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Résultats 161-170 de 528
Accuracy of three-dimensional and two-dimensional ultrasonography for measurement of tumor volume in dogs with transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder
Naughton, James F. | Widmer, William R. | Constable, Peter D. | Knapp, Deborah W.
Objective: To determine the accuracy of 3-D and 2-D ultrasonography for quantification of tumor volume in dogs with transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the urinary bladder. Animals: 10 dogs with biopsy-confirmed TCC. Procedures: The urinary bladder of each dog was distended with saline (0.9% NaCl) solution (5.0 mL/kg), and masses were measured via 3-D and 2-D ultrasonography. Masses were also measured via 3-D ultrasonography after bladders were distended with 2.5 and 1.0 mL of saline solution/kg. Subsequently, the bladder was deflated and distended with CO2 (5.0 mL/kg); CT was performed after IV contrast medium administration. Tumor volumes were calculated via 3-D ultrasonography, 2-D ultrasonography, and CT (reference method) and compared via ANOVA, Deming regression, and Bland-Altman plots. Repeated-measures ANOVA was used to assess effects of bladder distension on 3-D tumor volume measurements. Repeatability of measurements was estimated via the coefficient of variation for each method. Results: Repeatability was considered good for all 3 methods. There was no significant difference in tumor volume measurements obtained via 3-D ultrasonography at different degrees of urinary bladder distension. Results of Deming regression and Bland-Altman plots indicated excellent agreement between tumor volume measurement with 3-D ultrasonography and CT, but not between 2-D ultrasonography and CT. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Tumor volume in dogs with TCC of the urinary bladder was accurately measured via 3-D ultrasonography. Use of 3-D ultrasonography can provide a less expensive and more practical method for monitoring response to treatment than CT and was more accurate than 2-D ultrasonography.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Investigation of hydration processes of the equine hoof via nuclear magnetic resonance microscopy
Sugimoto, Miki | Kuwano, Atsutoshi | Ikeda, Shuntaro | Kume, Shin-ichi | Yoshihara, Eiru | Wada, Shinya
Objective: To examine the distribution of water in hoof wall specimens of horses via nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) microscopy and determine changes in water distribution during hydration. Sample: 4 hoof wall specimens (2 obtained from the dorsum and 1 each obtained from the lateral quarter and lateral heel regions) of the stratum medium of healthy hooves of 1 horse. Procedures: Equine hoof wall specimens were examined via NMR microscopy. Proton density–weighted 3-D images were acquired. Changes during water absorption were assessed on sequential images. Results: The inner zone of the stratum medium had higher signals than did the outer zone. Areas of high signal intensity were evident in transverse images; these corresponded to the distribution of horn tubules. During water absorption, the increase in signal intensity started at the bottom of a specimen and extended to the upper region; it maintained the localization pattern observed before hydration. The relationship between the local maximal signals in areas corresponding to the horn tubules and minimal signal intensities in areas corresponding to the intertubular horn was similar and maintained approximately a linear distribution. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Based on the premise that signal intensity reflects water content, hydration in the equine hoof wall during water absorption occurred concurrently in the tubules and intertubular horn, and there was maintenance of the original water gradients. This technique can be applied for the assessment of pathophysiologic changes in the hoof wall on the basis of its hydration properties.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ultrasonographic evaluation of preprandial and postprandial gallbladder volume in healthy cats
Objective: To noninvasively assess the influence of ingestion of a standard meal on gallbladder volume (GBV) in healthy cats. Animals: 10 healthy adult domestic shorthair cats (4 neutered females, 5 neutered males, and 1 sexually intact male). Procedures: Nonsedated cats were positioned in dorsal and left lateral recumbency to obtain ultrasonographic measurements of the gallbladder via the subcostal and right intercostal acoustic windows, respectively. Gallbladder volume was calculated from linear measurements by use of an ellipsoid formula (volume [mL] = length [mm] × height [mm] × width [mm] × 0.52). Measurements were recorded after food was withheld for 12 hours (0 minutes) and at 5, 15, 30, 45, 60, and 120 minutes after cats were fed 50 g of a standard commercial diet (protein, 44.3%; fat, 30.3%; and carbohydrate, 15.6% [dry matter percentage]). Results: Agreement between gallbladder linear measurements or GBV obtained from the subcostal and right intercostal windows was good. Feeding resulted in linear decreases in gallbladder linear measurements and GBV. Via the subcostal and intercostal windows, mean ± SD GBV was 2.47 ± 1.16 mL and 2.36 ± 0.96 mL, respectively, at 0 minutes and 0.88 ± 0.13 mL and 0.94 ± 0.25 mL, respectively, at 120 minutes. Gallbladder width most closely reflected postprandial modification of GBV. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Results indicated that ultrasonographic assessment (via the subcostal or right intercostal acoustic window) of postprandial changes in GBV can be used to evaluate gallbladder contractility in cats. These data may help identify cats with abnormal gallbladder emptying.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Viscoelastic pharmacodynamics after dalteparin administration to healthy dogs
