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Effects of leukotriene C4 on the bioelectric properties and ion transport of equine tracheal epithelium
Lester, Guy D. | Rice, Brett L.
Objective: To determine effects of leukotriene (LT) C4 on ion transport across equine tracheal epithelium. Sample: Tracheal epithelium from cadavers of 24 horses considered free of respiratory tract disease. Procedures: Mucosae were mounted into Ussing chambers, and short-circuit current (Isc) was monitored over time. Effects of LTC4 were examined for various conditions, including addition of amiloride (10μM) to the mucosal bath solution, addition of bumetanide (10μM) to the serosal bath solution, addition of barium (1mM) to the serosal bath solution, and substitution of gluconate for chloride and HEPES for bicarbonate in bath solutions. Electrolyte transport was assessed via 22Na and 36Cl isotope fluxes. Results: Addition of LTC4 (50nM) to the serosal bath solution caused an increase in Isc for basal conditions and a larger increase after pretreatment with amiloride. The increase was negated in part by the addition of bumetanide to the serosal bath solution and further reduced by substitution of HEPES for bicarbonate in bath solutions. Remaining current was reduced to values less than those before treatment with LTC4 by the addition of barium to the serosal solution. There was a small increase in Isc after the addition of amiloride and substitution of gluconate for chloride. Radioisotope flux indicated that addition of LTC4 to the serosal bath solution increased chloride secretion and reduced sodium absorption. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: LTC4 stimulated chloride secretion through a predominately bumetanide-sensitive pathway, with a smaller contribution from a bicarbonate-dependent pathway. Thus, LTC4 appears to be a potential mediator of airway hypersecretion in horses.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Prevalence and genotype of Mycoplasma bovis in beef cattle after arrival at a feedlot
Castillo-Alcala, Fernanda | Bateman, Kenneth G. | Cai, Hugh Y. | Schott, Courtney R. | Parker, Lois | Clark, Mary Ellen | McRaild, Patricia | McDowall, Rebecca M. | Foster, Robert A. | Archambault, Marie | Caswell, Jeff L.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of Mycoplasma bovis infection in the lungs of cattle at various times after arrival at a feedlot, to measure the relationship between clinical disease status and the concentration and genotype of M bovis within the lungs, and to investigate changes in the genotype of M bovis over time. Sample: Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) from 328 healthy or pneumonic beef cattle and 20 M bovis isolates obtained from postmortem samples. Procedures: The concentration of M bovis in BALF was determined via real-time PCR assays, and M bovis isolates from BALF were genotyped via amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis. Results: Prevalence of M bovis in BALF was 1 of 60 (1.7%) at arrival to a feedlot and 26 of 36 (72.2%) and 36 of 42 (85.7%) at ≤ 15 days and 55 days after arrival, respectively. Neither the concentration nor the AFLP type of M bovis in BALF was correlated with clinical disease status. The M bovis AFLP type differed between early and later sampling periods in 14 of 17 cattle. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: The findings implied spread of M bovis among calves and suggested that host factors and copathogens may determine disease outcomes in infected calves. Chronic pulmonary infection with M bovis may represent a dynamic situation of bacterial clearance and reinfection with strains of different AFLP type, rather than continuous infection with a single clone. These findings impact our understanding of why cattle with chronic pneumonia and polyarthritis syndrome inadequately respond to antimicrobial treatment.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Investigation of forelimb hoof wall strains and hoof shape in unshod horses exercised on a treadmill at various speeds and gaits
Bellenzani, Maria C.R. | Merritt, Jonathan S. | Clarke, Sandy | Davies, Helen M.S.
Objective: To investigate forelimb hoof wall strains and shape changes in unshod horses undergoing regular moderate exercise on a treadmill at selected speeds and gaits. Animals: 6 horses of various body types. Procedures: Each horse was exercised on a treadmill (walking, trotting, and cantering, with or without galloping at 12.5 m/s) 3 times a week for 4 consecutive weeks; duration of each exercise session ranged from 10 to 14 minutes. During the 4-week period, the proximal hoof circumference (PHC) and toe angle (TA) of each forelimb hoof were measured weekly with a flexible measuring tape and a hoof gauge, respectively. Forelimb hoof wall strains were measured bilaterally at the toe and each quarter (3 strain gauges) immediately before the first and after the last exercise session. Results: Strain measurements revealed a consistent pattern of deformation of the hoof wall in both forelimbs at all gaits; strains increased during the stance phase of the stride. Strain values were dependent on site and gait. Compared with initial findings, mean TA increased significantly, whereas mean PHC did not, after the 4-week exercise period. A relationship between TA changes and hoof wall strains could not be established. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: In unshod horses, forelimb hoof wall strains were affected by site and gait, but not by discrete changes in TA; PHC did not change in response to moderate regular exercise. The pattern of hoof loading was consistent despite significant changes in TA.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Use of the oxygen content–based index, Fshunt, as an indicator of pulmonary venous admixture at various inspired oxygen fractions in anesthetized sheep
Araos, Joaquin D. | Larenza, Paula | Boston, Ray C. | De Monte, Valentina | De Marzo, Carmelinda | Grasso, Salvatore | Haskins, Steve C. | Crovace, Antonio | Staffieri, Francesco
Objective: To evaluate the use of the oxygen content–based index, Fshunt, as an indicator of venous admixture (Qs/Qt) at various fractions of inspired oxygen (Fio2s) in anesthetized sheep undergoing Flung or 2-lung ventilation. Animals: 6 healthy adult female sheep. Procedures: Sheep were anesthetized and administered 5 different Fio2s (0.21, 0.40, 0.60, 0.80, and 1.00) in random order during 2-lung mechanical ventilation. Arterial and mixed venous blood samples were obtained at each Fio2 after a 15-minute stabilization period. Vital capacity alveolar recruitment maneuvers were performed after blood collection. The previously used Fio2 sequence was reversed for sample collection during Flung ventilation. Blood samples were analyzed for arterial, pulmonary end-capillary, and mixed venous oxygen content and partial pressure and for hemoglobin concentration. