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Forces loading the tarsal joint in the hind limb of the horse, determined from in vivo strain measurements of the third metatarsal bone
Schamhardt, H.C. | Hartman, W. | Lammertink, J.L.M.A.
Strain gauge rosettes were bonded to the dorsal, lateral, medial, and plantar aspects of the third metatarsal bone in the hind limbs of 6 ponies. The maximal compressive principal strain was approximately -600 X 10(-6) m/m, and exceeded the amplitudes of the tensile strains at all aspects of the bone. After transformation, the shear strain and the principal strains parallel and perpendicular to the bone were obtained. The first peak in the bending strain was higher in the dorsal and lateral aspects, and the second peak was higher in the medial and plantar aspects. Young modulus of elasticity was determined in a 4-point bending test at the dorsal and plantar sides; it averaged 19.5 GPa in tension and compression. Applying linear bending theory, the eccentricity of an axial force parallel or a bending force perpendicular to the bone were calculated. The position where the total force penetrated the tarsometatarsal joint surface was largely within the joint surface, indicating that the joint is merely loaded in (eccentric) compression.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Phagocytic and nitroblue tetrazolium reductive properties of mature and immature neutrophils and eosinophils from blood and bone marrow from cows
Silva, I.D. | Jain, N.C. | George, L.W.
Functional capabilities of morphologically mature (segmented) and immature granulocytes (neutrophils and eosinophils) from bone marrow from cows were studied and compared with similar activities of segmented granulocytes from blood. Phagocytosis of Escherichia coli and postphagocytic oxidative metabolic stimulation, measured by nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction, were evaluated simultaneously. Phagocytosis was observed readily in segmented neutrophils, neutrophilic bands, and metamyelocytes and rarely in myelocytes. Phagocytosis was not seen in promyelocytes and myeloblasts. Neutrophilic bands and metamyelocytes were phagocytically less active than were segmented neutrophils. Washed segmented bone marrow neutrophils possessed phagocytic activity similar to that of blood neutrophils, whereas the activity of unwashed segmented bone marrow neutrophils was markedly less than that of blood neutrophils. Reduction of NBT was observed only in blood segmented neutrophils and bone marrow segmented neutrophils; the magnitude of NBT reduction was significantly (P = less than 0.005) less in bone marrow neutrophils than in blood neutrophils. Eosinophils were phagocytically less competent than were neutrophils. The NBT reduction was observed only in eosinophils from blood, but not in eosinophils from bone marrow.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Neochondrogenesis in free intra-articular, periosteal, and perichondrial autografts in horses
Vachon, A. | McIlwraith, C.W. | Trotter, G.W. | Norrdin, R.W. | Powers, B.E.
Periosteal autografts were obtained from the medial aspect of the proximal portion of the tibia, and perichondrial autografts were obtained from the sternum. Using arthroscopic visualization, each autograft was placed as a loose body into 1 tarsocrural joint in 6 young horses (2 to 4 years old). Horses were hand-walked daily, starting the day after surgery, for a total of 6 h/wk for 8 weeks. Eight weeks after autograft implantation, radiographs were taken of each tarsocrural joint and were interpreted with regard to mineralization in the transplanted autografts. Autografts were then surgically removed, and examined macroscopically and microscopically for viability, size, and production of chondroid tissue. All autografts appeared viable and most had evidence of growth. Longest-by-shortest axis value, cross-sectional area, and perimeter were greater in perichondrial autografts than in their periosteal counterparts in 3 horses, but the difference was not significant. Neochondrogenesis was observed in 5 of 6 periosteal grafts and in 1 of 6 perichondrial grafts. Futhermore, the amount of chondroid tissue produced in periosteal autografts was significantly (P less than 0.05) greater than that produced in the 1 perichondrial graft. The chondroid tissue produced by periosteal autografts had morphologic and matrical staining properties similar to those of hyaline cartilage.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Ultrastructure of cultured canine oral keratinocytes
Wilkinson, J.E. | Lee, C.S. | Lillie, J.H. | Suter, M.M. | Lewis, R.M.
