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Immunohistochemical study on the atretic and the growing follicles after experimental superovulation in rats 1. Number of follicles by superovulation.
Kwak S.D.
Activity and application of 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in rat-(2)-Changes in activities of the splenic macrophages and ovarian histological findings.
Kang C.B. | Kwak S.D.
Gross and histomorphology of the ovary of Black Bengal goat (Capra hircus)
Haque A. | Haque Z. | Parvez M. N. H. | Quasem M. A.
Ovary plays a vitalrole in the reproductive biology andbiotechnology of female animals. In thisstudy, both the right and left ovaries ofthe Black Bengal goat were collected fromthe slaughter houses of different Thanasin the Mymensingh district. For each ofthe specimens, gross parameters such asweight, length and width were recorded.Then they were processed and stained withH&E for histomorphometry. This studyrevealed that the right ovary (0.53 ± 0.02g) was heavier than the left (0.52 ± 0.02 g).The length of the right ovary (1.26 ± 0.04cm) was lower than the left (1.28 ± 0.02cm) but the width of the right (0.94 ± 0.02cm) was greater than the left (0.90 ± 0.03cm). The diameter of ovarian follicles inthe cortex was measured as primordial 39.6± 6.61 µm, primary single layer 54.0 ± 4.06µm, primary multi-layer 147.6 ± 11.04 µm,secondary with C-shaped antrum 449.5 ±75.71 µm and graafian 1.3 ± 0.20 mm. Inthe graffian follicle, the thickness of thegranulosa cell layer was 79.2 ± 11.04 µm,theca interna 75.76 ± 6.82 µm, theca externa130.07 ± 12.53 µm and the oocyte diameterwas 109.8 ± 5.75 µm. These results will behelpful to manipulate ovarian functions insmall ruminants
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Association between calbindin-D28K and oogenesis in ovaries of chicken embryos in vitro
Inpanbutr, N.
The left ovary of chicken embryos was removed and incubated in culture medium with a thymidine analogue, bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), in vitro. In addition, fertile chicken eggs were injected with BrdU via the extraembryonic vessels and incubated for 24 hours. The ovaries were then processed for immunohistochemical localization of calbindin-D28K (a 28-kd vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein) and BrdU. Calbindin-D28K was detected in the germinal epithelium and in cells surrounding the oogonia and oocytes (future granulosa cells) of the embryonic chicken ovary. However, Brdu was observed in the nucleus of the oogonia and oocytes of the chicken embryonic ovaries. Comparison of the 2 adjacent sections, immunostained for calbindin-D28K and BrdU consecutively, indicated that BrdU, the marker for cell proliferation was not detected in calbindin-D28K-containing cells, namely, germinal epithelium and future granulosa cells, in the ovary of chicken embryos. These results suggested that calbindin-D28K-containing cells in the ovary were not in the process of cell division during the 24-hour incubation of chicken embryos.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Expression of calbindin-D28k in developing and growing ovaries of chicken embryos
Inpanbutr, N. | Taylor, A.N.
Immunoreactivity for 28 kd vitamin D-dependent calcium-binding protein (calbindin-D28k) has been localized in the germinal epithelium and cells surrounding oogonia and oocytes (future granulosa cells) of developing and growing ovaries of chicken embryos. The protein first appeared prominently in the germinal epithelium of the developing left ovary in 8-day embryos. At the twelfth day of incubation, cells surrounding oogonia and oocytes reacted intensely for calbindin-D28k. The number and intensity of calbindin-D28k-containing cells increased in both types of cells as the embryos further developed. Calbindin-D28k remained in the germinal epithelium throughout the study period observed (up to 10 weeks). However, the protein was present transiently in the future granulosa cells. It gradually decreased after hatching, and was virtually absent from granulosa cells in a 10-week old chicken. Compared with the known process of onset of sexual development, these results indicated possible involvement of calbindin-D28k in the early phases of oogenesis in chicken ovaries.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ultrasonographic appearance of the ovaries of dogs during the follicular and luteal phases of the estrous cycle
Wallace, S.S. | Mahaffey, M.B. | Miller, D.M. | Thompson, F.N. | Chakraborty, P.K.
