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Evaluation of bending strength of five interdental fixation apparatuses applied to canine mandibles.
Kern D.A. | Smith M.M. | Grant J.W. | Rockhill A.D.
Strength in bending was determined for inter. dental fixation apparatuses applied to hemimandibles obtained from 24 canine cadavers. Hemimandibles were osteotomized perpendicular to the long axis between the third and fourth premolars, and segments were stabilized with 1 of 5 interdental fixation apparatuses: Erich arch bar (EAB, n = 6); Stout loop (SL, n = 6); acrylic A, n = 6); Stout loop and acrylic (SLA, n = 24); and Erich arch bar and acrylic (EABA, n = 6). Ultimate strengths (mean +/- SEM) of EAB, SL, A, SLA, and EABA were 395 +/- 48; 523 t 57; 1,106 +/- 102; 1,306 +/- 156; and 2,707 +/- 504 N.m, respectively. Stiffness (mean +/- SEM) of EAB, SL, A, SLA, and EABA were 2,944 t 357; 6,322 +/- 2,201; 16,010 +/- 5,017; 15,777 +/- 1,026; and 27,079 +/- 5,576 N.m/ radian, respectively. Yield strengths (mean +/- SEM) Of EAB, SL, A, SIA, and EABA were 66 +/- 6; 264 +/- 19; 911 +/- 126; 1,114 +/- 159; and 1,855 +/- 401 N.m, respectively. There were no significant differences in acrylic weight, cross-sectional area of the acrylic, or area moment of inertia of acrylic at the osteotomy site among A, SIA, and EABA; and there were no significant differences in osteotomy surface area and area moment of inertia at the osteotomy site among all apparatuses (P > 0.05). The EABA apparatus had significantly higher mean ultimate strength, mean stiffness, and mean yield strength compared to other interdental fixation apparatuses. There were no significant differences in the mean ultimate strength, mean stiffness, or mean yield strength between EAB and SL (P > 0.05). Apparatuses that combine acrylic with metal reinforcement (SLA, EABA) were significantly stronger and stiffer than those that used metal alone (EAB, SL) or acrylic alone (A).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of plate luting, using an in vivo ovine osteotomy model
Richardson, D.W. | Nunamaker, D.M.
Bilateral, midshaft metacarpal osteotomies were performed in 11 sheep and bilateral, midshaft radial osteotomies were performed in 7 sheep. The lesions were repaired with bone plates. One of each pair of plates was luted with polymethylmethacrylate and all screws were tightened uniformly with a torque screwdriver. Sheep were allowed unrestricted exercise after surgery. At 8 weeks, 10 of 11 sheep with metacarpal osteotomies were sound and both osteotomies were healing. Seven were lame on the limb with the unluted plate during the first 3 weeks; 4 were never lame on either limb. The screws of the unluted plates were significantly (P < 0.01) looser at 8 weeks than those in the luted plates. All of the sheep with radial osteotomies were lame in the limb with the unluted plate. Four of 7 sheep had overt loosening of the unluted plates. One sheep only had mild screw loosening with continued alignment of the osteotomy. Two of 7 sheep fractured the radius with the luted plate; these 2 sheep were lame in the limb with the unluted plate and were using the limb with the luted plate vigorously. Excluding the 2 sheep with fractures, all had substantially more screw loosening in the unluted plate. Histologically, there were no discernible differences in the vascularity or porosity of the bone under the luted vs the unluted plates. The only adverse consequence of the luting technique was introduction of a small amount of polymethylmethacrylate into the osteotomy gap in 5 bones.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Adaptation of human oscillometric blood pressure monitors for use in dogs
Two digital oscillometric human blood pressure measuring devices were modified and evaluated as blood pressure monitors in 12 healthy anesthetized dogs. Direct arterial pressures were measured via cannulation of the dorsal pedal artery and were correlated with indirect measurements through an inflatable cuff placed over the dorsal pedal artery below the hock joint of the contralateral limb. Direct and indirect measurements were compared for systolic, diastolic, and calculated mean arterial pressures. Blood pressure ranges between 215/145 mm of Hg and 65/30 mm of Hg were obtained, using combinations of halothane, phenylephrine, calcium, and IV administered fluids. Machine A was found to be insufficient for clinical application, on the basis of correlation coefficients between direct and indirect pressures of 0.78, 0.65, and 0.74 for systolic, diastolic, and mean arterial pressures, respectively. Higher correlation coefficients between direct and indirect pressures (0.77, 0.87, and 0.87, respectively) were obtained with machine B. The results of the study reported here suggest machine B may be an effective blood pressure monitoring device in anesthetized dogs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluating helminth infections in animals: a comparison of Parasep® and Mcmaster method for routine laboratory diagnosis using goat faeces
Tharsini J. | Premaalatha B. | Tan, P. S. | Chandrawathani P. | Khadijah S.
