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Plasma Trace Mineral Concentration of Kutuchi Camels.
Shukla, M.K. | Siddiquee, G.M. | Latifand, A. | Parekar, S.S.
The present study reports the concentration of Copper, Zinc, Iron and Manganese in the blood plasma of male kutchi camels during their breeding season. The respective concentrations of the plasma trace minerals were 112.94 ±O.44, 105.65±2.08, 117.65±1.72 and 160.29±0.75 µ/dl.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Changes in some factors of the innate immunity and serum zinc and iron concentrations in pigs following intravenous administration of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide
Andonova, M. | Borissov, I. | Sotirov, L. (Thracian Univ., Zagora (Bulgaria). Veterinary Medicine Faculty)
The effect of ethanol on zinc, calcium and copper concentrations of tissues in rats
Lee, K.W. | Lee, H.B. (Kyongbuk National Univ., Taegu (Korea R.). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
This study was designed in order to clarify the effect of ethanol drinking on the mineral contents on liver, kidney, muscle and hair. Forty-five rats were divided into 2 groups and a control group. The control group received tap water and the other 2 groups were given 8 % and 40 % ethanol as drinking source. Liver, kindney, muscle and hair samples were taken and analyzed for zinc, calcium and copper contents by atomic absorption spectrophotometric methods. The zinc content of muscle showed significant (P0.01) decrease in both groups. The calcium content of hair showed significant (P0.1) increase in 8 % ethanol group. The copper contents of kidney and muscle in 8 % ethanol group and liver in 40 % ethanol group showed significant (P0.1) decrease
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Hepatic and renal concentrations of copper and other trace elements in hippopotami (Hippopotamus amphibius L.) living in and adjacent to the Kafue and Luangwa rivers in Zambia
Mwase, M. (Zambian Univ., Lusaka (Zambia). Samora Machel Veterinary Medicine School of Medicine) | Almli, B. | Sivertsen, T. | Musonda, M.M. | Flaoyen, A.
Serum- and bone-mineral status of ostriches with tibiotarsal rotation
Bezuidenhout, A.J. | Soley, J.T. (Pretoria Univ., Onderstepoort (South Africa). Dept. of Anatomy) | Burger, W.P. | Reyers, F.
Качество спермы и естественная резистентность быков-производителей при использовании новых премиксов
Karpenya, S.L., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Determination of the influence of new premixes on sperm quality and natural resistance of sire bulls during winter and summer periods was realized in the conditions of the republic of Belarus. Application of the developed vitamin and mineral additive in rations of sire bulls in course of winter and summer periods made it possible to increase their natural resistance, that was proved by the 7,2-8,8% increasing of the bactericidal activity of blood serum indicators, 0,6% increasing of lysozymic activity of blood serum, and 3,3-5,1% increasing of the phagocytic ability of leukocytes. There was determined the possibility to increase sire bull sperm quality during different year periods by means of application of the enhanced doses of vitamins and trace elements. As a result, the ejaculate volume increased on 7,4-2,4%, concentration of male germ cells in ejaculate on - 6,3-7,8%, sperm activity - on 6,7-7,3%, and also there was stated the decrease of spoilage percent of sperm production. Results of the industrial testing have confirmed efficiency of use of the recommended vitamin and mineral additive and calculated on its basis premixes. Its application made it possible to increase the quality of bull of sperm production on 3,6-10,8%
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ветеринарно-санитарная оценка продуктов убоя овец при применении различных форм препаратов цинка
Kurdeko, A.P. | Kovalenok, Yu.K. | Matsinovich, A.A. | Golub', A.A. | Nikolaenko, S.A. | Pakhomov, P.I. | Bondar, T.V. | Bogomoltsev, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There were studied the veterinary-sanitary indicators of sheep slaughter products in the conditions of application of microcelements in various forms. Studying of the influence chelate forms of microelements on quality of cattle-breeding production is spent in comparison with preparations in which microelements are in a kind of salts. As a model preparation, for studying of chelate influence on quality of cattle-breeding production used of the chelate zinc form - Tsinkovet. Results of research show, that use of chelate and inorganic forms of zinc does not reduce high quality of received production. Meat of sheep of trial groups on organoleptic, bacteriological and physical and chemical indicators, and also biological value and harmlessness is characterized as good-quality and corresponds to veterinary-sanitary requirements. In tables results of physical and chemical researchs