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Age-related changes in carbohydrate tolerance in healthy neonatal calves.
Rollin R.E. | Fettman M.J. | Phillips R.W.
Effects of ketosis in dairy cows on blood biochemical parameters, milk yield and composition, and digestive capacity
Yang, Wei | Zhang, Bingbing | Xu, Chuang | Zhang, Hongyou | Xia, Cheng
This study aimed to characterise the effects of ketosis on milk yield and composition and digestive capacity in transition dairy cows. Seven ketotic and seven healthy cows were housed in individual stalls for six days. Samples of plasma, milk, refused total mixed ration, and faeces were collected, and the blood biochemical parameters, milk yield and composition, dry matter intake, and faecal dry matter (FDM) production were determined. Compared with healthy cows, the ketotic cows had significantly higher concentrations of milk fat and citrate, but lower levels of milk protein and lactose. The cows exhibited a need for acid detergent fibre in forage and better digestion of neutral detergent fibre, starch, crude protein, and phosphorus than healthy cows, but more fat and gross energy were excreted in their faeces. Ketotic cows had higher energy-corrected milk yields and lower FDM than healthy cows. Lower feed intake coinciding with the requirement to maintain high milk production is considered to be the cause of ketosis in dairy cows. Ketotic cows exhibited lower dry matter fat digestion.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of oral administration of meloxicam prior to transport on inflammatory mediators and leukoctye function of cattle at feedlot arrival
Capik, Sarah F. | White, Brad J. | Larson, Robert L. | Van Engen, Nicholas | Cernicchiaro, Natalia | Engelken, Terry J. | Lakritz, Jeffrey | Ballou, Michael A. | Hulbert, Lindsey E. | Vann, Rhonda C. | Caswell, Jeff L. | Jacob, Gabriella | Carroll, Jeffery A. | Coetzee, Johann F.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the effects of meloxicam administration before long-distance transport on inflammatory mediators and leukocyte function of cattle at feedlot arrival. ANIMALS 60 healthy yearling beef steers. PROCEDURES Single-source steers were assigned to a transported (n = 40) or nontransported (20) group. Then, half of the steers within each group were assigned to receive meloxicam (1 mg/kg, PO) or a lactose placebo (1 bolus/steer, PO). All steers were transported approximately 1,300 km overnight to a feedlot; however, the nontransported group was moved before treatment (meloxicam or placebo) administration and allowed a 17-day acclimation period, whereas the transported group was moved immediately after treatment administration on day −1. Blood samples for measurement of inflammatory mediators and leukocyte function were collected from all steers on days −1, 0, and 3. RESULTS For steers that received meloxicam, mean plasma meloxicam concentration for the transported group was significantly greater than that for the nontransported group on day 0. For steers that received the placebo, mean haptoglobin-matrix metalloproteinase-9 complex for the transported group was significantly greater than that for the nontransported group on day 0. Mean haptoglobin concentration, neutrophil L-selectin intensity, and polymorphonuclear leukocyte count for the transported group were significantly greater than those for the nontransported group. Mean substance P concentration for nontransported steers that received meloxicam was significantly lower than that for the other 3 treatment groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated meloxicam administration to healthy steers immediately before long-distance transport did not significantly mitigate the effects of transport-induced stress on leukocyte function or inflammatory markers.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Studies on effects of lactose on experimental Trypanosoma vivax infection in Zebu cattle. 2. Packed cell volume
Fatihu, M.Y.(Ahmadu Bello University Department of Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology) | Adamu, S.(Ahmadu Bello University Department of Biochemistry) | Umar, I.A.(Ahmadu Bello University Department of Biochemistry) | Ibrahim, N.D.G.(Ahmadu Bello University Department of Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology) | Eduvie, L.O.(Ahmadu Bello University National Animal Production Research Institute) | Esievo, K.A.N.(Ahmadu Bello University Department of Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology)
The ability of intravenously administered lactose in normal saline to prevent a decline in packed cell volume (PCV) during experimental trypanosomosis was studied in Zebu cattle. During the lactose infusion period, the PCV was stable up to Day 5 post-infection (p.i.) in a lactose-infused group, compared to that in an uninfused group in which the PCV dropped significantly (P < 0.05) as shown by the values of cumulative percentage change. Furthermore the mean rate of change in PCV was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in the uninfused group relative to the lactose-infused group during the same period. While the PCV fell markedly in the lactose-infused group a day after lactose infusion was stopped (Day 13 p.i.), subsequent PCV values were significantly (P < 0.05) higher compared to those in the uninfused group, up to the end of experiment on Day 17 p.i. However the mean rates of change in PCV did not vary significantly (P > 0.05) between the groups during the period in which lactose infusion was stopped. The mean levels of parasitaemic waves and parasitaemia were higher, more prolonged and more frequent in the lactose-infused group. It was inferred that the lactose was able to prevent an early onset of anaemia in the Trypanosoma vivax-infected Zebu cattle.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A meta-analysis review of the effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin. 1. Methodology and effects on production
Dohoo, I.R. | Leslie, K. | DesCôteaux, L. | Fredeen, A. | Dowling, P. | Preston, A. | Shewfelt, W.
