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Reproducibility of urethral pressure profiles in clinically normal sexually intact female dogs by use of microtransducer catheters
Arnold, S. | Chew, D.J. | Hubler, M. | Casal, M. | Wiestner, T. | Hogg, H. | Heckmann, R. | Powers, J. | Ruesch, P.
Urethral pressures profiles (UPP) obtained by use of microtransducer catheters were determined in 8 anestrous sexually intact female Beagles during general anesthesia. A UPP study consisted of 3 consecutive recordings, and 4 UPP studies were repeated at an interval of 5 days in each dog. Maximal urethral pressure (cm of H2O), bladder pressure (cm of H2O), and anatomic urethral length (cm) were recorded. Maximal urethral closure pressure (cm of H2O) was calculated. Mean +/- SD (for all measurements) maximal urethral closure pressure was 12.8 +/- 5.6 cm of H2O (range, 2.4 to 25.2 cm of H2O). Maximal urethral closure pressure was significantly (P < 0.05) decreased during the first recording period (11.4 +/- 5.8 cm of H2O), Compared with the second (13.0 +/- 5.2 cm of H2O) or third 14.1 +/- 5.7 cm of H2O) recording periods within a UPP study (3 consecutive recordings). Mean maximal difference in urethral closure pressure during a single UPP study was 4.8 +/- 2.4 cm of H2O. Significant difference in maximal urethral closure pressure was not observed between studies. Mean (for all measurements) anatomic urethral length was 6.2 +/- 0.9 cm (4.1 to 7.8 cm). Anatomic urethral length was significantly (P < 0.05) less during the first recording period (6.1 +/- 0.9 cm), compared with values for the second and third periods (6.3 +/- 0.9 cm, 6.4 0.9 cm respectively). Anatomic urethral length for time 3 was significantly (P < 0.05) less than the value for time 1 (5.8 +/- 0.7 cm vs 6.6 +/- 0.8 cm). We conclude that the microtransducer catheter technique for measurement of UPP was reproducible during a single study and between successive studies. This method is useful in documenting maximal urethral pressure, maximal urethral closure pressure, and anatomic urethral length in clinically normal sexually intact female dogs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of the Doppler ultrasonic method of measuring systolic arterial blood pressure in cats
Grandy, J.L. | Dunlop, C.I. | Hodgson, D.S. | Curtis, C.R. | Chapman, P.L.
The accuracy of the Doppler technique for indirect systolic blood pressure measurement was assessed in 16 anesthetized cats. Eight cats were anesthetized with isoflurane and 8 were anesthetized with halothane. Anesthetic depth and mode of ventilation were varied to obtain a wide range of arterial blood pressure. A Doppler transducer was placed on the palmer surface of the left fore-limb over the common digital branch of the radial artery to detect blood flow, and a blood pressure monitoring cuff with a width 37% the limb circumference was placed half way between the elbow and the carpus. To enable direct arterial pressure measurements, the left femoral artery was catheterized and the blood pressure waveforms recorded simultaneously. Systolic blood pressure measured by use of the Doppler ultrasonic technique was significantly lower than that obtained from the femoral artery catheter. Using linear regression, we determined a clinically useful calibration adjustment for Doppler indirect blood pressure measurement in cats: femoral systolic pressure = Doppler systolic pressure + 14 mm of Hg.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]An ultrasonographic off-set system for examination of equine tendons and ligaments
Wood, A.K.W. | Newell, W.H. | Borg, R.P.
In a dorsal plane, an improved ultrasonographic off-set system was used to obtain serial ultrasonographic images with enhanced anatomic and pathologic detail of the tendons, ligaments, and associated structures of the limbs of 100 horses. The off-set provided good acoustic coupling between a linear array ultrasonographic transducer and the horse's skin. A water-soluble gel contained within the off-set had acoustic properties similar to those of mammalian soft tissues.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of weight loading on the coronary band interstitial fluid pressure in horses
Olivier, A. | Hood, D.M. | Jenkins, W.L. | Clark, D.R. | Williams, J.D. | Grosenbaugh, D.A.
