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Evaluation of health and ruminal variables during adaptation to grain-based diets in beef cattle.
Leedle J.A.Z. | Coe M.L. | Frey R.A.
Health and ruminal variables were intensively measured during adaptation to grain-based diets in 6 beef cattle with fistulated rumens. The cows had been maintained on prairie grass hay-supplemented diets, and were converted to a grain-based finishing ration by feeding each successive diet (diets 1-4, respectively) for a period of 7 days. Each cow was evaluated and samples were obtained 3 times each day for the first 5 days that each diet was fed. Health variables monitored were rectal temperature, pulse, respiratory and rumen motility rates, fecal consistency, demeanor, blood pH, and blood glucose and L(+) lactate concentrations. Ruminal variables monitored were pH and glucose, DL-lactate, and volatile fatty acid concentrations of rumen contents. Data were analyzed by use of a multivariate ANOVA. We determined that most of the health variables were within reference rang limits throughout the adaptation period; however, analysis of pulse and respiratory rates indicated that diets 2 and 4 were stressful. Although blood pH continually decreased during feeding of the 4 diets (7.38 to 7.30), blood L(+) lactate and glucose concentrations had large increases only within diet 4. The pH of ruminal contents decreased progressively from 6.8 to 5.3. Rumen glucose concentration was low (< 1 micromole/ml), except with diet 4 in which values were 8 times higher than for other diets. By the end of the study, the ruminal contents of all animals were acidic (pH < 5.5), and, on the basis of higher than background amounts of ruminal glucose and DL-lactate, it was determined that rumen microbial equilibrium had not yet been achieved. Analysis of results of this study suggested that ruminal imbalance could be evaluated by monitoring pulse and respiratory rates, blood pH, and blood glucose concentrations. Assessment of the rumen alone could be accomplished by monitoring the variables of rumen pH, rumen glucose, and DL-lactate concentrations.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of monensin and supplemental hay on ruminal 3-methylindole formation in adult cows after abrupt change to lush pasture.
Potchoiba M.J. | Carlson J.R. | Nocerini M.R. | Breeze R.G.
The effect of feeding monensin, with or without dry hay plus wilted forage, on ruminal formation of 3-methylindole (3MI) was investigated in pastured cattle. Eighty-two cows were allotted to 3 groups. Cows of group-1 served as controls and were given a daily energy supplement (1 kg/head) without monensin for 1 day before and for 7 days after being allowed access to lush pasture. Cows of groups 2 and 3 were given the same daily energy supplement, which also contained monensin (200 mg/kg of supplement). Cows of group 3 also were fed dry hay for 5 days before the start of the study and continued to be given supplemental hay for 4 days after being allowed access to lush pasture containing a layer of wilted forage. Ruminal 3MI and indole concentrations increased on day 1 after all groups were allowed access to lush pasture. By day 7, 3MI concentration in all cows had decreased to pregrazing concentration. Indole concentration did not reach pregrazing concentration until day 10 for cows of groups 1 and 2. Group-3 cows had pregrazing indole concentration on day 7. Ruminal indole concentration did not differ (P > 0.05) between groups 1 and 2. Ruminal indole concentration was lower (P < 0.01) in group-3 cows on all sample collection days, except day 10, compared with that in the other groups. Monensin reduced (P < 0.01) 3MI formation on days 1 and 7 in group-2 cows, compared with group-1 cows. Group-3 cows had lower 3MI concentration than did group-1 cows (P < 0.01) on days -1, 1, 4, and 7. Monensin, when fed with dry hay and wilted forage, reduced (P < 0.01) 3MI formation on days 4 and 7 in group-3 cows, compared with cows that were only given monensin (group 2). Group-3 cows also had lower (P < 0.05) 3MI concentration, compared with group-2 cows on day 1. Results indicated that monensin reduced ruminal formation of 3MI. Feeding dry hay and wilted forage to cattle during the change to lush pasture resulted in further reduction in the amount of 3MI formed by ruminal microorganisms. To maximize the effectiveness of monensin in reducing 3MI formation, dry hay plus wilted forage should be fed to pastured cattle for at least 4 days after they are allowed access to lush pasture.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Efficacy test of sustained-release somatotropin by implantation in steer, cow and barrow
