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Noninvasive detection of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced gastropathy in dogs
Meddings, J.B. | Kirk, D. | Olson, M.E.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) are widely used for treatment of people and animals. Their use is limited by frequent side effects commonly involving the gastrointestinal tract, most important of which is development of ulcerating lesions principally in the stomach. Unfortunately, presence of such lesions is often unsuspected because clinical signs may be overlooked until a complication develops. We reported that such damage can be detected by measuring the increase in gastric permeability that is a hallmark of this condition. Sucrose is a novel probe molecule for determination of site-specific gastric permeability. As a disaccharide, it is large enough to be effectively excluded by the intact gastric epithelium, and because it is rapidly digested within the small intestine, absorption of the intact molecule implies damage proximal to this site. Recently, we found that increased sucrose permeability is useful in predicting presence of endoscopically relevant gastric damage in people. We extended these results to the detection of NSAID-induced gastropathy in dogs. Dogs treated with aspirin developed NSAID-induced gastropathy (including gastric ulceration), and the degree of endoscopically detectable damage correlated well with sucrose permeability. Furthermore, healing of these lesions could also be monitored by sequential measurements of sucrose permeability. Sucrose permeability decreased more rapidly than the disappearance of gastric ulcers, suggesting that this technique is more sensitive to generalized mucosal damage than is the presence of discrete, endoscopically visible ulceration. This was confirmed by creating artificial ulcers in the antrum and observing that sucrose permeability was not increased in this setting. We conclude that determination of increased sucrose permeability is a useful, noninvasive means of predicting presence of gastric damage in dogs treated with NSAID.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Radiographic assessment of gastric mucosal fold thickness in dogs
Jakovljevic, S. | Gibbs, C.
One hundred two dogs without known gastric lesions were evaluated to establish a reference range of gastric rugal fold thickness (millimeters). Mucosal folds were measureable for 63 examinations, and the length of the second lumbar vertebra was measured for 61 of the 63 (centimeters). Body weight was available in the case records of 29 dogs. Measurements of the mucosal folds were related to body weight (n = 29) and length of the second lumbar vertebra (n = 61) by use of linear regression analysis. Reference range of normal gastric mucosal fold thickness, 1 to 8 mm, was defined by this study for dogs of any breed weighing between 2 and 50 kg.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Abomasal erosions in feedlot cattle
Jensen, R. | Spraker, T.R. | Glock, R.D. | Jones, R.L. | Collins, J.K. | Flack, D.E. | Kerschen, R. | Hoff, R.L.
The abomasa of 1,949 slaughtered feedlot cattle, 45 necropsied feedlot cattle that died 2 to 45 days after arrival, and 45 necropsied pastured cattle were opened and examined. Of these organs, 484, 1, and none, respectively, contained erosions. The slaughtered cattle were fattened at 3 locations: 1,305 with 430 eroded abomasa were fed a ration of corn in northeastern Colorado; 144 cattle with 4 affected abomasa fed a ration of milo in south-central Arizona; and 500 cattle with 50 affected abomasa fed a ration of milo and corn in northwestern Texas. The redbrown lesions developed late during the second semester of fattening and were located mostly on fundic folds. Those on fold edges were linear and were 2 to 15 cm long, whereas those on fold sides were punctate and were 2 to 15 mm in diameter. Normal fold edges contained fewer goblet cells and less surface mucus than did fold sides. Eroded folds had disruption of surface epithelium, damage to endothelial cells, and dilated, thrombosed, congested, and ruptured capillaries. Mean pH values of 16 normal and 17 eroded abomasa were 4.7 and 3.9, respectively. Necrosis of all tissue toward the mucosal surface of erosions was extensive. The cause of gastric erosion in cattle is not known.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Prevalence of Anoplocephala perfoliata and lesions of Draschia megastoma in thoroughbreds in Kentucky at necropsy
Lyons, E.T. | Drudge, J.H. | Tolliver, S.C. | Swerczek, T.W. | Crowe, M.W.
prevalence of Anoplocephala perfoliata and lesions of Draschia megastoma in Thoroughbreds according to host age and month of necropsy
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cardiopulmonary responses to experimentally induced gastric dilatation in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs
Hodgson, D.S. | Dunlop, C.I. | Chapman, P.L. | Grandy, J.L.
