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Ultrasonography of the lungs, pleura, and mediastinum in healthy cows.
Braun U. | Sicher D. | Pusterla N.
Lymphangiographic evaluation of experimentally induced chylothorax after ligation of the cranial vena cava in dogs.
Fossum T.W. | Birchard S.J.
Study on body measurement of fetuses and neonates in Korean native goats.
Kim C.S. | Choe S.Y. | Chung H.S. | Kim T.S.
The measurement was investigated with 18 heads of fetus (60, 90, 120 days of gestation) and neonate in Korean native goats. The crown-rump length of fetuses at 60, 90, 120 days of gestation and neonate was 8.71, 20.83, 31.10 and 34.93 cm, respectively. The length of small intestine at 60, 90, 120 days of gestation and neonate was 32.28, 157.10, 303.52 and 475.06 cm, respectively. The length of large intestine at 60, 90, 120 days of gestation and neonate was 9.20, 37.70, 82.06 and 94.46 cm, respectively. The head length at 60, 90, 120 days of gestation and neonate was 2.93+-0.07, 6.67+-0.13, 8.84+-0.51 and 9.76+-0.44 cm, respectively. The width of the head at 60, 90, 120 days of gestation and neonate was 2.20+-0.13, 4.45+-0.11, 5.33+-0.20 and 5.51+-0.32 cm, respectively.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Epidemiological and histopathological analysis of 40 apocrine sweat gland carcinomas in dogs: a retrospective study
Kycko, Anna | Jasik, Agnieszka | Bocian, Łukasz | Otrocka-Domagała, Iwona | Mikiewicz, Mateusz | Smiech, Anna | Łopuszyński, Wojciech | Dolka, Izabella | Nowak, Marcin | Madej, Janusz A.
Introduction: Apocrine sweat gland carcinomas (ASGCs) are malignant neoplasms of dogs and other animals, rarely reported worldwide. The aim of this study was to summarise the occurrence of this cancer in a population of dogs in Poland between 2009 and 2014 with regards to histological features and body location of the tumours, as well as age, sex and breed of the cancer-affected dogs.Material and Methods: The study involved 40 canine ASGC cases diagnosed in five national veterinary pathology laboratories. The material was processed according to routine histological methods.Results: Histological types of the tumours involved simple and complex apocrine carcinoma of cystic/papillary (62.5%), solid (15%), and tubular type (12.5%), as well as apocrine ductal carcinoma (10%). The epidemiological analysis revealed peak incidence of the cancer in dogs between 8 and 14 years of age, with the most commonly affected sites being forelimbs and thorax. The highest number of the cancer cases was diagnosed in mixed breed dogs and German Shepherds; no sex predilection was noted.Conclusion: To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report recounting the study on canine malignant apocrine sweat gland tumours in Poland providing detailed phenotypical and histological data, which are otherwise rarely described in veterinary literature. This type of cancer appears to be diagnosed more frequently in dogs than in humans. Being an easily accessible material for research, canine ASGCs might serve as a relevant animal model for studies related to pathogenesis of sweat gland tumours.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Development and assessment of a novel precordial lead system for accurate detection of right atrial and ventricular depolarization in dogs with various thoracic conformations
Santilli, Roberto A. | Vazquez, Dolores Maria Porteiro | Gerou-Ferriani, Magda | Lombardo, Sergio F. | Perego, Manuela
OBJECTIVE To assess recording accuracy of right atrial and ventricular depolarization during 12-lead ECG when precordial lead V1 was positioned at each of 5 locations on the thorax of dogs with various thoracic conformations. ANIMALS 60 healthy client-owned dogs. PROCEDURES 20 dogs were allocated to each of 3 groups (brachymorphic, mesomorphic, or dolichomorphic) on the basis of thoracic conformation. Each dog remained unsedated and was positioned in right lateral recumbency for a series of five 12-lead surface ECGs, with V1 located adjacent to the sternum in the fifth intercostal space (ICS; control), at the costochondral junction (CCJ) of the right first ICS (1st-R), at the CCJ of the right third ICS, at the right third ICS where the thorax was the widest, and at the CCJ of the left first ICS. Electrocardiographic variables were compared among the 5 ECG tracings. RESULTS When V1 was at the control location, the P wave was positive for all dogs; however, consistent recording of right atrial and ventricular depolarization (ie, R wave-to-S wave ratio [R/S] < 1) occurred more frequently for brachymorphic dogs (16/20) than for dolichomorphic (7/20) and mesomorphic (6/20) dogs. When V1 was at the 1st-R location, the P wave was negative for most dogs, and R/S was < 1 for the majority of dogs in the brachymorphic (19/20), mesomorphic (17/20), and dolichomorphic (16/20) groups. The median R/S for V1 at the 1st-R location was significantly lower than that for the other 4 V1 locations. