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An assessment of statistical errors in articles in the Korean journal of veterinary research
Park, S.I. (Seoul National University, Seoul (Korea Republic). Department of Internal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine)
The purpose of this study is to assess the suitability of the statistical techniques employed in papers published in the Korean Journal of Veterinary Research from March 1997 to March 1999 and it is hoped that the critical assessment may be of help to other researchers preparing their works for publication. Of the 246 original papers 94 were inclluded in the analysis. of 62 papers with the measure of central location and dispersion of data 34(54.8%) used them correctly:9 (39.1%) of 23 for t-test; 1 (33.3%) of 3 for correlation analysis; 7 (43.8%) of 16 for analysis of variance (ANOVA); 5 (62.5%) of 8 for chi-square test; 44 (71%) of 62 for description of p-value. A number of papers employed ANOVA did not perform subsequent analysis of multiple comparison. Compared to the results of others, relatively higher proportion of papers in the present study was evaluated as appropriate analysis. The reason is that papers described insufficiently on the study design were not included, and evaluation items were restricted to the cases violated seriously ingerent assumptions for each statistical technique. Statistical misuse or abuse appeared in the study is due to lack of knowledge on statistics and short of its importance for improvement the quality of paper. Because an inappropriate analysis can lead the readers to misunderatand on findings, observed statistical analyses must be valid,and correctly undertaken. It is suggested that more intensive statistical refereeing are needed,and the communication should be allowed for the controversial points.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Study on application of surgical therapeutic method of foot diseases and foot anesthesia technique in cattle
Jeong, S.W. (Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Yun, S.J. (Kyeongchun Animal Clinic, (Korea Republic).)
Forty-five claw lamed cows with pododermatitis circumscripta, hyperplasia interdigitalis, and dermatitis verrucosa were treated surgically through resection of necrotic tissues, currettage, antibiotics application, and compressive bandage, under retrograde intravenous regional anesthesia of claw. At 7 days postoperation were showed lameness score 0, absense of swelling of extremitis, without fistulation and purulent exudate in wound. Mean duration time of action of local anesthetic drug was 75 minutes and mean operation time for treatment of pododermatitis circumscripta, hyperplasia interdigitalis, and dermatitis verrucosa was 35 minutes, 20 minutes, and 21 minutes, respectively.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Current situation of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome in Korea
Han, K.S. | Lyoo, K.S. | Park, B.K. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine)
The 2,078 blood samples from 148 swine farms were collected and tested by IFA for porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome(PRRS) virus antibody to know what type of PRRS prevails by the area. Clnically reproductive form of PRRS occurred in swine farms of 3/27, 3/87, and 2/34 in estern, central and western areas, but the seroprevalence of those areas ws different as 6.5%, 23.3%, and 17.6%, respectively. However, respiratory form of PRRS occurred more frequently, and the number of farms manifested with the respiratory form of PRRS in the eastern, central and western areas was 22/27, 71/87, and 30/34, respectively. The seroprevalence of that form of PRRS in the eastern, central and western areas was 52.2%m 67.1%, and 51.6%, respectively. Sybsequently mixed form of PRRS ocurred more frequently in the central area and the number of farms of eastern, central and western areas was 2/27, 13/87, and 2/34, respectively. The PRRS seroprevalence of the eastern, central and western areas was 58.6%, 54.0%, and 19.2%, respectively. Collectively the PRRS seroprevalence of eastern, central and western areas was 43.8%, 59.3%, and 38.2%, respectively. Overall seroprevalence of PRRS in Korea was 51.8%. In conclusion, the reproductive or the respiratory form of PRRS has been still in trouble inthe Korean swine industry and PRRS control measures have to be taken in consideration.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Paternity test in dogs by microsatellite allele analysis
Chae, Y.J. | Kim, D.K. | Kim, H.N. | Lee, M.H. | Hwang, W.S. | Lee, B.C. | Youn, H.Y. | Lee, H. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Microsatellite allele analysis has been used for individual identification and paternity test. In the present study, the biological father of three puppies was determined by using microsatellite allele amplification analysis. The mother bitch of the litter was a poongsan dog. The three study dogs that could have inseminated the bitch, by being in the same residence, were a white Poosan dog, a mixed breed, and a white Jindo dog. DNA was obtained from all the relevant dogs by buccal swabbing. Four loci of tetranucleotide repeat microsatellite were PCR-amplified, and analyzed by polyacrylamicde gel electrophoresis and silver staining. The results of genotyping unambigously assigned the Poongsan dog as the biological father. There was no evidence of superfecundation. Therefore, the present study demonstrated the usefulness of microsatellite allele analysis as a simple, efficient method of paternity test in dogs.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Sequence analysis of the variable VP2 gene of infectious bursal disease viruses isolated in Korea
Kwon, H.M. | Kim, D.K. (Kangwon National University, Chuncheon (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine) | Seong, H.W. (National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service, Anyang (Korea Republic).)
