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Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (PTCC 1637) on ruminal detoxification of aflatoxin B1
karazhyan, reza | Shaker Sheyda, Iraj | مهربان سنگ آتش, معصومه | Tajjali, Faeze | مجتهدی, محسن | صادق, محمد
BACKGROUND: Aflatoxins are secondary metabolites due to the growth of molds in animal feed. Lactic acid bacteria are microorganisms that can absorb aflatoxins. Objectives: the effect of the yeast Lactobacillus rhamnosus (PTCC 1637) on Aflatoxin B1 detoxification and absorption of toxin in in vitro (the cow rumen) was investigated. METHODS: For this purpose, the bacteria used in various treatments (live-treated, autoclave, heat-treated, treated with acid 100ºC) was prepared and added to the rumen of cattle. Aflatoxin B1 in different doses (0, 5, 10, 20) ppb in the rumen were added and at times one and two hours were incubated at 37°C. The amount of toxin residues was measured by ELISA using Europroxima kits. RESULTS: The results showed that microorganisms have been treated in an autoclave have the largest amount toxin removal (90.5 percent) (p<0.05). Also with increases the incubation time, the amount of toxin absorbed significantly (78%) increased (p<0.05) and with increasing concentrations of toxin in vitro the bacteria’s ability to absorb toxin increases. Conclusions: As a solution to the livestock feed industry bacterial cell wall or its compounds can be helpful in reducing Aflatoxin B1 toxin.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of the contamination of aflatoxin M1 level in raw milk samples by ELISA method in Yazd province
Yahyaraeyat, Ramak | Shokri, Hojatollah | Khosravi, Ali Reza | ترابی, سپیده
BACKGROUND: Aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) is the main monohydroxylated derivative of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) formed in liver and excreted into milk. AFM1 creates certain hygienic risks for human health. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine AFM1 level in raw milk samples in Yazd province. METHODS: This investigation was a descriptive-cross sectional study. Eighty raw milk samples were collected from four cities (Yazd, Taft, Mehriz and Sadogh) in Yazd province in winter and spring seasons. The concentration of AFM1 was determined by ELISA method. The analysis of the results was performed using ANOVA and Chi-square tests. RESULTS: All samples (100%) were contaminated with AFM1, with the concentrations ranging from 3.18 to 92.24 ng/l with a mean concentration of 22.07 ng/l. AFM1 level in 13.7% of raw milk samples was higher than the maximum tolerance limit of 50 ng/l accepted by the European Union (EU). The contamination level of AFM1 in winter samples (28.21 ng/l) was higher than spring samples (15.92 ng/l). Also, the highest and lowest contamination levels were observed in milk samples collected from Sadogh (mean 42.21 ng/l) and Yazd (12.79 ng/l) cities, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Results demonstrated AFM1 was detected with a mean concentration of 22.07 ng/l in milk samples of Yazd province. Moreover, 13.7% of samples contained AFM1 at hazardous levels for human health.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of Antioxidant organic sulfur compounds on performance, prooxidant–antioxidant balance (PAB) of the Eimeria-infected broiler chickens
pourali, Mostafa | Golian, Abolghasem | Kermanshahi, Hasan | Razmi, Golamreza
The effect of Antioxidant organic sulfur compounds on performance, prooxidant–antioxidant balance (PAB) of the Eimeria-infected broiler chickensBACKGROUND: Use of Garlic Powder (GP) and Total Sulfur Amino acid (TSAA) can improve redox status of broiler chickens fed with and infected by Eimeria and recover the negative effects of coccidiosis. OBJECTIVES: This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of GP and TSAA on feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and prooxidant–antioxidant balance (PAB) of the chickens challenged with Eimeria oocysts species mix. METHODS: A 2×2×2 split-plot-factorial arrangement of treatments was used. 400 day-old male broiler chickens (Ross 308) were equally assigned to two plots (4 treatments each). Two hundred of the chickens were challenged with Eimeria oocysts species mix by oral inoculation at day 34 (infected plot) and the others were left as unchallenged (uninfected plot). In each plot, broiler chickens were randomly assigned to four treatments and fed one of following diets: basal diet, basal diet plus 0.5% GP, basal diet plus 50% more TSAA based on Ross 2009 recommendations, basal diet plus 0.5 % GP and 50% more TSAA based on Ross 2009 recommendations. RESULTS: The results showed that after inoculation birds with 7.5×102 Eimeria oocysts species mix significantly (p<0.05) reduced the FI to 20% and increased FCR to 14% and also increased serum PAB (p<0.05), especially for infected broilers that were fed with basal diet, however, supplementation of GP and TSAA were better for broiler chickens in infected plot than uninfected plot. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that addition of GP and TSAA to diet may recover the negative effects of coccidiosis and improve the performance and redox of broiler chickens infected by Eimeria.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Differentiation of Infectious bursal disease viruses isolated from Iranian poultry flocks using real-time RT-PCR and high resolution melt curve analysis
Peighambari, Seyed Mostafa | Cheraghchibashi, Mehdi | Hosseini, Hossein
BACKGROUND: Infectious bursal disease (IBD) is a highly contagious disease of young birds. Differentiation between classical virulent and very virulent IBDV (vvIBDV) isolate is very important for the poultry industry to choose the right vaccination program. Molecular and serological tests are time consuming and have variable sensitivity. However, the melting curve analysis is relatively fast method with high precision. OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of the melting curve analysis for differentiation of some Iranian IBDVs which their identity had been previously determined by RT-PCR/RFLP analysis. METHODS: In this study, after RNA extraction and reverse transcription and Real Time RT- PCR of IBDVs, high melting resolution at temperatures ranging from 81 to 92°C were performed. RESULTS: The findings of this study showed that in the high resolution melting curve analysis, the viruses were classified from A to D. Three vaccine strains of D78, Gumbokal, Bursa CE; IBD L; Bursine 2; and all field viruses were placed in groups A, B, C, and D, respectively. High resolution melting curve analysis after normalization also showed all viruses of this study were placed in 4 HRM genotypic group. Three strains, D78, Gumbokal, Bursa CE, produced similar and non-differentiable curve but were different from other vaccine and field strains. Two other vaccine strains, IBD L and Bursine 2, were different from each other and other viruses. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that the real-time RT-PCR HRM technique is cost-effective and reliable among the currently used methods and can be used for differentiation of IBDV isolates.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Anatomical, Histological and Histochemical study of Eustachian tube in the Adult River Buffalo
Hashemi, Sayed Rashid | Soltanalinejad, Farhad | Najafi, Gholamreza | Shahrooz, Rasoul
BACKGROUND: The Eustachian tube is an osteocartilaginous channel connecting the tympanic cavity with the nasopharynx. There is no anatomical and histological research performed on this organ in buffalo. OBJECTIVES: Anatomical and histological study of Eustachian tube in buffalo will be useful for basic knowledge of this organ. METHODS: For this study 8 adult male and female buffalo's head were provided from slaughter house and their Eustachian tube were studied anatomically, then tissue samples were obtained and paraffin sections were prepared for using of staining methods such as H&E (for general study), Verhoff (for elastic fibers), PAS (for carbohydrates) and Masson's Trichrome Stainning Kit (for collagen fibers). RESULTS: Anatomical results showed Eustachian tube was white and funnel- like tube, no curve and structurally supported by cartilage and in both sexes they had the same structure. Histological and Histochemical results showed the epithelium of Eustachian tube in buffalo is pseudostratified ciliated columnar and in some regions of the Eustachian tube epithelium was stratified squamous. In the first portion of Eustachian tube cartilage was elastic and then eustachian tube cartilage was hyaline. The glands of Eustachian tube in buffalo were mucous and non folicular tubal tonsil could be found around the pharyngeal opening with obviously lymphoid tissue. CONCLUSIONS:. The results of this research can be used as the basic anatomical and Histological knowledge in buffalo..
