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Feasibility of grazing sheep production systems using long-term economic indicators and the methodology of the soil expectation value
Thayla Sara Soares Stivari | Rafael Felice Fan Chen | Augusto Hauber Gameiro | Alda Lúcia Gomes Monteiro | Camila Raineri | Juliana Batista Andrade Silva
Due to the high value of land in Brazil, it is necessary to conduct studies about the economic feasibility of the choice of production strategy. The soil expectation value determines the maximum purchase price of the bare land, considering the horizon of infinite time. Therefore, this methodology was used to assess the financial-economic feasibility of sheep production systems in pasture with either creep feeding or creep grazing termination of unweaned lambs. Six scenarios were proposed to evaluate the economic feasibility, according to the finishing strategy, the dry matter (DM) offer per kg of body weight (BW) per day (12% or 8%) and the corresponding percentage of white clover supplementary pasture area (30% to 50% - relative to the main pasture area). The soil expectation value was positive in all of the evaluated systems Creep grazing finishing system with 8% DM offer per kg BW and with 30% of reduction on the white glover area resulted in the largest financial return (R$ 289,043.71) and the highest internal return rate (1.74%). The most economically attractive scenario, however, was the creep feeding finishing system with 8% DM offer per kg of BW, which allowed expenses with the land as high as R$ 22,950.68 per hectare. Adjustments in the main pasture offer, which do not compromise animal performance, can enable economic improvement on the feasibility of grazing sheep production systems. The soil expectation value can be used as an economic indicator in the choice of location or expansion of grazing sheep farms.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Molecular epidemiology of rabies virus isolated of herbivores from Brazilian Amazon
Haila Chagas Peixoto | Andrea Isabel Estévez Garcia | Sheila Oliveira de Souza Silva | Ofir de Sales Ramos | Lucila Pereira da Silva | Paulo Eduardo Brandão | Leonardo José Richtzenhain
Rabies virus samples (n = 17) isolated from bovines (n = 11), equines (n = 4) and buffalo (n = 2) from Pará State (n = 7), Tocantins (n = 6) and Rondônia (n = 4) were submitted to RT-PCR in order to obtain partial sequences of nucleoprotein (N) and glycoprotein gene (G). Nucleotide sequences were analyzed using Neighbor-Joining model, Kimura 2-parameters evolutionary model. All the 17 samples analyzed were related to cluster A, lineage associated with the hematophagous bat Desmodus rotundus. The phylogenetic analysis based on the N and G genes, suggests the presence of five sub-lineages (A1-A5), while G gene showed seven sub-lineages (A1-A7). In both phylogenies, sublineages A1 to A3 exhibit a similar composition and geographic distribution. Diverse composition of remaining groups of N and G gene is attributable to different sequences used in the alignments for each genomic region. Glycoprotein amino acid sequence showed molecular markers in sub-lineages A2, A3, A4 and A7. This information provides a better comprehension of molecular epidemiology of rabies, starting with the knowledge of viral lineages circulating in the Brazilian Amazon.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Performance and economic analysis of broilers fed diets containing acerola meal in replacement of corn
Leonardo Henrique Zanetti | Gustavo do Valle Polycarpo | André Luís Coneglian Brichi | Adriano Barbieri | Omar Jorge Sabbag | Reinaldo Fernandes Cooke | Valquíria Cação Cruz-Polycarpo | Raphael Fortes de Oliveira
It was aimed with this research to evaluate the performance of broiler chickens fed diets containing increasing levels of acerola meal in replacement of corn and analyze the economic viability of that production system. A total of 980 day-old male Cobb chicks were used, allotted in a completely randomized design, with four treatments - inclusion levels (0%, 5%, 10% and 15%) of acerola meal in replacement of corn – and seven replications with 35 birds per experimental unit. The birds were weighed at 21 and 42 days of age to measure the performance data. In the period between 1 and 21 days of age, differences were observed in the feed intake and feed:gain only, in which the inclusion of acerola meal linearly decreased feed intake and improved feed:gain up to a level of 10.25%. For the total rearing period, the control treatment showed higher body weight. The feed:gain showed linear effect, worsening the results with increasing amounts of acerola meal in the diets. In the same period, there was no significant difference in feed intake and productive efficiency index. With regard to the economic analysis, it was found that the lowest final cost per broiler was observed in diets with 10% of acerola meal inclusion in replacement of corn.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Uso de óleo essencial de orégano, salinomicina e bacitracina de zinco na dieta de frangos de corte