This manuscript presents the results of a review of the effects of recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) on milk production, milk composition, dry matter intake, and body condition score that was carried out by an expert panel established by the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA). The panel was established by the CVMA in response to a request from Health Canada in 1998 and their report was made public in 1999. A series of meta-analyses was used to combine data on production and nutrition related parameters that were extracted from all randomized clinical trials, which had been published in peer-reviewed journals or which were provided by Health Canada, from the submission by Monsanto for registration of rBST in Canada. A companion paper will present the results of the effects of the drug on measures of health, reproductive performance, and culling parameters. Recombinant bovine somatotropin was found to increase milk production by 11.3% in primiparous cows and 15.6% in multiparous cows; although there was considerable variation from study to study. While some statistically significant effects on milk composition (% butterfat, protein, and lactose) were found, they were all very small. Treatment increased dry matter intake by an average 1.5 kg/day during the treatment period and dry matter intake remained elevated on into the first 60 days of the subsequent lactation. Despite the increase in dry matter intake, treated animals had lower body condition scores at the end of the treatment period, and the reduced scores persisted through until the start of the subsequent lactation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparison of methods to determine glucose kinetics and measurement of recycling and lactose formation in lactating cows
Biedebach, M.C. | Anand, R.S. | Black, Al | Jevning, R.
Several investigators have suggested that the conventional multicompartmental exponential analysis of in vivo glucose metabolism is arbitrary and possibly not the most accurate description of glucose kinetics, especially in the large animal. In support of that hypothesis, we found that in a systematic comparison of 3 methods, blood-specific radioactivity data in single-injection studies of glucose metabolism in lactating cows was better described graphically, or by a hybrid polynomial-biexponential curve fit, than by an exclusively exponential curve fit. We hypothesized that this finding was attributable to partial failure of linearity and steady-state assumptions that underlie the exponential model. Second, using both an irreversible tracer (3H-labeled glucose) and reversible tracer (14C-labeled glucose), we found that glucose carbon recycling had no effect during the first 2 hours, but became significant in lactating cows 7 hours after injection. Finally, we determined that approximately 52 to 55% of the glucose replacement rate was being used to generate lactose.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of orally administered raltegravir in cats with experimentally induced ocular and respiratory feline herpesvirus-1 infection
Spertus, Chole B. | Pennington, Matthew R. | Van de Walle, Gerlinde R. | Badanes, Zachary I. | Judd, Bonnie E. | Mohammed, Hussni O. | Ledbetter, Eric C.
OBJECTIVE To determine the effects of orally administered raltegravir in cats with experimentally induced ocular and respiratory feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) infection. ANIMALS 14 healthy 6-month-old unvaccinated specific pathogen–free cats. PROCEDURES On day 0, all cats were experimentally inoculated by topical application of 0.1 mL of a solution containing 106 plaque-forming units of FHV-1 strain FH2CS to the inferior conjunctival fornix of each eye. Cats were randomly assigned to receive either raltegravir (80 mg; n = 7) or lactose (250 mg; vehicle; 7), PO, every 12 hours for 14 days beginning on day 1. Cats were assigned clinical ocular and respiratory disease scores every other day from days 0 to 30. Conjunctival swab specimens were collected for detection of FHV-1 by virus isolation and real-time PCR assay at 3-day intervals from days 0 to 30. Confocal microscopy was performed on days 0 and 10 to assess corneal epithelial leukocyte infiltration. The assessed variables and duration of FHV-1 shedding were compared between the 2 treatment groups. RESULTS Cats in both groups developed moderate to severe conjunctivitis and ulcerative keratitis characteristic of FHV-1 infection. Median duration of FHV-1 shedding was shorter and signs of ocular and respiratory disease were less severe for raltegravir-treated cats than for vehicle-treated cats. However, the mean conjunctival FHV-1 titer and corneal epithelial leukocyte count did not differ between the 2 groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested orally administered raltegravir might be effective for alleviation of ocular and respiratory signs of FHV-1 infection in cats.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of metoclopramide treatment of bitches during the first week of lactation on serum prolactin concentration, milk composition, and milk yield and on weight gain of their puppies
Keller, Stefanie R. | Abonyi-Toth, Zsolt | Sprenger, Norbert | Austin, Sean C. | Wichert, Brigitta A. C. | Liesegang, A. (Annette) | Oei, Christine H. Y. | Balogh, Orsolya | Reichler, Iris M.
