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Mathematic model for the population biology of rabies in raccoons in the mid-Atlantic states
Coyne, M.J. | Smith, G. | McAllister, F.E.
A series of coupled differential equations was used to model the temporal dynamics of rabies in raccoons in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. The model takes explicit account of the development of natural immunity to rabies and was used to evaluate culling and vaccination elimination strategies. For habitats typical of the mid-Atlantic states, and given the assumptions of the model, it was estimated that elimination of rabies in raccoons by culling may involve the annual removal of over 32% of the raccoon population or the yearly vaccination of up to 99% of the susceptible fraction. Assuming a constant marginal cost for both culling and vaccination, the model suggests that, whatever the actual cost of each method, the cheapest strategy will always involve either culling or vaccination alone. A combined strategy of culling and vaccination will be cheaper than culling alone only when the per capita cost of vaccination is around one-fifth or less the per capita cost of culling.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]In vitro reactivity of digital arteries and veins to vasoconstrictive mediators in healthy horses and in horses with early laminitis
Baxter, G.M. | Laskey, R.E. | Tackett, R.L. | Moore, J.N. | Allen, D.
The in vitro reactivity of vasoconstrictive mediators that are implicated in acute laminitis was determined in palmar and plantar digital arteries and veins obtained from healthy horses and in palmar digital vessels of horses with early laminitis (Obel grade I). To obtain baseline reactivity data, 3 experiments were conducted, using healthy horses: (1) the reactivity of palmar and plantar digital arteries and veins to angiotensin II, norephinephrine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) were compared; (2) the direct effects of bacterial endotoxin on vascular reactivity were assessed; and (3) the reactivity of palmar digital arteries and veins to angiotensin II, norepinephrine, prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), sertonin, and a thromboxane-endoperoxide analog (U46619) were determined. The vascular reactivity of these same 5 vasoconstrictors then was determined in horses with early laminitis and was compared with data from healthy (control) horses. Obel grade-I laminitis was experimentally induced in horses using carbohydrate overload. Dose responses were conducted for each agent at concentrations between 10(-8)M and 10(-4)M. The potency of a drug was defined as the mean effective concentration necessary to induce 50% of maximal contraction (EC50). There were no differences in EC50 concentrations and in maximal contractions between forelimb and hind limb arteries and veins for angiotensin II, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Incubation with endotoxin had no effect on the reactivity of arteries and veins to angiotension II, norepinephrine, and serotonin. In healthy horses, serotonin and U46619 were more potent arterial constrictors than were norepinephrine PGF2 alpha, and angiotensin II. In veins, serotonin, U46619, and angiotension II were similar in potency, and all were significantly (P less than 0.05) more potent than were norepinephrine and PGF2 alpha. Serotonin induced greater arterial constriction than did all other agents tested. There were no differences in the maximal venoconstriction induced by norepinephrine, PGF2 alpha, serotonin, and U46619. Angiotensin II induced the least amount of arterial and venous constriction. Maximal contractions were significantly (P less than 0.05) greater for veins than for arteries for all agents evaluated, except for angiotensin II. In horses with early laminitis, angiotensin II and serotonin were the most potent (smallest EC50 values) constricting agents for the arterial and venous segments and norepinephrine and PGF2 alpha were the least potent. Serotonin and norepinephrine induced significantly (P less than 0.05) greater venoconstriction than did the other agents. Angiotensin II induced the least arterial and venous contraction. For all agonists except angiotensin II, the mean EC50 values for vessels from horses with early laminitis were either similar or greater than those for vessels from control horses. The EC50 values for norepinephrine and the thromboxane analog were significantly (P less than 0.05) greater for vessels from horses with early laminitis, compared with those from control horses. The mean maximal contractions for all vasoconstrictors, except angiotensin II, were significantly (P less than 0.05) less for vessels from horses with early laminitis. Significantly greater venous-to-arterial maximal contraction ratios were found for norepinephrine and serotonin in horses with laminitis, compared with those ratios in control horses. These data suggested that the digital vasculature of horses with early laminitis was not more sensitive to the vasoconstrictor substances tested and that the vessels were significantly less repsonsive than was vasculature from the control horses. However, the venous-to-arterial contraction ratios were either the same or significantly (P less than 0.05) greater in horses with laminitis.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Distribution of bovine cysticercosis in Washington
Hancock, D.D. | Wikse, S.E. | Lichtenwalner, A.B. | Wescott, R.B. | Gay, C.C.
Data from slaughter plants (n = 3) and feedlots (n = 18) in eastern Washington were analyzed to characterize occurrence patterns of cysticercosis in Washington during 1984. Three concurrent peaks in cysticercosis rates (0.6/1,000 to 5/1,000 slaughtered cattle) were detected at 3 slaughter plants. Peaks were observed at 8 feedlots from December 1983 to March 1984, at 6 feedlots from April to July 1984, at 2 feedlots from August to October 1984, and at 3 feedlots from November 1984 to February 1985. Affected feedlots were not closely associated geographically and were feeding cattle from many, predominantely northwestern, origins. For 3 feedlots for which time in the feedlot was available for each slaughter shipment, an increase in cysticercosis rate with increasing time in the feedlot was noticed. Within these 3 feedlots, cases of cysticercosis were widely scattered spatially. The pattern of cysticercosis indicated human fecal contamination of a regionally available feed source. Of feedstuffs in use, potato waste, a byproduct of the processed potato industry, appeared to be the most likely source of Taenia saginata ova.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Oxidative metabolism of the bovine alveolar marophage
Dyer, R.M. | Erney, S. | Spencer, P. | Benson, C.E.
