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Effect of flunixin meglumine on Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin-induced diarrhea in calves
Roussel, A.J. Jr | Sriranganathan, N. | Brown, S.A. | Sweatt, D.
In a study to evaluate the effect of flunixin meglumine on secretory diarrhea, 11 calves were assigned to 3 groups: group 1 (n = 3) served as controls, group-2 calves (n = 4) were given 2.2 mg of flunixin meglumine/kg, IM at 7 AM and 3 PM, and group-3 calves (n = 4) were given 2.2 mg of flunixin meglumine/kg IM at 7 AM, 11 AM, and 3 PM. All calves were given approximately 200 microgram of heat stable Escherichia coli enterotoxin (STa) orally at 8 AM. Mean cumulative fecal output for groups 1, 2, and 3 was 1,331.0 +/- 317.2 g, 1,544.3 +/- 154.4 g, and 785.5 +/- 276.5 g, respectively. There was a significant (P < 0.05) reduction in mean fecal output in group-3 calves, compared with that in groups 1 and 2. Calves in group 2 tended to have a delay, but not a reduction, in their fecal output. At 12 hours, hemoconcentration was significantly (P < 0.05) greater in group-1 calves than in group-2 or group- 3 calves.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Prevalence and characterization of Staphylococcus aureus in young goats
Centorbi, O.N.P. de | Cuadrado, A.M.A. de | Carrizo, S.C.C. de | Milan, M.C.C. de | Gimenez, D.F. | Bergdoll, M.S.
Thirty-six Staphylococcus aureus isolates recovered from 35 of 204 young goats at slaughter were characterized. All isolates were susceptible to cephalothin, clindamycin, chloramphenicol, gentamicin, kanamycin, and amikacin. All but 2 were susceptible to erythromycin and tetracycline, and 19 and 20 were susceptible to penicillin and ampicillin, respectively. Thirteen isolates were classified as biotype A, 9 isolates were classified as biotype B, 8 isolates were clssified as biotype C, and 6 isolates were classified as intermediate between B and C or were not biotypable. Six biotype A isolates were enterotoxigenic; 4 produced enterotoxin B, 1 produced enterotoxin C, and 1 produced enterotoxin D. Two biotype B strains produced enterotoxin B, and all 8 biotype C isolates produced enterotoxin C and the toxic shock syndrome toxin-1.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Clinical signs and bone changes associated with phosphorus deficienccy in beef cattle
Shupe, J.L. | Butcher, J.E. | Call, J.W. | Olson, A.E. | Blake, J.T.
For 10 years, 42 female Herefords (as they progressed from weanling calves to aged cows) were fed diets individually, with phosphorus (P) content being the only variable. During growth and the first 3 gestations, clinically evident differences were not associated with 2 dietary treatments (approx 12 and 38 g of P/day). During the next 2 gestations (2 years), half the cows from each original treatment group were fed less than 6 g of P (n = 21 cows, 11 from the group fed 12 g of P/day and 10 from the group fed 38 g of P/day) daily. The other half were fed diets supplying approximately 8 g of P (n = 11 cows fed 12 g of P/day) and 35 g of P (n = 10 cows fed 38 g of P/day) daily. During the last 3 years of the experiment, all remaining cows were fed diets containing 12 g (n = 19 cows originally fed 12 g) or 19 g (n = 17 cows originally fed 38 g) of P/day. Cows fed diets containing less than 6 g of P/day developed an insidious and subtle complex syndrome characterized by weight loss, rough hair coat, abnormal stance, and lameness. Spontaneous fractures occurred in the vertebrae, pelvis, and ribs. In severely affected cows, fractures did not heal properly. Some bones were demineralized markedly, and the cortical surfaces were porous, chalky white, soft, and fragile. Osteoid tissue was not properly mineralized. Radiography revealed diminished bone density osteoporosis), cortical thinning, and resorption of trabeculae. Time-related availability of dietary P initiated excessive turnover of bone, with resultant structural changes and impaired function. Bone structure and general health of the P-deficient cows improved rapidly when they were fed a diet containing greater than 12 g of P/day.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) as a vector of enzotic bovine leukosis
Weber, A.F. | Moon, R.D. | Sorensen, D.K. | Bates, D.W. | Meiske, J.C. | Brown, C.A. | Rohland, N.L. | Hooker, E.C. | Strand, W.O.
