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Analysis of genetic mutations in the 7a7b open reading frame of coronavirus of cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)
Kennedy, M.A. | Moore, E. | Wilkes, R.P. | Citino, S.B. | Kania, S.A.
Objective-To analyze the 7a7b genes of the feline coronavirus (FCoV) of cheetahs, which are believed to play a role in virulence of this virus. Sample Population-Biologic samples collected during a 4-year period from 5 cheetahs at the same institution and at 1 time point from 4 cheetahs at different institutions. Procedures-Samples were first screened for FCoV via a reverse transcription-PCR procedure involving primers that encompassed the 3'-untranslated region. Samples that yielded positive assay results were analyzed by use of primers that targeted the 7a7b open reading frames. The nucleotide sequences of the 7a7b amplification products were determined and analyzed. Results-In most isolates, substantial deletional mutations in the 7a gene were detected that would result in aberrant or no expression of the 7a product because of altered reading frames. Although the 7b gene was also found to contain mutations, these were primarily point mutations resulting in minor amino acid changes. The coronavirus associated with 1 cheetah with feline infectious peritonitis had intact 7a and 7b genes. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-The data suggest that mutations arise readily in the 7a region and may remain stable in FCoV of cheetahs. In contrast, an intact 7b gene may be necessary for in vivo virus infection and replication. Persistent infection with FCoV in a cheetah population results in continued virus circulation and may lead to a quasispecies of virus variants.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Antigenic and genetic analysis of a recently isolated H1N1 swine influenza virus
Olsen, C.W. | McGregor, M.W. | Cooley, A.J. | Schantz, B. | Hotze, B. | Hinshaw, V.S.
Hemagglutinins HA) of H1N1 swine influenza viruses isolated in the United States have remained antigenically and genetically conserved for many years. In contrast to such conservation, the RA of A/Swine/Nebraska/1/92 (Sw/Neb) could readily be distinguished from those of contemporary porcine viruses. Twenty-eight amino acid mutations differentiated the HA of Sw/Neb and A/Swine/Indiana/1726/88, the most recent H1N1 swine influenza virus for which HA sequence data were available. Among these differences were mutations at potential asparagine-linked glycosylation sites and charge changes at many residues. The Sw/Neb virus also could be differentiated from other swine influenza viruses in hemagglutination-inhibition assays with monoclonal antibodies to recent H1 swine HA. Nonetheless, overall sequence analysis of the HA and the nucleoprotein genes of Sw/Neb indicated that this virus was more closely related genetically to classic H1N1 swine influenza viruses than to H1N1 avian or human viruses. Infection of swine with Sw/Neb under experimental conditions induced clinical signs and lesions typical of swine influenza. However, affected swine in the field had high, persistent fevers, but relatively mild signs of respiratory tract disease. This study indicated that an antigenically and genetically novel variant of swine influenza virus was detected in the United States.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Mucosal and systemic antibody responses to bovine coronavirus structural proteins in experimentally challenge-exposed calves fed low or high amounts of colostral antibodies
Heckert, R.A. | Saif, L.J. | Mengel, J.P. | Myers, G.W.
Ten colostrum-deprived calves were assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups (5 calves/group), and fed colostrum that had either low (naturally infected cows) or high (immunized cows) antibody titers to bovine coronavirus (BCV). All calves were inoculated orally and intranasally with virulent BCV when they were 24 to 48 hours old and challenge exposed 21 days later. Blood, feces, nasal secretions, tears, saliva, and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluids were collected weekly from each calf for 5 weeks after inoculation. The titers to whole BCV or the relative amounts of isotype-specific antibodies to BCV structural proteins were evaluated in these samples by ELISA or immunoblotting, respectively. Both pools of colostrum contained primarily IgG1, IgG2, and IgA antibodies to the E2 and E3 BCV proteins. Calves fed the high-titer colostrum had correspondingly higher amounts of passive IgG1 and IgA antibodies to whole BCV and to the E2 and E3 BCV proteins in serum, feces, and BAL fluid at postinoculation week 1 than those calves fed low-titer colostrum. Active IgG1, IgA and IgM antibody responses in serum and active IgA and IgM antibody responses in most mucosal secretions to whole BCV and to the E2 and E3 proteins were lower or delayed in calves fed high-titer colostrum, compared with responses in calves fed low-titer colostrum. In contrast, increased responses to the BCV N protein were observed in all samples (except in serum and BAL fluid) in the calves fed high-titer colostrum, compared with calves fed low-titer colostrum. Upon challenge exposure, responses to E2 and E3 BCV proteins in serum and BAL fluid were lower in the group fed high-titer colostrum, compared with those in the group fed low-titer colostrum. Our findings indicate that the level of passive immunity in calves at the time of BCV inoculation can influence the development of active antibody responses in serum, feces, and mucosal secretions to whole BCV and to some BCV proteins individually.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Bovine monoclonal antibodies specific for bovine herpesvirus-1 glycoprotein gIII
Srikumaran, S. | Onisk, D.V. | Zamb, T.J. | Osorio, F.A. | Rice, D.N.
