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Silhouette differences among cats do not suggest a general selection for paedomorphosis
Pares-Casanova, P.M., University of Lleida, 25198 Lleida, Spain
Paedomorphosis is the retention of juvenile morphology at maturity and is important in generating evolutionary change in domestic species and species in the wild. This preliminary study compared morphological characteristics of seven domestic cat pure breeds and felid species from around the world. An original procedure based on elliptical Fourier (EF) methods was applied to head lateral views of specimens and were assessed in order to analyse head profile. For comparative purposes three domestic kittens of different ages and three species of genus Lynx were also used. EF descriptors, allowed for the quantification of the head profile. Using the Fourier transform, reconstruction of the mean head profile revealed that there was a general shape difference between wild cats, domestic cats and kittens. Results suggested that variability in head profile differentiate quite well between adult cats and kittens, but domestic and wild cats appeared grouped into a similar cluster. The similarity between breeds can thus be attributed more to the general head profile than to flatness, i.e. to the general conformation rather than facial profile. Therefore, no effect of paedomorphism on the studied breeds can be undertaken. The present approach opens interesting ethnological perspectives for the aloidic characterisation for domestic breeds.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Growth variation in skull morphology of Kuril harbor seals (Phoca vitulina stejnegeri) and spotted seals (Phoca largha) in Hokkaido, Japan
Nakagawa, E., Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan) | Kobayashi, M. | Suzuki, M. | Tsubota, T.
We examined morphological growth variations in skull features between the Kuril harbor seal and the spotted seal in Hokkaido, Japan. Skulls from 80 Kuril harbor seals and 41 spotted seals were collected, and we measured 29 metric and 6 non-metric cranial characteristics. Three growth classes were defined according to the postnatal developmental stage: pups (0 year), subadults (1-4 years old) and adults (more than 5 years old). We detected sexual dimorphism in Kuril harbor seal pups, subadults, and adults. Although interspecies differences were detected in each growth class, Kuril harbor seals were larger and more massive than spotted seals; this feature was already detectable in pups. We did not detect certain cranial characteristics with which to identify the two species, but it was possible to identify any unknown specimens to their species, sex, and growth class using the cranial data generated in this study. Using 6 non-metric cranial characteristics, we identified significant interspecies differences with regard to the shape of the temporozygomatic suture and the extent of the nasal-incisive suture; the shape of the temporozygomatic suture and the shape of the nares were indicators of growth class in Kuril harbor seals. Although non-metric cranial characteristics have a lower discriminating power than metric characteristics, they are easy to use in the field even by inexperienced researchers.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Морфология и динамика роста сошниково-носового хряща в постанальный период
Kasko, V.A. | Matsinovich, A.A. | Klimenkova, I.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the morphology and growth dynamics of vomeronasal cartilage of swine at postnatal period. The vomeronasal cartilage covers the vomeronasal body outside. Lateral and medial bases of vomeronasal cartilage formed an antrum in which there was an organon vomeronasal. The most intensive growth of a cartilage of pigs occurred in the first two months of animal life. Arrangement of cartilage was dissymmetric - at the right it was sited more caudad than at the left; this fact caused the differences in its dimensions at the transverse sections.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Макроморфологические характеристики фабрициевой бурсы индеек в период постнатального онтогенеза
Yakimenko, L.L. | Matsinovich, A.A. | Yakimchik, A.F. | Yakimenko, V.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were analyzed the peculiar features of morphology of bursa of Fabricius of turkeys broad-breasted white turkeys at the stage of postnatal ontogenesis. Research results showed that postnatal ontogenesis of bursa of Fabricius of turkeys developed irregularly with preservation of organ up to 220 days. At turkeys in 300-day old age the organ preserved only in 45% of bird units. Form, colour and consistency of bursa of Fabricius depended on bird age. The absolute weight of the organ increased up to 220 days. The relative weight was maximum at 20-day old age. The sexual peculiar features of the organ morphology were insignificant; they revealed after the beginning of sexual maturity and expressed by some difference in weight and linear dimensions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Морфология тканевых компонентов сычуга новорожденных телят с различной степенью антенатального недоразвития
