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Про- и пребиотики в повышении резистентности, стимуляции роста и профилактике болезней молодняка
Karput, I.M. | Babina, M.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The immune status of chickens, pigs and calves depends on the content of protective factors in incubatory egg, mother colostrum and timely transfer to their posterity. At young growth in postnatal ontogenesis it is allocated three age immune deficiencies. The first is connected with untimely receipt transovarian and colostoral factors of the protection, the second is caused by an expenditure of passively transferred protective factors of protection and immaturity of own immune system. The third age immune deficiency arises at sharp transfer of young growth into new type of feeding and concerns, first of all, disorders of local protection of a digestive path. Timely application the probiotic enterobifidin, baktril-2, bifidoflorin, developed by Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine together with Institute of microbiology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, microbic polysaccharides salmopul and vistimulin, received together with Vitebsk biofactory, and also diamiksan allows to prevent development of immune deficiencies and on their background gastroenteric and respiratory diseases of young growth, to stimulate animal growth and to improve quality of meat production, decrease economic efficiency and ecological safety, considerably allows to reduce application of antimicrobic preparations (antibiotics, Sulfanilamidum, Nitrofuranums, etc.) | Иммунный статус цыплят, поросят и телят зависит от содержания защитных факторов в инкубационном яйце, молозиве матерей и своевременной передаче их потомству. У молодняка в постнатальном онтогенезе выделяется три возрастных иммунных дефицита. Первый связан с несвоевременным поступлением трансовариальных и колостральных факторов защиты, второй обусловлен расходованием пассивно перенесенных защитных факторов защиты и незрелостью собственной иммунной системы. Третий возрастной иммунный дефицит возникает при резком переводе молодняка на новый тип кормления и касается, прежде всего, нарушения местной защиты пищеварительного тракта. Своевременное применение пробиотиков энтеробифидина, бактрила-2, бифидофлорина, разработанных Витебской государственной академией ветеринарной медицины совместно с Институтом микробиологии НАН Беларуси, сальмопула и витстимулина, совместно полученных с Витебской биофабрикой микробных полисахаридов, а также диамиксана позволяет профилактировать развитие иммунных дефицитов и возникающих на их фоне желудочно-кишечных и респираторных болезней молодняка, стимулировать рост животных и улучшать качество мясной продукции, повышать экономическую эффективность и экологическую безопасность, значительно сократить применение противомикробных препаратов (антибиотиков, сульфаниламидов, нитрофуранов и др.)
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Совершенствование профилактических мероприятий при гипомикроэлементозах супоросных свиноматок в условиях диспансеризации
Kovalenok, Yu.K. | Nikolaenko, S.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There was studied the width of distribution and peculiarity of clinical manifestation of mineral exchange diseases at pregnant sows, and also perfection of preventive actions at pathology of mineral metabolism in the conditions of prophylactic medical examination. Results of research have shown, that diseases of mineral metabolism widespread (84,7%) among pregnant sows in the conditions of industrial production, are most extended scarce conditions on Zn (17,7%) and Fe (22,5%). Clinically this insufficiency was expressed by oppression, appetite distortion, occurrence on a skin of specifically red stains correct roundish the form: with the clarified sites in the centre, are registered as abortions at final stages of pregnancy. It is established, that the way of preventive maintenance of hypomicroelementosis of pregnant sows with use of chelated forms of microelements is more preferable than sows, as reduces percent of clinical display of Zn and Fe deficiency, stabilize level of hematological and biochemical indicators of blood more effectively, and also raise industrial indicators of pregnant sows. | Целью работы было изучение широты распространения и особенностей клинического проявления заболеваний минерального обмена у супоросных свиноматок, а также совершенствование профилактических мероприятий при патологии минерального обмена веществ в условиях диспансеризации. Результаты исследований показали, что болезни минерального обмена веществ широко распространены (84,7%) среди супоросных свино¬маток в условиях промышленного производства, наиболее распространены дефицитные состояния по Zn (17,7%) и Fe (22,5%). Клинически эта сочетанная недостаточность выражалась угнетением, залеживанием, понижением и извращением аппетита, появлением на коже специфически красных пятен правильной округлой форма: с просветленными участками в центре, зарегистрированы так же аборты на конечных стадиях супоросности. Установлено, что способ профилактики гипомикроэлементозов супоросных свиноматок с использованием хелатных форм микроэлементов предпочтительнее, поскольку сокращает процент клинического проявления дефицита цинка и железа, эффективнее стабилизируют уровень гематологических и биохимических показателей крови, а также повышают производственные показатели супоросных свиноматок.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Состояние и перспективы изучения язвенного абомазита у телят
