AGRIS - Système international des sciences et technologies agricoles

[ Publié dans: Journal of Veterinary Research ]
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Résultats 401-410 de 469

Abortion associated with postpartum opportunistic bacterial invasion reduces fertility and induces disturbances of reproductive hormones, hematological profile, and oxidant/antioxidant profiles in dairy cows


Yahia A. Amin | Gamal A. M. Omran | Samer S. Fouad | Mariam A. Fawy | Rawia M. Ibrahim | Fatma Ahmed Khalifa | Rana A. Ali

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Use of nanoparticles, a modern means of drug delivery, against cryptosporidiosis


Faleh A. AlFaleh | Shameeran Salman Ismael | Liliana Aguilar-Marcelino | Fernando Edgar Martínez Silva | Tayyaba Ashraf | Rao Zahid Abbas | Warda Qamar

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) fruit ethanolic extract exerts attenuative effect on hyperglycemia, sensory and motoric function's disorders in alloxan-induced diabetic mice


Putra Santoso | Arin Saparima Simatupang | Annisha Fajria | Resti Rahayu | Robby Jannatan

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The antioxidant role of pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) seed extract against acute reproductive toxicity by uranyl acetate in male rats


Ghusoon Abdul Kareem Neamah | Muna Abdul Sahib Alkhfaji | Heba Saleh Shaheed

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Efficacy of cryodehydration technique in preserving the gross and histoarchitectural details of goat visceral and musculoskeletal specimens


Nasrin Sultana | Rafiqul Islam

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Metagenomic analysis and biodiversity of bacteria in traditional fermented fish or Budu from West Sumatera, Indonesia


Yetti Marlida | Malikil Kudus Susalam | Harnentis Harnentis | Jamsari Jamsari | Nurul Huda4 | Wan Norhana Md Noordin | Lili Anggraini | Laily Rinda Ardani

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The potential of Andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC) fruit as an ethanol extract for neuroprotection in aged model rat


Dwi R. Anggraini | Syafruddin Ilyas | Poppy A. Z. Hasibuan | Yetty Machrina | Tri Widyawati | Rusdiana Rusdiana | Fitriani Lumongga | Suryani E. Mustika

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Effects of waste-based concentrates from broiler farm on physico-chemical qualities and blood profile of landrace pigs


Tirta Ariana | Djoko Kisworo | Bulkaini Bulkaini | Sumerta Miwada | Dewi Ayu Warmadewi | Rahayu Tanama Putri

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Assessment of knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding microbiota composition and influencing factors among the general population in Jazan province: A cross-sectional study


Bander S. Rajab | Riyadh A. Jahlan | Ameer M. Mobarki | Osama A. Alhazmi | Ehab F. Hakami | Waleed H. Shayari | Nawaf A. Darabshi | Abdulgader K. Basamad | Abdulaziz H. Alhazmi

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Genetic relationships of the Yucatan black hairless pig with Iberian breeds using single nucleotide polymorfisms


Clemente Lemus-Flores | Job Oswaldo Bugarín Prado | Roberto Valdivia Bernal | José Candelario Segura Correa | Raúl Sansor-Nah

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden