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Cloning, expression, and characterization of TonB2 from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae and potential use as an antigenic vaccine candidate and diagnostic marker
Liu, Jinlin | Chen, Yan | Yuan, Fangyan | Hu, Linlin | Bei, Weicheng | Chen, Huanchun
In this study the tonB2 gene was cloned from Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae JL01 (serovar 1) and expressed as a glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion protein in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The GST fusion protein was recognized by antibodies in serum positive for A. pleuropneumoniae by Western blot analysis. Purified soluble GST-TonB2 was assessed for its ability to protect BALB/c mice against A. pleuropneumoniae infection. Mice were vaccinated with GST-TonB2 subcutaneously and challenged intraperitoneally with either approximately 4.0 × 10(5) colony-forming units (CFU) or approximately 1.0 × 10(6) CFU of A. pleuropneumoniae 4074. They were examined daily for 7 d after challenge. The survival rate of the TonB2-vaccinated mice was significant higher than that of the mice given recombinant GST or adjuvant alone. These results demonstrate that A. pleuropneumoniae TonB2 is immunogenic in mice and should be further assessed as a potential candidate for a vaccine against A. pleuropneumoniae infection. In addition, an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) based on the GST-TonB2 recombinant protein was developed. Compared with the ApxIVA ELISA, the TonB2 ELISA provided earlier detection of antibodies in pigs at various times after vaccination with A. pleuropneumoniae live attenuated vaccine. When compared with an indirect hemagglutination test, the sensitivity and specificity of the TonB2 ELISA were 95% and 88%, respectively. The TonB2 ELISA provides an alternative method for rapid serologic diagnosis of A. pleuropneumoniae infection through antibody screening, which would be especially useful when the infection status or serovar is unknown.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Serologic and parasitologic responses of domestic chickens after oral inoculation with Toxoplasma gondii oocysts
Dubey, J.P. | Ruff, M.D. | Camargo, M.E. | Shen, S.K. | Wilkins, G.L. | Kwok, O.C.H. | Thulliez, P.
Four-week-old chickens were inoculated orally with 1,000 or 100,000 oocysts of the ME-49 or GT-1 strain of Toxoplasma gondii, and their antibody responses were measured, using the direct modified agglutination test, latex agglutination test, indirect hemagglutination test, ELISA, and the Sabin-Feldman dye test. Antibodies against T gondii were detected by use of the modified agglutination test and ELISA within 2 weeks of oocyst inoculation, and antibodies persisted until termination of the study by postinoculation day 68. The latex agglutination test was insensitive in detecting T gondii antibodies, and antibodies were not detected by use of the dye and indirect hemagglutination tests. Of tissues bioassayed in mice for tissue cysts by pepsin digestion of individual organs of chickens on postinoculation day 68, tissue cysts were found in the brain of all 5, heart of 3, and leg muscles of 2, but not in the liver and breast muscles. None of the birds developed clinical toxoplasmosis.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of heparin on hemagglutination by pseudorabies virus
Ohashi, S. | Inaba, Y. | Kataoka, J. | Tetsu, N. | Shibata, I. | Asagi, M.
Heparin inhibited hemagglutination (HA) by pseudorabies virus (PRV), but not HA by Akabane virus, bovine adenovirus type 7, Fukuoka virus, Getah virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and parainfluenza virus type 3 belonging to the families Bunyaviridae, Adenoviridae, Rhabdoviridae, Togaviridae, Flaviviidae, and Paramyxoviridae, respectively. The minimal inhibitory concentration of heparin required to inhibit 8 HA U of PRV ranged from 0.005 to 0.01 U/ml. Mouse erythrocytes failed to combine with the HA inhibitory factor of heparin. On the other hand, mouse erythrocytes treated with heparinase had greatly reduced agglutinability by PRV. Virus-heparin complex formation could be observed by sedimenting heparin with the virus particles.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Eperuthrozoon suis antibodies in swine
Hsu, F.S. | Liu, M.C. | Chou, S.M. | Zachary, J.F. | Smith, A.R.
An ELISA was developed and tested to detect antibodies to Eperythrozoon suis in swine. Results were compare with those of the indirect hemagglutination (IHA) test. Antigen isolated from swine heavily infected with E suis was used for both tests. Comparison of the ELISA with the IHA test revealed a significant (P < 0.001) correlation between results. Of 114 samples obtained from 9 swine infected with E suis, 8 7.7% were seropositive (titer greater than or equal to 200) via the ELISA, and 80.7% were seropositive (titer greater than or equal to 20) via the IHA test. The sensitivity of the ELISA was greater than that of the IHA test. All blood samples obtained from specific-pathogen-free swine tested negative for E suis antibody. Cross-reactions were not observed between E suis antigen and antisera against various swine and cattle disease agents using ELISA. We concluded that the ELISA may be used for rapid and effective diagnosis of infection with E suis in swine.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Colonization of the tonsils of calves with Pasteurella haemolytica
Frank, G.H. | Briggs, R.E.