Objective: To evaluate the pharmacodynamic effects of dalteparin in dogs by means of viscoelastic coagulation monitoring with a thromboelastograph and a dynamic viscoelastic coagulometer. Animals: 6 healthy adult mixed-breed dogs. Procedures: Dalteparin (175 U/kg, SC, q 12 h) was administered for 4 days (days 1 through 4). Viscoelastic coagulation monitoring was performed hourly on the first and last days of treatment and included intermittent measurement of anti–activated coagulation factor X activity (AXA). Results: Dalteparin administration resulted in progressive hypocoagulability. On both day 1 and 4, activated clotting time and clot rate for the dynamic viscoelastic coagulometer differed significantly from baseline values, whereas the platelet function parameter did not change on day 1 but did on day 4. The R (reaction time), time from reaction time until the amplitude of the thromboelastography tracing is 20 mm, α-angle, and maximum amplitude differed from baseline values on days 1 and 4, although many thromboelastographic variables were not determined. The AXA was increased from baseline values at 3 and 6 hours after administration of the dalteparin injection on days 1 and 4, and all dogs had AXA values between 0.5 and 1.0 U/mL at 2 and 4 hours after administration. The AXA correlated well with activated clotting time (r = 0.761) and with R (r = 0.810), when values were available. Thromboelastography could not be used to distinguish AXA > 0.7 U/mL. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Viscoelastic coagulation monitoring with strong coagulation activators may be used to monitor treatment with dalteparin in healthy dogs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of intramuscular administration of tiletamine-zolazepam with and without sedative pretreatment on plasma and serum biochemical values and glucose tolerance test results in Japanese black bears (Ursus thibetanus japonicus)
Objective: To establish a safe anesthetic protocol with little effect on blood biochemical values and IV glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) results in Japanese black bears (Ursus thibetanus japonicus). Animals: 16 captive female Japanese black bears (5 to 17 years of age). Procedures: Bears were randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups (4 bears/group) in which various treatment combinations were administered via blow dart: tiletamine HCl and zolazepam HCl (9 mg/kg) alone (TZ), TZ (6 mg/kg) and acepromazine maleate (0.1 mg/kg), TZ (6 mg/kg) and butorphanol tartrate (0.3 mg/kg), or TZ (3 mg/kg) and medetomidine HCl (40 μg/kg). Glucose injection for the IVGTT was started 130 minutes after TZ administration. Blood samples were obtained before, at, and intermittently after glucose injection for measurement of biochemical variables as well as plasma glucose and serum insulin concentrations during the IVGTT. Rectal temperature, pulse rate, and respiratory rate were assessed every 15 minutes during the experiment. Results: Induction and maintenance of anesthesia were safely achieved with little adverse effect on cardiopulmonary function when each of the 4 anesthetic regimens was used, although mild hypothermia was induced. No difference was evident between treatment groups in blood biochemical values. Blood glucose and insulin concentration profiles during the IVGTT were similar among the bears given TZ, with or without acepromazine or butorphanol, but hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia developed in bears given TZ with medetomidine. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: All 4 anesthetic regimens yielded chemical restraint without affecting clinical and biochemical values in bears, but medetomidine appeared to affect IVGTT results. For this reason, medetomidine should not be used when anesthetizing bears for IVGTTs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Randomized controlled field trial to assess efficacy of a Moraxella bovis pilin-cytotoxin–Moraxella bovoculi cytotoxin subunit vaccine to prevent naturally occurring infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis
Objective: To evaluate efficacy of a recombinant Moraxella bovis pilin-cytotoxin-Moraxella bovoculi cytotoxin subunit vaccine to prevent naturally occurring infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK). Animals: 107 beef steers. Procedures: 2 groups of calves were inoculated SC with an immunostimulating complex (ISCOM) matrix adjuvant (control group; n = 54) or a recombinant M bovis pilin-cytotoxin–M bovoculi cytotoxin subunit antigen with the ISCOM matrix adjuvant (vaccine group; 53); calves received booster injections 21 days later. Calves were examined once weekly for 16 weeks. Investigators and herd managers were not aware of the inoculum administered to each calf throughout the trial. Primary outcome of interest was the cumulative proportion of calves that developed IBK. Serum samples were obtained before inoculation (day 0) and on days 42 and 112. Serum hemolysin-neutralizing titers against native M bovis and M bovoculi cytotoxin were determined. Results: No difference was detected between groups for the cumulative proportion of calves that developed IBK at weeks 8 and 16 after inoculation. Non–IBK-affected calves in the vaccine group had a significantly higher fold change in serum hemolysin-neutralizing titer against native M bovoculi cytotoxin from day 0 to 42 compared to control calves. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: The M bovis pilin-cytotoxin-M bovoculi cytotoxin subunit vaccine with the ISCOM matrix adjuvant was not effective at preventing naturally occurring IBK. It is likely that the incorporation of additional protective antigens in a recombinant Moraxella spp subunit vaccine will be required to yield a product that can be used for effective immunization of cattle against IBK.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of acepromazine maleate on platelet function assessed by use of adenosine diphosphate activated– and arachidonic acid– activated modified thromboelastography in healthy dogs
Conner, Bobbi J. | Hanel, Rita M. | Hansen, Bernard D. | Motsinger-Reif, Alison A. | Asakawa, Makoto | Swanson, Clifford R.
Objective: To evaluate the effect of acepromazine maleate administered IV on platelet function assessed in healthy dogs by use of a modified thromboelastography assay. Animals: 6 healthy adult mixed-breed dogs. Procedures: Dogs received each of 3 treatments (saline [0.9% NaCl] solution [1 to 2 mL, IV] and acepromazine maleate [0.05 and 0.1 mg/kg, IV]) in a randomized crossover study with a minimum 3-day washout period between treatments. From each dog, blood samples were collected via jugular venipuncture immediately before and 30 and 240 minutes after administration of each treatment. A modified thromboelastography assay, consisting of citrated kaolin–activated (baseline assessment), reptilase-ADP–activated (ADP-activated), and reptilase-arachidonic acid (AA)–activated (AA-activated) thromboelastography, was performed for each sample. Platelet inhibition was evaluated by assessing the percentage change in maximum amplitude for ADP-activated or AA-activated samples, compared with baseline values. Percentage change in maximum amplitude was analyzed by use of Skillings-Mack tests with significance accepted at a family-wise error rate of P < 0.05 by use of Bonferroni corrections for multiple comparisons. Results: No significant differences were found in the percentage change of maximum amplitude from baseline for ADP-activated or AA-activated samples among treatments at any time. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Platelet function in dogs, as assessed by use of a modified thromboelastography assay, was not inhibited by acepromazine at doses of 0.05 or 0.1 mg/kg, IV. This was in contrast to previous reports in which it was suggested that acepromazine may alter platelet function via inhibition of ADP and AA.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Measurement of digital laminar and venous temperatures as a means of comparing three methods of topically applied cold treatment for digits of horses
Reesink, Heidi L. | Divers, Thomas J. | Bookbinder, Lauren C. | van Eps, Andrew W. | Soderholm, Leo V. | Mohammed, Hussni O. | Cheetham, Jonathan
Objective: To compare effects of 3 methods of topically applied cold treatment (cryotherapy) on digital laminar and venous temperatures in horses. Animals: 9 healthy adult Thoroughbreds. Procedures: Thermocouples were placed in palmar digital veins and digital laminae of both forelimbs of horses. Three methods of cryotherapy were applied to the distal aspects of the limbs: wader boot (63-cm-tall vinyl boot filled with ice and water [ice slurry]), ice bag (5-L fluid bag filled with ice slurry), and a gel pack boot (boot containing frozen gel packs). Gel packs and ice slurries were replenished every hour during cryotherapy. The forelimb that received the first treatment was randomly assigned; thereafter, control and treated forelimbs were alternated for each treatment. For each treatment, temperatures were recorded every minute during 15-minute pretreatment, 2-hour treatment, and ≥ 30 minute rewarming periods. Once temperatures had returned to within 3°C below pretreatment values, the experiment was repeated in a similar manner for other cryotherapy methods. Results: Digital venous temperatures were similar to laminar temperatures during each treatment. Ice bag and wader boot treatments caused similar cooling of digits. Gel boot treatment did not cause substantial cooling of digits. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Ice bag treatment caused laminar and digital venous cooling equivalent to that of wader boot treatment. Cryotherapy by use of 5-L fluid bags with an ice slurry may be a readily available, practical, and efficient method for prevention of laminitis in horses. Digital laminar and venous temperatures were similar in forelimbs of horses before and during cryotherapy.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Detection of heartworm infection in dogs via PCR amplification and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of nucleic acid extracts from whole blood samples
Crowder, Christopher D. | Matthews, Heather E. | Rounds, Megan A. | Li, Feng | Schutzer, Steven E. | Sampath, Ranga | Hofstadler, Steven A. | Ecker, David J. | Eshoo, Mark W.