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated that placement of V1 at the 1st-R location provided correct evaluation of right atrial and ventricular depolarization in most dogs regardless of thoracic conformation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Computed tomographic assessment of sternal lymph node dimensions and attenuation in healthy dogs
Milovancev, Milan | Nemanic, Sarah | Bobe, Gerd
OBJECTIVE To assess dimensions and attenuation of sternal lymph nodes (SLNs) observed by means of CT in healthy dogs. ANIMALS 12 healthy adult research dogs. PROCEDURES Precontrast and postcontrast enhanced CT of the thorax was performed on each dog. Objective and subjective contrast-enhanced CT measurements were obtained. RESULTS By use of CT, 2 SLNs were identified in 10 of the 12 dogs and 1 SLN was identified in 2. Median SLN length, height, and width were 8.5 mm (range, 4 to 22 mm), 6.0 mm (range, 3 to 10 mm), and 5.0 mm (range, 3 to 10 mm), respectively. Median SLN length-to-T4 ratio, height-to-T4 ratio, and width-to-T4 ratio were 0.64 (range, 0.24 to 1.22), 0.37 (range, 0.25 to 0.53), and 0.29 (range, 0.19 to 0.67), respectively. Median SLN volume was 123 mm3 (range, 38 to 484 mm3). Median height-to-length ratio, width-to-length ratio, and height-to-width ratio were 0.57 (range, 0.27 to 1.75), 0.51 (range, 0.31 to 1.25), and 1.27 (range, 0.50 to 2.50), respectively. All SLNs had homogenous contrast enhancement with median precontrast and postcontrast attenuation values of 18.3 Hounsfield units (HU; range, 4.4 to 36.9 HU) and 41.3 HU (range, 24.0 to 77.4 HU), respectively. All SLNs had a visible hilus, which was fat attenuating in 8 dogs and hypoattenuating in 4 dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE CT imaging characteristics described in this study may provide a reference for dimensions and appearance of SLNs of healthy dogs and serve as a basis for comparison with results for diseased dogs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Computed tomographic characterization of the pulmonary system in clinically normal alpacas
Cooley, Stacy D. | Schlipf, John W. | Stieger-Vanegas, Susanne M.
Objective-To characterize and quantitatively assess the typical pulmonary anatomy of healthy adult alpacas with multidetector row CT. Animals-10 clinically normal adult female alpacas. Procedures-CT examination of the thorax was performed before and after IV administration of iodinated contrast medium in sedated alpacas in sternal recumbency. Measurements of the trachea, bronchi and related blood vessels, and selected vertebrae as well as the extent and density of lung parenchyma were performed with a Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) viewer. Morphometric and quantitative data were summarized. Results-Separation of individual lung lobes could not be identified, except for the accessory lung lobe. In all alpacas, both lungs extended farther caudally at the medial aspect than at the lateral aspect. The right lung extended farther in both cranial and caudal directions than did the left lung. The branching pattern of the bronchial tree varied only slightly among alpacas and consisted of 1 cranial bronchus and 3 caudal bronchi bilaterally, with a right accessory bronchus. Luminal diameters of first-generation bronchi ranged from 3 to 9 mm. Mean +/- SD parenchymal lung density was −869 +/- 40 Hounsfield units (HU) before contrast injection and −825 +/- 51 HU after contrast injection. Mean difference in diameter between bronchi and associated arteries or veins was 0.8 +/- 0.9 mm. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Knowledge of the typical anatomy of the lungs and bronchial tree in healthy alpacas as determined via CT will aid veterinarians in clinical assessment and bronchoscopic evaluation of alpacas.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of thoracic epidural analgesia induced by lidocaine, ketamine, or both administered via a lumbosacral approach in dogs
DeRossi, Rafael | Frazílio, Fabrício O. | Jardim, Paulo H. A. | Martins, Alessandro R. C. | Schmidt, Rafaella | Negrini-Neto, João M.
