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Résultats 201-210 de 513
Comparison of the hemodynamic effects of halothane alone and halothane combined with epidurally administered morphine for anesthesia in ventilated dogs
Valverde, A. | Dyson, D.H. | Cockshutt, J.R. | McDonell, W.N. | Valliant, A.E.
The hemodynamic effects of 1.5 minimal alveolar concentration of halothane alone (1.6% end-tidal) and 1.5 minimal alveolar concentration of halothane (1.1% end-tidal concentration) combined with epidurally administered morphine were compared during controlled ventilation in 10 dogs used on 2 occasions and randomly allocated to 2 groups. Arterial blood pressure, cardiac index, stroke volume, left ventricular work, and pulmonary arterial pressure were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in dogs of the morphine-treated group before administration of morphine. After epidural administration of morphine (0.1 mg/kg of body weight diluted in 0.26 ml of saline solution/kg), hemodynamic changes were not observed, and the aforementioned variables remained significantly (P < 0.05) higher than values in dogs of the halothane only group. Compared with halothane (1.6%) alone, the reduction in halothane end-tidal concentration (1.1%) associated with epidurally administered morphine is beneficial in maintaining hemodynamic function.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of method of seminal collection on the retrograde flow of spermatozoa into the urinary bladder of rams
Pineda, M.H. | Dooley, M.P.
The effects of method of seminal collection and a diuretic on retrograde flow of spermatozoa into the urinary bladder of rams were examined. In experiment 1, semen and urine were collected from 8 rams during the nonbreeding season. Prior to seminal collection, all rams were given furosemide and a sample of urine was obtained during micturition. Semen was then collected from each ram with an artificial vagina or by electroejaculation in alternate weeks for 4 weeks, and the urine released during the first postseminal collection micturition was collected in 4 consecutive samples. The volume of electroejaculates was larger (P < 0.0001) than the volume of ejaculates, but the total number of spermatozoa in the electroejaculate or in the ejaculate were not different (P > 0.1). Urine obtained before seminal collection was azoospermic or contained few, nonmotile spermatozoa (mean +/- SD = 0.053 +/- 0.114 x 10(6)/ml). The adjusted spermatozoal concentration (mean +/- SD = 1.630 +/- 2.258 X 10(6)/ml) in the urine collected after seminal collection was 31 times higher (P < 0.0001) and there were motile spermatozoa in most (97%) of the samples. The spermatozoal concentration in sequential samples of urine was not different (P > 0.1) between samples and was not affected (P > 0.1) by the method of seminal collection. There was a trend, approaching significance (P = 0.052), for an effect of method of seminal collection on the percentage of retrograde flow. Retrograde flow ranged from 0.21 to 19.38% when semen was collected with an artificial vagina and from 0.03 to 94.60% when semen was collected by electroejaculation and varied (P = 0.02) among rams within the 2 methods of seminal collection. In experiment 2, the 8 rams used in experiment 1 were given injections of 0.9% physiologic saline solution or furosemide in alternate weeks prior to seminal collection with an artificial vagina. Furosemide increased (P = 0.009) the volume of urine voided during the first postejaculation micturition, but did not influence (P > 0.1) the time from exposure of rams to the teaser to ejaculation, seminal characteristics, number of spermatozoa in the urine, or the percentage of retrograde flow. There was a trend (P < 0.1) for more rams to have motile spermatozoa in the postejaculation urine after treatment with furosemide. Administration of furosemide prior to seminal collection facilitates the noninvasive collection of pre- and postejaculation samples of urine for the determination of retrograde flow.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Serodiagnosis of bovine paratuberculosis by use of a dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Woodruff, T.S. | Shulaw, W.P. | Bech-Nielsen, S. | Hoffsis, G.F. | Spangler, E. | Heider, L.E.
A dot ELISA was developed for detection of antibodies to Mycobacterium paratuberculosis. The assay was evaluated by testing sera from cattle that were determined, by bacteriologic culturing of feces, to be infected with M paratuberculosis and were suspected of having clinical disease. Further evaluation involved testing sera from cattle in which M paratuberculosis had not been isolated from feces on several attempts. Results of the dot ELISA were positive for sera from 86 of 101 infected cattle, and results were negative for sera from 64 of 64 noninfected cattle. Results of conventional ELISA and agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) tests were positive for 79 of 99 and for 51 of 101 infected cattle, respectively. The dot ELISA also was evaluated by comparing results of testing 708 sera with results of bacteriologic culturing of matched fecal samples from 262 cattle in 3 central Ohio dairy herds known to include cattle infected with M paratuberculosis. Results of the dot ELISA were positive for 25 of 39 sera from cattle with positive results on culturing of concurrently obtained fecal specimens. The dot ELISA results were negative for 661 of 669 sera from cattle with negative results to culturing of concurrently obtained fecal specimens. The 39 sera from cattle with positive results on bacteriologic culturing of matched fecal specimens had positive results for ELISA and the AGID test 25 and 14 times, respectively. The 669 sera from cattle with concurrently negative results on bacteriologic culturing of feces had negative results to ELISA and the AGID test 559 and 668 times, respectively.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Quantitation of bovine immunoglobulins in culture fluids by use of sandwich radioimmunoassay with monoclonal antibodies
Srikumaran, S. | Kluever, E.A. | Onisk, D.V. | Hariharan, K.