Kim, N.J., Hyechon University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Sixteen steers were used to investigate the efficacy of the sustained-release implant of bovine somatotropin (bST) in improving growth and feed:gain ratio during 12 weeks. Administration of the 400 mg bST implant resulted in a 16.1% increase in growth rate, and this increase was significant (p less than .05). The use of the sustained-release implant did not alter (p greater than .05) feed intake and feed:gain ratio. Thirty-four cows were used to investigate the efficacy of the sustained-release implant of bST in milk production during 4 weeks. Administration of the 200 mg bST implant resulted in an 8.7% increase in milk production, and this increase was significant (p less than .05). Twenty-four barrows were used to investigate the efficacy of the sustained-release implant of porcine somatotropin (pST) in improving growth, feed:gain ratio and backfat thickness during 6 weeks. Administration of the 120 mg pST implant resulted in a 11.4% increase in feed:gain ratio and a 60% decrease in backfat thickness, and these results were significant (p less than .05). But the use of the sustained-release implant did not alter (p greater than .05) growth rate and feed intake.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Radioecological investigation of food of animal origin in Belgrade environment
Gordana, V., Belgrade Univ. (Serbia) | Svetlana, G. | Branislava, M. | Milan, O. | Branko, P.
The activity concentrations of sup(40)K, sup(238)U, sup(232)Th and sup(137)Cs were measured using gamma spectrometric method in different food chain samples from Serb Belgrade environment during the periods May-June 2007 and May-June 2008 year. Relatively high activities of sup(40)K and sup(137)Cs were detected in the soil. These results indicate that sup(137)Cs is present in Belgrade environment even 20 years after nuclear accident in Chernobyl. However, in the samples of feedstuffs, animal products and bio indicators (meat of wild animals and fish), activity concentrations of primordial radionuclides and sup(137)Cs were low and below the detection limits. Results of these trials have shown that investigated animal products from the natural environment around Belgrade, are radioactivity safe.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of addition of herbs on in vitro digestibility of feed with rumen liquor of goat.
Mir, Ishtiyak A. | Kumar, Ravindra | Sharma, R.K. | Barman, K.
The effect of addition of Melia azedarach (fruit), Pimpinella anisum (seed), Cuminum cyminum linn (seed), Murraya koenigii (leaves), Emblica officinalis (fruit), Allium sativum linn (bulb), Terminalia arjuna (bark), Sapindus trifoliatus (seed), Zingiber officinale (rhizome), Trigonella foenun-graecum (seed) at three dose level (1.5%, 2.0% and 3.0% of DM) on pH, dry matter and organic matter digestibility of feed was studied with rumen liquor of goat. There was no significant change in the in vitro fluid pH, showing no adverse effect of herb addition. The addition of all the herbs at 1.5% level had no significant (P 0.05) effect on in vitro dry matter and organic matter digestibility. There was slight improvement in dry matter and organic matter digestibility with the addition of Trigonella foenungraecum at 2% level as compared to control. At 3% level of addition of this herb, there was significant (P 0.05) increase in the in vitro dry matter digestibility (%) with Trigonella foenun-graecum (51.97) as compared to control (43.95). Similarly there was significant (P 0.05) increase in the in vitro organic matter digestibility (%) with Trigonella foenun-graecum (54.95) as compared to control (46.87) having with no addition of herbs. So Trigonella foenun-graecum (seed) at 3% dose level can be further explored in in vivo experiment to utilize it as a feed additive to increase the digestibility of feed in goats.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of administration with fat-free diet and dietary iron on polyunsaturated fatty acid, vitamin E and their derivatives in male rats