Kurdeko, A.P. | Shabusov, N.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
There was studied the ulcerous changes in a rennet stomach paries. The analysis of literary data has allowed to choose a way of reproduction of rennet stomach ulcer at calves by means of haemodynamic frustration of rennet stomach site. During experiment has been reproduced ulcer abomasit at 13 heifers. In the course of work the young growth of black-motley breed at the age of 1-2 months has been involved. Before operation to calves neuromuscular relaxant Rometar intramuscularly was entered. Then alcoholic narcosis on M.V.Plakhotin intravenously was entered. Belly cavity on a white line of stomach, receding from chondroxiphoid cartilage on 4-5 cm, was opened. A cut in length 10-12 cm was done. Through the formed aperture rennet stomach was taken, then on the big curvature gastroepiploic artery was found, into which by medical syringe through an insulinic needle was entered warmed up to 38 deg C the 8-% solution of sulfosalicylic acid in a dose of 5 ml. Changes from a serous cover of rennet stomach observed at once after introduction of acid solution. At first on an artery course rough spastic reductions of rennet stomach muscles have been noticed. After that, in the same place, there was anaemia of serous cover, then, stagnant hyperaemia. For the control of results in 3-5 weeks made the compelled slaughter of calves with the diagnostic purpose and found out rennet stomach ulcers of various size. Result of the given work is that the given method gives the chance to reproduce haemodynamic rennet stomach ulcer at calves of any age by means of 8% solution of sulfosalicylic acid. Thus, the experimental model of rennet stomach ulcer at the calves, caused by introduction of 8% solution of sulfosalicylic acid, is in the main similar to spontaneous disease. | Целью экспериментальной работы явилось изучение ульцерозных изменений в стенке сычуга. Анализ литературных данных позволил выбрать способ воспроизведения язвы сычуга у телят посредством гемодинамических расстройств участка сычуга. Во время эксперимента был воспроизведен язвенный абомазит у 13 телочек. В процессе работы был задействован молодняк крупного рогатого скота черно-пестрой породы в возрасте 1-2 месяцев. Перед операцией телятам вводили внутримышечно миорелаксант Рометар. Затем вводили внутривенно алкогольный наркоз по M.B. Плахотину. Брюшную полость вскрывали по белой линии живота, отступая от мечевидного хряща на 4-5 см. Делали разрез длиной 10-12 см. Через образовавшееся отверстие извлекали сычуг, затем находили на большой кривизне желудочно-сальниковую артерию, в которую шприцом через инсулиновую иглу вводили подогретый до 38 deg С 8-процентный раствор сульфосалициловой кислоты в дозе 5 мл. Изменения со стороны серозной оболочки сычуга наблюдали сразу же после введения раствора кислоты. Сначала по ходу артерии были замечены бурные спастические сокращения мышц сычуга. После этого, там же, возникала анемия серозной оболочки, затем, застойная гиперемия. Для контроля результатов через 3-5 недель производили вынужденный убой телят с диагностической целью и обнаруживали язвы сычуга различной величины. Результатом данной работы является то, что данный метод дает возможность воспроизводить гемодинамическую язву сычуга у телят любого возраста при помощи 8-процентного раствора сульфосалициловой кислоты. Таким образом, экспериментальная модель язвы сычуга у телят, вызванная введением 8-процентного раствора сульфосалициловой кислоты, в основных чертах сходна со спонтанным заболеванием.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Структурно-функциональные особенности органов иммуногенеза и сычуга у новорожденных телят-гипотрофиков
Tumilovich, G.A. | Malashko, V.V., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
Development principal cause antenatal oligotrophy at young animals are infringements of feeding norms of pregnant animal, exchange processes and, as consequence occurs hypoxia and fetus toxicosis. Congenital oligotrophy at calves is accompanied hypoplasia of many vital bodies and systems, especially digestive and immune that is shown by secondary immune insufficiency which aggravates age immune deficiency. Decrease in immune reactance, in turn, oppresses erythropoiesis, arise gastroenteric pathology, and the current oligotrophy is aggravated. The work purpose is to study structurally functional features of spleen, lymph nodes, thymus and abomasum at newborn calves with signs of antenatal hypoplasia, arising at unsatisfactory feeding and the maintenance of pregnant dry cows. During research it is established, that structurally functional changes of bodies have been found out in the deadborn and fallen calves in the first 7 days with various degree of antenatal hypoplasia of immunogenesis which testify to morphological immaturity and changes typical for phases of accidental transformations. During the same period occurs active morphogenesis of abomasum tissular components at hypotrophic calves which has the features that it is necessary to consider at the organization of feeding and young animals cultivation. Growth and development degree of lymphoid structures and calve abomasum closely correlating with the morphofunctional status of their organism. | Основной причиной развития антенатальной гипотрофии у молодняка являются нарушения норм кормления беременных животных, обменных процессов и, как следствие, происходит гипоксия и токсикоз