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Impact of early castration and health status on the performance of Holstein-Friesian and beef crossbred calves
Wielgosz-Groth, Zofia | Sobczuk-Szul, Monika | Nogalski, Zenon | Purwin, Cezary | Pogorzelska-Przybyłek, Paulina | Winarski, Rafał
Introduction: This article presents the analysis of the correlation between the category and health status of calves and the results of their rearing and levels of selected blood parameters.Material and Methods: The study included 105 Polish Holstein-Friesian and beef (Limousine, Charolaise and Hereford) crossbred calves. Young bulls were purchased at the age of two to four weeks. The animals underwent quarantine, were dehorned, and 46 young bulls were castrated. The germ horns were removed by burning out. Castration was carried out with a bloodless method using a rubber band. The calves were kept in groups and fed a milk replacer administered via teats from automated milk-feeding stations. After the period of milk feeding, the calves were fed grass silage ad libitum and a concentrate at 2.5 kg/animal/day. The calves were weighed every two weeks. Blood for analyses was sampled at 43 d of age.Results: After the rearing period finished at the age of six months, young bulls and steers had similar body weights (176.17 and 176.55 kg) and approximate average daily weight gains from birth (0.756 and 0.767 g/day). The healthy calves at six months of age weighed 180.47 kg, whereas the animals which at least once suffered from some diseases during rearing were lighter by approx. 30 kg (P ≤ 0.01). A statistically significant (P ≤ 0.01) difference was found for the count of red blood cells and white blood cells. In comparison with healthy individuals, the diseased animals had less RBC (8.33 and 9.42 10¹²/L respectively) and more WBC (27.03 and 12.26 10⁹/L respectively).Conclusion: Castration of young bulls did not have any impact on the results of rearing and health status of the calves. The magnitude of the analysed parameters depended on the health status of the calves. Thus RBC and WBC parameters may be used to predict the health status of calves during rearing.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Diet supplementation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae influences the electrophoretic parameters in blood in young Charolaise bulls
Arfuso Francesca | Giannetto Claudia | Pennisi Melissa | Giudice Elisabetta | Piccione Giuseppe | Gianesella Matteo | Zumbo Alessandro
The objective of the research was to investigate the effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplementation on some acute-phase proteins, haptoglobin and all electrophoretic parameters in young Charolaise bulls.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Impact of meloxicam on respiratory virus titers and health outcomes when administered concurrently with a modified live respiratory vaccine in abruptly weaned beef steers
Homerosky, Elizabeth R. | Jelinski, Michael J. | Dorin, Craig
Abruptly weaned crossbred steer calves (N = 271) were used in a randomized, blinded 2-arm clinical trial to assess the impact of a long-acting non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on bovine herpesvirus type 1, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus type 3, and coronavirus titers and health outcomes when administered concurrently with a modified live respiratory vaccine upon arrival at a feedlot. Treatment groups included a control (saline; n = 135) and an experimental group (injectable meloxicam; n = 136). Viral antibody titers and body weight were measured on arrival, day 7, and day 21, along with a final weight on day 45. Body weight and antibody titers for all viruses increased over time (P < 0.001); however, there were no differences by treatment group or a significant group × time interaction when evaluated using repeated measures analysis of variance. Interestingly, the use of meloxicam was associated with increased treatment risk (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the administration of meloxicam may adversely affect health; however, a decreased vaccine response is likely not a contributing factor.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Clinical disease and lung lesions in calves experimentally inoculated with Histophilus somni five days after metaphylactic administration of tildipirosin or tulathromycin
Confer, Anthony W. | Snider, Timothy A. | Taylor, Jared D. | Montelongo, Marie | Sorensen, Nicholas J.
