AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
Recherche avancée
Date de publication

Résultats 101-110 de 309

Influence of dipping practices on the seroprevalence of babesiosis and anaplasmosis in the foot-and-mouth disease buffer zone adjoining the Kruger National Park in South Africa


K.B. Stevens | A.M. Spickett | W. Vosloo | D.U. Pfeiffer | E. Dyason | B. Du Plessis

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Determination of electrophoretic pattern of infectious bovine rhinotrachities virus of cattle


Hanan, A. Fahmy | Omayma, M. El Desawy

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Goats as alternative hosts of cattle ticks


N. Nyangiwe | I.G. Horak

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Serodiagnostic studies on bovine leptospirosis in Beni-Suef Governorate


W. H. Hassan

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Clinical and some biochemical variations with trials of treatment in hypomagnesaemia in buffaloe calves at Assiut Governorate


H. Z. Rateb | M. E. Radwan

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Bovine Parapoxvirus: Isolation and pathogenicity studies


A. S. Abdel-Moneim | S. M. Tamam

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Detection of Chlamydophila abortus in sheep by Polymerase Chain Reaction


Wafaa A. Osman

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Seroprevalence of Babesia ovis in small ruminants in Siwa Oasis, Egypt


H. I. Hosein | Samia A. Ahmed | F. A. Ibrahim | T. R. Abou-Elnaga | M. A. Gebely | Mona A. Mahmoud

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The prevalence, organ distribution and fertility of cystic echinoccosis in feral pigs in tropical North Queensland, Australia


D. Lidetu | G.W. Hutchinson

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Study of the genetic heterogeneity of SAT-2 foot-and-mouth disease virus in sub-Saharan Africa with specific focus on East Africa


M. Sahle | R.M. Dwarka | E.H. Venter | W. Vosloo

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