Experiments reported here were directed at 2 questions: (1) Can the stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) tansmit enzootic bovine leukosis? (2) Could early viremia augment the probability of transmission by this insect? In one vector experiment, calves and bovine leukemia virus (BLV)-infected cows were housed with and without stable flies. The calves were monitored serologically during a 3-month postexposure period, using the agar gel immunodiffusion test. All fly-infested and fly-free calves remained BLV-seronegative. For a second vector experiment, donor calves, newly injected with blood from BLV-infected cows with high virus expression, were tethered alternately between uninoculated, weaned BLV-seronegative calves. These groups were housed with or without flies in 2 replicate trials. The inoculated calves from the first replicate seroconvert at 16 and 23 days after inoculation; the inoculated calves from the second replicate seroconverted at 11, 16, 16, and 37 days after inoculation. All uninoculated calves remained BLV-seronegative. In a manual transmission experiment, 50 unfed stable flies were allowed to complete a meal on each of 3 BLV-seronegative calves after feeding on a BLV-seropositive cow with high (42%) virus expression. One control calf was injected with blood from the cow. Seroconversion occurred in the control calf and 1 calf on which flies were given access. A scanning electron microscopic study was made of the everted and closed mouth parts of the stable fly. Given the lymphocyte count in blood from the cow used in the manual vector transmission experiment, it was calculated that 3,950 mouth part volumes would be necessary to transmit BLV. This estimate and our negative transmission results indicated that the stable fly is not a BLV vector of consequence.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Morphologic changes in the bovine mammary gland during involution and lactogenesis
Sordillo, L.M. | Nickerson, S.C.
Morphologic changes developing during bovine mammary involution were examined. Quarter biopsy specimens were obtained weekly from 5 cows beginning the day milking was discontinued through parturition. Light and electron microscopic examination of mammary tissue indicated a gradual reduction in synthetic and secretory activity of alveolar epithelium as involution progressed. Light microscopic morphologic analysis revealed increases in stroma and nonactive secretory epithelium, with concomitant decreases in epithelium, lumen, and fully active secretory epithelium during the first 2 weeks of involution. Electron microscopic analysis of alveolar epithelium revealed decreased number of organelles associated with milk synthesis and secretion during this time. These changes reversed gradually beginning 2 weeks before parturition, and by the time of calving, cell structure was typical of lactating glands. Tissue from infected quarters had less synthetic and secretory ability as indicated by significantly higher percentages of stroma and nonactive cells, but lower percentages of lumen and moderately active cells, compared with uninfected quarters. Infected quarters also had more leukocytes infiltrating the epithelium, lumen, and stroma, compared with uninfected quarters. Microscopic examination of macrophages and neutrophils suggested these cells removed milk components and cellular debris during involution. Large numbers of plasma cells, with distended cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum, suggested local antibody production during the periparturient period.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Inhibition of feline infectious peritonitis virus replication by recombinant human leukocyte (alpha) interferon and feline fibroblastic (beta) interferon
Weiss, R.C. | Toivio-Kinnucan, M.
