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Влияние различного сахаропротеинового отношения в рационе на эффективность использования обменной энергии племенными бычками
Kryshton, T.G., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus)
Balanced complete feeding proved to be one of the major conditions of animal productivity increase and improvement of their reproductive qualities. Full value of feeding could be obtained at the expense of forage quality improvement and perfection of structure of the rations providing the increasing of metabolic energy use by breeding bull-calves. Analysis of the efficiency of metabolic energy use by the replacement bull calves under conditions of various sugar and protein ratio was realized in the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that enrichment of replacement bull calves (with 325-405 kg of live weight) rations with easy digestible carbohydrates (sugar and starch) in ratio of 32% from a dry matter ration, including 15% of stable starch made it possible to increase the transformation of metabolic energy into energy of body weight gain on 21,73 - 23,96 MJ or on 10,3%, that as a result correspondingly increased the daily average weight gains on 7,9% and reduced the expenses for forage energy for 7,1% counting on an energy unit. According to the ejaculate volume indices the bull calves of the second experimental group surpassed analogues of a control group on 14,8%, and according to sperm concentration indices - on 12%. The average quantity of the frozen doses of sperm has made 65%
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Использование нового премикса в составе ЗЦМ [заменителя цельного молока] для телят
Pilyuk, S.N., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Belarus is included into number of the leading countries of the world which provide the increasing of the expansion rates of milk production and dairy products on a per capita basis. However, the agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Belarus annually spend approximately 800 thousand tons of whole milk that makes about 20% from the general milk yield for manufacturing expenditures in the process of livestock operation. The purpose of research was working out of a new premix structure and zootechnic requirements to its use in structure of milk replacer, produced on hydrodynamic installation. The optimum doses of amino acids, vitamins and mineral substances promoted the increasing of calves daily average weight gain during the dairy period on 5,4% (788,5 g instead of 748,1 g), reducing of expenses for forages per 1 kg of weight gain - on 6,5% (2,9 fodder units against 3,1 fodder units) and the decreasing of the prime cost production for fodder expenses - on 4,7%. There was presented the composition and nutritive value of the analysed whole milk replacer. Usage of local sources of protein-fatty raw materials of plant origin, and also secondary resources of processing of whole milk in the content of milk replacer for young cattle allows to completely refuse from expensive components delivered from abroad and to lower their cost
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Приготовление и использование ЗЦМ [заменителя цельного молока] в кормлении телят
Pilyuk, S.N., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Research was directed towards selection of national, accessible and cheap ingredients of whole milk replacers in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. The efficiency of compounding preparation and its use in calves feeding at an early age was analysed. There was developed the technological scheme of application of hydrodynamic installation which operates according cavitating principle and makes it possible to receive the homogeneous and finely divided mass directly from grain forage that is very important for preparation of milk replacer. New equipment gives the chance to lower power consumption on 17%, to receive economic benefit. During testing of developed of milk replacer-1 (used for calves feeding since one month old) and milk replacer-2 (used for calves feeding since two months old) and their comparison with the whole milk replacer Kalvolak (the Netherlands) it was revealed, that indices of a daily average weight gain in calves of the first group fed with foreign milk replacer, and in calves of the second groups, which were fed with the national milk replacer, did not show authentic differences (806 and 816 g). However, the prime cost of 1kg of live weight gain in the second case was on 43% cheaper than in the first one. The cost price of 1kg of live weight gain of calves on expenses for fodder units in trial group was on 33% cheaper in comparison with the control group
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Продуктивность, гуморальные факторы защиты поросят-сосунов при использовании бесклеточного пробиотика Лактимет и клеточного пробиотика Бифилак
Sadomov, N.A. | Khodyryeva, I.A., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus)
