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Systemic and colonic venous plasma eicosanoid and endotoxin concentrations, and colonic venous serum tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-6 activities in horses during low-flow ischemia and reperfusion of the large colon
Moore, R.M. | Muir, W.W. | Cawrse, M. | Bertone, A.L. | Beard, W.L.
Twenty-four horses were randomly allocated to 3 groups. Horses were anesthetized, subjected to a ventral midline celiotomy, and the large colon was exteriorized and instrumented. Group-1 horses served as sham-operated controls. Group-2 horses were subjected to 6 hours of low-flow colonic arterial ischemia, and group-3 horses were subjected to 3 hours of ischemia and 3 hours of reperfusion. Baseline (BL) samples were collected, then low-flow ischemia was induced by reducing ventral colonic arterial blood flow to 20% of BL. All horses were monitored for 6 hours after BL data were collected. Blood samples were collected from the colonic vein and main pulmonary artery (systemic venous [SV]) for measurement of plasma endotoxin, 6-keto prostaglandin F1alpha (6-kPG), thromboxane B2 (TXB2), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) concentrations. Tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-6 activities were measured in colonic venous (CV) serum samples. Data were analyzed, using two-was ANOVA, and post-hoc comparisons were made, using Dunnett's and Tukey's tests. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05 Endotoxin was not detected in CV or SV plasma at any time. There was no detectable tumor necrosis factor or interleukin-6 activity in CV samples at any time. There were no differences at BL among groups for CV or SV 6-kPG, PGE2, or TXB2 concentrations, nor were there any changes across time in group-1 horses. Colonic venous 6-kPG concentration increased during ischemia in horses of groups 2 and 3; CV 6-kPG concentration peaked at 3 hours in group-3 horses, then decreased during reperfusion, but remained increased through 6 hours in group-2 horses. Systemic venous 6-kPG concentration increased during reperfusion in group-3 horses, but there were no changes in group-2 horses. Colonic venous PGE2 concentration increased during ischemia in horses of groups 2 and 3, and remained increased for the first hour of reperfusion in group-3 horses and for the 6-hour duration of ischemia in group-2 horses. There were no temporal alterations in SV PGE2 concentration. There was no difference in CV or SV TXB2 concentration among or within groups across time; however, there was a trend (P = 0.075) toward greater CV TXB2 concentration at 3.25 hours, compared with BL, in group-3 horses. Eicosanoid concentrations were significantly lower in SV, compared with CV plasma. Prostaglandin E2 and 6-kPG concentrations were approximately 3 to 8 and 5 to 10 times greater, respectively, in CV than in SV plasma. The increased concentrations of 6-kPG and PGE2 in CV plasma were likely attributable to their accumulation secondary to colonic ischemia. The increased values of these vasodilator eicosanoids may have a role in the reactive hyperemia observed during reperfusion. The increased 6-kPG concentration in SV plasma may represent spillover from the colonic vasculature, but more likely reflects systemic production.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Biomechanical properties of canine corticocancellous bone frozen in normal saline solution
Griffon, D.J. | Wallace, L.J. | Bechtold, J.E.
Eleven pairs of canine metacarpal bones, 10 pairs of metatarsal bones, and 7 pairs of ribs were harvested cleanly and prepared for banking at -20 C for 1 year. One bone of each pair was randomly assigned to 1 type of storage: plastic pack vs immersion in a normal solution of sodium chloride. The contralateral bone was assigned to the opposite treatment. Six pairs of metacarpal bones and 5 pairs of metatarsal bones were tested in torsion to failure. No significant difference was found within pairs. All ribs, 5 pairs of metacarpal bones, and 5 pairs of metatarsal bones were loaded in 4-point bending to failure. The energy absorbed at failure and the ultimate displacement of ribs and metacarpal and metatarsal bones were increased by 25 to 30% and 18 to 24%, respectively, when the bones were frozen in isotonic saline solution. Corticocancellous grafts frozen in normal saline solution are biomechanically less fragile and brittle than grafts stored in plastic without saline solution.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Pharmacologic interaction of furosemide and phenylbutazone in horses
Hinchcliff, K.W. | McKeever, K.H. | Muir, W.W. III. | Sams, R.A.