OBJECTIVE To investigate effects of metoclopramide orally administered to healthy bitches on serum prolactin and milk lactose concentrations, gross energy, and dry matter content and on puppy weight gain during early lactation. ANIMALS 20 client-owned bitches and their 121 puppies. PROCEDURES 10 bitches received metoclopramide (0.2 mg/kg, PO, q 6 h for 6 days; treatment group) starting 10 to 24 hours after birth of the last puppy of the litter (day 0), and 10 bitches served as the control group. Blood and milk samples from all bitches were collected on days 0, 1, 2, 4, and 6. Milk samples for days 1 and 2 and days 4 and 6 were pooled because of small volume. Puppies were weighed twice daily. RESULTS Serum prolactin concentration increased significantly over time in both groups, and no treatment effect was detected. When day-to-day changes were analyzed, the prolactin concentration increased from day 0 to day 1 in the treatment group but not in the control group. Milk lactose concentration increased significantly and was higher in the treatment group than in the control group. Milk dry matter content was unchanged, whereas the time course for milk gross energy content differed significantly between treatment and control bitches. Puppy weight gain was not affected by metoclopramide treatment. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Oral administration of metoclopramide to healthy bitches after parturition induced a transient increase in serum prolactin concentration and stimulated milk lactose production. It is likely bitches with insufficient or delayed milk production could benefit from metoclopramide treatment.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Attenuation of the pressor response to exogenous angiotensin by angiotensin receptor blockers and benazepril hydrochloride in clinically normal cats
Jenkins, Tiffany L. | Coleman, Amanda E. | Schmiedt, Chad W. | Brown, Scott A.
OBJECTIVE To compare the attenuation of the angiotensin I–induced blood pressure response by once-daily oral administration of various doses of angiotensin receptor blockers (irbesartan, telmisartan, and losartan), benazepril hydrochloride, or lactose monohydrate (placebo) for 8 days in clinically normal cats. ANIMALS 6 healthy cats (approx 17 months old) with surgically implanted arterial telemetric blood pressure–measuring catheters. PROCEDURES Cats were administered orally the placebo or each of the drug treatments (benazepril [2.5 mg/cat], irbesartan [6 and 10 mg/kg], telmisartan [0.5, 1, and 3 mg/kg], and losartan [2.5 mg/kg]) once daily for 8 days in a crossover study. Approximately 90 minutes after capsule administration on day 8, each cat was anesthetized and arterial blood pressure measurements were recorded before and after IV administration of each of 4 boluses of angiotensin I (20, 100, 500, and 1,000 ng/kg). This protocol was repeated 24 hours after benazepril treatment and telmisartan (3 mg/kg) treatment. Differences in the angiotensin I–induced change in systolic arterial blood pressure (ΔSBP) among treatments were determined. RESULTS At 90 minutes after capsule administration, only losartan did not significantly reduce ΔSBP in response to the 3 higher angiotensin doses, compared with placebo. Among drug treatments, telmisartan (3 mg/kg dosage) attenuated ΔSBP to a significantly greater degree than benazepril and all other treatments. At 24 hours, telmisartan was more effective than benazepril (mean ± SEM ΔSBP, 15.7 ± 1.9 mm Hg vs 55.9 ± 12.42 mm Hg, respectively). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated that telmisartan administration may have advantages over benazepril administration for cats with renal or cardiovascular disease.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of synbiotics injected in ovo on regulation of immune-related gene expression in adult chickens
Sławińska, Anna | Siwek, Maria | Bednarczyk, Marek F.
Objective—To determine immunomodulatory effects of synbiotics administered in ovo on immune-related gene expression in adult chickens. Animals—30 Green-legged Partridgelike chickens. Procedures—On incubation day 12, eggs were injected with 3 synbiotics (Lactococcus lactis subsp lactis IBB SL1 with raffinose family oligosaccharides [RFOs; S1], Lactococcus lactis subsp cremoris IBB SC1 with RFOs [S2], and Lactobacillus acidophilus and Streptococcus faecium with lactose [S3]). Control eggs were injected with RFOs prebiotic or saline (0.9% NaCl) solution. Gene expression of 6 cytokines (interleukin [IL]-4, IL-6, IL-12p40, IL-18, interferon [IFN]-β, and IFN-γ) and 1 chemokine (IL-8) was analyzed in the cecal tonsils and spleen of 6-week-old chickens by means of reverse transcription quantitative PCR assays. Results—Gene expression for IL-4, IL-6, IFN-β, and IL-18 was significantly upregulated in the spleen of chickens in groups S2 and S3. In contrast, IL-12 expression was downregulated in group S2 and IFN-γ expression was downregulated in group S3. Expression of IL-8 did not change in chickens treated with synbiotics in ovo. Gene expression of all cytokines, except for IL-18, was downregulated in cecal tonsils. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—In ovo administration of synbiotics activated the immune system in adult chickens. The intestinal immune system (cecal tonsils) had downregulation of expression for the cytokines evaluated, which indicated an increase in oral tolerance, whereas in the peripheral part of the immune system (spleen), expression of IL-4 and IL-6 was upregulated. Evaluation of immune-related gene expression patterns may be useful when monitoring the effectiveness of synbiotic selection with respect to immunobiotic properties.
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