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Роль биологически активных веществ в поддержании плюропотентных свойств ранних зародышей в культуре in vitro
Shejko, I.P. | Gandzha, A.I. | Simonenko, V.P. | Letkevich, L.L. | Rakovich, E.D., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Motuzko, N.S., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Efficiency of cultivation of cow preimplantation embryos and support of pluripotent properties in different nutritive media was analyzed; a method of getting early embryos in vitro for the genetically engineered purposes was developed in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Oocyte separation was realized in 3; 3-6; 6-9; and 9-12 hours after ovariectomy for the studying of the influence of storage period of ovaries on the output qualitative embryos. Oocyte separation was realized by bisection with adding of 1% of fetal cattle serum, 10 units/ml of gentamicin and 1 unit/ml of heparin. Oocyte-cumulus complexes maturing took place in CO2-bath with 5% of CO2 in atmosphere of maximum humidity and temperature of 38 deg C in TS-199 (Sigma) media with entering of 25 mM/l of buffer Hepes, 10 unit/ml of gentamicin and biologically active substance (20 % of fetal calf serum, 10 mg/ml of bovine serum albumin and 5 % of estrous cow serum with 10 mg/ml of bovine serum albumin). Research result showed that application of 10 mg/ml of bovine serum albumin into TS-199 media made it possible to increase the yield of cattle embryos at the preimplantation stages in vitro conditions on 19,1%, as well as to increase the fetal calf serum in quantity 15% to the nutritive media volume up to 16,0 %. Application of sodium pyruvate and calcium lactate in the process of cultivation of early cattle embryos obtained in vitro conditions made it possible to increase the yield of preimplantation embryos on 5,4 %. Specifically, the level of transformation of morulas into blastocysts was 44,4 %
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Определение эффективности доз Цинковета при экспериментальной дистрофии белых мышей
Kovalehnok, Yu.K. | Golub, A.A. | Kotovich, I.V. | Lyakh, A.P., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was realized clinical, biochemical, pathological-anatomical and histologic analysis of the efficiency of the national Tsinkovet (Zincovet) preparation doses in cases of experimental liver dystrophy caused by tetrachloromethane of white mice. For the modeling of toxic hepato-dystrophy there was applied tetrachloride carbon. Five tested and 2 controlled groups of scrub white mice were prepared. There were 23-29 mice in each group. Weight of mouse was 18 – 20 g. Conditions of feeding and keeping were the same in each group. 181 mice were used in the test. 5 ml/ kg of carbon tetrachloride was entered subdermal to tested group and the first controlled group mice once a day two days along. Tested dozes were estimated based on preparation toxicity. Maximum doze was 3 mg in 0,5 ml of distilled water for one mouse (1-st group - 3 mg, 2-nd group - 2, 75 mg, 4-th group - 2, 25 mg and 5-th group - 2 mg). Mice mortality was noticed during the experiment. Results of influence of different doses of the studied preparation on liver specific weight and variations of body mass were presented. Activity of amplifiers (succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH), aspartate aminotransferase (GOT), alanine-aminotransferase (GPT) in blood serum of mice after administration of tetrachloromethane and Tsinkovet preparation was analyzed. Drawings of liver acinus of hepatic steatosis were given. Research results proved that the analyzed zinc containing preparation substantially lowered the toxic action of tetrachloromethane and promoted the regeneration of liver cells
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Состояние и перспективы изучения язвенного абомазита у телят с использованием экспериментальной модели
Kurdeko, A.P., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus) | Shabusov, N.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Realized review of research works showed that pathologic behavior of ulcerous abomasitis of calves, its preventive maintenance and treatment, as well as the functional status of liver of heart of sick calves require more thorough analysis in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results proved the perspective direction of experimental investigation of ulcerous abomasitis of calves by means of ulceration of mucous membranes of fundic portion of fourth stomach y means of derangement of circulatory dynamics of organ portions. The proposed experimental model made it possible to obtain animals with pathology similar to the main clinical, biochemical and morphofunctional parameters with such unprompted pathology. Results of realized experiment on reconstitution of ulcerous abomasitis at 13 calves were presented. Indexes of total clinical blood analysis at different stages of experiment, white blood cell differential, biochemical blood indexes, and indexes of abomasal content of experimental calves were presented
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Динамика показателей углеводно-липидного обмена в крови поросят при отъеме и использовании витаминно-энергетической добавки