Ultrasonography of the ovaries of 10 bitches was performed daily, using a 7.5-Mhz transducer with a built-in stand-off pad, from the onset of proestrus until the onset of metestrus. Ovarian size, shape, location, echogenicity, follicular development, and apparent ovulation were monitored. Blood samples were collected twice daily for luteinizing hormone determination and daily for progesterone determination. Vaginal smears were made daily for cytologic evaluation. Ultrasonograms were evaluated independent of hormonal and cytologic data, and the day of ovulation was noted. Initially, the ovaries were uniform and had an echogenicity that was equal to or slightly greater than that of the renal cortex. Follicles appeared as focal hypoechoic to anechoic rounded structures. Ovaries were easier to identify as follicular development progressed. Ovarian size increased with time. Apparent ovulation was characterized by a decrease in number of follicles seen from 1 day to the next, but 1 or more follicles remained in at least 1 ovary of 7 of 10 bitches. The ovaries had an oval shape that became rounded after ovulation. At some time after ovulation, all bitches had cystic (anechoic) structures indistinguishable from follicles. These structures increased in echogenicity and decreased in size with time and may have been follicles that did not ovulate, corpora hemorrhagica, fluid-filled corpora lutea, or cyctic luteinized follicles. Time of ovulation determined by ultrasonography paralleled that predicted on the basis of hormonal data in 9 of 10 bitches and with cytologic findings in all bitches.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Numerical and morphologic changes of ovarian follicles in each stage of estrus cycle in rats
Lee, Y.J. (Gyeongsang National University Hospital Institute of Animal Medicine, Chinju (Korea Republic). Department of Histopathology) | Kwak, S.D. (Gyeongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Necrotic oophoritis in heifers vaccinated intravenously with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus vaccine during estrus
Smith, P.C. | Nusbaum, K.E. | Kwapien, R.P. | Stringfellow, D.A. | Driggers, K.
Twenty-two Hereford heifers were injected IM with prostaglandin F2 alpha(a), 11 days apart to synchronize estrous cycles. Twelve of 14 heifers that had signs of estrus were inoculated IV with 1 of 3 modified-live infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus vaccines, and 2 were assigned to a nonvaccinated control group. Also, 6 of the 8 anestrous heifers were inoculated IV with 1 of the 3 vaccines on the fourth day after the last prostaglandin injection and the other 2 were assigned to the nonvaccinated group. Vaccine virus was isolated from the blood and nasal and vaginal secretions from the vaccinated heifers on postvaccination days 4, 7, and 9. On postvaccination day 9, all heifers were ovariectomized and ovarian tissues were processed for virus isolation and histologic examination. Vaccine virus was isolated from ovarian tissues of some heifers in each of the vaccine groups. Necrotic oophoritis characterized by multifocal areas of ovarian tissue necrosis, hemorrhage, and mononuclear lymphocytic infiltration was observed. The corpora lutea and surrounding ovarian tissues taken from vaccinated heifers in each group had varying amounts of necrotic and inflammatory change, but the changes appeared to be more severe in 1 group than in the other 2. Virus also was isolated from 2 of the controls; these heifers apparently became infected with vaccine virus that had been excreted from the vaccinated animals.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Morphological pathology of bovine ovarian abnormalities in correlation to uterine changes
Ahmed Khaled | El-Shaymaa El-Nahass | Mahmoud M. Hussien | Khalid A. El-Nesr
Female genital tracts of six to eight years Baladi cows (n=30) were collected from Belevia abattoir of Beni-Suef province during the period from March 2016 to May 2016 to investigate ovarian abnormalities and uterine changes in cattle based on histopathology. Prevalence rates of granulosa cell tumors were 26.67% and 38.89% in right and left ovaries, respectively. Follicular cysts could be detected in both ovaries with percentages of 50.0% and 44.44%, respectively. The most predominant pathological lesions in ovarian medulla were hyalinosis of blood vessels and mononuclear cell infiltration. The main uterine pathological alterations were endometritis associated with degenerative changes and necrosis in the endometrial linings in most cases (n=25), endometriosis (n=13). Variable degrees of congestion from moderate (n=25) to highly congested (n=5) were elucidated. Perivascular cuffing (n=2) and perivascular fibrosis (n=3) of uterine blood vessels could be detected. Immunohistochemically, granulosa cell tumors were positive to vimentin and negative to inhibin.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Histopathologic features, environmental factors, and serum estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin values associated with ovarian phase and inflammatory uterine disease in cats
Lawler, D.F. | Evans, R.H. | Reimers, T.J. | Colby, E.D. | Monti, K.L.
Forty-four female American Shorthair cats with inflammatory uterine disease or infertility were evaluated. Data collected included age, month of diagnosis, housing, reproductive history, results of bacteriologic culture of uterine specimens, serum concentrations of estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin and histopathologic features of the ovaries and uterus. Histologically, the ovaries of 19 cats were dominated by active or cystic follicles, whereas 25 cats had luteal-phase ovaries. Of the 25 cats with active corpora lutea, 20 had either recently weaned litters (n = 11) without subsequent exposure to a male cat, or had been housed individually for lengthy periods (n = 9). The finding of active corpora lutea under these circumstances indicates that in queens, ovulation may occur by mechanisms not involving coitus. Prominent, active corpora lutea on the ovaries were associated with adenomatotic proliferative changes in the superficial and glandular epithelium of the uterus and with myometrial hyperplasia, compared with the uterus of cats with follicular ovaries (P < 0.01). Serum progesterone concentration greater than or equal to 1.87 ng/ml was consistently associated with luteal-phase ovaries. Serum progesterone values less than or equal to 0.15 ng/ml were consistently associated with follicular-phase ovaries. Escherichia coli was the organism most commonly isolated from uterine contents.
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