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Résultats 101-110 de 309
Influence of dipping practices on the seroprevalence of babesiosis and anaplasmosis in the foot-and-mouth disease buffer zone adjoining the Kruger National Park in South Africa
K.B. Stevens | A.M. Spickett | W. Vosloo | D.U. Pfeiffer | E. Dyason | B. Du Plessis
A serological survey of bovine babesiosis and anaplasmosis was conducted in the foot-and-mouth disease buffer zone surrounding the Kruger National Park in South Africa between 2001 and 2003 to determine whether the withdrawal of government-subsidized dipping in certain regions had affected the seroprevalence of these tick-borne diseases. Seroprevalence of Anaplasma marginale and Babesia bovis increased during the study period. This increase was greater in Limpopo Province where farmers had to supply their own acaricide than in Mpumalanga Province where dipping materials were provided by the local Veterinary Services. The number of animals testing positive for B. bigemina decreased in both provinces during the study period, which was attributed to possible vector displacement rather than more effective tick control measures. Responses to a questionnaire on ticks and tick-borne diseases revealed local knowledge on the subject to be highly variable and sometimes incorrect.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Determination of electrophoretic pattern of infectious bovine rhinotrachities virus of cattle
Hanan, A. Fahmy | Omayma, M. El Desawy
A total number of 80 nasal swabs collected from apparently normal cattle slaughtered in Basateen abattoir were screened for the presence of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus. Among 80 examined samples, 4 samples found positive after the 3rd passage on MDBK cell line with appearance of the specific cytopathic effect (grape like clusters). The isolated virus titers were 103.9, 104.2, 105, 105.6 TCID50 / 0.1 ml. The four positive isolates were identified by agar gel precipitation test (AGPT), virus neutralization test (VNT) and gave the intracytoplasmic granules by indirect fluorescent antibody technique (IFAT). Electrophoretic profile of IBR in sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was described and visualized by Coomassie blue stain. The mobilities of electrophoretic bands were determined with molecular weight marker at approximate range from 206.39 to 22.14 kDa.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Goats as alternative hosts of cattle ticks
N. Nyangiwe | I.G. Horak
The objective of this study was to compare the presence on goats and cattle of adult ticks that usually infest cattle. To this end ticks collected from sets of five goats were compared with those collected from sets of five cattle at 72 communal dip-tanks in the eastern region of the Eastern Cape Province. Amblyomma hebraeum was present on goats at 25 and on cattle at 39 dip-tanks, and a total of 61 goats and 138 cattle were infested. Adult Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus was present on goats at 48 and on cattle at 69 dip-tanks, and a total of 113 goats and 242 cattle were infested. The lengths of 84 of 148 female R. (Boophilus) microplus collected from the goats exceeded 5 mm or more, indicating that they could successfully engorge on these animals. The differences between the proportions of dip-tanks at which A. hebraeum or R. (Boophilus) microplus was present on goats and cattle and also between the proportions of goats and cattle that were infested were significant (Chi square test, P < 0.01). Adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus was present on goats at 70 and on cattle at 67 dip-tanks, and a total of 296 goats and 271 cattle were infested. The proportion of dip-tanks at which cattle were infested did not differ significantly from the proportion of tanks at which goats were infested (Fischer's exact probability test, P = 0.44), but the proportion of infested cattle was significantly lower than the proportion of infested goats (Chi-square test, P < 0.05). Adult Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi was present on goats and cattle at all 72 sampling localities, and a total of 334 goats and 316 cattle were infested. The proportion of infested cattle was significantly lower than the proportion of infested goats (Chi-square test, P < 0.05). These results underscore the necessity of including goats in any tick control programme designed for cattle at the same locality.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Serodiagnostic studies on bovine leptospirosis in Beni-Suef Governorate
W. H. Hassan
The present study was carried out in dairy farms experiencing low reproductive efficiency. Blood samples were collected from 84 cattle and 16 buffaloes suffered from infertility problems for detection and titration of leptospiral antibodies using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Eleven standardized leptospira serovars were used as living antigens for this purpose. Sixteen (19.05%) and 2 (12.5%) samples were found positive for L. interrogans serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae for cattle and buffaloes respectively, with titers ≥1:200. Antibodies against L. interrogans serovar Pomona were detected in 8 (9.52%) and 2 (12.5%) in cattle and buffaloes respectively with titers ≥1:400. Two cattle (2.38%) and two buffalo (12.5%) samples were positive for L. interrogans serovar Djasiman. On the other hand, two cattle samples were positive for both L. interrogans serovar Icterohaemorrhagiae and L. interrogans serovar Pomona. Second serum samples were rechecked for seroconversion from each positively reacted animal with 3-4 weeks interval.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Clinical and some biochemical variations with trials of treatment in hypomagnesaemia in buffaloe calves at Assiut Governorate
H. Z. Rateb | M. E. Radwan
A total number of 30 buffaloe calves aged between 1-6 months with body weight range of 100- 125 kg and belonged to private farms at Assiut Governorate constituted the materials of this study. Twenty of them showed the classical signs of hypomagnesaemia while the other ten buffaloe calves were proved to be healthy by both clinical and laboratory methods of examinations and used as control. Biochemical analysis of blood sera showed a significant hypomagnesaemia , hypocalcaemia and hypophosphataemia in diseased buffaloe calves when compared with the healthy ones, also fluctuation between the previous studied parameters either pre and post treated animals were evident. Meanwhile, blood serum total protein, albumin, globulin, albumin/globulin ratio and GOT levels were fluctuated in diseased buffaloe calves or treated one when compared with the healthy control animals. Statistical analysis between studies parameters were carried out in buffaloe calves before and after treatment.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Bovine Parapoxvirus: Isolation and pathogenicity studies