OBJECTIVE To compare clinical disease and lung lesions in calves experimentally inoculated with Histophilus somni 5 days after metaphylactic administration of tildipirosin or tulathromycin. ANIMALS Twenty-four 3-month-old Holstein and Holstein-crossbreed steers. PROCEDURES Calves were randomly allocated to 3 groups of 8 calves. On day 0, calves in group 1 received tildipirosin (4 mg/kg, SC), calves in group 2 received tulathromycin (2.5 mg/kg, SC), and calves in group 3 received isotonic saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (1 mL/45 kg, SC; control). On day 5, calves were inoculated with 10 mL of a solution containing H somni strain 7735 (1.6 × 109 CFUs/mL, intrabronchially; challenge). Calves were clinically evaluated on days 5 through 8 and euthanized on day 8. The lungs were grossly evaluated for evidence of pneumonia, and bronchial secretion samples underwent bacteriologic culture. RESULTS The mean clinical score for each group was significantly increased 12 hours after challenge, compared with that immediately before challenge, and was significantly lower for tildipirosin-treated calves on days 6, 7, and 8, compared with those for tulathromycin-treated and control calves. The mean percentage of lung consolidation for tildipirosin-treated calves was significantly lower than those for tulathromycin-treated and control calves. Histophilus somni was isolated from the bronchial secretions of some tulathromycin-treated and control calves but was not isolated from tildipirosin-treated calves. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated that metaphylactic administration of tildipirosin to calves 5 days prior to H somni challenge prevented subsequent culture of the pathogen from bronchial secretions and was more effective in minimizing clinical disease and lung lesions than was metaphylactic administration of tulathromycin.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Discrimination of healthy versus sick steers by means of continuous remote monitoring of animal activity
Smith, Jacqueline L. | Vanzant, Eric S. | Carter, Craig N. | Jackson, Carney B.
OBJECTIVE To test a unique electronic ear tag designed to collect movement data to determine whether physical activity of sick steers differed from that of healthy steers. ANIMALS 206 steers. PROCEDURES Physical activity in 2 groups of steers during November and December of 2010 (101 steers; the tag of 1 steer failed, and thus that steer was removed from the study, which resulted in data for 100 steers) and 2011 (105 steers) was monitored with an electronic ear tag device with an on-board triple-axis accelerometer. The accelerometer recorded motion in all 3 axes in the form of counts per minute. A radio-frequency transmitter on the ear tag delivered serial packets of motion data to a local server. An algorithm was developed to analyze the activity data to determine whether this technique could be used to assess health status with high accuracy. RESULTS Steers that became sick had significantly fewer activity counts (approx 25% fewer), compared with the activity counts of steers that remained healthy the entire time. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE In this study, automated detection of health status in growing cattle was feasible through remote monitoring of animal activity. Early identification of sick animals should lead to improved health outcomes, increased marketability, and improved animal well-being and help to minimize the use of antimicrobials that could contribute to resistant bacteria.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Computed tomographic evaluation to determine efficacy of euthanasia of yearling feedlot cattle by use of various firearm-ammunition combinations
Thomson, Daniel U. | Wileman, Benjamin W. | Rezac, Darrel J. | Miesner, Matt D. | Johnson-Neitman, Jennifer L. | Biller, David S.