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The effect of turmeric extract and sodium bentonite on some biochemical parameters in rats contaminated with Aflatoxin B1
rialy, afsaneh | سریر, هادی | مجتهدی, محسن | ابطحی, حسین
Background: Aflatoxins are a group of mycotoxins produced by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus and are an important factor in oxidative damage to the kidney and liver. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of turmeric extract and/or sodium bentonite against renal and hepatic damage induced by aflatoxin B1. METHODS: In this experiment that lasted for four weeks 64 male Wistar rats randomly assigned to eight groups containing: control, aflatoxin (AF), turmeric extract (TE), sodium bentonit (SB), TE+SE, AF+TE, AF+SB, AF+(TE+SB). At the end of experiment blood samples were taken from heart and some biochemical analysis has been performed. RESULTS: In the AF group, the levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), low density lipoprotein (LDL) and creatinine (P<0.05) significantly increased and uric acid numerically increased (P=0.056) compare to control group. Treatment of AF contaminated group with TE or SB alone remarkably decreased the levels of ALT, ALP, creatinine and uric acid. TE and SB in normal rats had no significant effect on the levels of liver enzyme compare to the control group. CONCLUSIONS: According to the present research, it seems that TE and SB alone decrease the harmful effects of Aflatoxin B1 and the combination of them has a potentiating effect.Key words: Aflatoxin B1, Turmeric Extract, Sodium Bentonite, blood parameters, rats
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of reduced glutathione and superoxide dismutase antioxidant levels on some of the characteristics of sperm after freezing bull semen
Daghigh Kia, Hossein | Olfati Karaji, Rasteghar
BACKGROUND: Semen cryopreservation process with increased reactive oxygen species levels (ROS) plays a decisive role on the sperm cellular organelles (cell membrane, mitochondria and DNA). OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to determine the effects of adding different levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and reduced glutathione (GSH) antioxidants before freezing on motility, total progressive motility, viability and positive response to hypo-osmotic swelling test (HOST) parameters after Bull semen was frozen. METHODS: In this study, four bulls aged 4-5 years were used and 20 times the semen collection (5 ejaculates per bull) was performed. SOD (100 and 150 IU/ml) and GSH (5 and 7.5 mM) antioxidants were added to Tris - egg yolk extender. Diluted semen samples with or without additives were manually filled with straw and the free end of the straws were sealed by sealing machines; then, semen were frozen by semi-automatic freezing machine, using liquid nitrogen. After thawing the samples, the total and progressive motility, sperm viability and positive response to the HOST parameters were determined at zero and 2 h of incubation. RESULTS: Adding SOD and GSH antioxidant levels did not reveal significant differences between treatments in any of the semen parameters in the initial hour of incubation after thawing. Two hours incubation of post-thawed semen samples containing SOD (100 IU/ml) significantly improved total motility, viability and membrane integrity of the sperm (p<0.05). Also, in samples containing SOD (150 IU/ml), sperm membrane integrity was maintained (p<0.05). In the semen samples with antioxidant GSH (5 mM), total motility and membrane integrity of the sperm are considerably improved after thawing (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that using SOD and GSH antioxidants as freezing semen extender additives can improve post-thawed bull semen quality.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Molecular detection of Haemoproteus in homing pigeons (Colombia livia domestica) in Mazandaran Province
Tabaripour, Seyed Reza | Youssefi, Mohammad reza | Rahbari, Sadegh | Arghavan, Mohammad
Background: Haemoproteus is a parasitic protozoa that over 120 species of it has been reported from wild aquatic birds, sparrows and other birds orders. So far, no study has been performed to determine the species of this protozoa in the north of Iran.Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the molecular and structural properties of Heamoproteus protozoa in the blood of infected pigeons in Mazandaran province.Methods: In the present study molecular investigation of Haemoproteus infection was carried out in domestic pigeons of Mazandaran province. For this purpose, samples obtained randomly from 150 pigeons in different regions of Mazandaran. At first, blood samples were stained with Gimsa stain and examined for presence of Haemoproteus gametocytes. Then, positive samples were used for PCR by Cytochrome b genes.. Results: Obtained results after morphological survey showed that 17 samples were positive indicating infection rate of 11.33%. Molecular investigation and analysis of PCR products showed that all of the samples belonged to Haemoproteus columbae species.Conclusion: So, being precisely familiar with this kind of protozoan and its species can limit many mistakes and be helpful in differential diagnosis of different species. This study has revealed that the most common species of Haemoproteus in Mazanadran province is Haemoproteus columbae.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Echocardiography and Histology Evaluation of the Heart in the Immature (2.5 Years old) Beluga