The worm ova estimation method is important to assess the degree of worm infestation in domestic animals. Currently, the method used in many veterinary laboratories is the McMaster method which can enumerate the number of eggs per gram of faeces. Due to emergingand re-emerging diseases currently being diagnosed in Veterinary Research Institute, Ipoh, it is important to seek new, less risky methods for diagnosis of faecal samples. In view of increasing risk to the laboratory personnel conducting tests on faecal samples, the Parasep® method was assessed to indicate its suitability as aroutine test method. The results indicate that there was no significant differences between the worm egg counts enumeratedby conventional McMaster method and Parasep® method (Z = -1.111, P = 0.267). It is however, critical that assessment based on costs, time and ease of conducting the tests for lab staff be done before adopting this method in diagnostic laboratories.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of isoflurane and sevoflurane vaporizers over a wide range of oxygen flow rates
Ambrisko, T.D. | Klide, A.M.
Objective-To examine the accuracy and precision of isoflurane and sevoflurane anesthetic vaporizers. Sample Population-5 identcal isoflurane and 5 identical sevoflurane vaporizers. Procedures-Oxygen flow rates from 0.02 to 10 L/min were used with different vaporizer dial settings. Agent concentrations were measured at the common gas outlet by use of a refractometer. Accuracy was defined as the difference between measured agent concentrations, and dial settings were expressed as a percentage of the applied dial settings. Precision was defined as SD of the measured agent concentrations for each combination of dial setting and flow. Results-Isoflurane values were generally greater than the dial settings. Accuracy of the isoflurane vaporizer was > 20% when 0.6% and 1% was dialed. Accuracy of the sevoflurane vaporizer was always within +/- 20% but decreased at 0.02 L/min flow and at combinations of high flow and high dial settings. Overall precision of the isoflurane vaporizer was better than that of the sevoflurane vaporizer. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-A possible explanation for the inaccuracy of the isoflurane vaporizer may be that it was manufactured to be accurate with air but not oxygen, which must be accounted for when using the vaporizer with oxygen, especially with nonrebreathing systems. The sevoflurane vaporizer may not deliver accurate agent concentrations at high flow and high dial settings. Both vaporizers are suitable for clinical use with a wide range of oxygen flow rates if these precautions are properly addressed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Investigation for correction formulas on the basis of packed cell volume for blood glucose concentration measurements obtained with portable glucometers when used in rabbits
Cutler, Daniel C. | Koenig, Amie | Di Girolamo, Nicola | Mayer, Jörg
OBJECTIVE To determine effects of PCV on blood glucose (BG) concentration measurements obtained with a human portable blood glucometer (HPBG) and a veterinary portable blood glucometer (VPBG) on canine (cVPBG) and feline (fVPBG) settings (test methods) when used in rabbits and to develop correction formulas to mitigate effects of PCV on such measurements. SAMPLE 48 resuspended blood samples with known PVCs (range, 0% [plasma] to 92% [plasma and packed RBCs]) from 6 healthy research rabbits (experimental sample set) and 252 historic measurements of BG concentration and PCV in 84 client-owned rabbits evaluated at a veterinary hospital (validation data set). PROCEDURES Duplicate measurements of BG concentration with each test method and of PCV were obtained for each sample in the experimental sample set, and the mean results for each variable for each test method and sample were compared with results from a clinical