The effect of premedication with phenylbutazone on systemic hemodynamic and diuretic effects of furosemide was examined in 6 healthy, conscious, mares. Mares were instrumented for measurement of systemic hemodynamics, including cardiac output and pulmonary arterial, systemic arterial, and intracardiac pressures, and urine flow. Each of 3 treatments was administered in a randomized, blinded study; furosemide (1 mg/kg of body weight, IV) only, phenylbutazone (8.8 mg/kg PO, at 24 hours and 4.4 mg/kg IV, 30 minutes before furosemide) and furosemide, or 0.9% NaCl. Phenylbutazone administration significantly attenuated, but did not abolish, the diuretic effect of furosemide. Phenylbutazone completely inhibited the immediate effect of furosemide on cardiac output, stroke volume, total peripheral resistance, and right ventricular peak pressure. Premedication with phenylbutazone did not inhibit equally the diuretic and hemodynamic effects of furosemide, indicating that some of furosemide's hemodynamic effects are mediated by an extrarenal activity of furosemide.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of fetal infection and abortion in pregnant ponies experimentally infected with Ehrlichia risticii
Long, M.T. | Goetz, T.E. | Kakoma, I. | Whiteley, H.E. | Lock, T.E. | Holland, C.J. | Foreman, J.H. | Baker, G.J.
Fetal infectivity of Ehrlichia risticii was investigated in 19 ponies that were E risticii negative on the basis of results of an indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test. Thirteen pregnant ponies were infected by IV administration of E risticii between 90 and 180 days of gestation. Six pregnant ponies served as noninfected controls. Each infected pony had clinical signs of equine monocytic ehrlichiosis, was confirmed to be ehrlichemic, and developed an IFA titer to E risticii. Two infected ponies became recumbent, were unresponsive to supportive care, and were euthanatized. After recovery from clinical illness, the remaining ponies were observed throughout gestation for reproductive abnormalities. On abortion, each fetus was necropsied and tissue specimens from the liver, bone marrow, spleen, colon, and mesenteric lymph nodes were inoculated into canine monocyte cell cultures. Six infected ponies aborted at a mean 217 days of gestation, which was between postinoculation days 65 and 111. Five fetuses were recovered for evaluation, and E risticii was isolated from 4 of them. All 5 fetuses recovered had similar histologic findings, including enterocolitis, periportal hepatitis, and lymphoid hyperplasia with necrosis of the mesenteric lymph nodes and spleen. All fetuses tested negative for IgG to E risticii, although 3 had low IgM titer to E risticii. The remaining 5 infected ponies had normal parturition. Presuckle IFA titer to E risticii was measured in 4 of the term foals, and results for 3 were positive. Two foals from infected ponies were monitored for 6 months and daily gain in body weight was comparable to that of a control foal. None of the control ponies became ill or seroconverted during the clinical illness phase, and none aborted throughout gestation. Two control ponies seroconverted to E risticii 6 weeks before parturition. Results of this study indicate that E risticii is a primary abortifacient under experimental conditions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Regulation of neutrophil adhesion molecules and shedding of Staphylococcus aureus in milk of cortisol- and dexamethasone-treated cows
Burton, J.L. | Kehrli, M.E. Jr
The effects of 3 days of glucocorticoid administration on bovine blood neutrophil expression of L-selectin and CD18, and on the health status of mammary glands subclinically infected with Staphylococcus aureus were measured in 9 lactating Holsteins. The experiment was a 3 x 3 Latin square cross-over design, with 3 glucocorticoid treatments switched among groups of 3 cows/treatment during 3 periods. Treatments consisted of a vehicle (control, 10 ml of excipient/cow/d), cortisol (7.5, 15, and 7.5 mg/cow on days 1, 2, and 3, respectively), and dexamethasone (0.04 mg/kg of body weight/cow/d for total daily dosages that ranged from 21.6 to 33.2 mg). Blood samples for immunostaining and flow cytometric analysis of L-selectin and CD18 and leukograms, as well as foremilk samples for determination of S aureus shedding somatic cell counts, protein and fat percentages, and daily milk yields were collected repeatedly before, during and after treatment days. Dexamethasone caused a profound, acute, short-lived down-regulation of L-selectin on neutrophils, which correlated in time to leukocytosis, mature and immature neutrophilias, increased shedding of S aureus in infected glands, and onset of high percentages of fat and protein and decreased milk yields. Dexamethasone also caused profound but delayed