Objective—To determine the analgesic and systemic effects of thoracic epidural administration of ketamine, lidocaine, or both in conscious dogs. Animals—6 adult mixed-breed dogs. Procedures—Each dog received 2% lidocaine hydrochloride without epinephrine (3.8 mg/kg), 5% ketamine hydrochloride (3.0 mg/kg), or both in randomized order with = 1 week between treatments. Drugs were administered in a total volume of 0.25 mL/kg through a thoracic epidural catheter implanted via the lumbosacral approach. Heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, rectal temperature, analgesia, sedation, and ataxia were determined before treatment (baseline [time 0]) and at 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 minutes after administration. Results—The main areas of analgesia for the 3 treatments were the thorax and forelimbs bilaterally. Median duration of analgesia was shorter after administration of ketamine (30 minutes) than after administration of lidocaine (40 minutes) and lidocaine plus ketamine (90 minutes). All treatments caused moderate motor blockade, and only the ketamine and lidocaine plus ketamine treatments caused mild sedation. Significant decreases in systolic and mean arterial blood pressure were observed only with the lidocaine plus ketamine treatment. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Thoracic epidural administration of lidocaine plus ketamine resulted in longer duration of analgesia of the thorax and forelimbs bilaterally in conscious dogs, compared with administration of ketamine or lidocaine alone. Additional studies are needed to determine whether this technique adequately relieves postoperative pain after thoracic surgical procedures and whether it causes respiratory depression in dogs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of mosquitoes, Aedes vexans, as biological vectors of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
Otake, Satoshi | Dee, Scott A. | Moon, Roger D. | Rossow, Kurt D. | Trincado, Carlos | Pijoan, Carlos
The objective of this study was to determine whether mosquitoes, Aedes vexans (Meigen), could serve as biological vectors of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). Specifically, the study assessed the duration of viability and the site of PRRSV within mosquitoes, and evaluated whether PRRSV could be transmitted to a susceptible pig by mosquitoes following a 7- to 14-day incubation period after feeding on an infected pig. For the first experiment, a total of 100 mosquitoes were allowed to feed on a pig, experimentally infected with PRRSV (day 7 post-inoculation) and were then maintained alive under laboratory conditions. A set of 10 mosquitoes were collected at 0 hour (h), 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 5 days (d), 7 d, 10 d, and 14 d post-feeding (pf). Samples of exterior surface washes, salivary glands, thorax carcasses, and gut homogenates were collected from each set of mosquitoes, and tested for PRRSV. Infectious PRRSV was detected by polymerase chain reaction and swine bioassay only from the gut homogenates of mosquitoes collected at 0 h and 6 h pf. For the second experiment, a total of 30 mosquitoes were allowed to feed on a pig, experimentally infected with PRRSV and the mosquitoes were then maintained under laboratory conditions. On each of day 7, 10, and 14 pf, a set of 10 mosquitoes were allowed to feed on a susceptible pig. Transmission of PRRSV to susceptible pigs did not occur, and PRRSV was not detected from the mosquitoes. These findings indicate that mosquitoes are not likely to serve as biological vectors of PRRSV.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Splenectomy in cattle via transthoracic approach
Thompson, J.R. | Kersting, K.W. | Wass, W.M. | Davis, I.A. | Plumlee, K.H.
Sixty-eight cattle under general anesthesia were splenectomized. The transthoracic approach was used to provide better access to the spleen and to facilitate ligature of the major splenic vessels. The procedure was easier and less time-consuming, compared with other surgical approaches, and is considered to be less stressful to the animals. Postoperative recovery was complete in 67 of 68 cattle. After surgery, 1 animal developed respiratory tract disease that was thought to have been unrelated to the surgery.
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