Huh, R.S. | Kim, Y.H. | Do, J.C. | Lee, Y.H. | Choi, Y.S. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Kim, S.H. (Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Taejon (Korea Republic))
Effect of orally administrated fluids in artificially dehydrated ruminant
Kang, D.M. | Yang, I.S. | Lee, I.S. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
An observation on the contents of nutrient, fatty acid and changes of lipid peroxide in different storaged commercial pet foods for dogs and cats
Aoki, H. (Nihon University, Mishima (Japan). Faculty of International Relations) | Takes, S. (School of Veterinary Medicine Nihon University, Kanagawa (Japan). Department of Preventive Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health) | Lee, W.C. (KonKuk University, Seoul (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine)
A survey on the lead contents of feedstuffs produced in Korea
Lee, H.B. (Kyongbuk National Univ., Taegu (Korea R.). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
Present study was undertaken in order to evaluate the lead contents of various feedstuffs produced in Korea and the effect of the burning of gasoline by automobiles on the lead contents. Ninty-one samples near and 95 far road were collected from 9 regions(Do). All of the samples were washed, dry-ashed and analyzed for lead content using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The mean values obtained were checked for significance of difference using computer. The lead content in micro g/g of agriculture-byproducts were measured with the following mean values and ranges (in parenthesis). Rice bran:2.07+-1.67 (0-5.00), rice hull : 1.84+-1.18 (0-3.71), rice straw:1.27+-1.09(0-3.62), soybean pod; 4.55+-3.13 (1.13+-10.43), and wheat bran: 1.69+-0.86 (0-3.65). The lead content in micro g/g of pasture plants were measured with the following mean values and ranges. Kudzu:2.71+-1.74 (0.38+-8.75), leed: 2.03+-1.61 (0-4.54), lespedeza:4.73+-5.93 (0-31.25), sagebrush: 4.08+-3.75 (0-12.18), Korean-grass: 2.11+-1.38 (0-5.50), maizestalk: 2.62+-2.35 (0-8.65), clover: 3.83+-2.97 (0-12.19), alfalfa: 7.14+-0.97 (4.46-9.25), and timothy: 5.86+-4.79 (0-9.25). Fourteen samples (22.2%) out of 63 agriculture-byproduct samples and 42 (34.2%) out of 123 pasture plant samples showed lead content of more than 3 micro g/g which are said to be the upper limit value for cattle. No significant difference between the mean lead contents of near road, and those of far road was recorgnized. The regional mean values for all kinds of samples collected in Kyungbuk and Kyungnam were significantly (p0.05, p0.10) higher compared to those in Chungnam and Chejudo. From these results it may be concluded that the buring of gasoline by automobiles did not affect the lead contentes of washed feedstuffs produced in Korea at present
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Переваримость питательных веществ и обмен энергии у молодняка крупного рогатого скота в зависимости от кормового фактора
Lemeshevskij, V.O., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were analyzed the efficiency of 13-18-month old young stock of cattle bred for meat in the conditions of various energy value nutrition levels with the determination of nutrients intake of a diet. It was established that use of rations with various level of metabolic energy and protein breakage rendered the positive influence on nutrient digestibility of rations. This made it possible to improve the digestibility of dry and organic substances, nitrogen-free extractive substances and fibre at the bull calves which were fed with 63% of cleavable protein, as well as to increase the metabolic energy up to 10% in the ration, surpassing the control indexes respectively on 3.1; 2.5; 2.8; and 2.9 items. Adjournment from the acquired nitrogen considerably increased and made up to 64-70%. Productivity of fattening young cattle stock made it possible to obtain 977.7-1011.0 gram of live weight gain. As a result, the growth energy was stated at the level of 15,90-17,33 МJ in the conditions of conversion of metabolic energy into growth of 13,81-14,26% and expenses of metabolic energy of the ration per 1 MJ in live weight gain of 4,72-5,46 MJ.
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