Malashko, V.V. | Tumilovich, G.A., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
Studies of morphological and morphometrical particularities of rennet of newborn calves with different degree of antenatal hypotrophy were realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Scientific-and-production researches were spent in 2007 - 2008 on the basis of agricultural production co-operative Dembrovo (Shchuchinskij district, Grodno area, Belarus), agricultural production co-operative Okhovo (Pinsk district, Brest region, Belarus) and research laboratory of Grodno State Agrarian University (Belarus). For an estimation of morphofunctional maturities there were used 165 1-day old calves. Research results showed that in the studied calves the basic indexes of glanderous apparatus of rennet proved the different degree of morphofunctional immaturity. In calves with hypertrophy in the first days after birth there stated an active morphogenesis of all cytological components of rennet
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Морфологические показатели печени цыплят-бройлеров при скармливании концентрата витаминов E из рапсового масла
Sandul, P.A. | Luppova, I.M. | Sandul, A.V. | Gromov, I.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of histological structures of liver of fattening broiler chickens after application of concentrate of E and F vitamins produced on the basis of rapeseed oil was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus in order to evaluate their efficiency for prophylaxis of massive hepatic necrosis. Research results showed that application of the vitamins on the basis of rapeseed oil promoted the support of structural properties of hepatic cells that proved their higher antioxidant efficiency in comparison with synthetic vitamin analogues
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Клинико-морфологическое проявление и эпизоотическая характеристика гемофилезной плевропневмонии у поросят-сосунов и отъемышей в зимний период в условиях свинокомплекса
Zhukov, A.I. | Luppova, I.M. | Kurishko, O.M. | Fedotov, D.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Lazovskaya, A.V., Agricultural Production Co-operative Uritskoe (Gomel region, Belarus)
Analysis of national studies and literary sources on problems of haemophilus pleuropneumoniae of swine was realized in the conditions of the republic of Belarus. Research was realized in the conditions of Agricultural Production Co-operative Uritskoe (Gomel region, Belarus). It was established that medical actions gave positive result only at early stages of disease.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Структурно-функциональные особенности органов иммуногенеза и сычуга у новорожденных телят-гипотрофиков
Tumilovich, G.A. | Malashko, V.V., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
Development principal cause antenatal oligotrophy at young animals are infringements of feeding norms of pregnant animal, exchange processes and, as consequence occurs hypoxia and fetus toxicosis. Congenital oligotrophy at calves is accompanied hypoplasia of many vital bodies and systems, especially digestive and immune that is shown by secondary immune insufficiency which aggravates age immune deficiency. Decrease in immune reactance, in turn, oppresses erythropoiesis, arise gastroenteric pathology, and the current oligotrophy is aggravated. The work purpose is to study structurally functional features of spleen, lymph nodes, thymus and abomasum at newborn calves with signs of antenatal hypoplasia, arising at unsatisfactory feeding and the maintenance of pregnant dry cows. During research it is established, that structurally functional changes of bodies have been found out in the deadborn and fallen calves in the first 7 days with various degree of antenatal hypoplasia of immunogenesis which testify to morphological immaturity and changes typical for phases of accidental transformations. During the same period occurs active morphogenesis of abomasum tissular components at hypotrophic calves which has the features that it is necessary to consider at the organization of feeding and young animals cultivation. Growth and development degree of lymphoid structures and calve abomasum closely correlating with the morphofunctional status of their organism. | Основной причиной развития антенатальной гипотрофии у молодняка являются нарушения норм кормления беременных животных, обменных процессов и, как следствие, происходит гипоксия и токсикоз плода. Врожденная гипотрофия у телят сопровождается недоразвитием многих жизненно важных органов и систем, особенно пищеварительной и иммунной, что проявляется вторичной иммунной недостаточностью, которая усугубляет возрастной иммунный дефицит. Снижение иммунной реактивности, в свою очередь, угнетает эритропоэз, возникают желудочно-кишечная патология, и усугубляется течение гипотрофии. Цель работы - изучить структурно-функциональные особенности селезенки, лимфатических узлов, тимуса и сычуга у новорожденных телят с признаками антенатального недоразвития, возникающие при неудовлетворительном кормлении и содержании стельных сухостойных коров. В ходе исследований установлено, что у мертворожденных и павших в первые 7 суток телят с различной степенью антенатального недоразвития были обнаружены структурно-функциональные изменения органов иммуногенеза, которые свидетельствуют о морфологической незрелости и изменениях, типичных для фаз акцидентальной трансформации. В этот же период происходит активный морфогенез тканевых компонентов сычуга телят-гипотрофиков, который имеет свои особенности, что необходимо учитывать при организации кормления и выращивания молодняка. Степень роста и развития лимфоидных структур и сычуга телят тесно кореллирует с морфофункциональным статусом их организма.