Objective—To evaluate with CT the efficacy of various combinations of firearms and ammunitions to penetrate and disrupt the brain tissue of cadaveric heads of feedlot steers. Sample—42 fresh cadaveric heads of 12- to 18-month-old Bos taurus steers. Procedures—For each of 7 combinations of firearms and ammunitions (.22-caliber rifle firing a long rifle 30-grain plated lead solid- or hollow-point round, .223-caliber carbine firing a 50-grain ballistic-tip round, 9-mm pistol firing a 124-grain total metal jacket round, .45-caliber automatic Colt pistol [ACP] firing a 230-grain full metal jacket round, and 12-gauge shotgun firing a 2.75-inch 1.25-ounce No. 4 birdshot shell or a 1-ounce rifled slug), 6 cadaveric heads were shot at an identical distance (3 m), angle, and anatomic location. Heads were scanned with third-generation CT, and images were evaluated to determine extent of penetration, projectile fragmentation, cranial fracture, and likelihood of instantaneous death (≥ 30% destruction of brain tissue or a brainstem lesion). Results—41 of 42 skulls were penetrated by the projectile. Instantaneous death was considered a likely consequence for 83% (25/30) of heads shot with a rifle-fired .22-caliber solid-point round, pistol-fired .45-caliber ACP round, carbine-fired .223-caliber round, and shotgun-fired birdshot and slug. Of the 18 heads shot with pistol-fired 9-mm and .45-caliber ACP rounds and rifle-fired .22-caliber hollow-point rounds, only 6 had brainstem lesions. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Results suggested that gunshots delivered by all firearm-ammunition combinations except rifle-fired .22-caliber hollow-point rounds and pistol-fired 9-mm rounds were viable options for euthanasia of feedlot cattle.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of skin samples for bovine viral diarrhea virus by use of reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction assay after vaccination of cattle with a modified-live bovine viral diarrhea virus vaccine
Corbett, Erik M. | Grooms, Dan | Bolin, Steven R.
Objective: To determine whether vaccine virus can be detected by use of reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR assays for pooled and individual skin samples obtained from cattle after vaccination with a commercially available modified-live bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) vaccine. Animals: 12 BVDV-seropositive steer calves and 7 BVDV-seronegative (antibody titer < 1:4) heifers; all cattle were free of persistent infection with BVDV. Procedures: 2 experiments were conducted. Cattle were vaccinated on day 0 with a commercially available modified-live BVDV vaccine. Skin samples were collected on days 0, 3 to 14, 16, and 18 for virus detection by use of RT-PCR assay on individual and pooled samples. In addition, blood samples and nasal swab specimens were collected for virus isolation. Results: All cattle, regardless of serologic status, had negative results for BVDV as determined by use of RT-PCR assay of individual and pooled skin samples. Virus was detected via virus isolation in serum or the buffy coat in 5 of 7 heifers that were seronegative when vaccinated. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: These findings indicated that it would be unlikely to detect BVDV vaccine virus in skin by use of RT-PCR assay of individual or pooled skin samples obtained from cattle after vaccination with a commercially available modified-live BVDV vaccine. Veterinarians and producers should be confident that positive test results for BVDV on skin samples would not likely be caused by the vaccination virus after administration of a modified-live virus vaccine.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The development of a novel percutaneous lung biopsy procedure for use on feedlot steers
Burgess, Brandy A. | Hendrick, Steve H. | Pollock, Colleen M. | Abutarbush, Sameeh M. | Vogstad, Amanda | Jim, G Kee | Booker, Calvin W.
The purpose of this study was to develop a percutaneous lung biopsy technique to be used on steers in a commercial feedlot setting. Thirty-four crossbred steer and heifer calves from a commercial feedlot in southern Alberta were used in this study. The calves originated from the auction market and all were chronically affected with bovine respiratory disease (BRD). A technique was developed to obtain a lung sample from the right cranioventral lung lobe, intercostal space (ICS) 2, using a manual or an automatic biopsy instrument with a 14- or 12-gauge (ga) biopsy needle. Overall, lung parenchyma was successfully harvested in 55.9% of experimental animals and in 55.0% of lung biopsy trials. Compared with postmortem diagnosis, the biopsy resulted in the same pathologic diagnosis for 75% of biopsy samples when evaluated using standardized criteria by the same veterinary pathologist. The success rate was 61.5% and 42.9% in a hospital or field setting, respectively. With an automatic instrument, lung was recovered from 57.9% and 37.5% of samples obtained using a 12- or 14-ga biopsy needle, respectively. One experimental animal or 2.9% of the total had fatal complications from the procedure. In a commercial feedlot setting, the procedure took 20 min for each animal. Percutaneous lung biopsy of the right cranioventral lung lobe may be a viable technique when used on feedlot steers affected with chronic pneumonia. These findings suggest that using an automatic instrument with either a 14- or 12-ga biopsy needle may yield lung samples that are suitable for histopathological evaluation. However, this technique needs to be further evaluated in a field setting.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Determination of lying behavior patterns in healthy beef cattle by use of wireless accelerometers
Robert, Bradley D. | White, Brad J. | Renter, David G. | Larson, Robert L.