down-regulation of neutrophil CD18, which reached nadir simultaneously with reappearance of L-selectin-bearing neutrophils, normalized blood neutrophil counts, markedly high foremilk somatic cell counts and protein percentage, decreased S aureus shedding in milk, and finally, expression of clinical mastitis in some infected quarters. Each of these variables had returned to control (vehicle) values by the ninth (and last) sample collection day. Although cortisol treatment also decreased expression of L-selectin and CD18 on neutrophils, dosages used in this study were not sufficient to alter the number of circulating cells or to convert subclinical mammary gland infections to clinical mastitis. These results suggest that mammary gland health status can be altered by sudden exposure of blood neutrophils to glucocorticoids, because these steroid hormones caused profound down-regulation of the adhesion molecules that direct neutrophil margination and migration through the vascular endothelium. The results also reinforce the potential disease risk of treating infected animals with potent synthetic glucocorticoids, such as dexamethasone.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Abnormalities in oxygenation, coagulation, and fibrinolysis in colonic blood of horses with experimentally induced strangulation obstruction
Kawcak, C.E. | Baxter, G.M. | Getzy, D.M. | Stashak, T.S. | Chapman, P.L.
Objective--To measure arterial and venous blood gas, coagulation, and fibrinolysis variables in blood from isolated segments of control and ischemic large colons for the purpose of identifying variables for rapid, indirect assessment of colonic mucosal injury. Design--Variables were determined at specific intervals during the 4-hour study (3 hours of ischemia and 1 hour of reperfusion). Animals--Seven clinically normal horses between 2 and 15 years old. Procedure--Horses underwent laparotomy and occlusion of the lumen and vasculature of the mid-portion of the pelvic flexure of the large colon. During ischemia of 1 randomly-chosen colonic segment, variables were measured to determine colonic mucosal damage and were compared with histologic scores of colonic biopsy specimens. Results--Significant (P < 0.05) differences from control values were observed over time for venous pH, Pco2, PO2, oxygen saturation, oxygen content, arteriovenous oxygen difference, and lactate and glucose concentrations. Mean histologic scores of biopsy specimens obtained from ischemic colons were significantly (P < 0.05) greater (indicating greater damage) than those from control colons, and increased significantly (P < 0.05) with duration of ischemia. Conclusions--Venous lactate, oxygen saturation, and PO2 values were the most significant predictors of the severity of histologic damage within the ischemic colons (R2 = 0.661). Clinical Relevance-Venous blood gas and lactate values in the large colon are good predictors of the amount of intestinal damage incurred during 3 hours of ischemia, and may be clinically useful for the rapid determination of colonic viability.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Serum sensitivity of field isolates and laboratory strains of Brucella abortus
Eisenschenk, F.C. | Houle, J.J. | Hoffmann, E.M.
Objective-To evaluate the ability of bovine complement to kill a variety of field isolates and laboratory strains of Brucella abortus. Design-The experimental approach was to determine the sensitivity of B abortus isolates to killing by bovine serum, and to document the role of complement in brucellacidal activity. Sample population-Six laboratory isolates and 12 field isolates of B abortus were tested. Procedure-The ability of B abortus to survive exposure to undiluted bovine serum for 2 hours at 37 C was assessed. The role of complement in killing was determined by examining the ability of heat (56 C for 60 minutes) and cobra venom factor to obliterate the activity in serum, and by detecting binding of the ninth component of bovine complement to serum-sensitive target cells. Results-Isolates of B abortus that were resistant to the bactericidal activity of normal bovine serum were revealed. These included field isolates and laboratory strains. Furthermore, the study confirmed earlier reports that bovine serum-mediated killing of B abortus is caused by the complement cascade. Conclusions-Some isolates of B abortus, like other gram-negative bacteria, were resistant to complement-mediated killing. Resistance was associated with smooth colony morphology. Isolates lacking detectable O antigen were serum sensitive.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Field trial to evaluate immunogenicity of a glycoprotein I (gE)-deleted pseudorabies virus vaccine after its administration in the presence of maternal antibodies
Weigel, R.M. | Lehman, J.R. | Herr, L. | Hahn, E.C.
