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Amitraz marker residues in honey from honeybee colonies treated with Apiwarol
Pohorecka, Krystyna | Kiljanek, Tomasz | Antczak, Maja | Skubida, Piotr | Semkiw, Piotr | Posyniak, Andrzej
Amitraz is a formamide exhibiting both acaricidal and insecticidal activity and is frequently used by beekeepers to protect honeybee colonies against Varroa destructor mites. The aim of this apiary trial was to evaluate the impact of honeybee colony fumigation with amitraz on the level of contamination of honey stored in combs. Experimental colonies were fumigated four times every four days with one tablet of Apiwarol per treatment. Honey was sampled from combs of brood chambers and combs of supers one day after each amitraz application and from harvested honey. Amitraz marker residues (as a total of amitraz and metabolites containing parts of molecules with properties specific to the 2,4-DMA group, expressed as amitraz) were evaluated in honey. All analysed samples were contaminated with amitraz metabolites. 2,4-DMA and DMPF were the most frequently determined compounds. The average concentration of amitraz marker residue in honey from groups where a smouldering tablet was located directly in beehives was significantly higher than that of residue in honey from groups with indirect smoke generation. No significant effect on the honey contamination deriving from the place where it was exposed to smoke (combs of brood chambers and supers) was noted. Amitraz marker residues exceeded the MRL in 10% of honey samples from combs. Fumigation of beehives with amitraz results in contamination of honey stored in combs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A survey of ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) in stray cats in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, West Malaysia
Norlida O. | Nik Kamarudin T. | Saipul Bahari A. R. | Wan Norulhuda W. A. W. | Nik Noor Syamimi I.
Ear mite (Otodectes cynotis)is a very common cause of otitis externaand it is one of the clinically importantdiseases of cats and dogs. A study on earmite infestation was carried out on straycats around the vicinity of Kota Bharutown. This study was done to establish theincidence of positive infections by directsmear of skin scrapings from cats. A total of34 skin scraping and ear swab samples weretaken from stray cats around Kota Bharu,Kelantan. The study was conducted in fourlocations around the Kota Bharu district,namely; Pasar Pasir Tumbuh, Pasar MedanBuluh Kubu, Kampung Kraftangan andRural Transformation Centre in Tunjung.A total of 7 samples from RTC Tunjungarea were positive for these mites, observedunder the microscope. This area also hasa wet market where the stray cats live andas the environment is damp and dirty, it isthe perfect environment for the spread ofthe mites. This information is vital for thecontrol of stray animal populations whichindirectly affect human health.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Control of psoroptic scabies on calves with ivermectin
Meleney, W.P.
Psoroptes ovis, calves, control with ivermectin, dosages and routes of administration; effect on Bovicola bovis; Otobius megnini not affected
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A case report of scaly leg mite in green peafowl (Pavo muticus )
Zaitul Hazlin M. J. | Donny, Y. | Sivananthan E. | Siti Aminah Y. | Zubaidah K. | Misliah M. B.
This is a case report ofa captive female green peafowl (Pavomuticus) that was presented with severescaly legs with raised encrusted scaleson both legs. Diagnosis of scaly leg mitewas made based on history, clinical signs,and results of parasitological examinationfrom deep skin scrapping from the areaof lesions and response to treatment.Treatment consisted of Ivermectinsolution, administered orally at a doserate of 0.2 mg/kg. The gross lesionswere completely resolved 28 days posttreatment. It was concluded that based onthe treatment given, knemidocoptiasis orscaly leg can be successfully controlledwith good prognosis in captive birds. Careshould be taken as the mite is transmittedfrom bird to bird through prolonged closeor direct contact.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of Amitraz Against Ticks and Mites Infestation in Cattle and Sheep in Comparison With Diazinon and Deltamethrin
M. A. F. Abdel-Fattah | K. El-Kholany
Evaluation of amitraz against ticks and mites infestation in cattle and sheep in comparison with diazinon and deltamethrin was performed. Amitraz showed over 95 % inhibition of oviposition and hatching of laid eggs at dilution of 1:500 while diazinon and deltamethrin produced around 90 % inhibition of oviposition at the same dilution. Fed ticks were more susceptible for all tested acaricides than the unfed ticks, where amitraz reached its full effectiveness (100 % kill of fed and unfed) 2 weeks after application while diazinon and deltamethrin produced over 90 % at the same dilution. Spraying application of amitraz 12.5 % resulted in 100 % tick control by day 5 and the effect was maintained for further 28 days whereas diazinon and deltamethrin were fully effective by days 9 and 13, respectively and their efficacy were maintained for 16 and 20 days, respectively. Spraying application of amitraz 12.5 % produced 100 % efficacy as no live mites were found on day 17 and maintained in full effectiveness till day 33 where respraying was needed. In conclusion, amitraz produced rapid detachment of ticks from animals; its residual effect was long and protected animals from re-infestation for 29 days and was able to eradicate psoroptes mite infestation in sheep.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of the usefulness of sensitization to aeroallergens as a model for canine atopic dermatitis in genetically predisposed Beagles
Egli, Katrin S. | Schiessl, Brigitte | Roosje, Petra J. | Seewald, Wolfgang | Förster, Ursula | Peel, John E. | Welle, Monika M.