laboratory analyzer (reference method) used to determine the true BG concentration for each sample. Mean ± SD differences in measurements between the reference and test methods were calculated. Linear regression and modified Clarke error grid analysis were used to develop correction formulas for the test methods given known PCVs, and these formulas were evaluated on the validation data set with linear regression and a modified Clarke error grid. RESULTS Blood glucose concentrations were falsely low for cVPBG and fVPBG used on samples with PCV < 31% and were falsely high for all test methods used on samples with PCV > 43%. Compared with original measurements, formula-corrected measurements overall had better agreement with reference method measurements for the experimental sample set; however, only the formula-corrected HPBG measurements had improved agreement for the validation data set. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Findings indicated that, in rabbits, HPBG measurements had improved accuracy with the use of the correction formula HPBG measurement of BG concentration + ([0.75 × PCV] − 15); however, the correction formulas did not improve the accuracy of VPBG measurements, and we believe that neither the cVPBG nor fVPBG should be used in rabbits.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of bending strength of five interdental fixation apparatuses applied to canine mandibles
Kern, D.A. | Smith, M.M. | Grant, J.W. | Rockhill, A.D.
Strength in bending was determined for inter. dental fixation apparatuses applied to hemimandibles obtained from 24 canine cadavers. Hemimandibles were osteotomized perpendicular to the long axis between the third and fourth premolars, and segments were stabilized with 1 of 5 interdental fixation apparatuses: Erich arch bar (EAB, n = 6); Stout loop (SL, n = 6); acrylic A, n = 6); Stout loop and acrylic (SLA, n = 24); and Erich arch bar and acrylic (EABA, n = 6). Ultimate strengths (mean +/- SEM) of EAB, SL, A, SLA, and EABA were 395 +/- 48; 523 t 57; 1,106 +/- 102; 1,306 +/- 156; and 2,707 +/- 504 N.m, respectively. Stiffness (mean +/- SEM) of EAB, SL, A, SLA, and EABA were 2,944 t 357; 6,322 +/- 2,201; 16,010 +/- 5,017; 15,777 +/- 1,026; and 27,079 +/- 5,576 N.m/ radian, respectively. Yield strengths (mean +/- SEM) Of EAB, SL, A, SIA, and EABA were 66 +/- 6; 264 +/- 19; 911 +/- 126; 1,114 +/- 159; and 1,855 +/- 401 N.m, respectively. There were no significant differences in acrylic weight, cross-sectional area of the acrylic, or area moment of inertia of acrylic at the osteotomy site among A, SIA, and EABA; and there were no significant differences in osteotomy surface area and area moment of inertia at the osteotomy site among all apparatuses (P > 0.05). The EABA apparatus had significantly higher mean ultimate strength, mean stiffness, and mean yield strength compared to other interdental fixation apparatuses. There were no significant differences in the mean ultimate strength, mean stiffness, or mean yield strength between EAB and SL (P > 0.05). Apparatuses that combine acrylic with metal reinforcement (SLA, EABA) were significantly stronger and stiffer than those that used metal alone (EAB, SL) or acrylic alone (A).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Оперативный способ лечения быков с новообразованиями полового члена
Komarovskij, V.A. | Rukol, V.M., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was developed a method of surgical treatment of servicing bulls with penial tumors including tumor removal by means of gas docker Tail Docker and intravenous 0,5% novocaini solution injection during postoperative stage makes it possible to reduce the duration of surgical operation in 3-4 times, completely remove probability of bleeding, reduce the healing period on the average on 6 days and lower the probability of relapse of tumor.
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