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Factors contributing to immunosuppression in the dairy cow during the periparturient period
Ingvartsen, K.L. (Aarhus University, Tjele (Denmark). Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Animal Science) | Moyes, K.M.
Genetic selection of cattle for improved immunity and health
Mallard, B.A. (University of Guelph, Guelph ON (Canada). Ontario Veterinary College, Department of Pathobiology) | Emam, M. | Paibomesai, M. | Thompson-Crispi, K. | Wagter-Lesperance, L.
Performance evaluation of quail closed-house system in Institute of Poultry Technology, Malaysia
Nurul Aini M. Y. | Nurshuhada S. | Irdayu H.
Quail closed-house system is a house that support quails’ optimumrequirements as far as temperature, relative humidity, ventilation and light are concerned. One of the four units of quail closed-house systems at the Institute of Poultry Technology, Malacca was used in this study. The objective of this project was to evaluate the performance of the quail closed-house system by comparing the condition of the house under current management condition and after the Standard Operating Procedure determined by DVS was adhered. Thehouse performance was evaluated by observing its ability to achieve an optimum temperature range of 20°C to 27°C with a relative humidity between 60% to 80% as perfect surroundings for quails. At the end of the experiments, the results showed a decline in internal temperature at almost 3°C and increasing in a relative humidity of 10% after all the specifications and procedures were followed.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Use of primary quail embryo fibroblast cells for propagation and assay of avian viruses
Hasoon, Mayada F. | Mohammed, Majed H. | Jubrael, Jaladet M. S.
A primary fibroblast cells from embryos of brown quail Coturnixypsilophora has been established and partially characterized. The cells were maintained in Modified Eagle’s medium (MEM) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum. The cells were able to grow at temperatures between 35°C and 38°C with optimum temperature of 37°C. The growth rate of primary quail fibroblast cells increased as the FBS proportion increased from 5% to 20% at 37°C with optimum growth at the concentrations of 10% or 15% FBS. The cells showed no microbial contamination throughout the period of experiment and the total chromosome number of a diploid cell was 78, according to karyotyping and chromosome analysis. The susceptibility of quail primary cells for avian viruses was investigated in this study after inoculation with ND and IB viruses. Both viruses showed a satisfactory CPE development and the infectivity were assayed by virus titration (TCID50). This suggests that the quail primary cells can be used for isolation of various avian viruses with further steps of infectivity confirmation in the future.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Histomoniasis and incidental finding of Schistosoma mansoni in turkey birds
Nurul Ana A. B. | Jamal-Nasir M. H. | Maswati M. A. | Salmeah A. R. | Jamaiyah I. | Jin, Seng O. | Shahaza O. | Norina L. | Suhaimi A.
This report describes the parasitological and pathological information retrieved from the samples submitted to Regional Veterinary Laboratory, Bukit Tengah, Penang (MVKBT) followingan episode of histomoniasis in a small scale poultry farm. Liver and ceca from two dead turkey birds, water (n=5) and freshwater snails (Pomacea sp, n=7) were stored between 4°C to 10°C until analyzed. Soil samples (n=7) were preserved in 5% formalin and kept at room temperature prior to further testing. The soil samples were filtered through laboratory test sieves before the filtrates at each level were examined using direct microscopy. Portions of the liver were processed using routine paraffin technique for histopathological examination and found positive for Histomoniasis. Results from direct microscopy of the liver samples revealed Schistosoma mansoni ova, Sarcocystis sporocysts and Fasciola sp. Heterakis sp ova were detected from cecal content. Four out of seven soil samples were positive for Sarcocystis sporocysts, Coccidia oocyst, Strongyles ova and nematod larva. Water and freshwater snail samples were negative for cercaria of Schistosoma mansoni. This case was concluded as Histomoniasis, Sarcocystosis and helminthiasis with incidental finding of Schistosoma mansoni.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The follicle characteristic and immature oocyte quality obtained from repeated transvaginal oocyte retrieval in Bos indicus beef cows
Izuan Bahtiar A. J. | Ahmad J. | Saadiah J. | Azizah A. | Ahmad Nazri A. R.
The development and availability of follicles is an indicator to predict which of the follicle sizes are suitable to recover the oocytes assisted by means of ultrasonography of transvaginal oocyte retrieval (OPU). Thus, the study was done in order to characterize the follicular recruitment and distribution in response to the repeated removal of follicles, and thus to determine the availability of follicles and immature oocytes harvested repeatedlyfor two consecutive days of OPU in beef cows. Results indicated that 24-h OPU showed significantly greater numbers of medium and large follicles than small categories (P<0.05). However the 48-hr of OPU does not showed any differences of follicles categories (P>0.05). The mean total number of follicles and immature oocytes recovered were higher (P<0.05) in 24-hr OPU (13.76±1.2 and 7.38 ± 1.7) compared to 48-hr OPU (9.08 ± 1.5 and 3.54 ± 1.00) with the oocyte retrieval rate of 51.22% and 38.17%, respectively. The morphological classification indicated the 24-hr oocyte retrieval produced 62% of suitable immature oocytes that can be used for in vitro embryo production. In conclusion, the repeated removal of two consecutive days of OPU has averted the development of dominant follicle, and thus, gave an atmosphere to the subordinate follicles to continue growth relatively to an equal proportion of small, medium and large categories of follicles. Due to the reduction of follicle and recovery rate at 48-hr it is suggested that OPU be carried out later than 48 hour so that the follicle has more time to increase the diameter size.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Surgical management of unilateral seminoma in a dog
John Martin, K. D. | Joy, Bini | Narayanan, M. K.