Keratinocytes from explants of the oral mucosa of dogs were grown in culture for five passages. The ultrastructure of primary cultures and fully developed subcultures passaged 1, 3, and 5 times was examined. At every stage, the cells had the morphologic characteristics of epithelial cells and formed a multilayered squamous epithelium. The basal cells had the characteristics of metabolically active cells, whereas the suprabasal cells and the cells at the media interface expressed many, but not all, of the organelles and cell surface characteristics associated with keratinocyte differentiation. Keratohyalin granules were located in the suprabasal and superficial cells. Cell size and shape and the relationship between cells in the layers also reflected the morphologic characteristics of the parent tissue. Cells maintained this typical structure through all passages and the cultures changed minimally for up to a week after development.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparative study of continuous lumbar segmental epidural and subarachnoid analgesia in Holstein cows
Skarda, R.T. | Muir, W.W. | Hubbell, J.A.E.
Eight adult Holstein cows were used to compare the effects of lumbar segmental epidural analgesia (SEA) and lumbar segmental subarachnoid analgesia (SSA). A modified 17-gauge Huber point (Tuohy) needle was used to place a catheter with stylet into either the epidural space at the thoracolumbar (T13-L1) intervertebral space or the tubarachnoid space at the lumbosacral intervertebral junction. The catheters were advanced so that their tips lay at the anterior lumbar (L1-L2) epidural space or at the thoracolumbar (T-13-L1) subarachnoid space. The position of the catheter was confirmed radiographically. A 5% solution of procaine HCl was used at mean doses of 300 mg (6 ml) to induce SEA and 84.4 +/- 12.9 mg (1.7 +/-0.3 ml) to induce SSA. Onset of analgesia to superficial and deep muscular pinprick stimulation was significantly (P less than 0.05) faster in cows with SSA than in those with SEA (10.4 +/- 2.3 minutes vs 15.9 +/- 3.8 minutes). Maximal thoracolumbar analgesia extended from spinal cord segments T12 to L4 on one or both sides of the vertebral column during SEA and from T10 to L3 on one or both sides during SSA. Duration of analgesia lasted significantly (P less than 0.05) longer in cows with SEA than in those with SSA (76.2 +/- 16.2 minutes vs 53.7 +/- 14.3 minutes). The advantages and disadvantages of the SEA catheter technique are discussed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of xylazine treatment on equine proximal gastrointestinal tract myoelectrical activity
Merritt, A.M. | Campbell-Thompson, M.L. | Lowrey, S.
Five 5 to 6 month old horses were surgically prepared with silver electrodes sutured to the serosa of gastric antrum, duodenum and proximal portions of the jejunum. Normal migrating motility complex (MMC) periodicity was determined during daytime hours in horses that were fed and horses from which food was withheld for 24 hours. Periodicity was defined as time span from the end of one period of regular spike activity (RSA) to the end of the next RSA in the MMC. The periodicity was 120.5 +/- 9.5 (SEM) minutes in horses from which food was withheld, and was 125.7 +/- 20.3 minutes in horses fed hay free choice. Coincident with each duodenal RSA, antral spike activity ceased. Xylazine (0.25 and 0.5 mg/kg), given IV during the period of intermittent spike activity of the MMC to either fed or unfed horses induced, within 2 minutes, a RSA complex in the duodenum that migrated to the proximal portion of the jejunum. This was followed by a period of no spike activity of normal duration, which proceeded on to a period of intermittent spike activity of varying duration to complete the MMC cycle. Pretreatment IV administration of an alpha 2-adrenergic antagonist, tolazoline (1 mg/kg) also provoked a RSA complex, but blocked the xylazine effect. The results indicated that xylazine resets the duodenal MMC in the horse, but does not seriously disrupt proximal gastrointestinal tract motility, and that control of MMC periodicity in this region probably involves more than alpha 2-adrenergic receptors.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Postnatal development of the photoreceptor inner segment of the retina in dogs
Miller, W.W. | Albert, R.A. | Boosinger, T.R. | Holloway, C.L. | Simpson, S.T. | Tojvio-Kinnucan, M.A.