Bovine immunoglobulin isotype-specific murine monoclonal antibodies were used in sandwich radioimmunoassays to detect and quantitate bovine IgG1, IgG2, IgM, and IgA in culture fluids. The concentrations of bovine immunoglobulins in unknown samples were extrapolated from standard curves generated with bovine monoclonal immunoglobulins. The lowest detection limits for the bovine immunoglobulin isotypes ranged from 65 to 270 ng/ml.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparison of the width of the intervertebral disk space and radiographic changes before and after intervertebral disk fenestration in dogs
Dallman, M.J. | Moon, M.L. | Giovannitti-Jensen, A.
Intervertebral disk space widths were measured on lateral radiographs of 73 anesthetized dogs. Weight was found to have a significant (P less than 0.01) effect on disk space width. Using weight-adjusted disk space width measurements for all subsequent studies, older (7- to 16-year-old) dogs and males had consistently, but not significantly, wider, disk spaces than did alternative groups. Cervical and lumbar intervertebral disk spaces tended to be wider than those in the caudal thoracic region. The widest cervical intervertebral disk spaces were C4-5 and C5-6 and the narrowest was C2-3. In the lumbar region, L2-3 was the widest disk space and L4-5 was the narrowest. Dachshunds generally had greater mean intervertebral disk space width than did other breeds of dogs. Cervical (n = 6 dogs) and thoracolumbar (n = 6 dogs) disk fenestration resulted in narrow intervertebral disk spaces, regardless of breed. When a ventral approach was used in thoracolumbar fenestration, the mean intervertebral disk space was narrower than that resulting from use of a dorsolateral approach. Spondylosis was found radiographically 1 to 4 years after intervertebral disk fenestration in 3 of 6 dogs that had cervical fenestrations and in 5 of 6 dogs that underwent thoracolumbar fenestration.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Toxicity of pyrrolizidine alkaloids from Riddell groundsel (Senecio riddellii) to cattle
Molyneux, R.J. | Johnson, E. | Olsen, J.D. | Baker, D.C.
The toxicity of Riddell groundsel (Senecio riddellii) gavaged to calves at a known lethal rate was compared with the toxicity of riddelliine and riddelliine N-oxide, the pyrrolizidine alkaloids isolated from the plant, which were fed by intraruminal infusion. Doses of the alkaloids were adjusted to the amount determined to be in the plant and fed individually and in combination. The relative toxicosis in the calves was measured by clinical signs, serum enzyme changes, survival time to morbidity, and histologic changes. Calves fed Senecio riddellii by gavage for 20 consecutive days to provide 45 mg of total pyrrolizidine alkaloids/kg of body weight/d developed clinical signs and serum enzyme changes typical of seneciosis, with 100% morbidity. However, calves receiving riddelliine at 4.5 mg/kg/d for 20 days had neither serum enzyme changes nor clinical signs of pyrrolizidine alkaloidosis. Calves treated with riddelliine N-oxide (40.5 mg/kg/d), and with riddelliine (4.5 mg(kg/d) and riddelliine N-oxide (40.5 mg/kg/d) in combination, had 100% morbidity, although the latter group had fewer liver lesions. These results establish that the N-oxide form of the alkaloid alone is capable of inducing typical Senecio toxicosis in cattle and that the free base level of the plant cannot be considered to be the sole factor in assessing the toxicity of S riddellii.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A new type of lesion associated with severe fur damage in Canadian ranch foxes and an investigation of possible causes
Hardy, M.H. | Tackaberry, L.E. | Goldberg, M.T.