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Влияние натрия тиосульфата и витамина С на морфологические показатели в органах иммунитета свиней при вакцинации их против сальмонеллеза, пастереллеза и стрептококкоза
Kazyuchits, M.V. | Prudnikov, V.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
As a result of realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus research it was revealed that application of immunostimulative drugs of sodium thyosulphate and vitamin С (ascorbic acid) in combination with a vaccine against salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and streptococcosis of pigs promoted the statistically authentic increasing of leukocytes, absolute quantity of T- and B-lymphocytes content in peripheral blood. Also, it promoted the activation of phagocytic activity and digested ability of neutrophils; activization of mieloblastic hemopoiesis and decreasing of erythrocytopoiesis; activization of morphological reactions in a tissue at a place of administration of the vaccine, lymphatic nodules and spleen. | Проведенные исследования показали, что применение иммуностимуляторов натрия тиосульфата и витамина С с вакциной против сальмонеллеза, пастереллеза и стрептококкоза свиней способствует статистически достоверному повышению в периферической крови содержания лейкоцитов, абсолютного количества Т- и В-лимфоцитов, активизации фагоцитарной активности и перевариваемой способности нейтрофилов; активизации миелобластического кроветворения и снижению эритропоэза; активизации морфологических реакций в ткани на месте введения вакцины, лимфоузлах и селезенке.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Сканирующая электронная микроскопия как способ оценки иммуногенности и реактогенности противовирусных вакцин
Gromov, I.N. | Prudnikov, V.S. | Gukov, F.D., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Skrotskaya, K.V., Research Inst. of Physical and Chemical Problems, Minsk (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus by means of application of a scanning electron microscopy there was realized a morphological assessment of the efficiency of mono- and associated antiviral vaccines. It is shown, that analyzed biological preparations invoke in poultry a number of structural disorders among which it is possible to mention both immunomorphological changes, and pathomorphological processes. The highest reactogenicity was showed by of monovaccines against infectious bronchitis (produced by Research Institute of Animal Protection, Russia); infectious laryngotracheitis (Institute of Experimental Veterinary of S.N.Vyshelesskij, Belarus); and also an associated vaccine against infectious bronchitis, infectious bursal disease and Newcastle disease (Research Institute of Animal Protection, Russia). These vaccines caused essential structural disorders in tissues at a place of administration, liver and kidneys. Administration of the vaccine against infectious bursal disease and associated vaccines against infectious bronchitis, infectious bursal disease, infectious laryngotracheitis and Newcastle disease (Institute of Experimental Veterinary of S.N.Vyshelesskij) strengthened the processes of lymphatization in fabricic bursa. All studied biological products caused activization of morphological reorganization of immune apparatus of a spleen and did not render essential influence on thymus structure. | С использованием сканирующей электронной микроскопии проведена морфологическая оценка эффективности моно- и ассоциированных противовирусных вакцин. Показано, что указанные биопрепараты вызывают в организме птиц ряд структурных нарушений, среди которых можно выделить как иммуноморфологические изменения, так и патоморфологические процессы. Наибольшую реактогенность проявляли моновакцины против инфекционного бронхита кур (ФГУ ВНИИЗЖ, Россия), инфекционного ларинготрахеита (ИЭВ им. С.Н. Вышелесского), а также ассоциированная вакцина против ИБК, инфекционной бурсальной болезни и болезни Ньюкасла (ФГУ ВНИИЗЖ, Россия), которые вызывали существенные структурные нарушения в ткани на месте введения, печени и почках. Использование вакцины против ИББ и ассоциированной вакцины против ИБК, ИББ, ИЛТ и БН (ИЭВ им. С.Н. Вышелесского) усиливало процессы лимфатизации в фабрициевой бурсе. Все изучаемые биопрепараты вызывали активизацию морфологической перестройки иммунного аппарата селезенки и не оказывали существенного влияния на структуру тимуса.
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