Replication of feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV) in feline cell cultures was inhibited after incubation of cells with either human recombinant leukocyte (alpha) interferon (IFN) or feline fibroblastic (beta) IFN for 18 to 24 hours before viral challenge exposure. Compared with virus control cultures, FIPV yields were reduced by ranges of 0.1 to 2.7 log10 or 2 to 5.2 log10 TCID50 in cultures treated with human alpha- or feline beta-IFN, respectively; yield reductions were IFN dose dependent. Sensitivity to the antiviral activities of IFN varied with cell type; feline embryo cells had greater FIPV yield reductions than did similarly treated feline kidney or feline lung cells. Comparison of the virus growth curves in IFN-treated and virus control cultures indicated marked reduction in intracellular and extra-cellular FIPV in IFN-treated cultures. Compared with virus control cultures, intracellular and extracellular infectivity in IFN-treated cultures was delayed in onset by 12 and 30 hours, respectively, and FIPV titers subsequently were reduced by 3 to 3.5 and 5 log10 TCID50, respectively. Frequently, immunofluorescent and electron microscopy of IFN-treated cells or cell culture fluids did not reveal virus; however, even in cultures without viral cytopathic changes, small amounts of virus occasionally persisted in cells.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Viral and viral protein specificity of antibodies induced in cows persistently infected with noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus after vaccination with cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus
Bolin, S.R.
Neutralizing and nonneutralizing antibodies to bovine viral diarrhae (BVD) virus were detected in 3 cows persistently infected with noncytopathic BVD virus after vaccination with modified-live cytopathic BVD virus. Neutralizing antibodies detected in serum samples from each persistently infected cow at 3 weeks after vaccination were highly specific for certain isolates of cytopathic BVD virus and reacted only with a viral protein with a molecular weight of 53,000. Neutralizing antibodies to 1 of 3 isolates of noncytopathic BVD virus were detected in a serum sample obtained at 12 weeks after vaccination from 1 of 3 persistently infected cows. Nonneutralizing antibodies were detected in all cows at 7 to 12 weeks after vaccination.The nonneutralizing antibodies were less specific for isolates of BVD virus and reacted with viral proteins with molecular weights of 115,000, 80,000, 53,000, and 47,000.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Anthelmintic efficacies of fenbendazole, ivermectin, and levamisole against Nematodirus battus infections in lambs
Zimmerman, G.L. | Hoberg, E.P. | Rickard, L.G. | Bishop, J.K.
Anthelmintic efficacies of fenbendazole, ivermectin, and levamisole were evaluated against naturally acquired infections of Nematodirus battus in lambs. Four groups of 10 lambs each were used. Oral administration of 8 mg of levamisole/kg of body weight or 5 mg of fenbendazole/kg significantly (P < 0.01) reduced the degree of infection by N battus (adults) by > 99%. An oral formulation of 200 microgram of ivermectin/kg was 98% effective (P < 0.01). Numbers of other Nematodirus spp (including N filicolis and N spathiger) were significantly reduced.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of three techniques for end-to-end anastomosis of the small colon in horses
Hanson, R.R. | Nixon, A.J. | Calderwood-Mays, M. | Gronwall, R.