Tonsils of 10 calves were inoculated with Pasteurella haemolytica (PH) and the degree of colonization was followed by collecting sequential tonsil wash specimens. Tonsils were colonized for at least 3 weeks after instillation of PH into the tonsillar sinus. Calves with colonized tonsils responded with serum and nasal secretion antibody responses to PH and to leukotoxin. Pasteurelia haemolytica was detected in nasal mucus specimens of 2 calves during the week after inoculation of the tonsils, but all other specimens were culture-negative. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus-induced respiratory tract disease 25 days later did not elicit a population increase of PH in the tonsils, and did not elicit shedding of PH in nasal mucus.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Routes and prevalence of shedding of psittacine beak and feather disease virus
Ritchie, B.W. | Niagro, F.D. | Latimer, K.S. | Steffens, W.L. | Pesti, D. | Ancona, J. | Lukert, P.D.
Psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) virus was recovered from the feces and crop washings from various species of psittacine birds diagnosed with PBFD. High concentrations of the virus also could be demonstrated in feather dust collection from a room where 22 birds with active cases of PBFD were being housed. The virions recovered from the feces, crop, and feather dust were confirmed to be PBFD virus by ultrastructural, physical, or antigenic characteristics. Virus recovered from the feather dust and feces hemagglutinated cockatoo erythrocytes. The specificity of the agglutination was confirmed by hemagglutination inhibition, using rabbit antibodies against PBFD virus. During the test period, 26% (8 of 31) of the birds screened were found to be excreting PBFD virus in their feces, and 21% (3 of 14) of crop washings were positive for PBFD virus. Some birds in the sample group had active cases of diarrhea, whereas others had normal-appearing feces. Diarrhea was found to be the only significant indicator of whether a bird was likely to be excreting virus from the digestive tract. These findings suggest that exposure of susceptible birds to PBFD virus may occur from contact with contaminated feather dust, feces, or crop secretions. Viral particles that were morphologically similar to parvovirus (2- to 24 nm-icosahedral nonenveloped virions) also were recovered from feces of some of the birds.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Development and evaluation of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for bovine antibody (IgG) to Pasteurella haemolytica
The sensitivity of an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for bovine IgG serum antibody to Pasteurella haemolytica was compared with that of an indirect hemagglutination (IHA) test. Pasteurella haemolytica serotypes were grown in a chemically defined cell culture medium, and soluble antigens released into the growth medium were used in the ELISA and IHA test. An ELISA with serotype-1 antigen consistently detected antibody in sera that were positive by IHA test (correlation, 99%). Sera reacting with serotype-1 ELISA antigens also reacted with ELISA antigens prepared from other serotypes. Although ELISA titers determined by the 2 methods were approximately linear. Titer increases detected in paired serum samples by either test were similar. The ELISA was more sensitive than was the IHA in detecting colostral IgG antibody in serum of newborn calves. The ELISA uses a simple, stable antigen preparation and detects antibody to P haemolytica serotypes that commonly infect cattle.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of the specificity of Pasteurella multocida somatic antigen-typing antisera prepared in chickens, using ribosome-lipopolysaccharide complexes as inocula
Rimler, R.B. | Angus, R.D. | Phillips, M.
Purified lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from 16 serotypes of Pasteurella multocida were complexed with Aspergillus fumigatus ribosomes. The complexes were used as inocula to prepare antisera, in chickens, for somatic antigen typing by the gel diffusion precipitin test (GDPT). Antisera made against 15 of 16 LPS reacted with their respective specific heat-stable antigens in the GDPT and homologous LPS in the passive hemagglutination test. Antisera could not be made against serotype 15 LPS. Correlation was not observed between intensity of the precipitin reaction in the GDPT and titer to homologous LPS in the passive hemagglutination test. Most antisera cross-related with other heat-stable antigens of other serotypes in the GDPT. Many of these cross-reactions were eliminated by dilution. Cross-reactions that occurred in the GDPT with antisera made against LPS of serotypes 2, 5, 7 and 8 could not be eliminated by dilution.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparison of the effects of low-molecular-weight and unfractioned heparin in horses
Monreal, L. | Villatoro, A.J. | Monreal, M. | Espada, Y. | Angles, A.M. | Ruiz-Gopegui, R.