Petrovskij, S.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of dynamics of indexes of carbohydrate and lipid exchange at piglets with various body weight at after weaning period, determination of possibility of their application as energy deficit markers, as well as studying the influence of vitamin and energy additive based on rapeseed oil on the indexes of carbohydrate lipid exchange in blood of piglets and their economic indexes were realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Research results showed that at the weaning period and after it there were changes in piglet organisms caused by adaptation to new housing conditions and that subsequently led to transformation of energy metabolism. After the weaning period there was stated increasing of level of lipid exchange in the energy supply of adaptation process, that was proved by the increased level of total lipids and triglycerides. Low indexes of carbohydrate and lipid exchange of the group piglets with low growth indicated to the insufficient level of energy supplying, needed for growth and adaptation. The studied vitamin and energy additives based on rapeseed oil corrected the level of carbohydrate and lipid exchange and could be used as a prophylactic agent against energy deficiency conditions of weaning piglets
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Экспериментальный подбор состава лекарственного средства растительного происхождения для местного лечения гнойных ран
Frolova, A.V. | Kosinets, A.N. | Zholnerovich, M.L. | Grushin, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of antimicrobial activity of liquid extractions from the following medicinal plants and their mixtures against S. aureus, B. subtilis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and P. vulgaris was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus: peat moss (Sphagnum); greater plantain (Plantago major); plumepoppy (Macleaya); common comfrey (Symphytum officinale); speckled alder (Alnus incana). Research results showed that the best results for septic wounds treatment were obtained apter application of mixture of plumepoppy and greater plantain as it showed the acute antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healthing effect. Antimicrobial activity of the analyzed infusion formula revealed in quicker (on 3-6 days in comparison with control) wound cleansing from microorganisms, quick lowering of bacterial content up to 10E3 bodies per 1 g of tissue and in provision of wound healing without inclusion of saprogenous microflora. Anti-inflammatory effect was characterized by quick (by 2 days) cancellation of acute inflammatory response, that was revealed in lowering of neutrophilic leukocytes quantity up to 59,8 +/- 0,49 %; quicker normalization hematologic indexes and early reduction of perifocal edema; weakening of hyperthemia and hyperemia; decreasing of wound secretion without purulence; absence of leaks and leak pouch; normalization of microcirculation in wound. Wound-healthing effect was revealed in increasing of fibroblast number from 7,1 +/- 0,4 % up to 29,4 +/- 0,4 % on the 7th day and in activation proliferate and synthetically function
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Иммунологические особенности развития трихофитии у животных
Aleshkevich, V.N., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Investigation of connection of experimental trichophytosis and relations between changes of clinical implications of disease and dimensions of some immunological indexes was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. At the first stage of the experiment there analyzed 48 guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) infected with Trichopyton verrucosum. Phagocytic ability of phagocytes and level of circulating antibodies in indirect hemagglutination test were investigated each 5 days before and during disease. The second stage was realized by the example of 2,5-6 months old calves. In course of study there were analyzed blood and blood serum indexes, indexes of nonspecific resistance, as well as some indexes of cell-mediated immune response and antibody mediated immunity. Comparative analysis the following morphological and biochemical blood indexes of clinically healthy calves, calves after trichophytosis, and calves sick with mild, moderate and severe of disease were presented: erythrocytes; hemoglobin; leukocytes; basophils; eosinophiles; rods; microxyphils; lymphocytes; monocytes; ESR; total albumin; albumins; alpha globulins; beta globulins; gamma globulins; carotene; calcium; inorganic phosphorous; alkaline reserve; copper. The realized experiment made it possible to conclude that determination intensity of leukocyte absorption of microconidia of the agent, antibodies against the agent, and specific for cytoplasm fungus, morphological and biochemical blood indexes made it possible to control the development of inflammatory phenomenon in centers of infection, as well as to predict the formation of face, infiltrative and suppurant disease forms
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Формирование кишечного нормобиоценоза и профилактика дисбактериозов у телят с использованием пре- и пробиотиков
Boroznov, S.L. | Karput, I.M. | Sandul, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Analysis of efficiency of prebiotics and probiotics and different systems of their application for the focused formation of bacteriocenosis of gastro-intestinal tract of calves was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. There were used 7 groups of calves: 1 – clinically healthy; 2 – calves with diarrheal syndrome which did not get preparations; 3 – calves were administrated daily with liquid probiotic Bifidoflorin Zhidkij in dose 20 ml in course of 20 days; 4 – calves were administrated daily with prebiotic Biofon with colostral milk or milk in dose 20ml in course of 20 days; 5 – calves were administrated daily with prebiotic Biofon-AIL in dose 20 ml in course 20 days; 6 – calves were administrated with probiotic Bifidoflorin Zhidkij simultaneously with prebiotic Biofon; 7 – calves were administrated with probiotic Bifidoflorin Zhidkij in combination with prebiotic Biofon-AIL. In course of studies there was analyzed the age-specific dynamics of bifidus bacteria, lactic acid bacillus, and Escherichia quantities in calves excrements. Research results showed that application of the proposed prebiotics and probiotics promoted the earlier and active contamination of intestines with obligate anaerobe gram-positive flora with its dominative position in relation to gram-negative nonsporeforming facultative anaerobic flora. At the stage of the second aging immunodeficiency the analyzed preparations rendered the resolving effect. The highest positive indexes were obtained after combined application of probiotic Bifidoflorin Zhidkij with prebiotic Biofon-AIL
