were within reference ranges in 11 of 14 calves. Aspiration of amniotic fluid could not be linked to any specific changes in blood gas tensions, acid-base status, or absorption of colostral immunoglobulins. Presence of keratin and meconium in the lungs often was accompanied by mild exudative alveolitis and focal atelectasis. It was concluded that aspiration of small amounts of amniotic fluid with or without meconium is common in calves and is not associated with hypoxemia, respiratory acidosis, or failure of passive transfer.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Histochemical and morphologic changes of porcine airway epithelial cells in response to infection with Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae.
DeBey M.C. | Jacobson C.D. | Ross R.F.
Scanning electron microscopy of bovine coreneas irradiated with sun lamps and challenge exposed with Moraxella bovis.
Vogelweid C.M. | Miller R.B. | Berg J.N. | Kinden D.A.
Characterization of polypeptides synthesized and secreted by oviductal epithelial cell explants obtained from young, fertile and aged, subfertile mares.
Brinsko S.P. | Ignotz G.G. | Ball B.A. | Thomas P.G.A. | Currie W.B. | Ellington J.E.
Histomorphologic features of the nasal cavity of pigs exposed to Pasteurella multocida type-D dermonecrotic toxin.
Ghoshal N.G. | Niyo Y.
Microscopic examination of the nasal mucosa of clinically normal specific-pathogen-free pigs and of toxicogenic type-D Pasteurella multocida toxin challenge-exposed specific-pathogen-free pigs indicated that the surface epithelium in pigs of both groups was microscopically normal; erosions or appreciable inflammatory changes were not evident. In pigs of both groups and in aU 3 regions of the nasal cavity, the endothelial lining of all blood vessels appeared normal without detectable changes to the walls at postinoculation day 10. Vascular injury in the cartilage or the bone was not discernible in control or challenge-exposed pigs. There were marked differences in the osseous structures of the conchae when the 2 groups were compared. In control pigs, active bone formation and remodeling were observed, and the septal cartilage was normal. In toxin challenge-exposed pigs, there likewise was normal bone formation and remodeling in the vestibular region, and the septal cartilage was normal. In marked contrast, conspicuous changes were observed in the osseous core of the conchae of the respiratory and, sometimes, the olfactory regions. These changes consisted of bone necrosis and resorption by large numbers of osteoclasts with variable replacement by dense mesenchymal stroma, which resulted in conchal atrophy. In the absence of any discernible damage or injury (angiopathy) to the nasal vessels, it appears that the action of the dermonecrotoxin of P multocida serotype D is on the most active osteoblasts and the associated organic matrix of the bone, with subsequent disruption of normal bone formation and remodeling of the nasal conchae.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Adhesion of Corynebacterium renale and Corynebacterium pilosum to epithelial cells of bovine vulva.
Hayashi A. | Yanagawa R. | Kida H.
Histological and histochemical studies of the squirrel epididymis.
Ryu S.Y. | Cho S.W. | Kim M.K. | Kim S.H. | Lee C.S.
In order to investigate the morphological characteristics of epididymal duct of the squirrel, the histological and histochemical studies were carried out. The epididymal duct can be divided into 9 segments by histological and histochemical features. Segments 1 to 5 were located in the head, segments 6 and 7 in the body, and segments 8 and 9 in the tail of the epididymis. The apical cells were numerous in the segment. Clear cells which has a compact, deeply staining nucleus and a characteristically clear cytoplasm were scattered in the epithelium throughout the duct. Interepithelial clear cells which had PAS-positive granules tended to increase in number caudally. Strong PAS-positive reaction was detected at the intralumen of the segments 3, 8 and 9. Acid phosphatase activity was relatively high in the basal cytoplasm of the segment 7, and then in the supranuclear region of the segments 8 and 9. Alkaline phosphatase activity was weakly positive or negative except the segments 3 and 4. ATPase activity was strong in the free surface of the epithelium in the head and the entire cytoplasm in the body and tail, and SDH activity was generally weak except for the body where it was more intense.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Histological and immunohistochemical effects of Jengjengamiyjintang on the duodenal ulcer induced by HCI-aspirin
Ku, S.K. (Dong-Wha Pharmaceutical Industry Company, Anyang (Korea Republic). Parmacol & Toxicol Laboratory, Central Research Laboratories) | Lee, H.S. (Kyungsan University, Kyungsan (Korea Republic). Department of Biology, Faculty of Basic Science) | lee, J.H. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). Laboratory of Histology, College of Veterinary Medicine)
In order to study the effects of Jengjengamiyjintang on the duodenal ulcer induced by HCI-aspirin in rats, the changes of histological profiles, goblet cells(PAS-positive cells), and the distribution and frequency of cholecystokinin(CCK)-8 and serotonin-producing gastro-entero-endocrine cells were observed after oral administration of Jengjengamiyjintang. Histologically, very severe injury to duodenal epithelium were observed in control groups and theses injuries were increased with time intervals. But in the Jengjengamiyjintang administrated groups, no gross lesion of ulcer were demonstrated and histologically minor injury to the mucosal epithelium were observed. PAS-positive cells were increased in the Jengjengamiyjintang administrated groups compared to that of control groups. Severe degranulation of CCK-8- and serotonin-immunoreactive cells were observed in control groups but these phenomenon was seldom in the Jengjengamiyjintang administrated groups. Serotonin-immunoreactive cells were significantly decreased in control groups but increased in Jengjengamiyjintang administrated groups compared with control groups. According to these result, it is suggested that Jengjengamiyjintang would accelarat the healing of the duodenal ulcer but the functional mechanisms were unknown.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The ability of in vitro cultured bovine oviduct epityelial cells in binding and maintaining motility of bull sperm
Roh, S.H. (Hankyong National University, Ansung (Korea Republic). Department of Animal Life Resources) | Lee, B.C. | Hwang, W.S. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
The aim of these experiments was to investigate the effects of bovine oviduct epithelial cells(OEC) derived from different segments to bind sperm binding and maintain their motility in vitro. In experiment 1, the number of sperm attached to OEC derived from isthmus or ampulla, the motility of unattached sperm during co-culture and fertilizing ability were assessed. In experiment 2, heparin treated sperm 9hsp) or no treated sperm (nsp) were used to evaluate OEC binding ability ofcapacitated sperm. In experiment 1, regardless ofthier origin, approximately 65% of the sperm were attached to OEC within 2h. From 6h of co-culture, the numbers of unattached sperm on ampullary OEC were significantly higher than those on isthmic OEC (p0.005). From 12h of co-culture, the motility of unattached sperm on isthmic OEC were significantly higher than those on ampullary OEC(p0.05). The cleavage rate of oocytes inseminated on OEC derived from isthmic segment was also significantly higher than those from ampullary segment (p0.01). In experiment 2, the numbers of unattached hsp on OEC were significantly higher than those of controls(p0.01), between 2~24h examination. From 12h of co-culture, the motility of unattached nsp were sighificantly greater than those of hsp(p0.01). These results show that bovine OEC derived from the isthmus play more important role(s) for sperm binding, maintaining motility and fertilization in vitro than those from the ampulla, and heparin induced capacitation may change sperm binding ability on OEC in vitro.
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