Patricia Maria Meneghetti Pulici | Maria Fernanda de Castro Burbarelli | Gustavo do Valle Polycarpo | Pedro de Assunção Pimenta Ribeiro | Ágatha Cristina de Pinho Carão | Carlos Eduardo Bellinghausen Merseguel | Rodrigo do Prado Pulici | Ricardo de Albuquerque
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar dietas com óleo essencial de orégano, associado ou não com salinomicina, como alternativa à bacitracina de zinco sobre o desempenho zootécnico de frangos de corte. Foram utilizados 600 pintos de um dia de idade, machos, da linhagem Cobb® 500, criados até 42 dias de idade em boxes com cama de casca de arroz providos de comedouros tubulares e bebedouros nipple. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com seis dietas e 10 repetições de 10 aves cada. As dietas experimentais à base de milho e farelo de soja foram: controle positivo – antibiótico (bacitracina de zinco) + 0,05% de anticoccidiano (salinomicina), controle negativo – dieta basal (DB) sem aditivos, DB + 0,05% de salinomicina e 0,03% de óleo essencial de orégano (Orego-Stim®), DB + 0,03% de óleo essencial de orégano, DB + 0,05% de salinomicina e 0,05% de óleo essencial de orégano, DB + 0,05% de óleo essencial de orégano. Não foi encontrado efeito da utilização do óleo de orégano até 21 dias no desempenho das aves. Nos demais períodos, aos 35 e 42 dias, o desempenho das aves tratadas com 0,03% de óleo essencial de orégano + salinomicina apresentou resultados semelhantes ao controle positivo, levando à conclusão de que a dose de 0,03% de óleo essencial de orégano + salinomicina pode substituir a bacitracina de zinco + salinomicina em dietas para frangos de corte.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of exposure to glyphosate in male and female mice behavior in pubertal period
Andréia de Oliveira Joaquim | Daclé Juliane Macrini | Esther Lopes Ricci | Paula Andreotti Rodrigues | Helenice de Souza Spinosa | Ivana Barbosa Suffredini | Maria Martha Bernarndi
The present study aims to investigate the effects of pre-pubertal exposure of male and female mice to a commercial formulation of glyphosate on sexual dimorphism observed in animal models of emotionality, anxiety and depression. For this, mice were exposed from 23 days of age (PND) until PND 45 to glyphosate (50 mg/kg, per os) or saline solution, and, ten days after the end of treatments, male and female mice were observed in the open field (OF), elevated plus maze (EPM) or forced swimming test (FWT). Results showed that exposure to glyphosate: 1) reduced the locomotion frequency of male mice similarly to female mice in the OF and female mice had an increase in rearing behavior and in the immobility time; 2) reduced in male mice the motor activity both in the OF and EPM, while no effects were observed in female mice; 3) in the SWT male mice had a decreased time of float similarly female mice. We concluded that pre-pubertal exposure to glyphosate reduced in male mice the capacity of exploration in the OF and EPM tests suggesting that the herbicide interfered with the central mechanism related to brain masculinization of exploratory and anxiety behavioral models. In the FWT it was observed a decreased depressive response in male mice while in female an increased response was detected.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Sunflower meal and supplementation of enzyme complex in diets for growing and finishing pigs
Wagner Azis Garcia de Araújo | Luis Fernando Teixeira Albino | Horacio Santiago Rostagno | Melissa Isabel Hannas | Jorge Armando Prada Luengas | Francisco Carlos de Oliveira Silva | Thony Assis Carvalho | Rosana Cardoso Maia
Aiming to evaluate the performance of pigs from 30 to 100 kg of live a total of 96 pigs with average live weight of 32.19±3.27 kg were distributed in randomized blocks design in a 4 × 2 (four levels of SM: 0, 8, 16 and 24%; with or without inclusion of EC) factorial arrangement with six replicates and two animals per experimental unit. The parameters analyzed were feed intake (kg), weight gain (kg), feed conversion (kg/kg), backfat thickness (mm), carcass muscularity (kg), hot carcass weight (%), percentage of lean meat in the carcass (%), and quantity of lean meat in the carcass (kg). There was no interaction between EC and SM levels in the diet. The addition of EC in the diet affected the performance of the animals, but not carcass characteristics. Feed conversion of animals from 30 to 70 kg weight was improved by the inclusion of EC. The increasing levels of SM in the diet presented quadratic effect on weight gain and on backfat thickness, with inclusion points of SM that promoted maximum values of these parameters of 7.26% and 8.16%, respectively.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Inquérito sorológico da infecção pelos vírus da encefalomielite equina no estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil
Maria do Carmo Custódio de Souza Hunold Lara | Glaucia Beghin | Elenice Maria Sequetin Cunha | Eliana Monteforte Cassaro Villalobos | Alessandra Figueiredo De Castro Nassar | Ana Cristina Passos de Paiva Bello | Arildo Pinto Cunha | Jenner Karlisson Pimenta dos Reis | Rômulo Cerqueira Leite | Enio Mori
Foi investigada a ocorrência da infecção pelos vírus da Encelafalomielite Equina do Leste (EEE), Encefalomielite Equina do Oeste (WEE) e Encefalomielite Equina Venezuelana (VEE) em equídeos não vacinados contra tais agentes, criadosem dez Delegacias Regionaisdo Estado de Minas Gerais (Almenara, Bambuí, Curvelo, Governador Valadares, Montes Claros, Oliveira, São Gonçalo do Sapucaí, Teófilo Otoni, Unaí e Viçosa) empregando-se a técnica de soroneutralização em microplacas Dos 826 animais examinados, 30,2% (250/826) foram soropositivos para o EEE e 1,9% (16/826) para o VEE. Não foram detectados animais sororeagentes para o WEE. Conclui-se que tanto o vírus tipo leste como o venezuelano da Encelafalomielite Equina circulam na população equina do Estado de Minas Gerais.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Morphological characteristics of maize plants in estimate the silage chemical composition
Cristian Marlon de Magalhães Rodrigues Martins | Rogério Fôlha Bermudes | Weiler Giacomazza Cerutti | Julio Viegas | Márcio Nunes Correa | Regina Cavedon Muller | Tiago Tomazi | Marcos Veiga dos Santos
The aim of this study was to estimate the chemical composition of maize silage based on the morphological characteristics of maize plants and to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilization and the inclusion of a microbial inoculant during the ensiling process on the production of maize silage and its morphological, qualitative and fermentative characteristics. The experimental treatments consisted of four levels of nitrogen fertilization with urea (0, 100, 200 and 300 kg ha-1) and the inclusion or exclusion of the microbial inoculants during the ensiling process. A completely randomized design was used in a 4×2 factorial arrangement of treatments. The maize silage chemical composition was estimated by evaluating the plant height (PH) and ear characteristics (NRE = number of rows per ear; NKE = number of kernels per ear; ELS = ear length with straw; EL = ear length without straw) using the following equations: CP = -12.44 + 5.871 × PH + 0.01814 × NRE² (R² = 0.89; P < 0.0001); NDF = 587.93-0.78 × NKE-11.67 × ELS-0.47 × EL + 0.0000007 × NKE³ + 0.006 × EL³ (R² = 0.92; P = 0.003); ADF = 41.48 -0.046 × NRE2 (R2 = 0.42; P = 0.02); TDN = 57.81 - 0.0319 × NRE2 (R2 = 0.42; P = 0.02); EDDM = 56.58 + 0.035 × NRE2 (R2 = 0.42; P = 0.02) and NEL = 1.31 + 0.000757 × NRE2 (R2 = 0.41; P = 0.02). In conclusion, nitrogen fertilization increases the silage energy and protein content; while the inclusion of microbial inoculants during the ensiling process does not alter the chemical and fermentative characteristics of the maize silage.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Histologia do intestino do avestruz (Struthio camelus, Linnaeus 1758) | Histology of ostrich intestine (Struthio camelus, Linnaeus 1758)
Gisele Saviani | Roselaine Ponso | Bruno Cogliati | Cintia Maria Monteiro de Araújo | José Manoel dos Santos | Arani Nanci Bonfim Mariano | Ricardo de Albuquerque
Regardless of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) share many adaptations to other evolutionary present birds, these animals show some peculiar anatomical features such as their digestive tract than the colon is greater than the cecum. For some time this bird has been economically exploited and especially as an alternative source of animal protein for human consumption. This study examined the histological bowel ostrich produced in good environmental management and nutrition. Thirteen ostriches were used, with 18 to 30 months old, from Brazil Ostrich company, and sent for slaughter in Slaughterhouse School, University of São Paulo Campus Administrative Pirassununga. The animals were killed with pneumatic gun and after bleeding and evisceration were collected, samples of different intestinal segments: duodenum, jejunum, ileum and cecum double. The materials were processed, stained with hematoxylin - eosin (HE) and examined under brightfield microscopy. The results showed that the villi are present in the duodenum but not exist in the cecum. Of the four intestinal segments examined the cecum showed the highest number of goblet cells. Lymph nodes and lymphocytes were observed in all segments examined. In the cecum lymph nodes are added to form the Peyer’s patch. The plan of histological intestinal segments examined followed the pattern observed in other domestic mammals and birds. The knowledge of the histology of the intestines of these animals can provide insight for comparative assessment procedures for environmental management and nutrition that may increase the levels of production and productivity of this