of meat, its biological value and harmlessness are presented. | Целью исследований явилось изучение ветеринарно-санитарных показателей продуктов убоя овец при назначении им микроэлементов в различных формах. Изучение влияния хелатных форм микроэлементов на качество животноводческой продукции проведено в сравнении с препаратами, в которых микроэлементы находятся в виде солей. В качестве модельного препарата, для изучения влияния хелатов на качество животноводческой продукции использовали хелатную форму цинка - Цинковет. Результаты исследований показывают, что использование хелатных и неорганических форм цинка не снижает доброкачественности получаемой продукции. Мясо овец опытных групп по органолептическим, бактериологическим и физико-химическим показателям, а также биологической ценности и безвредности характеризуется как доброкачественное и соответствует ветеринарно-санитарным требованиям. В таблицах представлены результаты физико-химических исследований мяса, его биологическая ценность и безвредность.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Изменения биохимического статуса коров при применении комплексной добавки в сухостойный период
Abramov, S.S. | Grigorchik, M.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was studied the preventive efficiency of various forms of a complex additive Felutsen against polymicroelementoses of calf-bearing dry cows and its influence on some of biochemical blood indexes. Research results proved high prophylactic efficacy of various forms of the additive Felutsen against polyhypomicroelementoses of calf-bearing dry cows. Restoration of a microelement homeostasis of cows made it possible to normalize the functional activity of liver, to prevent development renal insufficiency and dystrophic changes in bone tissue. The most expressed metabolic changes in blood of calf-bearing dry cows were stated after application of the carbohydrate-mineral additive Felutsen-briquette universal. There was given the analysis of structure of studied forms of complex additive Felutsen; indexes of trace element metabolism in cows; indexes of protein metabolism and level of nonprotein nitrogen; indexes of blood characterizing the functional condition of liver and carbohydrate metabolism of cows; indexes of trace element metabolism in cows after the termination of application of the additive.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Влияние монокальцийфосфата и микроэлементов в рационе племенных бычков на их рост, качество и количество спермопродукции
Lantsov, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus it was determined that application of monocalcium phosphate in a dose of 10 gram per 1 kilogram of mixed fodder and specified doses of trace elements (cuprum; zink; cobalt; manganese; iodine) in diets of growing pedigree bull calves made it possible to increase indices of body weight of young cattle stock of the third experimental group in comparison with animals of the first and the second groups on 18,3 and 11 kg or respectively on 3,9 and 2,3%; as well as to increase the intensity of their growth. The highest daily average live weight gain was noted at animals of the third experimental group – 1062 grams. It was higher than at bull calves of the first and the second groups respectively on 31,3 and 12,8 grams, or on 3 and 1,2%. Application of monocalcium phosphate in a dose of 10 gram per 1 kilogram of mixed fodder favorably affected the formation of desirable type of sexual behavior and indices of semen production quality. Thus, in the third experimental group in comparison with animals of the first and the second groups the volume of ejaculate was on 0,2 and 0,1 ml higher (or on 5,8 and 2,9%); quantity of sperm in ejaculate - on 0,7 and 0,3 billion, or on 35 and 15%.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Влияние лития на физиологическое состояние свиноматок и их репродуктивные качества
Tsikunova, O.G., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was determined the influence of different rates of lithium addition into mixed fodders for sows feeding on hematological indexes and their reproductive qualities. In course of the study there was analyzed the dynamics of body weight of sows over the reproductive period; indexes of productivity of sows (number of born piglets; weight of 1 piglet; litter weight; weight of weanling piglets; number of weanling piglets; etc.); hematological indexes of sows; state of humoral factors of immunity of sows. Research results showed that in case of lithium application in diets of sows there was stated an improvement of hematological indexes and immunity functions and resistance. The optimal level of lithium in rations was 15 milligram per 1 kilogram of dry matter of a diet. This dose essentially promoted the increasing of reproductive performance, piglets weight and milking capacity of sows as well as better viability of piglets.
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