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Лечение больных телят поливалентной антитоксической сывороткой против сальмонеллеза телят, поросят и птиц
Darovskikh, S.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Results of studying of therapeutic efficiency of developed in the Republic of Belarus biological preparation of trial series against salmonellosis of animals and birds in the conditions of experimental salmonellosis of calves were presented. Research results showed that dualfold application of multivalent antitoxic serum against salmonellosis of calves, piglets and birds which was caused by association of S. Dublin, S. typhimurium, and S. enteritidis was accompanied by activation of humoral immunity. It was revealed in increasing of agglutinating activity of blood serum against S. enteritidis – in 11,5 times, against S. typhimurium – in 10,5 times, and against S. Dublin – in 10,0 times in 6 days after introduction of infection (4-th day after second application serum). Content of Ig M in blood serum calves which were treated with experimental serum increased in 2,0 times on the 6-th day after introduction of infection. Quantity of Ig G increased in 2,6 times by the 6-th day after introduction of infection. All these changes were typical for the clinical recovery of animals. Treatment efficiency of application of the analyzed serum was 75%
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Приготовление антигена против сальмонеллеза и пастереллеза для гипериммунизации продуцентов лечебно-профилактической сыворотки
Medvedev, A.P. | Koshnerova, L.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Experimental research on production of antigen preparation for hyperimmunization of bulls from blood of which it was possible to produce an active medical and preventive serum against cattle salmonellosis and pasteurellosis was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. There were developed four variants of antigen on the basis of the formolated aluminous concentrated vaccine against calf salmonellosis and on the basis of semiliquid aluminum hydroxide vaccine against cattle pesteurellosis. All obtained variants of associated antigen had concentration of hydrogen ions, which was close to the neutral rating; they were also sterile and safe for white mice. Associated antigen which was constructed from vaccines in the ratio of 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and 2:3 had an ability to raise the protection of immunized experimental guinea pigs in the conditions of controlled introduction of infection with S. dublin 373 and S. tythimurium 371. Pasteurellosis component of associated antigen in 1:1 and 1:2 variants protected against death only 3 out of 5 immunized doves, both in relation to P. multocida strain N 796, and bacteria P. multocida strain N 5264. Vaccine ratio in the associated antigen 1:3 and 2:3 turned to be more immunogenically balanced: all tested doves survived after introduction of infection of broth culture P. multocida of N 796 and N 5264 strains. Experimental results showed that the associated antigen on the basis of vaccines in ratio of 1:3 was sterile, safe, active and suitable for hyperimmunization of bull producers serum against salmonellosis and pasteurellosis of calves, as well as antigen in the variant 2:3, but this ratio increased the expenses
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Влияние пробиотика Лактимет на морфологические показатели поджелудочной железы кур-несушек
Somova, O.V. | Gukov, F.D., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Krasochko, P.A., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breding (Belarus). The S.N. Vyshelesskij Inst. of Experimental Veterinary Medicine
Investigation of influence of complex probiotic preparation Laktimet obtained by means of cultivation of bifidus bacteria and lactic acid bacillus on morphological indexes of pancreatic gland of laying hens was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Two groups of laying hens of 121-130 days old were used in the experiment. The experimental hens were given probiotic Laktimet with water in dose of 1 ml/head every day in 4 cycles during 7 days and with 7 days intervals. Total condition, dynamics of body weight, and egg production were estimated. Research results showed that body weight of experimental hens increased on 6,4 % on the 10-th day; on 12,1% - on the 24-th day; on 6% - on the 40-th day; and 7,5% - on the 50-th day of experiment. Pancreas weight of experimental hens increased on 4-9%. Acinus size increased on 11%. Morphological indexes in exocrine pancreatic cells showed that altitude of basal pole increased on 3-7%. Application of probiotic Laktimet rendered positive influence on laying hens that was evident in increasing of their productivity (there was an increasing of live weight on 4-8%, and egg-laying capacity – on 18-33%). The positive dynamics of the majority of morphofunctional indexes of exocrinous and endocrine parts of pancreatic gland proved its significant role in maintenance of general state of laying hens and metabolic processes
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