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Cardiopulmonary effects of butorphanol tartrate intravenously administered for placement of duodenal cannulae in isoflurane-anesthetized yearling steers
Cornick, J.L. | Hartsfield, S.M. | Taylor, T.S. | Jacobson, J.
Cardiopulmonary effects of IV administered butorphanol tartrate (BUT) were assessed in 7 yearling steers medicated with atropine and anesthetized with guaifenesin, thiamylal sodium, and isoflurane in O2 for surgical placement of duodenal cannulae. Heart rate, respiratory rate, arterial blood pressures, pHa, PaCO2, PaO2, arterial [HCO3-], esophageal temperature, and end-tidal isoflurane concentrations were measured before and after IV administration of BUT (10 mg). Mean respiratory rate increased significantly (P < 0.05) only at 45 and 60 minutes after BUT administration. Mean respiratory rate was 26 +/- 6.3 breaths/min before BUT administration and 46 +/- 12.1 breaths/min 60 minutes after BUT administration. Arterial blood pressures were increased significantly (P < 0.05) at all times, except 5 minutes after BUT administration. The mean value for mean arterial pressure was 76 +/- 9.6 mm of Hg before BUT injection and 117 +/- 12.6 mm of Hg 60 minutes after BUT injection. Mean values for pHa and arterial [HCO3-] were significantly (P < 0.05) higher at 60 minutes after BUT administration (baseline, pH = 7.25 +/- 0.04 and [HCO3-] = 29.9 +/- 3.5 mEq/L; 60 minutes after BUT, pH = 7.28 +/- 0.03 and [HCO3-] = 33.0 +/- 1.8 mEq/L). Although some statistically significant changes were recorded, IV administration of BUT to these steers did not have a marked effect on the cardiopulmonary variables measured.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of furosemide on the racing times of Thoroughbreds
Sweeney, C.R. | Soma, L.R. | Maxson, A.D. | Thompson, J.E. | Holcombe, S.J. | Spencer, P.A.
The effects of furosemide on the racing times of 79 horses without exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (EIPH) and 52 horses with EIPH were investigated. Racing times were adjusted to 1-mile equivalent racing times by 2 speed handicapping methods, and analysis of covariance was used to adjust actual racing times by winning time and distance for each race. All 3 methods of determining racing time indicated that geldings without EIPH had significantly faster racing times (P < 0.05) when given furosemide before racing than when furosemide was not given before racing. Females and colts without EIPH were determined to have faster racing times when furosemide was given before racing, but the difference was not significant. Geldings with EIPH had significantly faster racing times (P = 0.0231) when given furosemide before racing, as determined by one of the speed handicapping methods. There was a strong correlation (range 0.9314 to 0.9751) between the 1-mile equivalent racing times, as determined by the 2 speed handicapping methods for horses with and without EIPH. Furosemide failed to prevent the development of EIPH in many horses that were previously considered to be EIPH-negative. When given furosemide, 62 (25.3%) of 235 EIPH-negative horses were EIPH-positive after racing. Furosemide had questionable efficacy for prevention of EIPH in known EIPH-positive horses. Thirty-two (61.5%) of 52 EIPH-positive horses given furosemide before a race remained EIPH-positive after that race.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Bovine leukosis virus transmission with mouthparts from Tabanus abactor after interrupted feeding
Perino, L.J. | Wright, R.E. | Hoppe, K.L. | Fulton, R.W.
A successful attempt was made to mechanically transmit bovine leukosis virus (BLV) from a BLV-infected cow with a normal lymphocyte count to sheep by inoculation with horse fly (Tabanus abactor) mouthparts. After interrupted natural feeding, horse flies were anesthetized with CO2. Mouthparts were severed and pooled into a tissue grinder containing medium. Five inocula containing the mouthparts of 10 flies each, and 5 inocula containing the mouthparts of 20 flies each, were prepared and inoculated SC in the right axilla of 10 BLV antibody-negative sheep. Five additional sheep served as controls. Serum samples were collected at 2-week intervals and tested by agar gel immunodiffusion for BLV antibodies. One sheep injected with 20 mouthparts developed antibodies to BLV at 10 weeks after inoculation. Six months after inoculation with fly mouthparts, 1 BLV antibody-negative sheep was randomly selected from each treatment group and injected, in the left axilla, with 3 ml of blood from the donor cow to confirm susceptibility of the sheep. All 3 sheep developed antibodies to BLV within 4 weeks.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Correlation of brain stem auditory-evoked responses with cranium size and body weight of dogs
Pook, H.A. | Steiss, J.E.