A 474-base pair segment covering the hypervaible region of VP2 gene from six Korean infectious bursal disease virus(K-IBDV) isolates(K1, K2, SH/92, 225, 269, 310) and one attenuated IBDV(DAE) were amplified using RT-PCR, sequenced, and compared with published sequences for IBDV. K-IBDV isolates(K1, K2, SH/92, 225, 269) and foreigh very virulent(vv) IBDV strains had 94.93-100% amino cid sequence similarity. K-IBDV isolate 310 and other K-IBDV isolates had 84.31%-86.07% amino acid sequence similarity. Attenuated strain(DAE), like other attenuated strain, has substitution at positions 279(D to N) and 284(A to T) as well as in the serine-rich heptapeptide region. Five K-IBDV isolates except 310 isolate share unique amino acid residues at positions 222(A), 256(I), 294(I) which are not present in other standard and attenuated strains. At the two hydrophilic region, K-IBDV isolates except 310 isolate had identical amino cids comparing with Belgium vv IVDV 894VB but had four amino acid substitutions comparing with Chinese vv IBDV F9502. The SWSASGS heptapeptide is conserved in all KIBDV isolates. The sequence of K-IBDV isolate 310 was markedly different from other IBDV strains, evolving from a separate lineage than the others. By phylogenetic analysis, Five K-IBDV isolates except 310 isolate were categorized in one group with foreign vv IBDV isolates but K-IBDV isolate 310 was categorized ina separate group which was differentiated form other compared IBDV strains
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Histopathological observations and virus detection by in situ hybridizatio in wild rats intranasally infected with Aujeszky's disease virus isolated in Korea
Song, G.S. (Yuhan Research Center, Kunpo (Korea Republic).) | Moon, O.K. (Ministry of Agriculture Forestry, Anyang (Korea Republic). National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service) | Jeong, C.G. | Kim, S.B. (Gyeongsang National University, Chinju (Korea Republic). Institute of Animal Medicien, College of Veterinary Medicine)
The present study was carried out to investigate the pathogenicity and pathogenesis of wild rats(Rattus norvegicus), trapped in nature, intranasally infected Aujeszky's disease virus(ADV/NYJ-1-87) by histopathology, immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization(ISH). Fifteen rats inoculated intranasally were roughened haircoat, anorexia, listlessness, and depression second day after inoculation, and three rats died in 66-72 hours. Eight rats showed severe pruritus at the fact that was accompanied by frequent face-washing movements of the forelegs, and then became violent and spasmodic for and hour or until they died. Four rats slowly recovered after showing mild clinical signs of the disease. Microscopic lesions in infected rats were characterized by meningitis, perivascular round cell infiltration, focal gliosis, and neuronal degeneration and necrosis. And intranuclear inclusion bodies were frequently detected in the cerebral cortex and medulla. Positive reaction to ADV by immunohistochemistry and ISH were detected in the following areas:trigemimal ganglion, brain, tonsil, nasal mucosa, spleen, lung and liver. The result has suggested that ADV intranasally infected in wild rats is followed by replication in epithelial cells of nasal mucosa and tonsil, then invade local lymph nodes by way of the lymphatics. It is also believed that the virus invades bipolar olfactory cells and trigerminal ganglion, and then spread into central nervous system.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Primary hypothyroidism in Jindo dog
Oh, T.H. | Park, H.M. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
A four-year-old female Jindo dog was admitted to the hospital because of bilaterally symmetrical alopecia and inappentence. Systemic abnomalities detected on physical examination were obesity,bradycardia, exercise intolerance, mental dullness and hypothermia. Dermatologically symmetrical alopecia, exercise intolerance, mental dullness and hypothermia. Dermatologically symmetrical alopecia on the back, trunk and dorsal tail, and ventral hyperpigmentation were observed. Also face was very tragic. The level of basal T4 was 0.01 micro gram/dl. In TSH stimulation test fT4 value was 0.08ng/dl. After treatment was initiated with L-thyroxine the dog's general condition was improved at 4 weeks.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Determination of urinary cortisol:creatinine ratios by sequential thin layer chromatography and ELISA in dogs
Sohn, D.H. | Oh, T.H. | Han, H.R. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Na, K.J. (Chung National University, Cheongju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Lee, H.S. (National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service, Anyang (Korea Republic).)