Seminomas are one of the common testicular tumours that occur mostly in dogs above five years of age. A case of nine-year-old male German Shepherd dog, presented to University Veterinary Hospital, Kokkalai with a history of swelling on the scrotum for the past two months and its successful surgical management is discussed. The right testicle was found to be highly enlarged and hard while the other atrophied. Histopathological examination following its surgical removal, confirmed it as seminoma.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Study on the performance of the eKasih swiftlet house - a low cost alternative to promote the swiftlet industry
Abu Hasan, M.A. | Nurul Aini, M.Y. | Chang, K.W. | Nurshuhada, S. | Farah, J.
The Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) established a subsidy programme to build low cost swiftlet houses, under the auspices ofthe eKasih programme. This programme is aimed at aiding entrepreneurs in the swiftlet industry to produce good qualitybird’s nests. In 2013, eleven swiftlet houses under eKasih Program in Johor, Perlis and Pahang were chosen randomly to be evaluated after a year of completion. The main factors affecting its functionality, such as temperature, relative humidity and light intensity inside the swiftlet houses were recorded and analysed. The results showed that most of the eKasih swiftlet houses built under this programme did not meet the recommended in house conditions due to several reasons. The houses built in this programme failed to attract the birds into the houses to build nests. Although there were some houses that produced bird’s nests, it was found to be substandard in terms of quality. Thus, this study revealed the importance of various factors needed for the successful establishment of swiftlet houses to produce good quality bird’s nests.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparative efficacy between ciprofloxacin and gentamycin in neonatal calves in Bangladesh
Hossain, M.K | Islam, M.S. | Alam, M.S | Uddin, A.S.M.A | Uddin, A.H.M.M. | Hossain, M.M. | Lucky, N.S
Diarrhoea in calves is considering a serious clinical problem inBangladesh. Calf is the back bone of the dairy industry. Diarrhoea in farm animals, especially in neonatal calves is one of the most challenging clinical syndromes encountered by large animal Veterinarypractitioners. The present investigation was conducted with the aimed to evaluate the efficacy of ciprofloxacin and gentamycin in the treatment of diarrhoea in neonatal calves. The studied was carried out for a period of six month from January 2013 to June 2013 in Kanaighat, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Calves (n=60) under 10 days of age with clinical signs of diarrhoea were randomly divided into two groups. One group was treated with intramuscular ciprofloxacin at a dose of 5 mg/kg once daily, while other group was treated withintramuscular (IM) gentamycin (dose of 5 mg/kg) once daily for three consecutive days. Calves evaluated clinically from the treatment and the recovery rates for the ciprofloxacin and gentamycin groups afterthree days of treatment were 73.33% and 66.67%, respectively. This trial revealed ciprofloxacine administered through IM route from the first day of the clinical sign observed was more efficacious in calfdiarrhoea compared to gentamycin.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Efficacy of neem decoction, neem leaves and jacaranda leaves extraction on gastro - intestinal nematodes in goats
Premaalatha, B. | Jamnah, O. | Ahmad Rasul, R. | Ramlan, M. | Chandrawathani, P. | Julailiyani, K. | Priscilla, F.X. | Zary Shariman, Y. | Fatin Amirah, F.
Natural herbal remedies have been long used to control common parasitic infections in livestock. The effectiveness of two plant products was tested on goats with helminthiasis. A study was carried out in a commercial goat farm near Sg. Siput, whereby Azadirachta indica (neem) decoction and leaf extract as well as Jacaranda filicifolia (Jacaranda) leaf extract were fed orally to 3 groups of goats that previously with strongyle egg counts range from 587 to 1650 egg per gram (EPG) for a period of 5 weeks. In this study, theJacaranda Leaves Water Extract (JLWE) showed the highest number of fecal egg count with 2585 EPG at the end of study. All treatments showed reduced percentage of packed cell volume from 23% to 21%,which was not significant. However, there was no difference in the composition of strongyle larvae in the goats. The results show that neem decoction was effective in reducing faecal egg count but the Jacaranda leaf extract and neem leaf extract were not effective in reducing faecal egg counts in goats. Further work is required to assess the efficacy of these herbal products for worm control in goats.
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