A field trial was conducted on a commercial swine farm quarantined because of infection with pseudorabies virus. The purpose was to investigate, in growing pigs born to hyperimmunized sows, the immunogenicity of a vaccine with a glycoprotein I (gE) deletion. One hundred twenty pigs were assigned at random to 1 of 3 vaccination schedules at ages: 8 and 12 weeks; 8, 12, and 14 weeks; and 8, 12, and 16 weeks. Immune response was measured at 8, 12, 14, 16, and 18 weeks, using the serum neutralization test, a screening ELISA, and assays of IgG and IgA in serum and nasal secretions. Results of the serum neutralization test and the screening ELISA indicated that, for pigs vaccinated only at 8 and 12 weeks, the percentage of pigs with pseudorabies virus serum antibodies decreased substantially by 18 weeks; for pigs given a booster at 14 or 16 weeks, the prevalence of serum antibodies at 18 weeks was higher, with 16-week booster vaccination eliciting the best response. At each age, nasal IgA and IgG values were highly correlated (r greater than or equal to 0.70), as were serum IgA and IgG values; correlations of serum with nasal IgA and IgG values were somewhat lower (approx range, r = 0.40 to 0.70). Nevertheless, an increase in serum IgA or IgG values on vaccination was no guarantee of an increase in nasal IgA or IgG values. For serum and nasal mucosal antibodies, a poor immune response was associated with high quantities of maternally derived antibodies. Vaccination at 16 weeks was necessary to ensure eliciting of an immune response in almost all pigs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Complete primary sequence of equine cartilage link protein deduced from complementary DNA
Dudhia, J. | Platt, D.
Investigation of the structure of equine articular cartilage link protein (LP) from individuals ranging in age from 1 to 15 years identified 3 distinct isoforms having molecular weights of 46,000, 43,000, and 41,000. The relative amounts of each of the 3 isoforms altered with age. The largest form did not change with age; however, amounts of the Mr 43,000 and 41,000 forms increased with increasing age. The results suggested that an accumulation, in the extracellular matrix of cartilage, of these 2 smaller products may have arisen from proteolytic cleavage. The complete amino acid sequence of the protein core was determined from complementary DNA products prepared by polymerase chain reaction amplification of cartilage LP mRNA. The sequence had 96% similarity with human LP and with that of other species for which the primary structure has been determined. This high degree of sequence conservation and the isoform data indicate that extracellular processing of LP occurs by similar mechanisms in various species. At the transcription level, equine chondrocytes were found to express LP as 2 abundant mRNA of 5.0 and 3.0 kb, and a smaller mRNA of 1.5 kb. Processing of the LP mRNA in horses, thus, appears to be similar to that found in other species investigated, and although multiple transcripts are present, the coding region remains unaltered and only 1 protein product is made.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of giardiasis on production in a domestic ruminant (lamb) model
Olson, M.E. | McAllister, T.A. | Deselliers, L. | Morck, D.W. | Cheng, K.J. | Buret, A.G. | Ceri, H.
Objective: To examine the effects of giardiasis on production and carcass quality, using growing lambs as a domestic ruminant model. Design: Randomized block. Animals: Giardia-free lambs: 23 in infected group, 24 in control group. Procedure: Six-week-old, specific-pathogen-free lambs were infected with Giardia trophozoites; control lambs received saline solution. Clinical signs of infection, body weight, and feed intake were determined for 10 weeks. Carcass weight and quality were determined at slaughter weight of 45 kg. Results: Giardia infection persisted from weeks 7 to 16. For 5 weeks after challenge exposure, abnormal feces were more frequently observed in infected lambs. Giardia infection was associated with a decrease in rate of weight gain and impairment in feed efficiency. Time to reach slaughter weight was extended in infected lambs, and the carcass weight of Giardia-infected lambs was lower than that of control lambs. Conclusion: Giardiasis has a negative effect on domestic ruminant production. Clinical Relevance: Giardiasis in domestic ruminants is an economically important disease, thus necessitating control or elimination of the infection.
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