Objective—To describe daily, hourly, and animal-to-animal effects on lying behavior in steers. Animals—25 crossbred beef steers. Procedures—Wireless accelerometers were used to record behavioral data for cattle housed in a drylot cattle research facility during two 20-day periods (winter 2007 [n = 10 steers] and spring 2008 [15]). Behavioral data were categorized into lying, standing, and walking behaviors for each time point recorded. Logistic regression models were used to determine potential associations between the percentage of time spent lying and several factors, including time (hour) of day, day of trial, and steer. Results—Lying behavior was significantly associated with hour of day, and a distinct circadian rhythm was identified. Steers spent > 55% of the time between 8:00 pm and 4:00 am lying and were most active (<30% lying behavior) during feeding periods (6:00 am to 7:00 am and 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm). Model-adjusted mean percentage of time spent lying was significantly associated with study day and was between 45% and 55% on most (27/40 [67.5%]) days. Lying behavior varied significantly among steers, and mean ± SD percentage of time spent lying ranged from 28.9 ± 6.1 % to 66.1 ± 6.6%. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Cattle had distinct circadian rhythm patterns for lying behavior, and percentage of time spent lying varied by day and among steers. Researchers need to account for factors that affect lying patterns of cattle (ie, time of day, day of trial, and individual animal) when performing research with behavioral outcomes.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Disposition of penicillin G after administration of benzathine penicillin G, or a combination of benzathine penicillin G and procaine penicillin G in cattle
Papich, M.G. | Korsrud, G.O. | Boison, J.O. | Yates, W.D.G. | MacNeil, J.D. | Janzen, E.D. | McKinnon, J.J. | Landry, D.A.
Plasma concentration of penicillin G was evaluated in beef steers after administration of either a combination of benzathine penicillin G and procaine penicillin G in a 1:1 mixture at a dosage of 9,000 U/ kg of body weight, IM (n = 5), 24,000 U/kg, IM (n = 5), or 8,800 U/kg, SC (n = 5), or benzathine penicillin G alone at a dosage of 12,000 U/kg, IM (n = 7). Plasma concentration of penicillin G was measured by use of a high-performance liquid chromatography assay that had a limit of determination of 0.005 micrograms/ml. At a dosage for this combination of 9,000 U/kg IM, and 8,800 U/kg, SC, which are approved label recommendations in Canada, and the United States, respectively, mean (+/- SEM) peak plasma concentration was 0.58 (+/- 0.15) and 0.44 (+/- 0.02) micrograms/ml, respectively. Although plasma penicillin concentration was quantifiable for 7 days in the steers that received 9,000 U/kg, IM, and for 4 days in the steers that received 8,800 U/kg, SC, the concentration was < 0.1 micrograms/ml in both groups after the first 12 hours. After administration of the combination at dosage of 24,000 U/kg, IM, there was an initial peak plasma concentration at approximately 2 hours; thereafter, plasma concentration decreased slowly, with half-life of 58 hours. Although plasma penicillin G concentration was quantifiable for 12 days at this dosage, concentration was < 0.1 micrograms/ml after the first 48 hours. After the initial 48 hours, plasma concentration of penicillin was of similar magnitude and decreased at similar rate for the combination at dosage of 24,000 U/ kg and for 12,000 U/kg of benzathine penicillin G alone. Most of the plasma penicillin G concentration in the first 24 hours after administration of a 1:1 combination of benzathine penicillin G and procaine penicillin G is attributable to absorption of procaine penicillin G. After the first 48 hours, most of the plasma drug concentration appeared to be produced by absorption of penicillin G from benzathine penicillin G. Absorption of benzathine penicillin G produces quantifiable plasma penicillin G concentrations for several days, but they are below the level of susceptibility for most bacteria.
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