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Prothrombotic events in the prodromal stages of acute laminitis in horses.
Weiss D.J. | Trent A.M. | Johnston G.
Prothrombotic changes occurring in the prodromal stages of carbohydrate-induced laminitis were investigated. Hemostatic alterations were evaluated by determining platelet counts, platelet survival, activated partial thromboplastin time, one-stage prothrombin time, and monocyte procoagulant activity. Thrombosis of vessels in the hoof wall was evaluated by contrast arteriography and histologic examination. Of 5 horses, 4 became lame between 28 and 52 hours after carbohydrate administration. Mean platelet count in laminitis-affected horses was lower throughout the prodromal stages of laminitis, compared with that in control horses, but differences were not statistically significant. However, survival of indium-111-labeled platelets was less than the value in control horses by 6 hours after carbohydrate administration. Arteriography of disarticulated feet revealed marked reduction in blood supply to hooves in laminitis-affected horses. Histologic examination of the laminar dermis disclosed microthrombi in venules of the laminar dermis in 2 of 4 affected horses. Statistically significant changes in prothrombin time were not observed, and changes in activated partial thromboplastin time were slight and occurred only at the onset of lameness. Statistically significant changes in monocyte procoagulant activity were not observed. Plasma endotoxin-like activity was not detected in laminitis-affected horses. These data indicate that platelet survival was decreased within the first 6 hours after induction of carbohydrate-induced laminitis, but systemic activation of the coagulation system was not detected.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Preparation and transfusion of canine platelet concentrates.
Abrams Ogg A.C.G. | Kruth S.A. | Carter R.F. | Valli V.E. | Kamel Reid S. | Dube I.D.
A protocol was developed for preparation of platelet concentrates (PC) to support thrombocytopenic dogs. Four clinically normal dogs with platelet counts that ranged from 200 to 330 X 10(9) platelets/L were used as donors. One unit (450 ml) of blood was collected by venipuncture into a double blood bag. Whole blood (WB) was centrifuged for 4 minutes at 1,000 X g (braking time = 2 minutes, 30 seconds) to prepare platelet-rich plasma (PRP). The PRP was expressed into the satellite bag and was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 2,000 X g (braking time = 2 minutes, 36 seconds). The platelet-poor plasma was expressed, leaving 40 to 70 ml of plasma and the pelleted platelets in the satellite bag. The resulting PC was left undisturbed for 60 minutes to promote disaggregation, and the platelets were then resuspended by gentle manual agitation. Forty-eight PC were prepared. Mean (+/- SD) platelet yield from WB to PRP was 78 +/- 13)% (range, 35 to 97%); yield from PRP to PC was 94 (+/- 6) % (range, 75 to 100%); and overall yield (PC from WB) was 74 (+/- 13) % (range, 36 to 91%). Mean PC platelet count was 8.0 (+/- 3.0) X 10(10) platelets/PC (range, 2.3 to 13.4 X 10(10) platelets/PC). The WBC content was 0.1 to 2.3 X 10(9) platelets/PC, representing 3 to 74% of WBC in the WB. Hematocrit was 0.1 to 26.2%. Results of bacterial and fungal culturing were negative.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]In vitro platelet release by rat megakaryocytes: effect of heterologous antiplatelet serum.
Handagama P.J. | Jain N.C. | Feldman B.F. | Farver T.B. | Kono C.S.
The effect of calcium administration on the blood coagulation mechanism during heparin infusion
Kim, I.R.;Yun, Y.M.;Lee, K.K.(Cheju National University, Jeju, Republic of Korea) | Kim, G.H.(National University of Singapore, Singapore) | Kim, B.S.(Korea Racing Association, Gwachon, Republic of Korea)
This study was performed to investigate the effects of calcium administration on the blood coagulation mechanism through APTT in the calf. Five male calves (70~90 kg) were used in this experiment. In the control group, heparinized normal saline (1 IU/kg/min) had been infusing into the jugular vein for 100 minutes. For the analysis of calcium effects on the APTT, the same solutions had been infusing during the first 40 minutes, subsequently the solution including calcium gluconate (3.3 mg/ml/min) had been infusing for 60 minutes.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Morphological evidence for infection of impala, Aepyceros melampus, platelets by a rickettsia-like organism
Du Plessis, L. (Pretoria Univ., Onderstepoort (South Africa). Haematology Dept.) | Reyers, F. | Stevens, K.