Thirty healthy male horses were allotted to 3 groups and treated blindly during 4 days. Group-1 horses received unfractioned calcium heparin (100 IU/kg of body weight, SC, q 12 h). Group-2 horses received a single dose of a low-molecular-weight heparin (50 anti-Xa IU/kg, SC) every morning, and a similar volume of saline solution every evening. Group-3 horses received the vehicle (saline solution), SC, every 12 hours. Citrated and EDTA-anticoagulated blood samples were collected before starting the medication (T-0) and once daily 3 hours after each morning injection (T-3, T-27, T-51, and T-75). The PCV, hemoglobin concentration, RBC and platelet counts, and clotting times (activated partial thromboplastin time and thrombin time) were determined, and a microscopic examination to detect hemagglutination was performed. Plasma concentration of heparin was measured by use of the antifactor Xa activity assay. Bleeding time was determined on the first and fourth days, using a double-template method. The horses given unfractioned heparin had marked agglutination of erythrocytes after the first injection that became more pronounced as treatment progressed. Also, significant decrease in PCV, hemoglobin concentration, and RBC count was observed during treatment. Platelet count was significantly decreased after the first day, and clotting times were significantly prolonged. In contrast to the horses given unfractioned heparin, those given low-molecular-weight heparin did not have any agglutination of erythrocytes during the 4 days of treatment, and there were no significant changes in PCV, hemoglobin concentration, or RBC and platelet counts. Activated partial thromboplastin time increased slightly in the horses given low-molecular-weight heparin, although the values remained within reference range. Both groups of horses achieved adequate concentrations of heparin in plasma for prophylactic purposes, but those given low-molecular-weight heparin achieved those values after the first injection. Bleeding times were not significantly different between heparin-treated horses and horses given saline solution during treatment. We conclude that low-molecular-weight heparin may be used more safely and conveniently in horses, because it does not affect equine erythrocytes, platelets, or clotting and bleeding times.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparison of four immune variables and pulmonary lesions of goats with intrapulmonary exposure and subsequent intrathoracic challenge exposure with Pasteurella haemolytica
Purdy, C.W. | Foster, G.S.
A comparison of immune variables following lung sensitization with live Pasteurella haemolytica serotype 1 (Ph1)-impregnated agar beads was done in 2 separate trials. The Ph1 immune variables studied were blood bactericidal activity, serum bacteriolysis, total classical complement, and indirect hemagglutination antibody. Each trial had 16 male weanling goats: 6 controls and 10 principals. In trial 1, each goat was surgically catheterized through the trachea, then the material was deposited in a bronchus. The controls received only agar beads and the principals received agar beads impregnated with live Ph1. These goats were studied for 32 days, euthanatized, and necropsied. In trial 2, the controls were each transthoracically injected with agar beads into the left lung and the principals were similarly injected with agar beads impregnated with live Ph1. These goats were studied for 35 days, then challenge exposed transthoracically by injection of Ph1 in saline solution (1.2 X 10(7) CFU/ml) into the right lung. Four days later, they were euthanatized and necropsied. The volume of lung consolidated tissue was an excellent measure of Ph1 immunity. Principal goats generated solid protective immunity to subsequent challenge exposure because minimal or no lung consolidation was observed, whereas large volumes of lung consolidation were seen in the controls. The principal goats in trial 1 gave a weak serum indirect hemagglutination Ph1 antibody response, which was attributed to the bronchial method of depositing the Ph1. The corresponding response of the control group remained negative. The Ph1 agar beads (1 X 10(6) CFU in 0.5 ml) protected the bacteria from immediate phagocytosis and lysis as indicated by the induced pneumonic deaths of 2 principals 5 days later. Also, live Ph1 were isolated on day 32 during necropsy of respiratory tracts of 3 principals. At necropsy, no Ph1 isolates were found in the controls. Bacteriolytic activity was not induced against Ph1 in either control or principal groups in this trial. the study, but antibody titers of the principals increased to a geometric mean of 1:250 seven days after lung injection (1 X 10(5) CFU in 0.5 ml). Serum bacteriolytic titers on day 0 indicated that both principals and controls could be subgrouped to high or low subgroups on the basis of their bacteriolytic activity. The bacteriolytic activities of the controls remained unchanged during the experiment, and neither control subgroup was protected from Ph1 challenge exposure. Bacteriolytic activities of the high and low principal subgroups responded differently to Ph1 agar bead lung injection, but both principal subgroups were protected from lung challenge exposure. The low principal subgroup generated high titers of indirect hemagglutination Ph1 antibody, whereas, the high principal subgroup generated lower antibody titers. Total complement, serum bacteriolytic, and blood bactericidal profiles were similar in the principal group with high bacteriolytic activity. The immune factors that protected 2 principal subgroups did not appear to be associated with Ph1 serum bacteriolysis.
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