Brain stem auditory-evoked responses were recorded in 9 male and 11 female clinically normal mature dogs, weighing between 2 and 36 kg. Mean wave latency for the entire group of dogs, using 60-dB hearing level click stimuli at 11/s for waves I to VII was: 1.41, 2.21, 2.85, 3.31, 3.71, 5.12, and 6.46 ms, respectively. The mean interpeak latency for waves I and V (IPLIV) was 2.32 ms. Neither gender nor ear effect was detectable. Positive correlation was observed between cranium length, cranium width, nasion-external auditory meatus interval, and body weight for wave-V latency and IPLIV. Such correlation was not documented for wave I. The regression equations for their effects on IPLIV were: cranium length, y = 0.05x + 1.85; cranium width, y = 0.07x + 1.32; nasion-external auditory meatus interval, y = 0.05x + 1.79; and body weight, y =0.05x + 2.15. On the basis of any of the 3 variables of cranium size or body weight, the study population could be classified into groups of large and small dogs, with the large group having significantly (P < 0.05) longer latency for wave V and IPLIV. It is recommended that the effect of size variation in dogs on brain stem auditory-evoked responses should be compensated for by use of the regression equation based on cranium length.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Purification and comparison of corticosteroid-induced and intestinal isoenzymes of alkaline phosphatase in dogs
Sanecki, R.K. | Hoffmann, W.E. | Dorner, J.L. | Kuhlenschmidt, M.S.
Corticosteroid-induced alkaline phosphatase (CALP) and intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IALP) from dogs were purified to homogeneity, as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Purification involved an uninterrupted system using DEAE-cellulose, concanavalin A-agarose, and monoclonal antibody affinity columns. The monoclonal antibody was prepared by use of IALP as the antigen. The 2 isoenzymes were compared, using molecular weight determinations, amino acid analyses, peptide mapping, N-terminal sequencing of the first 10 amino acids, carbohydrate analyses, and recognition by anti-IALP monoclonal antibody. The data indicated that canine IALP and CALP are identical with regard to recognition by monoclonal antibody and N-terminal amino acid sequence, nearly identical in amino acid content and peptide maps, but different in carbohydrate content. It was concluded that CALP is a product of the same gene as IALP and that differences in glycosyl transferase activities between liver and intestines or the presence of glycosidase activities in or around the intestinal mucosae result in the marked difference in carbohydrate content.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of pregnant rabbits as a laboratory model for bovid herpesvirus-4 infection
Naeem, K. | Caywood, D.D. | Werdin, R.E. | Goyal, S.M.
A field strain (87-8363) of bovid herpesvirus-4 (BHV-4) isolated from an aborted bovine fetus was used to inoculate pregnant rabbits. Eleven rabbits in midgestation were alloted to 4 groups consisting of 3 infected groups and 1 control group. Rabbits were inoculated with BHV-4 or mock-infected cell culture preparations via IV, intravaginal, and intrauterine routes. Mild vulvovaginitis and endometritis were observed after intravaginal and IV inoculation of BHV-4, whereas intrauterine inoculation of BHV-4 resulted in abortion of hemorrhagic fetuses and nonsuppurative endometritis. Virus was successfully isolated from organ explants of fetal tissues. Rabbits seroconverted 1 week after infection as detected by results of an indirect immunofluorescence assay.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of dietary crude-protein type on fertilization and embryo quality in dairy cattle
Blanchard, T. | Ferguson, J. | Love, L. | Takeda, T. | Henderson, B. | Hasler, J. | Chalupa, W.