A. S. Abdel-Moneim | S. M. Tamam
A disease characterized by papules, nodules, vesicles, pustules and ulcers on teats and udder as well as drastic drop in milk production was seen among a cattle farm in Fayoum Governorate, Egypt. A virus was isolated by inoculation of vesicle and scrap homogenate pool from infected cattle into the chorioallantoic membrane of specific pathogen free embryonated chicken eggs. The virus was identified by presence of pock lesions, intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies on the chorioallantoic membrane, polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry of the inoculated membrane. A novel pathogenicity model was developed via ear pinna inoculation of Swiss mice. The virus produced vesicular and ulcerative lesions at the site of inoculation in inoculated mice. The virus identity was confirmed by the presence of intracytoplasmic viral antigens by immunohistochemistry
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Detection of Chlamydophila abortus in sheep by Polymerase Chain Reaction
Wafaa A. Osman
This study was carried out on 180 pregnant ewes located at Ras Sedr research station - desert research center, from 2003 to 2005. Twenty five cases of abortion were recorded and examined serologically by complement fixation test (CFT). 17 (68%) out of these 25, showed positive results against Chlamydophila abortus and 3(15%) out of 20 apparently healthy pregnant ewes were serologically positive. Due to the fact that both clinical signs and pathological findings are not specific in case of chlamydial infection and also due to the fact that CFT is accompanied by false positive reactions due to cross reactivity between chlamydial species, five samples from serologically positive aborted dams were subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR). They revealed positive results for Chlamydophila abortus at 119 bp. Therefore, PCR is proven to be reliable, rapid and specific diagnostic technique in the diagnosis of chlamydial infection.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Seroprevalence of Babesia ovis in small ruminants in Siwa Oasis, Egypt
H. I. Hosein | Samia A. Ahmed | F. A. Ibrahim | T. R. Abou-Elnaga | M. A. Gebely | Mona A. Mahmoud
Seroprevalence of Babesia ovis in sheep and goats was studied in Siwa Oasis between January 2002 and January 2003. A total of 240 blood samples were collected from 108 sheep and 132 goats for preparation of blood smears and for separation of serum samples and tested against B. ovis by using IFAT. B. ovis was detected in 55 (50.92%) and 59 (44.69%) blood smears examined in sheep and goats, respectively. The overall prevalence of B. ovis infection was 71.3% in sheep and 68.2% in goat using IFAT. The seasonal prevalence of B.ovis peaked in both spring and summer as revealed by blood smear examination and IFAT. A total of 143 ticks were collected from 62 sheep and 81 goats during the study. The ticks examined were Rhipicephalus turanicus (75.52%) and Hyalomma anatolicum (24.48%).
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The prevalence, organ distribution and fertility of cystic echinoccosis in feral pigs in tropical North Queensland, Australia
D. Lidetu | G.W. Hutchinson
An investigation was carried out to study the prevalence of Echinococcus granulosus hydatidosis in feral pigs (Sus domesticus) in the Charters Towers region of tropical North Queensland. Data were collected from a total of 238 carcasses, which were hunted and shot in the Burdekin River catchment area. Organs of the abdominal, thoracic, and pelvic cavities were examined for the presence of hydatid cysts. In the laboratory, cysts and hydatid cyst fluids were examined under a stereoscopic binoc ular microscope and a compound microscope. An overall prevalence of E. granulosus hydatid cysts in feral pigs was found to be 31.1%. There was no significant difference in either sex or age between infected and non-infected feral pigs. The predilection sites of cysts were livers (23%) and lungs (62%), with more cysts in lungs (252) than livers (48). The ratio of livers to lungs infected with fertile cysts was 1:4 compared to 1:8 sterile cysts. The overall fertility of cysts was 70.1%. The percentage of fertile cysts in liver and lung was 79.2% and 68.7%, respectively. The diameter of fertile cysts ranged from 15 to over 60 mm. There was no significant difference in size between fertile and non-fertile cysts in lungs. The high prevalence rate and fertility of cysts in feral pigs confirm that feral pigs can take part in the sylvatic cycle of the parasite in the region. The public health significance of this observation is potentially very important.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Study of the genetic heterogeneity of SAT-2 foot-and-mouth disease virus in sub-Saharan Africa with specific focus on East Africa
M. Sahle | R.M. Dwarka | E.H. Venter | W. Vosloo
The epidemiology of serotype SAT-2 foot-and-mouth disease was investigated in sub-Saharan Africa by phylogenetic analysis using the 1D gene encoding the major antigenic determinant. Fourteen genotypes were identified of which three are novel and belong to East Africa, bringing the total number of genotypes for that region to eight. The genotypes clustered into three lineages that demonstrated surprising links between East, southern and south-western Africa. One lineage was unique to West Africa. These results established numerous incursions across country borders in East Africa and long term conservation of sequences for periods up to 41 years. Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda have all experienced outbreaks from more than one unrelated strain, demonstrating the potential for new introductions. The amount of variation observed within this serotype nearly equalled that which was found between serotypes; this has severe implications for disease control using vaccination.
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