Oxidative respiratory burst activity was examined in lavage-procured bovine pulmonary alveolar macrophages. Nonstimulated alveolar macrophages released a minimal quantity of superoxide anion and had small amounts of glucose flux through the pathways of energy metabolism. Nonstimulated cells metabolized substantial amounts of glucose through the hexose monophosphate shunt. Stimulation with opsonized zymosan particles induced a tonfold increase in the release of superoxide anion and a twofold increase in the flux of glucose through the hexose monophosphate shunt and the pathways of energy metabolism. Preliminary observations also indicated that the magnitude of the burst varied between sets of bronchoalveolar cells obtained from the same calf over time.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Characterization of osteosarcoma cells from two sibling large-breed dogs
Norrdin, R.W. | Powers, B.E. | Torgersen, J.L. | Smith, R.E. | Withrow, S.J.
Neoplastic cells were isolated from 2 sibling Great Dane/Labrador Retriever mixed-breed dogs in which telangiectatic type osteosarcomas arose concurrently. Cells from various sites in the same osteosarcoma appeared similar in culture, but there were differences between the 2 osteosarcomas in growth characteristics and appearance of cells. Cells from 1 osteosarcoma had a small, but significant (P less than 0.05), cyclic adenosine monophosphate response to parathyroid hormone stimulation, indicating a low order of osteoblastic differentiation. Cells from the other osteosarcoma had no response to parathyroid hormone stimulation. Cells from both osteosarcomas and a concentrated cell-free filtrate from the osteosarcoma with osteoblastic differentiation were injected into nude mice, but osteosarcomas were not induced. Results of ultrastructural examination of osteosarcoma samples for viral particles were negative and supernatant fluids from cultured cells were considered negative for viral reverse transcriptase activity.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Study of association between histologic features and echogenicity of architecturally normal cat kidneys
Yeager, A.E. | Anderson, W.I.
Thirty-eight grossly and histologically normal cat kidneys were examined ultrasonographically. The echogenicity of the renal cortex was subjectively evaluated by scoring it as largely or not largely different from the echogenicity of the renal medulla and as similar or not similar to the echogenicity of the renal sinus. The presence or absence of a medullary hyperechoic band was determined. The length, width, and height of each kidney was measured. Hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections of each kidney were examined microscopically. The amount of fat vacuoles in the tubular epithelium of the renal cortex was scored as plentiful or not plentiful. The presence or absence of medullary band of mineral deposits within the lumina of renal tubules was determined. A plentiful amount of fat vacuoles in renal cortex was associated positively with a large difference in echogenicity between cortex and medulla (P less than 0.01) and with similar echogenicity of cortex and sinus (P less than 0.01). The presence of a medullary hyperechoic band was associated positively with a band of mineral deposits within medullary tubular lumen (P 0.01). Kidneys with a large difference in echogenicity between cortex and medulla and kidneys with a plentiful amount of fat vacuoles were not significantly different in size (P = 0.56). These groups were larger (P less than 0.01) in length, width, and height than were kidneys without a large difference in echogenicity between cortex and medulla and kidneys that did not have plentiful cortical fat vacuoles.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]A new bacteriophage of Corynebacterium glutamicum isolated from swine waste
Bourque, D. | Bisaillon, J.G. | Ackermann, H.W. | Berthiaume, L. | Alain, R. | Beaudet, R.
A bacteriophage for Corynebacterium glutamicum strain LP-6 was isolated from swine waste. It belongs to the Siphoviridae family or Bradley morphologic group B, has a narrow host range, and is sensitive to chloroform and resistant to carbon tetrachloride. The phage is unstable (96% inactivation) in swine waste stored for 4 months at 22 C. The DNA has a molecular weight of approximately 20 Md, cohesive ends, and numerous restriction endonuclease sites. The phage differs from other known C glutamicum phages.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of surgical manipulation, placental fluid, and flunixin meglumine on fetal viability and prostaglandin F2 alpha release in the gravid uterus of mares
Pascoe, D.R. | Stover, S.M.