Zehtabvar, Omid | vajhi, alireza | Tootian, Zahra | Masoudifard, Majid | Sadeghinejad, Javad | Davudypoor, Somaye
AbstractBACKGROUND: Beluga (Huso huso) is one of the sturgeons and currently is cultured artificially in Iran with different goals. The cardiovascular system is one of the important systems of the body, and heart is the most important organ in this system. So far, few studies have been done on the heart of sturgeons.OBJECTIVES: This study was done to determine the exact structure of beluga different parts of the heart septum using echocardiographic and histologic techniques. METHODS: Six immature male belugas (2.5 years old) were investigated in this study. For echocardiography, probe was placed on the ventral surface of body, between pectoral fins. At first, macroscopic morphologic studies of different parts of heart were done at the topographic place of them. For histological studies, usual methods of fixation and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) coloring were used. Prepared slides were studied by light microscope.RESULTS: All parts of the heart including the sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, conus arteriosus and pericardium were clearly visible in different probe moves. The pericardium were covered surround heart`s structures having homogenous echo pattern. Sinus venosus had a very thin septum without any expansion and contraction. Atrium had a completed muscular septum with expansion and contraction. Ventricle muscular septum had two layers: an external compact layer and an internal spongy layer. Conus arteriosus was composed of obvious muscular septum and connective tissue. Histological studies showed three layers in beluga heart including epicardium, myocardium and endocardium. In overall, the histological findings were matched with the results of echocardiography. CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first investigation on echocardiographic feature of different parts of beluga heart. These results were coordinated with histological findings. Normal information and findings of this study can be used for investigation of various anatomic or pathologic changes in beluga heart in different research projects.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of acute administration of docosahexaenoic acid in mice resistant to antiepileptic drugs in 6Hz model of epilepsy
moezifar, Melika | zendehdel, morteza | Sayyah, Mohammad | babapour, vahab
BACHGROUND: Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder. Despite discovery of effective antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), more than 30% of patients are still resistant to AEDs. OBJECTIVES: Evaluation the effect of acute administration of Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in mice resistant to antiepileptic drugs in 6Hz model of epilepsy. METHODS: at first we evaluted intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v) injection and oral consumption of DHA alone and intrapritoneal (i.p.) injection of drugs in separate groups. In test groups LTG 25mg/kg or PHT 25mg/kg were injected i.p. 105 min after injection of PHT, 45 min after injection of LTG, DHA (1mM) was injected i.c.v. In control groups drugs solvent or DHA solvent was injected DHA. 15 min after injection of DHA or DHA solvent, in all groups 6 Hz stimulation was exerted and occurrence of limbic seizures was registered. In oral test groups PHT 25mg/kg or LTG 25mg/kg were injected i.p. 60 min after injection of PHT and simultaneous injection of LTG, DHA (0.1 ml) was gavaged. 60 minutes after injection of DHA 6 Hz stimulation was exerted. RESULTS: Acute administration of DHA alone via i.c.v injection or oral gavage had no protective effect on inhibiting seizures. Administration of DHA with LTG or PHT also couldn’t inhibit drug resistance. 6-Hz seizures when administered chronically. However, chronically administered DHA inhibited limbic seizures resistant to LTG and PHT. CONCLUSIONS: Acute administration of DHA couldn’t inhibits resistance to LTG and phenytoin in 6-Hz model of epilepsy. Also consumption of single dose of DHA with anticonvulsant drugs don’t have any effect on prevention of drug resistance in epileptic patients.
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