An experiment was conducted to determine whether balancing dietary crude protein for optimal rumen degradability would improve fertilization rate and quality of ova in lactating dairy cows. Thirty-eight Holstein cows in early lactation were fed 1 of 2 diets formulated to be isocaloric and isonitrogenous, containing 16% crude protein. Diet 1 contained 73% rumen degradable intake protein, whereas diet 2 contained 64% rumen degradable intake protein. The cows were induced to superovulate and were inseminated, and ova were recovered nonsurgically on postbreeding day 7. Ova were counted and classified as fertilized or unfertilized. Fertilized ova were scored as excellent, good, fair, poor, or degenerate. Unfertilized ova and poor and degenerate embryos were considered to be nontransferable ova and excellent, good, and fair embryos were considered to be transferable ova. There were no differences for mean number of fertilized, unfertilized, transferable, or nontransferable ova recovered from cows fed the 2 diets (P > 0.10). Mean percentage of fertilized ova recovered from cows was greater (P < 0.05) in those fed diet 2, compared with diet 1. Mean percentage of transferable ova recovered from cows tended to be greater (P = 0.06) in those fed diet 2, compared with diet 1. More cows failed to yield transferable ova (P < 0.05) when fed diet 1, compared with diet 2. Fertilization failure or early degeneration of embryos may occur in cows fed excess rumen degradable protein.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Platelet aggregation studies in dogs with acute Ehrlichia platys infection
Gaunt, S.D. | Baker, D.C. | Babin, S.S.
Ten adult dogs (5 Beagles and 5 mixed-breed dogs) were inoculated IV with canine platelets containing Ehrlichia platys. Inclusions and morulae of E platys developed in platelets of infected dogs at 10 to 14 days after inoculation, followed by marked thrombocytopenia at 14 to 21 days. Parasitemia and marked thrombocytopenia recurred at 24 to 28 days after inoculation. Increased numbers of megakaryocytes were observed in marrow aspirate smears from infected dogs, indicative of regenerative thrombocytopenia. Prior to infection, platelet-rich plasma from these dogs was determined to have similar aggregatory response to arachidonate. After infection with E platys, the aggregatory response of platelet-rich plasma to collagen or 3 dilutions of adenosine diphosphate was evaluated. A statistically significant (P < 0.05) inhibition of platelet aggregatory response to the lowest dilution of adenosine diphosphate was detected for mixed-breed dogs, whereas aggregation responses were unchanged in Beagles. Results indicate that platelet activation may occur in dogs with acute ehrlichial infection.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Postnatal ossification centers of the atlas and axis in Miniature Schnauzers
Watson, A.G. | Stewart, J.S.
Postnatal ossification of the atlas and axis was studied in Miniature Schnauzers by examining alizarin-stained bone clearings, cleaned dry bones, radiographs, histologic sections, and arterially perfused bone clearings. Sixty-two pups (1 day to 16 weeks old) and 4 adults were examined. In 1-day-old pups, the atlas consisted of 3 separate ossification centers: a left and right neural arch center and midventrally, the intercentrum 1, which formed the body of the atlas. The axis contained 4 separate ossification centers: a left and right neural arch center; centrum 2 in the main part of the axis body; and centrum 1, which formed the caudal part of the dens and the cranial part of the axis body. By 6 weeks of age, the epiphysis on the caudal end of the axis body had begun to ossify. At this time, the intercentrum 2, which developed as a cuboidal ossification center intercalated between centrum 1 and centrum 2 in the middle of the cranial half of the axis body, also began to ossify. The centrum of the proatlas, which formed the apex of the dens, was first seen ossified in a 9-week-old pup. These 10 ossification centers were seen as constant and separate elements. In all dogs, the dens developed from 2 separate ossification centers: the centrum of the proatlas formed the cranial one-quarter, and centrum 1 formed the caudal three-quarters. Dens dysplasia is unlikely to be a result of failure of development of one of the ossification centers for the dens. Seemingly, vascular-related ischemia may lead to postnatal resorption of at least the middle part of the dens and result in dens dysplasia, with subsequent atlantoaxial subluxation. This condition in dogs may be a suitable animal model for the study of the pathogenesis of odontoideum and related conditions in man.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Scanning electron microscopy of pathologic changes in the epithelial surfaces of the uterus and uterine tubes of cows
Bollo, E. | Biolatti, B. | Pau, S. | Galloni, M.
Genital tracts from 15 cows with catarrhal and purulent inflammation of the uterus and uterine tubes, cystic hyperplasia of the endometrium, or hydrosalpinx were evaluated by use of scanning electron microscopy to determine epithelial changes associated with these conditions. Uterine epithelium was revealed to be easily damaged, even in the course of mild inflammation, whereas epithelium of the uterine tube was more resistant.
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