A study on the hematological values of the infertile dairy cattle raised in the high-land
Yoo, K.Y. (Seoul National Univ., Seoul (Korea R.). Inst. of Reproductive Medicine and Population) | Goh, G.D | Park, C.K. | Kim, H.K. (Kangwon National Univ., Chungchon (Korea R.). Coll. of Animal Agriuclture)
Observations were made on the blood picture of 50 multiparous and 98 infertile cows. Mean values of RBC, Hb, PVC, MCV, MCH, MCHC and platelets for normal multiparous cows were 6.87+-0.84X10** (6)/mm** (3), 10.3+-1.3g/100ml, 31.4+-3.7ml/100ml, 46.1+-6.9u** (3), 15.3+-2.6pg, 34+-2.7%, and 372.7+-304.7X10** (3)/mm** (3) respectively. Mean values of RBC, Hb, PVC, MCV, MCH, MCHC and platelets for infertile cows were 7.00+-0.98X10** (6)/mm** (3), 10.6+-1.2g/100ml, 32.1+-3.6ml/100ml, 45.8+-6.7u** (3), 15.3+-1.8pg, 33.9+-3.3%, and 382.7+-157.5X10** (3)/mm** (3), respectively. Mean values of WBC count for normal multiparous and infertile cows were 7.92+-1.72 and 9.04+-2.87X10** (3)/mm** (3) respectively. In the differential leukocytes count, mean values of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils for normal multiparous cows were 29.7+-7.9%, 56.8+-7.6%, 2.9+-1.9%, 9.9+-5.3% and 0.3+-0.7%, respectively, and mean values of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils for infertile cows were 31.9+-7.8%, 57.5+-7.9%, 2.6+-1.9%, 7.5+-4.8%, and 0.4+-0.2%, respectively
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Studies on hematologic values and types of blood protein in [Korean] Jindo dogs, 1. Hematologic values of Jindo dogs
Kim, W.K. | Han, B.K. (Chonnan National Univ., Kwangju (Korea R.). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine) | Kim, J.S. (Chonnam Animal Health Laboratory, Kwangju (Korea R.). Kangjin Branch)
The present study was conducted in order to get the normal hematologic values of Korean Jindo dogs. Blood samples were taken from 328 (male 92, female 236) healthy Jindo dogs in Jindo area. The mean values of red blood cell (RBC) count, hemoglobin (Hb) content and packed cell volume (PCV) in the age group of less than one year were 6.77(male 7.44, female 6.76)X10** (6)/ul, 13,14(male 13.53, female 12.99)g/100ml and 43.28(male 44.47, female 42.79)ml/100ml, respectively, whereas the RBC count, Hb content and PCV in the age group of one year and more were 7.42(male 7.44, female 7.42)X10** (6)/ul, 14.98(male 15.56, female 14.76)g/100ml and 47.18(male 48.43, female 46.71)ml/100ml, respectively. The values of RBC count, Hb content and PVC appeared to be higher in the male than in the female and it increased with aging in the age group of less than one year. The mean values of mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin content (MCHC) in the age group of less than one year were 63.93(male 65.40, female 63.30)fl, 19.41(male 19.90, female 19.22) pg and 30.36(male 30.43, female 30.36)g/100ml respectively, whereas the MCV, MCH and MCHC in the age group of one year and more were 63.58(male 65.09, female 62.95)fl, 20.19(male 20.91, female 19.89) pg and 31.75(male 32.13, female31.60)g/100ml respectively. The values of MCV, MCH and MCHC appeared to be higher in the male than in the female. No differences were found in the MCV and MCH between age groups. The MCHC appeared to be higher in older age group. Mean platelet count in the age group of less than one year was 377,391(male 398,778, female 368,721)/ul, whereas mean platelet count in the age group of one year and more was 354,657(male 373,660, female 347,512)/ul. The platelet count appeared to be higher in the male than in the female and especially lower in the age group of three years and more (305,513/ul) than in the other age groups
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