Spleen cells from a calf immunized with bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) were fused with the nonsecreting murine cell line SP2/0. Several bovine-murine hybridomas secreting bovine immunoglobulins were stabilized. Of these, 9 hybridomas secreted bovine monoclonal antibodies that specifically bound to BHV-1 in a radioimmunoassay. Two of these monoclonal antibodies reacted specifically with BHV-1 in an indirect fluorescent antibody test and immunoprecipitated a BHV-1 glycoprotein with molecular mass of 97 kilodaltons.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Improved early and long-term detection of bovine lentivirus by a nested polymerase chain reaction test in experimentally infected calves
Suarez, D.L. | Maaten, M.J. van der | Whetstone, C.A.
A nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was developed to examine infection with the bovine lentivirus, bovine immunodeficiency-like virus (BIV), in cattle. Primers were designed to amplify 2 separate regions of the pol and env segments of the BIV genome. Two calves were experimentally infected with an isolate derived from the original strain of BIV, R29, or with a recent field isolate, FL491. Serial blood samples were collected and examined by virus isolation, protein immunoblot, and nested PCR. The nested PCR test detected BIV infection by 3 days after inoculation, earlier than the other 2 methods, and continued to identify infected cattle 9 to 15.5 months after inoculation, even when results from virus isolation and serology became negative. Nested PCR also detected multiple-size env products in samples obtained later in the infection from the calf that received FL491, giving evidence that viral quasispecies were selected during in vivo replication of the virus. Results indicated that the nested PCR test is more sensitive than virus isolation or serology for the detection of BIV infection in cattle.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Development of monoclonal antibodies and capture immunoassays for feline immunodeficiency virus
Dreitz, M.J. | Dow, S.W. | Fiscus, S.A. | Hoover, E.A.
We generated monoclonal antibodies (MAB) against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and characterized these MAB by single competition enzyme immunoassays (EIA), immunoblot analysis, and radioimmunoprecipitation. Four MAB identified 3 distinct epitopes of the FIV p24/26 gag major core protein. One MAB recognized the p16/17 gag protein none recognized envelope proteins. We developed an FIV p26 antigen capture EIA that proved more sensitive (0.5 ng of p26/ml), less expensive, and less time-consuming than reverse transcriptase assay. The same MAB were used to develop an antibody EIA specific for FIV p26. The MAB and capture assays reported should prove useful in FIV diagnosis and research.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cloning and expression of an antigenic domain of glycoprotein gE of pseudorabies virus in Escherichia coli and its use as antigen in diagnostic assays
Ro, L.H. | Lai, S.S. | Hwang, W.L. | Chou, H.H. | Huang, J.N. | Chang, E.L. | Yang, H.L.