In an attempt to determine the best method for surgical removal of devitalized small colon lesions, 12 horses underwent a double small colon resection and end-to-end anastomosis. In 4 horses (study 1), an appositional single-layer (APP-1) suture pattern was compared with an inverting 2-layer (INV-2) suture pattern. In 8 horses (study 2), an appositional 2-layer (APP-2) suture pattern was compared with the INV-2 suture technique. Polydioxanone suture (size 1-0), was used. Horses were evaluated at necropsy 3, 10, 14, 28, or 56 days after surgery. Postoperative complications (peritonitis, impaction, or excessive adhesions) were encountered in 100, 42, and 13% of the APP-1, INV-2, and APP-2 anastomoses, respectively. Postmortem eva luation of the small colon revealed dehiscence of the anastomotic site, diffuse peritonitis, and adhesion formation in 3 of the 4 horses in which the resection line was closed with the APP-1 pattern. With the INV-2 and APP-2 techniques, more intestinal inversion was present in the nontaenial than in the taenial portion of the small colon. More postoperative impactions were found with the INV-2 (n = 5) anastomoses than with the APP-2 (n = 1) technique; this appeared to be the result of excessive tissue inversion. There was no difference in lumen diameter between the INV-2 and the APP-2 techniques (P greater than or equal to 0.05). However, horses with unresponsive impactions at the INV-2 site had a smaller luminal diameter compared with the INV-2 anastomoses that did not impact or that impacted and resolved with therapy (P less than or equal to 0.001). Difference in adhesion formation between the INV-2 and the APP-2 techniques was minimal. Bursting pressure studies (7 APP-2, 7 INV-2, and 14 control) were performed in study 2. All segments consistently burst away from the anastomotic site along the mesenteric or antimesenteric taenial band. Differences in bursting pressure (P greater than or equal to 0.05) were not evident between the 2 groups. Histologic evaluation revealed the APP-1 pattern had no intestinal inversion. However, a wide full-thickness deposition of dense fibrous connective tissue in the submucosal and muscular layer was evident. The INV-2 and the APP-2 patternshad pronounced inversion of the anastomotic layers along the nontaenial portion of the anastomoses, with minimal deposition of fibrous connective tissue between the anastomotic layers. The inversion formed a protruding ridge into the lumen that was more pronounced in the INV-2 than in the APP-2 anastomoses. At 28 days, the inverted tissues were held firmly together by maturing fibrous connective tissue that was covered by a mucosal layer. The inverted tissues were as pronounced at 56 days as they were at 3 days. In light of these findings, we concluded that an APP-2 pattern was the preferred surgical technique.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of phenytoin on the clinical signs and in vitro muscle twitch characteristics in horses with chronic intermittent rhabdomyolysis and myotonia
Beech, J. | Fletcher, J.E. | Lizzo, F. | Johnston, J.
In vitro twitch characteristics of the semimembranosus muscle were evaluated in 9 clinically normal horses, in 15 horses with chronic intermittent rhabdomyolysis (CIR) and in 2 horses with myotonia. Effects of phenytoin on in vitro muscle twitch and clinical signs of CIR and myotonia were evaluated in these same horses. Times to 90% relaxation were prolonged in the horses with CIR (mean +/- SEM, 186 +/- 5.9 ms) and in 2 horses with myotonia (197 and 177 ms) compared with those in clinically normal horses (mean +/- SEM, 146 +/- 2.1 ms). Horses with CIR also had significantly (P < 0.05) longer times to 50% relaxation, compared with clinically normal horses. In the group of horses with CIR, Standardbreds had significantly (P < 0.05) longer times to 90% and 50% relaxation, compared with Thoroughbreds. Times to 100% peak tension did not differ among the groups. Administration of phenytoin directly into a muscle preparation bath solution had no effect on muscle twitch properties. After the initial muscle biopsy, phenytoin was administered orally for 7 to 10 days to 4 horses with CIR, 2 myotonic horses, and 2 clinically normal horses before repeat biopsy from the same site in the contralateral semimembranosus muscle. Times to 90% relaxation decreased from 197 and 177 ms to 144 and 126 ms, respectively, in the 2 myotonic horses, from a mean of 192 (+/- 9) ms to 170 (+/- 9) ms in the 4 horses with CIR and remained unchanged (154 and 140 ms before vs 155 and 139 ms after treatment) in the 2 clinically normal horses. Phenytoin treatment of 8 horses with CIR was associated with excellent clinical response in 7; 1 horse became lame, which prevented evaluation of the drug, and the other horse with normal muscle twitch properties continued to have seasonally severe CIR. Of the 9 horses with CIR that were not treated, 4 were lost to evaluation, 3 continued to be affected (but 1 of these often performed well), and 3 were reported to perform satisfactorily. After 10 days of treatment, the 2 myotonic horses had no change in gait or myotonic dimpling and myotonic discharges persisted, although subjectively, they were slightly decreased. Phenytoin appears to be useful clinically for treating horses with CIR.
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