Gastric dilatation was experimentally induced in 6 anesthetized dogs maintained with constant-dose isoflurane in oxygen. An intragastric balloon was used to distend the stomach with a constant 30 mm of Hg for 3.5 hours. The PaCO2, was maintained between 35 and 45 mm of Hg, using intermittent positive-pressure ventilation. Cardiopulmonary measurements prior to stomach distension (baseline) were compared with measurements taken during 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5, and 3.5 hours of stomach distension by analyzing the change from baseline in a randomized-block analysis with each dog as a block. After distending the stomach, cardiac index increased (P < 0.01) from 1.5 to 3.5 hours. Stroke volume did not change, thus the increase in the, cardiac index was attributable to an increase in heart rate. During inflation, increases were observed in systemic arterial, pulmonary arterial, and right atrial pressure. Respiratory frequency was unchanged; however, to maintain PaCO2, constant, it was necessary to progressively increase peak airway pressure. Although PaO2, tended to decrease during gastric dilation, the dogs were never hypoxemic. These results indicate that when our methods are used to maintain a constant anesthetic dose of isoflurane in oxygen, an observed increase in cardiovascular performance is expected. This differs from other studies in anesthetized dogs that have shown reduction in cardiovascular performance following gastric dilatation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Risk factors for abomasal volvulus and left abomasal displacement in cattle
Constable, P.D. | Miller, G.Y. | Hoffsis, G.F. | Hull, B.L. | Rings, D.M.
A hospital-based case-control study was conducted to evaluate and compare risk factors for abomasal volvulus (AV) and left displaced abomasum (LDA) in cattle. Medical record abstracts were derived from 17 North American veterinary schools by the Veterinary Medical Data Program for all cattle admitted between Jan 1, 1977 and Dec 31, 1986, and for those with a diagnosis of AV or LDA. From a total of 108,956 individual cattle records, 1,036 cases of AV and 7,695 cases of LDA were identified, with a ratio of LDA to AV cases of 7.4 to 1. In-hospital mortality was 23.5% for AV and 5.6% for LDA. Age, breed, gender, and season each had significant (P < 0.05) effects on risk for AV and LDA. Risk for AV and LDA increased with increasing age, with greater risk in cattle aged 4 to 7 years. Dairy cattle were at higher risk of developing AV (adjusted odds ratio, 36.4) and LDA (adjusted odds ratio, 95.2) than were beef cattle. The odds of AV in Brown Swiss cattle were significantly (P < 0.0001) lower, and the odds of LDA in Guernsey cattle were significantly (P < 0.0001) higher than those in Holstein cattle. Female cattle were also at higher risk of developing AV (adjusted odds ratio, 3.3) and LDA (adjusted odds ratio, 29.1) than were male cattle. The odds of AV and LDA varied considerably throughout the year, with the lowest number of cases observed in autumn. Seasonal development of AV differed significantly (P < 0.0001) from that Of LDA, with the odds of AV and LDA being highest in January and March, respectively. The medical records for all cattle with AV and LDA examined at the teaching hospital over a 10- and 5-year period, respectively, were reviewed, and the time interval since parturition, as well as the existence and nature of concurrent disease, were recorded. Proportionately fewer cases of AV than LDA developed during the first 2 weeks after parturition (28.3% of AV cases vs. 57.0% of LDA cases). Concurrent disease existed in 30.4% of AV cases and 53.6% of LDA cases, with the rates of concurrent disease differing significantly (P < 0.0001) between the 2 groups. The misclassification rate for data generated at the teaching hospital was estimated to be 6.5% for AV and 5.3% for LDA. On the basis of the findings of this study, we hypothesize that: abomasal atony is a prerequisite for AV and LDA; existence of an abdominal void immediately after parturition facilitates development of AV and LDA; normal rumen volume provides a moderately effective barrier against LDA; risk of LDA does not increase appreciably with advancing pregnancy; and the direction of abomasal displacement (AV or LDA) after abomasal atony and dilation is influenced principally by rumen volume.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Catarrhal proventriculitis associated with a filamentous organism in pet birds
Tsai, S.S. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan). Faculty of Veterinary Medicine) | Park, J.K. | Hirai, K. | Itakura, C.