плода. Врожденная гипотрофия у телят сопровождается недоразвитием многих жизненно важных органов и систем, особенно пищеварительной и иммунной, что проявляется вторичной иммунной недостаточностью, которая усугубляет возрастной иммунный дефицит. Снижение иммунной реактивности, в свою очередь, угнетает эритропоэз, возникают желудочно-кишечная патология, и усугубляется течение гипотрофии. Цель работы - изучить структурно-функциональные особенности селезенки, лимфатических узлов, тимуса и сычуга у новорожденных телят с признаками антенатального недоразвития, возникающие при неудовлетворительном кормлении и содержании стельных сухостойных коров. В ходе исследований установлено, что у мертворожденных и павших в первые 7 суток телят с различной степенью антенатального недоразвития были обнаружены структурно-функциональные изменения органов иммуногенеза, которые свидетельствуют о морфологической незрелости и изменениях, типичных для фаз акцидентальной трансформации. В этот же период происходит активный морфогенез тканевых компонентов сычуга телят-гипотрофиков, который имеет свои особенности, что необходимо учитывать при организации кормления и выращивания молодняка. Степень роста и развития лимфоидных структур и сычуга телят тесно кореллирует с морфофункциональным статусом их организма.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Влияние разного соотношения расщепляемого и нерасщепляемого протеина в рационах на эффективность использования питательных веществ бычками
Kovalevskaya, Yu.Yu., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
The research directed on perfection of a cattle protein food system, taking into account its fractional structure, and also establishment of objective indicators of an estimation of forage protein nutrient density, have great value. It is established, that for young growth of cattle of 4-6 months of age the optimum parity of decomposable and un-decomposable protein in rations corresponds to size 68:32, allowed to raise digestibility of nutrients on 3-4%, nitrogen adjournment in an organism of animals on 10% and daily average a gain on 4% in comparison with parity 80:20. The optimum parity of fractional structure of protein makes positive impact on oxidation-reduction processes in organism to what testifies morphological-biochemical structure of blood. Thus concentration of crude protein raises on 1,7%, urea quantity decreases on 23%. The least cost price of a gain has appeared in group with a parity of decomposable and un-decomposable protein in rations 68:32, or it is better on 4,4% than an indicator of group with a parity 80:20%
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Прогнозирование сохранности, продуктивных и мясных качеств свиней в условиях промышленного производства с использованием ДНК-маркеров
Bezzubov, V.I. | Dvornik, V.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Research results on usage of DNA-markers (RYRI, FABP, ESRF18/FUTI) and other factors for industrial pork production were presented. It was determined that DNA-technologies let conduct interbreed crossing on industrial scale and get diverse (fat or meat, with different fat content) products, as well as increase pork production in general. The best variants of crossing combinations were pigs of the Belarus large white breed with Belarus meat and Dyurok, and also the Belarus large white breed with Landras and Dyurok. Research results showed, for in course of the whole period of breeding the daily average weight gain of hybrids of the large white with the Belarus meat and breeds Landras was higher than with the Estonian bacon on 25 and 18 g, respectively. Fattening of stores was finished at the period of achievement of body weight by 100-102,5 kg. The slaughter yield of meat products by groups (without intestinal fat) did not essentially differ and varied within 69,9 - 71,1%. There were noted no considerable distinctions in weight of internals (heart, lungs, kidneys, spleen, liver). Thickness of the salted pork fat at hybrids with animals of the Belarus meat breed was 1-2 mm lower than in other. The average meat yield of diverting weir was 61,9%, fat weight - 27,9%, bone weight - 10,2%. The organoleptic evaluation of beef-infusion broth quality showed that indicators of habit, aroma and taste and nourishing were at high level and compose 4,67; 4,59; 4,55 and 4,71 points, respectively. Tenderness, juiciness and taste of boiled meat also were at level 4,69; 4,76 and 4,87 points, respectively; fried meat - 4,57; 4,68 and 4,66 points
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Резервы повышения экономической эффективности переработки молока и производства молочных продуктов в ОАО Сенненский завод СОМ
Bekish, E.I. | Bekish, R.V. | Semenkova, O.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of market relations formation the lowering of production prime cost at the JSC Sennitsa Plant SOM gained the special importance. The reserve supplies for increasing of economic efficiency of milk processing and dairy products production in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus were analyzed. A subject of activity of the enterprise is milk processing, development of dairy production and its realization. Economic benefit of realization of the offered actions is shown. Transfer to the local sources of fuel (woodfuel) made it possible to reduce considerably the cost price of production at the analysed plant. By means of lowering the current consumption of electric energy the economy of the cost price due to decrease expenses for the electric power will make 0,27%. The general economic benefit will consist in decrease in the cost price of a commodity output on on 2,71%, increase of production profitability on 3,55 items. Thus, the realization of the offered actions will considerably improve the financial indicators of JSC Sennitsa Plant SOM