Objective-To evaluate a model for atopic dermatitis (AD) and to measure the effect of sensitization in Beagles genetically predisposed to produce high serum concentrations of allergen specific IgE. Animals-22 laboratory Beagles. Procedure-Seventeen dogs were sensitized from birth to 3 allergens (recombinant birch pollen, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, and D farinae). Five nonsensitized dogs from the same litters served as controls. Clinical scoring, regular intradermal testing, measurement of serum concentrations of allergen-specific IgE, and collection of biopsy specimens of skin at 23, 32, and 43 weeks of age were performed. Serial tissue sections were stained for identification of IgE+ cells, mast cells and their subtypes, T-cells, Langerhans cells, and major histocompatibility complex class-II+ cells. At the age of 15 months, dogs were continuously exposed to 2 µg of mite allergen/ g of dust. Results-Sensitized dogs had positive intradermal test reactions and significantly higher serum concentrations of allergen specific IgE, compared with nonsensitized dogs. In sensitized and nonsensitized dogs, a significantly higher number of mast cells was found at predilection sites, compared with the control biopsy site. The number of mast cells at predilection sites increased with age. Sensitization significantly increased the number of epidermal Langerhans cells by 23 weeks of age. The number of epidermal Langerhans cells significantly increased in nonsensitized dogs by 32 weeks of age. Clinical scoring only revealed mild transient erythema in some dogs. Conclusion and Clinical Relevance-Increases in concentrations of serum allergen-specific IgE and exposure to allergens is not sufficient to induce clinical signs of AD in genetically predisposed dogs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Efficacy of acaricides against chorioptic mange of goats
Wright, F.C. | Guillot, F.S. | George, J.E.
Angora goats heavily infested with Chorioptes bovis were dipped one time in either 0.05% amitraz, 0.27% coumaphos, 0.05% fenvalerate, or 0.03% lindane, Control of the mites by the single dips was evaluated for 21 days. Amitraz caused 98% mortality of the mites initially. Both coumaphos and lindane caused greater than 85% mortality at 3 days, but mite numbers increased rapidly thereafter. Only fenvalerate killed all of the mites.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ectoparasitic fauna of scavenging chickens (Gallus domesticus) from Penang Island, Peninsular Malaysia
Farah Haziqah | Wahab A. Rahman
A study was conducted on 240 scavenging chickens randomly obtained from various districts from the state of Penang, Peninsular Malaysia. The chickens were closely examined for visible ectoparasites in the laboratory. The ectoparasites were collected using a blunt forceps and stored in universal bottles containing 70% ethanol. Ten species of ectoparasites were noted which consisted of five species of lice, two species of mites, two species of ticks and one species of chigger. The lice identifi ed were Menopon gallinae, Menacanthus pallidulus, Lipeurus caponis, Goniocotes gallinae and Goniodes dissimilis. These lice occurred in the fl uff of the feathers of the body especially the neck, back, abdomen and wings. The mites were Megninia sp. and Pterolichus sp. Examinations of the ears and combs revealed Haemaphysalis sp., the hard tick. Meanwhile, Ornithonyssus sp., the soft tick was found on feathers, whereas chigger, Leptotrombidium sp. was found attached to the skins. The study also revealed that M. gallinae was the most common ectoparasite with 76.7% occurrence, followed by Pterolichus sp. (69.6%), L. caponis (63.3%), M. pallidulus (41.7%), Leptotrombidium sp. (17.5%), G. gallinae (9.5%), Haemaphysalis sp. (6.7%), Megninia sp. (3.8%) and Ornithonyssus sp. (3.8%). The least common ectoparasite was G. dissimilis occurring in 2.1% of the chickens.
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