Interstitial fluid pressures, as a possible function of limb load, were measured at 2 sites within the digital coronary dermis of both cranial digits in 10 standing horses. Fluid pressure changes and digital load measurements were simultaneously detected and recorded by use of, respectively, modified wick-in-needle and force plate transducers coupled to a microcomputer. Mean pressures, recorded at limb loads between 50 and 80 kg, were 2.29 +/- 3.17 mm of Hg at the toe and 2.49 +/- 5.91 mm of Hg at the heel. Mean pressures, recorded between 150 and 180 kg, were 5.01 +/- 5.23 mm of Hg at the toe and 1.28 +/- 7.69 mm of Hg at the heel. These data indicate that, in the static limb, no statistically significant change in interstital fluid pressure occurs at loads up to 180 kg.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Measurements of left and right ventricular pressures and their derivatives by transcutaneous puncture in rats
Hamlin, R.L.
Eighteen rats were anesthetized with xylazine/ketamine and placed in right lateral recumbency, and a small incision was made in the skin of the left hemithorax. A 21-gauge, 1-inch, short-beveled hypodermic needle, attached directly to a pressure transducer filled with degassed saline solution, was advanced through the incision into the left ventricle and then advanced through the septum into the right ventricle. High-fidelity tracings of right and left ventricular pressures and their derivatives were obtained through this approach in 13 rats. In 5 rats, measurements of right ventricular pressures were obtained by additional right ventricular puncture through the incision in the left hemithorax. Right and left ventricular pressures were recorded on single occasions in 18 rats, twice at 2-week intervals in 6 rats, and 3 times at 2-week intervals in 3 rats. Minimal hemopericardium was observed, but most rats had evidence of hemorrhage on the visceral pericardium. Left and right ventricular pressures can be measured rapidly, safely, and repeatedly in anesthetized rats by this method.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ultrasonographic-anatomic correlation and an imaging protocol of the normal canine kidney
Wood, A.K.W. | McCarthy, P.H.
Ultrasonographic or anatomic observations or both were made of the kidneys of 26 dogs. The anatomic studies established precise correlations between the gross anatomic features of the organ and its ultrasonographic images obtained in transverse, sagittal, dorsal, and 2 oblique planes. Uniformily mottled echogenicity of the renal cortex could be clearly differentiated from the less echogenic renal medulla. In the middorsal plane, the papillae of the renal pyramids were directed towards the renal sinus. The bases of the pyramids were almost circular in outline in the midsagittal images and the renal crest was seen as an echogenic line. Although the renal sinus was highly echogenic, neither the renal pelvis nor its recesses were detected. The walls of each of the interlobar arteries provided echogenic parallel lines, passing in the renal recesses between the renal pyramids. Arcuate arteries were demonstrated at the corticomedullary junction and interlobular arteries were detected within the renal cortex. For the right kidney, transverse images were obtained with the ultrasonographic transducer at the last 2 intercostal spaces; images in the dorsal, sagittal, and oblique planes were obtained with the transducer placed over the caudal extremity of the kidney. In the left kidney, transverse images were made with the transducers at, and caudal to, the last intercostal space; images in the dorsal, sagittal, and oblique planes were obtained with the transducer placed over the lateral border of the kidney. The use of such a protocol ensures that the entire organ is inspected and a diagnosis of either a normal or pathologic kidney is made.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Application of a Hall-effect transducer for measurement of tendon strains in horses
Stephens, P.R. | Nunamaker, D.M. | Butterweck, D.M.
Custom-designed Hall-effect strain sensors (HES) were implanted surgically onto the superficial digital flexor tendons of the forelimbs of 4 adult Thoroughbreds. Strains were recorded at various gaits, using a portable amplifer and FM cassette recorder. Strain calculations used the original length (L) as the HES position with the forelimb in the relaxed neutral position during anesthesia. A characteristic deflection in the strain cycle recording was confirmed to correspond to initial hoof contact with the ground (heel strike) by simultaneous recording of weight bearing via a footswitch. Heel strike was used as the reference point to determine the magnitude of strain change during weight bearing and nonweight bearing under various conditions. The weight-bearing strains (heel strike to maximal strain) recorded in 2 horses (with a rider) were 3.1% and 7.6% at the walk, 6.5% and 10.1% at the trot, and 11.5% and 16.6% at the gallop. Strain rate during tendon loading at the gallop was approximately 200%/s. The magnitude of strain change during nonweight bearing (minimal strain to heel strike) was smaller than during weight bearing, but also increased with faster gaits. In 3 horses led at the walk and trot, modest increases in hoof angle (baseline, 52%) resulted in small increases in the magnitude of strain change during weight bearing at the trot, but the magnitude of strain change at the walk was not affected. Results of the study indicated that the HES can be successfully adapted to provide continuous strain measurement without subjective signs of discomfort or lameness in horses during or after instrumentation.
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