AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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Résultats 1-10 de 10

Effect of epitendinous suture caliber on the tensile strength of repaired canine flexor tendons


Duff, Daniel J. | Chang, Yi-Jen | Fisher, Matthew B. | Chambers, Aidan R. | Moore, George E.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Comparison of tensile strength and time to closure between an intermittent Aberdeen suture pattern and conventional methods of closure for the body wall of dogs


Bula, Edyta | Upchurch, David A. | Wang, Yuheng | Chen, Sheng | Roccabianca, Sara

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Comparison of the mechanical characteristics of polymerized caprolactam and monofilament nylon loops constructed in parallel strands or as braided ropes versus cranial cruciate ligaments of cattle


Niehaus, Andrew J. | Anderson, David E. | Johnson, Jed K. | Lannutti, John J.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Holding power of orthopedic screws in the large metacarpal and metatarsal bones of calves


Blikslager, A.T. | Bowman, K.F. | Abrams, C.F. Jr | Seaboch, T.R. | Hunt, E.L.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effect of bite distance of an epitendinous suture from the repair site on the tensile strength of canine tendon constructs


Duffy, Daniel J. | Cocca, Christina J. | Kersch, Mariana E. | Kim, Woojae | Moore, George E.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

In vitro mechanical evaluation of torsional loading in simulated canine tibiae for a novel hourglass-shaped interlocking nail with a self-tapping tapered locking design


Dejardin, L.M. | Lansdowne, J.L. | Sinnott, M.T. | Sidebotham, C.G. | Haut, R.C.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effects of freezing on mechanical properties of rat skin


Foutz, T.L. | Stone, E.A. | Abrams, C.F. Jr

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effects of clustered drill holes on the breaking strength of the equine third metacarpal bone


Specht, T.E. | Miller, G.J. | Colahan, P.T.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Effect of suture caliber on the tensile strength of tenorrhaphies in cadaveric canine tendons


Duffy, Daniel J. | Curcillo, Chiara J. | Chang, Yi-Jen | Moore, George E.

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

In vitro evaluation of the knot-holding capacity and security, weight, and volume of forwarder knots tied with size-3 polyglactin 910 suture exposed to air, balanced electrolyte solution, or equine abdominal fat


McGlinchey, Leah | Munsterman, Amelia S. | Coleridge, Matthew O. D. | Rosanowski, Sarah M. | Farag, Ramsis | Hanson, R Reid

National Agricultural Library - United States of America