In dogs, the retina develops during the postnatal period in a manner similar to that in other animals born with closed eyelids. Photoreceptor inner segments are initially observed as a cytoplasmic bulge protruding sclerad through the external limiting membrane. Outer segment formation begins when a centriole within the inner segment attaches to the distal inner segment cell membrane. A few round mitochondria are observed within the early inner segments. As maturation proceeds, the number of mitochondria within the inner segments increases and the mitochondria elongate, orienting parallel to the long axis of the inner segment.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Arterial supply to the spinal cord of dogs and cats
Caulkins, S.E. | Purinton, P.T. | Oliver, J.E. Jr
The blood supply patterns to the spinal cord were examined and compared in 15 dogs and 10 cats by use of dissection and radiographic visualization. The lowest percentages of radicular contributions and the smallest diameter vessels were found in the thoracic part of the spinal cord. The central arteries were fewest in number in the thoracic region and unilaterally or bilaterally supplied the gray matter. The percentage of bilaterally distributed central arteries increased from the cervical to the lumbar regions. The anastomotic plexus on the surface of the spinal cord was found to be most dense in the cervical and lumbar regions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of vaccination with a pentavalent leptospiral vaccine on Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo type hardjo-bovis infection of pregnant cattle
Bolin, C.A. | Thiermann, A.B. | Handsaker, A.L. | Foley, J.W.
Effectiveness of a pentavalent leptospiral vaccine to protect cattle from infection and reproductive problems caused by Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo type hardjo-bovis was evaluated. Seven cows were vaccinated once and 8 cows were vaccinated twice with a USDA-licensed pentavalent leptospiral vaccine. Five cows were maintained as nonvaccinated controls. Cows were bred 1 to 2 months after the last vaccination. During the 4th to 6th month of gestation, all cows were challenge exposed on 4 occasions by conjunctival instillation of 10(8) serovar hardjo type hardjo-bovis organisms and on 3 occasions by conjunctival instillation of urine from a cow shedding hardjo-bovis. All control cows and 13 of 15 vaccinated cows became inf ected and shed leptospires in the urine. Leptospires were detected in fewer urine samples collected from vaccinated cows, compared with those collected from control cows. Four stillborn calves and 3 weak calves born to control and vaccinated cows. Leptospires were detected in the kidneys of 11 apparently healthy calves born to vaccinated and control cows. Agglutinating antibodies were not detected in the precolostral serum of these calves.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Collection of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in cats, using an endotracheal tube
Hawkins, E.C. | DeNicola, D.B.
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was collected from 12 anesthetized cats by use of an endotracheal tube and syringe adapter. The safety of the technique was evaluated by monitoring mucous membrane color, capillary refill time, pulse rate, respiratory rate, ECG, and arterial blood gas tensions and by necropsy findings. Group A consisted of 3 cats that were administered (by lavage) 4 aliquots of 20 ml of saline solution during anesthesia for placement of femoral artery catheters. Group B consisted of 4 cats that were administered a smaller total volume of saline solution (3 aliquots of 5 ml/kg of body weight) during a separate anesthetic period, other than the one for placement of catheters. Group C consisted of 5 cats administered 3 aliquots (5 ml/kg) of saline solution during a separate anesthetic period and administered supplemental oxygen for 5 to 10 minutes before and for 20 minutes after the lavage procedure. Group-A cats had a prolonged recovery period that was attributed to the lengthy anesthetic period required for placement of femoral catheters. The effect was eliminated in the cats of the other groups in which the lavage procedure itself accounted for only 5 to 10 minutes of anesthetic time. Evaluation of mucous membrane color, capillary refill time, ECG, pulse, and respiratory rate revealed no persistent abnormalities. Transient increase in pulse and respiratory rate was seen in some cats. Blood gas analysis revealed noticeable decrease in arterial oxygen pressures (PaO2) after the lavage procedure. In group-C cats, oxygen supplementation allowed the maintenance of normal or above normal PaO2. When oxygen was discontinued at 20 minutes, PaO2 was maintained at greater than or equal to 60 mm of Hg. The variability in oxygen pressures did not appear to correlate with the volume of fluid remaining in the lungs. Histologic evaluation of the lungs revealed no changes attributable to the lavage procedure. Most cats had minimal to mild inflammatory changes, and 4 cats had moderate to moderately severe bronchopneumonia. These changes were reflected in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, indicating that they were present at the time of lavage.
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