Objective: To develop and evaluate a rapid and accurate assay involving PCR amplification and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of nucleic acid extracts from whole blood samples for the detection of Dirofilaria immitis infection in dogs. Sample: Whole blood nucleic acid extracts from 29 dogs experimentally infected with D immitis (and in which circulating D immitis antigen was detected) and 10 uninfected dogs. Procedures: 16 of the 29 whole blood samples from infected dogs were examined at the time of collection for circulating microfilaria. Nucleic acids were extracted from all whole blood specimens and underwent PCR amplification with 12 PCR primer pairs designed to detect a wide range of pathogens (including the Wolbachia endosymbiont of D immitis) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Results: On the basis of assay results, heartworm infection was detected in 13 of 13 antigen-positive dogs of unknown microfilaria status, 11 of 11 antigen-positive dogs with circulating microfilaria, 0 of 3 antigen-positive dogs tested at 3 months after larval infection, 0 of 2 antigen-positive dogs with occult infections, and 0 of 10 uninfected dogs. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: With the assay under investigation, it was possible to identify D immitis infection in dogs with circulating microfilaria via detection of the obligate Wolbachia endosymbiont of D immitis. It was not possible to identify dogs with occult infections, which suggested that circulating microfilaria must be present to detect infection with this assay, although further studies would be required to verify that finding.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of phenylbutazone on gene expression of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 in the oral, glandular gastric, and bladder mucosae of healthy horses
Nieto, Jorge E. | Aleman, Monica | Anderson, Jonathan D. | Fiack, Ciara | Snyder, Jack R.
Objective-To assess gene expressions of cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 in oral, glandular gastric, and urinary bladder mucosae and determine the effect of oral administration of phenylbutazone on those gene expressions in horses. Animals-12 healthy horses. Procedures-Horses were allocated to receive phenylbutazone or placebo (6 horses/group); 1 placebo-treated horse with a cystic calculus was subsequently removed from the study, and those data were not analyzed. In each horse, the stomach and urinary bladder were evaluated for ulceration via endoscopy before and after experimental treatment. Oral, glandular gastric, and urinary bladder mucosa biopsy specimens were collected by use of a skin punch biopsy instrument (oral) or transendoscopically (stomach and bladder) before and after administration of phenylbutazone (4.4 mg/kg, PO, q 12 h) in corn syrup or placebo (corn syrup alone) for 7 days. Cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 gene expressions were determined (via quantitative PCR techniques) in specimens collected before and after the 7-day treatment period and compared within and between groups. Prior to commencement of treatment, biopsy specimens from 7 horses were used to compare gene expressions among tissues. Results-The cyclooxygenase-1 gene was expressed in all tissues collected. The cyclooxygenase-2 gene was expressed in the glandular gastric and bladder mucosae but not in the oral mucosa. Cyclooxygenase gene expressions were unaffected by phenylbutazone administration. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Cyclooxygenase-2 was constitutively expressed in glandular gastric and bladder mucosae but not in the oral mucosa of healthy horses. Oral administration of phenylbutazone at the maximum recommended dosage daily for 7 days did not affect cyclooxygenase-1 or -2 gene expression.
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