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Résultats 111-120 de 252
Effect of imidazole receptor active agents on porcine myometrial contractility
Shin, D.H. | Nah, S.Y. (Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Kim, J.H. (Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea Republic). College of Medicine)
Action of P2x-purinoceptor on urinary bladder smooth muscle of pig
Park, S.E. (Pusan branch, National Animal Quarantine Service, Pusan (Korea Republic)) | Hong, Y.G. | Kim, J.H. (Gyeongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Shim, C.S. (Eastern branch, Gyeongnam Livestock Promotion Institute, Ulsan (Korea Republic)) | Jeon, S.C. (Cardiac Center, Masan Samsung General Hospital, Masan (Korea Republic))
Rapid identification and toxin type analysis of Clostridium perfringens isolated from healthy or diseased stocks with necrotic enteritis in chicken
Kim, H.J. | Chung, U.I. (Miwon Institute of Animal Science, Ichon (Korea Republic)) | Kang, M.I. (Chonnan National University, Kwangju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Effect of renal ischemia on amino acid transport in rabbit renal cortical slices
Nam, Y.J. | Kim, J.H. (Gyeongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
In vitro antibacterial activity, postantibiotic effects of norfloxacin and its interaction effects in combination with other antibiotics
Park, S.C. | Yun, H.I. (Chungnam National University, Taejon (Korea Republic). College of veterinary Medicine) | Oh, T.K. (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST Taejon (Korea Republic))
The structure of the ductuli efferentes in the Korean native pheasant (Phasianus colchicus korpowi)
Paik, Y.K. | Yang, H.H. | Kim, I.S. | Park, Y.S. (Chonbuk National University, Chonju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Development of the body of axis and lst cervical intervertebral disc in the Korean native cattle fetus
Lee, H.R. | Ahn, D.C. | Kim, I.S. | Yang, H.H. | Paik, Y.K. (Chonbuk National University, Chonju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Immunohistochemical study on the endocrine cells of the pig stomach
Lee, J.H. | Kim, J.M. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Lee, H.S. (Kyongsan University, Kyongsan (Korea Republic). Department of Biology)
Antimicrobial drug susceptibility and treatment efficacy in mice against Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp isolated from feces of diarrheal animals
Kim, J.M. | Jean, N.S. | Kim, J.W. | Jean, Y.H. | Lee, H.S. | Kweon, C.H. | Woo, S.R. | Park, J.M. | Kim, J.H. | Rhee, J.C. (National Veterinary Research Institute, RDA, Anyang (Korea Republic)) | Lee, H.C. (Korea Animal Health Product Association, Anyang (Korea Republic))
An immunohistochemical study of the endocrine cells in the common pancreatic ducts of the Korean native goat
Kee, J.H. (Kyungpook National University, Taegu (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Lee, H.S. (Kyungsan University, Kyungsan (Korea Republic). Department of Biology)