Twenty-one pregnant mares with single or twin conceptuses between 41 and 65 days of gestational age were allotted to 5 treatment groups. A ventral median celiotomy was performed in all mares. In group-1 mares (3 mares, single conceptus), the uterus and fetus were palpated for 5 minutes. In group-2 mares (3 mares, single conceptus, flunixin meglumine), 250 ml of sterile placental fluid was injected into the nongravid uterine horn. In group-3 mares (4 mares, unicornuate twin conceptuses), group-4 mares (3 mares, unicornuate twin conceptuses, flunixin meglumine), and group-5 mares (8 mares, bicornuate twin conceptuses, flunixin meglumine), 1 conceptus was removed from the uterus via hysterotomy. All mares received progesterone prophylactically until day 100 of gestation or until the fetus died. The 3 mares in group 1 delivered clinically normal, live foals. The mean prostaglandin F2 alpha metabolite (PGFM) plasma concentration peaked at 180 +/- 5.2 pg/ml during uterine manipulation and fetal palpation, then declined to baseline by 1 hour. Free placental fluid (group 2) undermined the chorioallantois ventrally and resulted in fetal death within 3 hours after surgery. The mean PGFM plasma concentration peaked at 39 +/- 4 pg/ml following injection of placental fluid. None of the remaining fetuses in the 7 mares with unicornuate twin conceptuses (groups 3 and 4) survived. Five mares with unicornuate twin conceptuses (group 5) delivered single viable foals. In another mare in group 5, the fetus was alive 4 days after surgery, when the mare was euthanatized for a fractured femur. The peak mean PGFM plasma concentration during hysterotomy in the mares not treated with flunixin meglumine (group 3) was 1,979 +/- 27.36 pg/ml, and the highest peak mean PGFM plasma concentration in the flunixin meglumine-treated hysterotomized mares (groups 4 and 5) was 123 +/- 4.8 pg/ml. Flunixin meglumine was at least 94% effective in inhibiting expected increases in PGFM plasma concentrations associated with hysterotomy.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Cardiopulmonary effects of halothane anesthesia in cats
Grandy, J.L. | Hodgson, D.S. | Dunlop, C.I. | Curtis, C.R. | Heath, R.B.
The cardiopulmonary effects of 2 planes of halothane anesthesia (halothane end-tidal concentrations of 1.78% [light anesthesia] and 2.75% [deep anesthesia]) and 2 ventilatory modes (spontaneous ventilation [SV] or mechanically controlled ventilation [CV]) were studied in 8 cats. Anesthesia was induced and maintained with halothane in O2 only, and each cat was administered each treatment according to a Latin square design. Cardiac output, arterial blood pressure, pulmonary arterial pressure, heart rate, respiratory frequency, and PaO2, PaCO2, and pH were measured during each treatment. Stroke volume, cardiac index, and total peripheral resistance were calculated. A probability value of less than 5% was accepted as significant. In the cats, cardiac output, cardiac index, and stroke volume were reduced by deep anesthesia and CV, although only the reduction attributable to CV was significant. Systemic arterial pressure was significantly reduced by use of deep anesthesia and CV. Respiratory frequency was significantly lower during CV than during SV. Arterial P(O2) was significantly decreased at the deeper plane of anesthesia, compared with the lighter plane. At the deeper plane of anesthesia, arterial P(CO2) and pulmonary arterial pressure were significantly lower during CV than during SV. The deeper plane of halothane anesthesia depressed cardiopulmonary function in these cats, resulting in hypotension and considerable hypercapnia. Compared with SV, CV significantly reduced circulatory variables and should be used with care in cats. Arterial blood pressure was judged to be more useful for assessing anesthetic depth than was heart rate or respiratory frequency.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Distribution of persistent Salmonella typhimurium infection in internal organs of swine
Experiments were conducted to establish a persistent Salmonella typhimurium infection in convalescent swine, and to determine rate of shedding and distribution of the organism in internal organs. Naturally farrowed Salmonella-free pigs (n = 37) were orally exposed to S typhimurium when 7 to 8 weeks old. Fecal samples, tonsillar scrapings, and rectal swab specimens were examined bacteriologically for S typhimurium at weekly intervals after exposure until necropsy (maximum of 28 weeks after exposure). Necropsies of 1 to 4 randomly selected pigs were conducted at 2, 4, and 7 days and at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 weeks after exposure. The following internal organs were examined bacteriologically for S typhimurium: liver, spleen, kidney, gallbladder, heart, lung, and stomach; segments of the intestinal tract with corresponding lymph nodes; lymph nodes from lymphocenters of the head and neck, thoracic and abdominal cavities, pelvic wall, and thoracic and pelvic limbs. Fecal samples were 83 to 100% culture-positive up to postexposure (PE) week 22, then varied from 14 to 67% positive until PE week 28. At least 60% of tonsillar swab specimens and 50% of rectal swab specimens were culture-positive up to PE week 20, after which they varied from 0 to 70% positive until PE week 28. At necropsy, S typhimurium was recovered most freguently from tonsils (93.5% positive), followed by segments of the intestinal tract from caudal portion of jejunum to rectum (71% recovery from cecum), and mandibular (54.8%) and ileocolic (45.2%) lymph nodes. The organism generally did not persist beyond PE week 2 in other lymph nodes of the head and neck, lymph nodes of the abdominal wall, thoracic cavity, or limbs, or in heart, liver, or spleen. The gallbladder, kidney, and lungs of all pigs were culture-negative.
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