This study was conducted to evaluate the ELISA kit for measuring the level of cortisol in the urine. The CV of within-run variation and day to day variation were 0.4-2.8 and 1.8-5.7, respectively. the minimum limitation of measurement was 1ng/ml. the cross reaction was high (CR50(%)=11.4-43.2) in prednisolone, 11-deoxycortisol, 21-deoxycortisol and predinosone. There was low and no cross reaction in other steroid. To develop the ELISA kit we measured the cortisol level in diluted urine with PBS (procedure I), extracted urine with methylene chloride (procedure II) and extracted methylene chloride-extracted urine from thin-layer chromatography (procedure III). The CV value of procedure I, II, III was 9.4-28.3%, 7.2-8.9% and 2.5-5.7%, respectively. There was significant difference between procedure I with II, and pro-cedure I with III(p0.01), but no difference between procedure II with III significantly(p0.01). The mean UCCR of urine collected through am 8 to 10 ws 9.5+_7.6(0.14-28.0) in 12-month-old dog(n
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis by sing intradermal comparative tuberculin test and gamma-interferon assay
Cho, Y.S. | Kim, J.M. | Jung, S.C. | Woo, S.R. | Kim,J.Y. | Ahn, J.S. (National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Service, Anyang (Korea Republic).) | Yoo, H.S. | Park, Y.H. (Seoul National University, Suwon (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine)
Since Robert Koch found tubercle bacilli in 1882, the studies on tubercle bacilli of human and animal had been carried out. Being old tuberculin(OT) introduced in 1890, the specificity of the diagnosis of tuberculosis has been improved by continual uses of heat concentrated synthetic medium(HCSM) and purified protein derivatives(PPD) tuberculin. Now, two types of tuberculin test are used worldwidly; the single intradermal test(SIT) using bovine tuberculin and the single intradermal comparative tuberculin test(SICTT) using avian and bovine tuberculins. In the SICTT, each countries have used with different combination of both avain and bovine tuberculins' titers. However, this kinds of studies have not reported in Korea. Therefore, the studies on the combination of their tuberculins' titers were performed through intradermal test of guinea pigs sensitized with either Mycobacterium bovis or M avium and were examined in 10 cattles of SIT positive reactors. Also, IFN-y assay, the latest diagnostic method of bovine tuberculosis, was experimentally applied to SIT positive reactors. For determinint the optimal titers, sensitized guinea pigs with M bovis and M avium were intradermally injected avain and bovine tuverculin. In guinea pigs sensitized with M bovis, bovine tuberculin 50 T.U. showed significant difference from all tested concentrations of avian tuberculin(p0.05). In guinea pigs sensitized with M avium, there is significantly different between bovine tuberculin and avian tuberculin by 25 T.U.(p0.01). Therefore, optimal titers of bovine and avian PPD tuberculins' titers for the SICTT in Korea were 5,000 and 2,500 tuberculin units, respectively, and the swelling differences between bobine and avian site in SIT positive reactors were above 3mm. Also, in IFN-y assay, the 9 SIT positive reactors were showed all the positive reactions.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]The evaluation on the biological safety of diagnostic ultrasound using radiation-induced apoptosis in the external granular layer of mouse cerebellum
Oh, H. | Lee, S.E. | Yang, J.A. | Chung, C.Y. | Son, C.H. | Kim, S.H. (Chonnam National University, Kwangju (Korea Republic). College of Veterinary Medicine) | Jo, S.K. (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Taejon (Korea Republic). Department of Food Irradiation)
We have studied, by a nonisotopic in situ end-laveling(ISEL) technique, frequency of apoptosis in the external granular layer(EGL) of the cerebellum of immature mice by Y-rays irradiation from 60Co or diagnostic ultrasound exposure. The total number of normal cells and cells showing morphological features of apoptosis were counted. The frequency of apoptotic cells was expressed as a percentage of the total number of cells in EGL. The extent of changes following 200 cGy(1090 cGy/min) was studied at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, or 24 hours after exposure. The maximal frequency was found 6~8 hours after exposure. The immature mice that received 18, 36, 54, 108, 198, 396, cGY of y-rays or diagnostic ultrasound(7.5MHz, 4.2mW, Ispta=7.9mW/cm2, Ispta=114.3W/cm2) for 10 or 30 minutes were examined 6 hours after irradiation. Measurements performed after y-ray irradiation showed a dose-related increase in apoptotic cells in each of the mice studied. The dose-response curves were analyzed by a linear-quadratic model;frequency of apoptotic cell in the EGL was y=(0.1349+_0.01175)D+(-0.0001522+_0.0000334)D2+0.048(r2=0.981, D-dose in cGy). In the experiment of ultrasound exposure, the frequency of apoptotic cell was 0.106+_0.130(10 minutes exposure) and 0.167+_0.220(30 minutes exposure). We estimated the relative dose of the yield from the experiment with ultrasound by substituting the yield from ultrasound exposure into the curve from the y-irradiation. The relative dose of ultrasound exposure compared with y-irradiation were 0.432 cGY(10 minutes exposure) and 0.885 cGY(30 minutes exposure). We have found that there is no evidence to indicate that diagnostic ultrasound involves a significant risk.
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