livestock activity. | A despeito de o avestruz (S<em>truthio camelus</em>) compartilhar muitas adaptações evolucionárias presentes em outras aves, estes animais apresentam algumas características anatômicas peculiares, como é o caso do seu tubo digestivo em que o cólon é maior que o ceco. Há algum tempo, essa ave tem sido explorada econômicamente e principalmente como fonte alternativa de proteína animal na alimentação humana. O presente trabalho analisou os aspectos histológicos do intestino de avestruzes produzidos em boas condições de manejo ambiental e nutricional. Foram utilizados 13 avestruzes, com 18 a 30 meses de idade, provenientes da empresa Brasil Ostrich, e encaminhados para o abate no Abatedouro Escola da Universidade de São Paulo, Campus Administrativo de Pirassununga. Os animais foram abatidos com pistola pneumática e, após a sangria e evisceração, foram colhidas amostras de diferentes segmentos do intestino: duodeno, jejuno, íleo e ceco duplo. Os materiais foram processados, corados pela técnica de hematoxilina-eosina (H-E) e examinados em microscopia de campo claro. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que as vilosidades estão presentes no duodeno, porém, não existem no ceco. Dos quatro segmentos intestinais examinados, o ceco foi o que apresentou maior número de células caliciformes. Os nódulos linfáticos e os linfócitos foram observados em todos os segmentos examinados. No ceco, os nódulos linfáticos se agregam para constituir a placa de Peyer. O plano histológico dos segmentos intestinais examinados seguiu o padrão observado nos mamíferos domésticos e em outras aves. O conhecimento da histologia dos intestinos desses animais pode oferecer subsídios para a avaliação comparativa de procedimentos de manejo ambiental e nutricional que possam aumentar os níveis de produção e produtividade dessa atividade pecuária.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Biometric development and performance of broilers submitted to different periods of post-hatching fasting | Desenvolvimento biométrico e desempenho de frangos de corte submetidos a diferentes períodos de jejum pós-eclosão
Letícia Souza Silva Carvalho | Camila Alves Machado | Naiara Simarro Fagundes | Fernanda Heloisa Litz | Evandro de Abreu Fernandes
Foram avaliados os efeitos do tempo de jejum pós-eclosão sobre a biometria dos órgãos do trato digestório e o desempenho zootécnico de frangos de corte. Foram utilizadas 640 aves, sexadas, distribuídas em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com quatro períodos de jejum pós-eclosão (0, 12, 24 e 36 horas) e quatro repetições de 40 aves cada (20 fêmeas e 20 machos). A avaliação do peso vivo e da biometria dos órgãos no alojamento das aves revelou perda de peso relativo do saco vitelino e que a redução no peso vivo nesta fase foi tanto maior quanto maior o tempo decorrido entre nascimento e alojamento. O jejum influenciou o peso relativo de todos os órgãos do trato digestório, exceto para esôfago + papo que permaneceram inalterados. Com o aumento do tempo de jejum houve aumento do peso relativo de proventrículo + moela, intestino delgado + pâncreas, intestino grosso e fígado + vesícula biliar. O peso vivo aos 7 e 21 dias de idade foi maior nas aves que permaneceram em restrição de 24 e 36 horas de jejum. Todavia, as demais variáveis de desempenho não foram influenciadas pelo jejum. Portanto, o uso de até 36 horas de jejum póseclosão afetou o desenvolvimento biométrico do trato digestório, no entanto, o desempenho zootécnico dos frangos de corte aos 42 dias de idade não foi influenciado pela restrição alimentar. | The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of fasting time on biometrics organ digestive tract and performance of broilers. A total of 640 sexed birds were, distributed according to a completely randomized design with four periods of fasting after hatching (0, 12, 24 and 36 hours) and four replicates of 40 birds each (20 females and 20 males). The evaluation of body weight and biometrics of the organs during the housing of the birds showed that there was loss of relative weight of the yolk sac and reduction in weight as they increased the time between birth and accommodation. Fasting influenced the relative weight of all of the digestive tract, except for esophagus + craw that remained unchanged. With the increasing fasting time there was an increase in relative weight of the proventriculus + gizzard, small intestine + pancreas, large intestine, liver + gallbladder. The live weight at 7 and 21 days of age was higher in birds that remained in restriction of 24 and 36 hours of fasting. However, the other performance variables were not affected by fasting compared with birds with no fasting. Therefore, the use of up to 36 hours post-hatching fasting affects the development biometric digestive tract, however the production performance of broiler at 42 days of age is not affected by food restriction.
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