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Résultats 101-110 de 443
Preparation and evaluation of inactivated oil-based newcastle disease vaccine (Mukteswar strain)
Iqbal, M. | Mahboob, K. | Rizvi, A.H. | Anwar-ul-Haque | Nabi, G. | Zulfiqar, M. (Veterinary Research Inst., Lahore (Pakistan))
An inactivated oil-based Newcastle disease vaccine was prepared using Mukteswar vaccine strain. The virus was propagated in 10-day old embryonating eggs and inactivated by 0.12% formalin for 48 hours at 37 degree C. The vaccine was formulated with 1 part antigen (aqueous phase) and 4 parts oil base. The oil base contained Tween-80 1%, Arlacel-A 10% and Mineral oil 89%. The stability of the vaccine was found satisfactory after 6 months and its viscosity and injectability was fairly ideal. The antigenicity of the vaccine was determined in 16 week-old pullets. The seromonitoring of the vaccinated and the control pullets was carried out for three months post- vaccination by Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test. Blood samples were taken at fortnightly intervals. The Geometric mean HI titre of the vaccinated pullets on the day of vaccination 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105 and 120 days post- vaccination was 18.4, 4.9, 87.5, 192.3, 257.6, 111.4, 91.7, 63.9 and 30.0. However, in non-vaccinated control pullets it was found to be 18.4, 3.7, 3.7, 4.3, 3.8, 4.0, 3.5, 2.8 and 2.3 respectively. The inactivated oil-based vaccine induced a marked antibody response which continued upto three months.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of iron on production of epsilon toxin
Rana, W. | Bhatti, J.I. | Naz, S. | Gill, Z.J. | Nawaz, G. (Veterinary Research Inst., Lahore (Pakistan))
Nutrient broth with iron was used for obtaining high yields of epsilon toxin by clostridium perfringens type D. In this study iron balls, iron nails and ferrous sulphate were used as iron source. Results showed that the presence of iron nails and iron balls in nutrient broth slightly increased the bacterial growth but did not show increase in toxin production.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Biochemical serological and immunological properties of Pasteurella multocida strains isolated from natural out breaks of Haemorrhagic septicaemia
Butt, I.A. | Tasneem, K. | Raza, A. | Gill, Z.J. (Veterinary Research Inst., Lahore (Pakistan))
In this study twenty four isolates of Pasteurella multocida were collected from field out breaks of Haemorrhagic septicaemia (H.S) in cattle and buffalo from various regions of the country from 1991-2001. The isolates were subjected to detailed cultural, biochemical and pathogenicity test in albino mice. The stereotyping was done by indirect haemagglutination test for determination of their capsular antigen. Serologically all the isolates were classified on the basis of their capsular antigen as Carter Type B. All the twenty four isolates produced oxidase, catalase and indole and reduced nitrate. They did not produce urease. All the isolates fermented fructose, glucose, sucrose and sorbitol and mannitol with the production of acid whereas dulcitol, lactose, silicon were found negative. Variable results were found among isolates on the fermentation of arabinose and maltose. It was concluded that all the isolates were serologically and immunologically homologous to H.S. vaccine strain produced in the institute.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Productive performance of desi field chickens as affected under deep litter system
Sahota, A.W. | Bhatti, B.M. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))
This study was conducted to examine the present productive potentials of field Desi chickens housed under deep litter system. For this purpose a detailed survey was conducted in rural areas of Punjab Province (Pakistan) to know availability of true specimens of Desi birds. After the survey a total number of 1329 adult Desi birds were selected from different villages of Mianwali and Bhakkar districts. The birds were housed at Govt. Poultry Farm, Mianwali for initial acclimatization for 6 to 8 weeks and subjected then to prophylactic vaccination and then they were shifted to Breeding and Incubation Division of Poultry Research Institute, Rawalpindi. A total number of 450 Desi birds (150 each of black, dark brown and light brown varieties) were randomly selected and were sub-divided into 3 groups of equal size. They were maintained on littered floor in 9 separate pens under optimal managemental conditions for a period of 42 weeks. The results indicated that black, dark brown and light brown groups of Desi chickens produced 1.93, 1.96 and 2.17 dozen eggs (0.0459, 0.0467 and 0.0516 dozen eggs per week) with intake of 29.75, 29.29 and 29.64 kg feed, respectively. The results showed similar performance in egg production and feed intake of different groups of Desi chickens. A similar pattern in egg weight, egg mass and FCR (feed/kg eggs) was observed, however, FCR in light brown Desi (13.68) was found to be significantly (P less than 0.01) better than that of Desi black (15.42) birds. The results further showed depression in production potential of field Desi chickens in comparison to previous production data recorded in the earlier period.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Response of buffaloes receiving sustained release bovine somatotropin with 15 days interval
Javed, R.S. (Livestock Experiment Station | Bahadurnagar (Pakistan))
One of the first potential biotechnology products for animals production is BST. Effect of BST on lactating buffaloes was studied 8 buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) were injected with sustained release formation Boosting-250, after 60 plus minus 5 days of calving. The overall increase in milk production was observed 18 percent and in milk fat 6.1 percent. BST is a protein hormone. Quality of management is the major factor affecting the magnitude of milk response to BST.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of different energy and protein levels on the egg production of rural poultry