Терапевтическая эффективность препаративных форм девясила высокого при стронгилоидозе и стронгилятозах желудочно-кишечного тракта овец
Gurskaya, I.V. | Tolkach, N.G. | Gurskij, P.D., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Skulovets, M.V., Pinsk State Agrarian Technological College (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there were studied the anthelminthic properties of preparative forms of elecampane (Inula helenium) (herbal infusion, tincture, liquid and dry extracts). Research results showed that the analyzed preparative forms in the administrated doses possesed high therapeutic efficiency against strongyloidosis and strongylatosis of gastroenteric path of sheep. Thus, according to results of research it was established, that the highest therapeutic effect rendered herbal infusion of elecampane in a dose of 6 ml/kg live weight once a day three days continuously; and the antiparasitic efficiency was 60%. Application of elecampane tincture in a dose of 1 ml/kg live weight once and 0,5 ml/kg of live weight twice rendered the 100% therapeutic effect. Administration of a liquid extract of elecampane in a dose of 0,2 ml/kg live of weight once and 0,1 ml/kg of live weight twice rendered 100% therapeutic effect. Application of elecampane dry extract in a dose of 30 mg/kg of live weight once and 25 mg/kg of live weight twice rendered 100% therapeutic effect.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Состояние и перспективы изучения язвенного абомазита у телят
Kurdeko, A.P. | Shabusov, N.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There was studied the ulcerous changes in a rennet stomach paries. The analysis of literary data has allowed to choose a way of reproduction of rennet stomach ulcer at calves by means of haemodynamic frustration of rennet stomach site. During experiment has been reproduced ulcer abomasit at 13 heifers. In the course of work the young growth of black-motley breed at the age of 1-2 months has been involved. Before operation to calves neuromuscular relaxant Rometar intramuscularly was entered. Then alcoholic narcosis on M.V.Plakhotin intravenously was entered. Belly cavity on a white line of stomach, receding from chondroxiphoid cartilage on 4-5 cm, was opened. A cut in length 10-12 cm was done. Through the formed aperture rennet stomach was taken, then on the big curvature gastroepiploic artery was found, into which by medical syringe through an insulinic needle was entered warmed up to 38 deg C the 8-% solution of sulfosalicylic acid in a dose of 5 ml. Changes from a serous cover of rennet stomach observed at once after introduction of acid solution. At first on an artery course rough spastic reductions of rennet stomach muscles have been noticed. After that, in the same place, there was anaemia of serous cover, then, stagnant hyperaemia. For the control of results in 3-5 weeks made the compelled slaughter of calves with the diagnostic purpose and found out rennet stomach ulcers of various size. Result of the given work is that the given method gives the chance to reproduce haemodynamic rennet stomach ulcer at calves of any age by means of 8% solution of sulfosalicylic acid. Thus, the experimental model of rennet stomach ulcer at the calves, caused by introduction of 8% solution of sulfosalicylic acid, is in the main similar to spontaneous disease. | Целью экспериментальной работы явилось изучение ульцерозных изменений в стенке сычуга. Анализ литературных данных позволил выбрать способ воспроизведения язвы сычуга у телят посредством гемодинамических расстройств участка сычуга. Во время эксперимента был воспроизведен язвенный абомазит у 13 телочек. В процессе работы был задействован молодняк крупного рогатого скота черно-пестрой породы в возрасте 1-2 месяцев. Перед операцией телятам вводили внутримышечно миорелаксант Рометар. Затем вводили внутривенно алкогольный наркоз по M.B. Плахотину. Брюшную полость вскрывали по белой линии живота, отступая от мечевидного хряща на 4-5 см. Делали разрез длиной 10-12 см. Через образовавшееся отверстие извлекали сычуг, затем находили на большой кривизне желудочно-сальниковую артерию, в которую шприцом через инсулиновую иглу вводили подогретый до 38 deg С 8-процентный раствор сульфосалициловой кислоты в дозе 5 мл. Изменения со стороны серозной оболочки сычуга наблюдали сразу же после введения раствора кислоты. Сначала по ходу артерии были замечены бурные спастические сокращения мышц сычуга. После этого, там же, возникала анемия серозной оболочки, затем, застойная гиперемия. Для контроля результатов через 3-5 недель производили вынужденный убой телят с диагностической целью и обнаруживали язвы сычуга различной величины. Результатом данной работы является то, что данный метод дает возможность воспроизводить гемодинамическую язву сычуга у телят любого возраста при помощи 8-процентного раствора сульфосалициловой кислоты. Таким образом, экспериментальная модель язвы сычуга у телят, вызванная введением 8-процентного раствора сульфосалициловой кислоты, в основных чертах сходна со спонтанным заболеванием.
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