In the silver fox, as in its wild ancestor, the red fox (Vulpes vulpes L.), the annual growing phase (anagen) of guard hair follicles occupies at least four months. Severe damage to the hair coat near the end of this growing period was reported in 1985 on many ranches in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. A histological analysis of serial sections of skin biopsies showed a marked increase in nuclear aberrations in the hair matrix of anagen guard hair follicles. These nuclear aberrations indicated that cells were undergoing apoptosis, a controlled form of cell death. Tissues from affected and unaffected foxes for histological and toxicological analysis, as well as other data, were obtained during visits to 26 ranches in 1986 and 34 ranches in 1987. Histological sections of the 1987 skin samples showed the mean percentage of nuclear aberrations in 43 unaffected foxes to be 0.08 +/- 0.01 (SEM), while that for 49 affected foxes was 0.51 +/- 0.23. The four foxes with the most severe coat damage also had the highest incidences of guard hair matrix cells with nuclear aberrations, ranging from 20 to 100 times greater than the mean for unaffected foxes. The mitotic index of the hair matrix, which normally remains fairly constant during the hair growth phase, was similar for unaffected and affected foxes (1.83 + 0.06 and 1.97 +/- 0.07 respectively). Although our analyses of field data have not established a specific environmental factor associated with increased nuclear aberrations, the possible involvement of toxic agents in follicle damage may warrant further investigation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of human recombinant interleukin 2 on in vitro tumor cytotoxicity in dogs
Raskin, R.E. | Holcomb, C.S. | Maxwell, A.K.
In these studies, the effects of recombinant human interleukin 2 (rHuIL-2) were examined on in vitro tumor cytotoxicity by canine blood lymphocytes obtained from peripheral vessels through use of a chromium release microcytotoxicity assay. Cytotoxic activity by lymphokine-activated killer cells was significantly increased, compared with that by untreated lymphocytes in a dose-dependent manner. The maximal effect was attained with 300,000 IU of rHuIL-2/ml. Lymphokine-activated killing also was dependent on the duration of incubation with rHuIL-2. After 1 day of rHuIL-2 incubation, cytotoxicity was significantly increased, compared with that of untreated lymphocytes. Of the 3 times examined, cytotoxicity peaked after 3 days of rHuIL-2 incubation. High levels of cytotoxic activity were still present at 7 days of incubation. Numbers of granular lymphocytes increased over the times examined. These results demonstrate functional and morphologic changes in canine peripheral blood lymphocytes obtained from peripheral vessels after incubation with rHuIL-2 in a dose- and time-dependent manner.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Heterogeneity in phagocytic and nitroblue tetrazolium reductive properties of neutrophils from cows
Kabbur, M.B. | Jain, N.C. | Zinkl, J.G. | Farver, T.B.
Phagocytic and nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reductive activities of blood neutrophils from 19 Holstein heifers were measured by light microscopic and spectrophotometric methods, respectively. These functional properties of neutrophils correlated well (r = 0.64) and varied significantly (P < 0.05) among animals studied. Variations in phagocytosis and NBT reductive activities attributable to the source of sera were determined in experiments in which cells from the same cows and zymogen particles opsonized with heat-inactivated autologous or homologous sera were used. Variations attributable to the source of cells were determined in experiments in which cells from different cows and particles opsonized with pooled sera from all the cows were used. Most of the variation in phagocytic properties and NBT reductive activities was attributable to the source of cells (ie, each cow). The source of sera contributed slightly to the variation in NBT reductive activities, but not to the phagocytic properties. These results support the concept of functional heterogeneity of neutrophils among cows.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of nitroscanate on adult Taenia pisiformis in dogs with experimentally induced infections
Bowman, D.D. | Lin, D.S. | Johnson, R.C. | Lynn, R.C. | Hepler, D.I. | Stansfield, D.G.
Twenty-four specific-pathogen-free Beagles were each given 50 cysticerci of Taenia pisiformis that had been harvested from experimentally infected rabbits. Quantitative fecal egg counts and fecal screening for recovery of passed segments were performed on postinoculation days 56 through 70. Twenty-three of 24 dogs fed cysticerci developed patent infections. The 23 dogs with patent infections were assigned to 1 of 2 groups and treated with nitroscanate or a placebo 60 days after inoculation. Egg counts in the treated dogs had markedly decreased by the second day after treatment, and by the sixth day after treatment, segments were not found in the feces of any of the treated animals. The control dogs continued to pass eggs and segments in their feces throughout the 9 days after treatment. The dogs were euthanatized and necropsied 70 days after being inoculated. At necropsy, the mean number of scolices recovered from control dogs was 24.6, the mean number of scolices recovered from treated dogs was 0.25. Worms recovered from the control dogs were intact, gravid cestodes. Efficacy of treatment with nitroscanate at a mean dosage of 56 mg/kg of body weight was 98.9%.
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