Rehman, A. | Bhatti, B.M. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))
A study was conducted to determine the effect of different nutrients i.e. metabolizable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP) content of ration on the egg production and egg weight of rural layers. For the purpose six different experimental rations containing 2700, 2900 kcal/kg ME and 14, 16, 18 percent CP were offered to the birds. The results indicated that egg number increased with proportional adversely affected as the CP of the ration was increased weight of the layers was proportionally increased with ration at constant ME level, while increase in ME level egg weight. increase in ME, while it was at constant ME level. The egg increase in CP content of the did not significantly affect the egg weight.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparative productive performance of different varieties of desi chickens
Sahota, A.W. | Bhatti, B.M. | Akhtar, L.A. | Bhatti, S.U. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))
This study was conducted to examine comparative productive performance of different varieties of Desi chickens identified from group of Desi flock procured from rural field conditions of Mianwali and Bhakkar districts of Punjab province (Pakistan). A total of five varieties of Desi chickens viz., dark brown, medium brown, light brown, black and mixed colour were identified on the basis of their plumage colour and uniformity of body characters. Four hundred and eighty birds (96 of each variety) were selected for further study. The birds of each variety were randomly divided into 3 equal replicates. They were maintained in 15 separate pens on deep litter system under optimal managemental conditions and were fed a balanced layers ration ad-libitum. The birds were provided 16 hours light per day. The experiment was conducted for 8 weeks. The results indicated that varieties differed significantly in egg production, feed conversion efficiency and egg mass, whereas, no difference was observed in feed intake and egg weight between them. Based on the findings of this study, it appeared that different varieties of Desi chickens identified and selected during the course of this study on phenotypic basis differed in their productive potential on the basis of better productive potentials in terms of egg yield, FCR and egg mass, dark brown, and black varieties of Desi chickens could be used to carry out further selective breeding work to study possibility of improving their productive potentials.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evidence of bovine immunodeficiency virus in cattle in Turkey
Meas, S. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Yilmaz, Z. | Usui, T. | Torun, S. | Yesilbag, K. | Ohashi, K. | Onuma, M.
Effects of ascorbic acid on proliferation and biological properties of bovine chondrocytes in alginate beads
Kim, G. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Okumura, M. | Bosnakovski, D. | Ishiguro, T. | Park, C.H. | Kadosawa, T. | Fujinaga, T.
Bovine chondrocytes were cultured in monolayers and alginate beads with or without ascorbic acid (Asc) for 16 days. Cell proliferation was examined every 4 days by staining with Hoechst 33258 dye. The gene expression of aggrecan, and collagen type I and II was analyzed at 16 days by reverse transcription and polymerase chain reaction.Cell morphology and the production of extracellular matrix (ECM) were evaluated by cytochemical, immunocytochemical and electron microscopical methods.Cells were continuously cultured in alginate beads with Asc for 2 months, and the cell morphology and ECM were examined. The proliferation of chondrocytes was significantly stimulated with Asc in both monolayers and alginate beads at 16 days. Expression of the collagen type I gene in both cultures was increased, and that of the collagen type II gene in alginate beads was decreased, by Asc. There were no significant cytochemical and immunocytochemical differences between the cultures in alginate beads with or without Asc at 16 days.In alginate beads cultured with Asc for 2 months, proliferating cells were observed mainly at the periphery of the beads, and glycosaminoglycan and collagen type II were found around the cells. These results suggest that Asc stimulated the proliferation of chondrocytes and maintained the chondrogenic properties of the cells in an alginate beads culture.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Hepatocyte growth factor transduces different intracellular signals in aortic and umbilical venous endothelial cells
Makondo, K. (Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo (Japan)) | Kimura, K. | Kitamura, T. | Yamaji, D. | Saito, M.
Endothelial cells are important for maintenance of vascular integrity by producing a variety of bioactive molecules such as nitric oxide (NO) . Recent evidence has suggested that there are some differences in characteristics between endothelial cells from different origins. Here we examined responses of two typical endothelial cells to hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), which induces endothelium-dependent relaxation of microvessels. Stimulation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC) with HGF increased endothelial NO synthase activity, accompanied with an increase of activity-related site-specific phosphorylation of protein kinase B/Akt. However, HGF stimulated phosphorylation of p38 mitogenactivated protein kinase (MAPK) only in HUVEC, but not in BAEC, while it induced phosphorylation of p44 /p42 MAPK in both cells. These results suggest that HGF transduces different intracellular signals between aortic and umbilical venous endothelial cells, and that the differences might represent divergent endothelial responses to growth factors, especially those that activate receptor-tyrosine kinases.
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