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Роль внешней среды и индивидуальных особенностей организма при получении эмбрионов крупного рогатого скота in vitro
Gandzha, A.I. | Letkevich, L.L. | Rakovich, E.D. | Kostikova, I.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Motuzko, N.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Determination of the optimum parameters of cattle embryos production in vitro from high-producing cows after their slaughter on a meat-packing plant was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Oocyte cumulus complexes of cows of black-motley breed and the conditions of their maturing were used as the object of experimental research. Oocyte cumulus complex were allocated with dissection of ovaries tissue placed into Hanks culture medium. The search and morphological estimation of quality of received oocyte cumulus complexes were realized by microscopic research. Then, the oocytes were placed into a culture medium for cell maturing in СО2-incubator at 38,5 deg C with the maximum humidity (98%), with presence of 5% СО2 under a layer of mineral oil for 24 hours. Matured oocytes were impregnated with the frozen-thawed sperm after capacitation. Oogenesis efficiency of production of pre-implantation germs in vitro was determined in accordance with the level of embryonic fission and production of viable germs. Use cumulus cells monolayer made it possible to increase the quantity of ripened oocytes on 5,2-5,7%, level of embryonic fission - on 14,0-14,6% and production of embryos - on 13,8-12,5% depending on a way of its production in comparison with groups of the cells which were cultivated without a monolayer. Thus, the research has shown the exploitability of use of cellular reproductive technologies in selection and breeding activities in cattle breeding. Their application in combination with embryo transplantation could make it possible to use the reproductive potential of high-priced oocyte donors more effectively for the genetic improvement of animal population efficiency
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Эффективность криоконсервации эмбрионов крупного рогатого скота с использованием в качестве криопротекторов этиленгликоля и сахарозы
Golubets, L.V. | Starovojtova, M.P. | Zanevskaya, E.K., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
Investigation of the efficiency of ethylene glycol and sucrose application in the capacity of cryoprotectors for cryopreservation of cattle embryos and their thawing in the conditions of application of saline solutions (as their dissolution medium) and nutritive media with a various structure was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that application of ethylene glycol in concentration 1,5 M and sucrose in concentration 1,0M proved to be the most effective. Regardless of the applied media the average safety of embryos was 93,8-96%, and acceptability - 59,3-62,5%. Peculiar feature of ethylene glycol use as cryoprotector for preservation of cattle embryos was that it could be quickly absorbed by a cell and quickly deduced from it. It made it possible to realize embryo transfer immediately after thawing. Application of ethylene glycol and sucrose as cryoprotectors could considerably simplify the procedure of transplantation of the frozen-thawed embryos, practically reducing it to a procedure of artificial insemination
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Использование экологически безопасных препаратов для дезинфекции птичников и повышения сохранности цыплят-бройлеров
Gotovskij, D.G., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The modern technology applied on poultry enterprises of the Republic of Belarus made provision for high concentration of poultry population density at the comparatively small housing areas of integrated poultry farms which caused the deterioration of sanitary conditions in poultry houses, especially by the end of the growing period. Broiler chickens grown under such conditions were constantly experiencing the microbe stress which eventually caused the heightened culling and poultry losses caused by different diseases caused both by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. For the current disinfection in presence of poultry it was proposed to use sprayings with malic and succinic acids, which made it possible to realize not only the air sanation in poultry houses, but also increase broiler chicken viability. The highest bactericidal activity of apple acid aerosol against air microflora was stated within 3 hours after carrying out indoors treatment. After disinfection the general microbic air contamination decreased in 2-10 times, quantity of microorganisms of colimorphic groups and staphilococcus in 1,4-1,75 and 2-10 times, respectively, in comparison with the original air values realized before air treatment in poultry houses. In the following, there was stated the gradual increase of a level of microbic air contamination within 24 hours. The best effect of the preparation was stated against Staphylococcus. Thus, the quantity of Staphylococcus in air decreased in 10 times in comparison with initial data
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