Comparative evaluation of the influence of cell-free probiotic preparation Laktimet and cellular probiotic Bifilak on productivity, livability, nonspecific response of suckling piglets in the early extrauterine life was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus.Application of both probiotics increased the productivity of suckling pigs, stimulated the processes of metabolism and natural protection of organism in the early postnatal period in the conditions of specialized pig breeding complexes. Research results showed, that application of brand new cell-free probiotic Laktimet exercised higher influence on suckling pigs. Application of Laktimet made it possibler to increase piglets body weight gain on 7,8%; piglet livability - on 6,7%; and application cellular probiotic preparation Bifilak - on 5,4% and 3,3%, respectively. The same tendency was noted during the analysis of indexes of cellular factors of organism protection. Bactericidal activity of blood serum of experimental animals changed both in connection with age, and under influence of probiotic preparations. During all studied periods the bactericidal activity of blood serum was authentically (P less than 0,05) above in experimental groups in comparison with a control group. At 20-days old piglets there was stated the strengthening of bactericidal activity of blood serum. Throughout all period of experiment the superiority of trial animals over control on indicators of lysozyme activity of blood serum was observed
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Злаковый силос, заготовленный с консервантом Axphast Gold, в рационах крупного рогатого скота
Tsaj, V.P. | Gurin, V.K., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
The comparative analysis of application of cereal ensilage produced with addition of microbial and enzymatic preserving agents Axphast Gold and Biotrof on fodder digestibility, hematological indexes and cicatrical digestion of cattle rearers was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Cattle feeding with the analysed silage rendered positive effect on digestibility of the forage dry matter, which was on 2% higher the control index, organic matter - on 2,4%, nitrogen-free extractive substances - on 2,84%, fat - on 0,58%, protein - on 2,3%, cellulose - on 2,1%. Use in feeding of ensilaged forages from the cereal perennial grasses preserved by the microbial- enzymatic preparation produced by company Biota rendered the positive influence on use of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus. There was also noted the increasing of the content of volatile fatty acids in paunch of young cattle silage fed with Axphast Gold that testified of more effective utilization of forage
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Применение растворов гипохлорита натрия в клинической терапии
Abramov, S.S. | Belko, A.A. | Stolbovoj, D.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Sodium hypochlorite solution is an effective means in control of noncontagious aetiology diseases, accompanied by development of endogen intoxications. The detoxification action of sodium hypochlorite is that in the body there is no becomes free active oxygen, oxidizing there toxic and ballast substances as bilirubin, urea, ammonia, uric acid, creatinine, cholesterol, carbonic oxide, acetone, acetone acetate, ethanol, methanol, barbiturates, etc. The detoxification action of sodium hypochlorite is shown in neutralization of exotoxins and endotoxins of pathogenic microorganisms as it represents a compound of the small molecular mass and the small structural size. In this connection it freely gets through membranes of cells and oxidizes the toxins containing not only in blood, but also in cells. From this follows, that sodium hypochlorite models not only oxidizing function of cytochrome Р-450 of liver, but also phagocytal function of neutrophilic leucocyte. It leads to inactivation of large toxic molecular compounds both on a surface of uniform elements, and in blood plasma while effective methods reduce intoxication at the expense of removal of the average molecules circulating in plasma
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Сравнительная эффективность различных способов профилактики стресса у телят при обезроживании
Belyavskij, V.N. | Gudz, V.P., Grodno State Agrarian Univ. (Belarus)
The effectiveness of stress prevention with use of sedative remedy Xyla in a complex with preparations Ascorbic acid with glucose, Aesel and Katosal, which improve adaptation, was researched. Application of a complex of neurotropic and adaptogenic preparations before and after dehorning promoted softening of stressful influence, that in turn has positively affected the general condition of animals and intensity of growth. Comparative test of four schemes of preventive maintenance of negative consequences of the stress caused calf dehorning, has shown their high efficiency. However more expressed stimulating influence on intensity of metabolism, antioxidant status, natural resistance, adaptation to action of stresses-factors and rates of a body weight gain were rendered by the scheme with use of preparations Aesel, Ascorbic acid with glucose and Ksila
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Результаты выделения пастерелл от пушных зверей, изучение их культурально-морфологических, биохимических свойств и определение их серовариантной принадлежности
Birman, B.Ya. | Andrusevich, A.S., The National Academy of Sciences, Minsk (Belarus). The S.N.Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