Use of a combination of an effective gE gene-deleted pseudorabies virus (PRV) vaccine with a companion diagnostic kit for PRV glycoprotein gE has proven successful in several pseudorabies-eradication programs. To produce a large quantity of functional gE protein for development of a PRV-gE diagnostic kit, an Escherichia coli expression system containing the distal region of the PRV-gE gene of a PRV strain CF was constructed. The expressed protein contained 134 amino acids of gE protein (amino acids 77-210) fused to a 19-amino acids tag containing 6 histidine residues. After induction, a truncated PRV-gE polypeptide of 18-kd was expressed to about 20% of the total E coli proteins. Results of immunoblot analysis indicated that this E coli-produced PRV-gE protein reacted specifically with serum from PRv-hyperimmunized pigs and from field PRv-infected pigs, but not with serum samples from specific-pathogen-free pigs or pigs inoculated with gE-deleted PRV vaccine. These data indicate that, although the recombinant gE protein is produced in E coli, it still retains the antigenicity of the viral gE glycoprotein. Comparison between the recombinant gE protein, using immunoblot analysis with a commercial gE ELISA containing natural PRV-gE protein, revealed comparable test performance. This finding indicated that recombinant gE protein produced by E coli can be used for development of a companion serologic assay for a PRV-gE gene-deleted vaccine.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Mucosal and systemic isotype-specific antibody responses to bovine coronavirus structural proteins in naturally infected dairy cattle
Heckert, R.A. | Saif, L.J. | Myers, G.W.
Blood, feces, nasal secretions, and tears werecollected weekly from 5 randomly selected 1- to 8-week-old calves in a large commercial dairy herd. Clinical signs and bovine coronavirus (BCV) shedding from the respiratory and enteric tracts of calves were monitored through the 8-week period by direct immunofluorescence of nasal epithelial cells, protein A-gold immunoelectron microscopy on feces, and ELISA on nasal secretions and feces. All samples were analyzed for antibody isotypes to BCV structural proteins by immunoblotting. All calves had BCV respiratory tract infections and 4 of 5 calves shed virus in feces. Several calves had multiple or prolonged periods of BCV respiratory tract or enteric tract shedding or both. All calves (except 1) had passive IgG1 antibodies to some BCV proteins (mainly the E2 and E3 proteins) in their serum when they were 1 week old. The presence of these passive serum antibodies (mainly to the E2 and E3 BCV proteins) was associated with decreased or delayed systemic and mucosal antibody responses in calves, in particular IgA responses in nasal secretions and tears to the E2 and E3 BCV proteins, but not to the N protein. Moderate amounts of maternal BCV E2- and E3-specific antibodies in serum did not prevent BCV enteric tract or respiratory tract infections in calves, but may have delayed the development of active antibody responses to these BCV proteins. However, calves with BCV respiratory tract or enteric tract infections had no detectable passive antibodies to any BCV proteins in nasal secretions or feces.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Humoral immune response to immediate-early protein of pseudorabies virus in swine with induced or naturally acquired infection
Cheung, A.K.
Pseudorabies virus (PRV) immediate-early (IE) protein is a nonglycosylated polypeptide localized in the nuclei of infected cells. The IE protein is a regulatory protein that is only synthesized during viral replication and is presented to the immune system of PRV-infected swine. Antibodies to the IE protein were demonstrated in swine with induced or naturally acquired infection. However, antiserum raised against purified IE protein could not neutralize PRV in vitro.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Properties of monoclonal antibodies against Berne virus (Toroviridae)
Kaeffer, B. | Kooten, P. van | Ederveen, J. | Eden, W. van | Horzinek, M.C.
Seven hybridomas that secreted monoclonal antibodies (MAB) against the peplomer protein and one that secreted MAB against the nucleocapsid protein of Berne virus (proposed family Toroviridae) were isolated. All MAB directed against the peplomer protein neutralized virus infectivity and, with the exception of MAB 6A7, inhibited each other's binding in competition assays. Neutralization of Berne virus infectivity was potentiated when some MAB were used in pairs. The antibodies have been used to localize toroviral proteins in infected cells; use of antipeplomer MAB 6B10 yielded a diffuse intracytoplasmic immunofluorescence, whereas the antinucleocapsid MAB 1F1 detected antigen in the intra- and perinuclear compartments. By use of radioimmune precipitation, protein A of Staphylococcus aureus was found to bind directly to the nucleocapsid polypeptide, without the requirement for specific antibody. Using fluorescein isothiocyanate-conjugated protein A, the intranuclear accumulation of the nucleoprotein of Berne virus was confirmed by results of immunofluorescence.
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