The results of Pasteurella allocation from fur animals on the basis of studying of their cultural-morphological, biochemical properties and definition of a specific accessory are given. As a result of carrying out of bacteriological research of the pathological material received from fur animals, pure cultures have been allocated. On the basis of cultural-morphological and biochemical properties these cultures are carried to Pasteurella multocida. At serotyping these cultures Pasteurella multocida are carried to serovariants A, B and D. For selection the most important in the epizootic relation serovariants A and B Pasteurella multocida have been selected. Selected strains of serovariants A and B Pasteurella multocida had stable properties for everyone serovariant Pasteurella, that has given the basis to passport them in a collection of microorganisms to The S.N.Vyshelesskij Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine and a demand tax in the National centre of intellectual property at Ministerial council of Belarus on patents | Приводятся результаты выделения от пушных зверей пастерелл на основании изучения их культурально-морфологических, биохимических свойств и определение серовариантной принадлежности. В результате проведения бактериологических исследований патологического материала, полученного от пушных зверей, были выделены чистые культуры на основании культурально-морфологических и биохимических свойств и отнесены к Pasteurella multocida. При серотипизации установленные культуры Pasteurella multocida отнесены к серовариантам А, В и D. Для проведения селекции были отобраны наиболее важные в эпизоотическом отношении серовариан-ты А и В Pasteurella multocida. Селекционированные штаммы серовариантов А и В Pasteurella multocida имели стабильные свойства для каждого сероварианта пастерелл, что дало основание паспортизировать их в коллекции микроорганизмов Инстита экспериментальной ветеринарии им. С.Н. Вышелесского и подать заявки в Национальный центр интеллектуальной собственности при Совете Министров Республики Беларусь на патенты
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Влияние инактивированной вакцины против пастереллеза пушных зверей на организм норок
Birman, B.Ya. | Poloz, S.V. | Andrusevich, A.S., The National Academy of Sciences, Minsk (Belarus). The S.N.Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
The data about influence of the developed home-produced inactivated vaccine against pasteurellosis of fur animals on blood, biochemical, immunity indicators at mink are cited. It is established, that application of the given preparation conducts to formation of the necessary immune answer. The developed domestic inactivated vaccine against pasteurellosis of fur animals is a harmless and areactogenic preparation. This vaccine does not render negative action on hematological and biochemical indicators of mink blood. They are identical to indicators in control group of fur animals. Immunization with this vaccine stimulates cellular and humoral immunity factors that testifies to formation of the proof immune answer | Приведены данные о влиянии разработанной отечественной инактивированной вакцины против пастереллеза пушных зверей на гематологические, биохимические, иммунологические показатели норок. Установлено, что применение данного препарата ведет к формированию необходимого иммунного ответа. Разработанная отечественная инактивированная вакцина против пастереллеза пушных зверей является безвредным и ареактогенным препаратом. Инактивированная вакцина против пастереллеза пушных зверей не оказывает отрицательного действия на гематологические и биохимические показатели крови норок. Они идентичны показателям в контрольной группе пушных зверей. Иммунизация инактивированной вакциной против пастереллеза пушных зверей стимулирует клеточные и гуморальные факторы иммунитета, что свидетельствует о формировании стойкого иммунного ответа
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Повышение резистентности и стимуляции роста цыплят-бройлеров при совместном действии пробиотика Бифидофлорин жидкий и пребиотика Биофон АИЛ
Boroznova, A.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Research on studying of probiotics and prebiotics influence on natural resistance, hemogenesis, metabolism, growth, development and safety are spent on chickens of 1-37-day age in the conditions of clinic of the department of internal noncontagious diseases and the central resarch laboratory of research institute of applied veterinary medicine and biotechnology Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. It was established that the combined use of probiotics and prebiotics increases the defense, raises safety rate and stimulates body weight gain in broiler chickens. Hence, probiotics and prebiotics at joint application render expressed growth-promoting effect, promote high safety of young growth, disease decrease, increase in a weight gain, raise indicators of the general and local protection, stimulate hemogenesis and exchange processes during the most intense periods of bird cultivation. At separate application of probiotics and prebiotics these indicators were a little lower, but authentically above, than at chickens of control group | Исследования по изучению влияния пробиотиков и пребиотиков на естественную резистентность, гемопоэз, обмен веществ, рост, развитие и сохранность, проведены на цыплятах 1-37-дневного возраста в условиях клиники кафедры внутренних незаразных болезней и центральной научно-исследовательской лаборатории Научно-исследовательского института прикладной ветеринарной медицины и биотехнологии УО ВГАВМ. Совместное применение пробиотика и пребиотика усиливает защиту, повышает сохранность и стимулирует прирост массы тела цыплят-бройлеров. Следовательно, про пробиотики и пребиотики при совместном применении оказывают выраженное ростостимулирующее действие, способствуют высокой сохранности молодняка, снижению заболеваемости, увеличению прироста массы, повышают показатели общей и местной защиты, стимулируют гемопоэз и обменные процессы в наиболее напряженные периоды выращивания птицы. При раздельном применении пробиотиков и пребиотиков эти показатели были несколько ниже, но достоверно выше, чем у цыплят контрольной группы
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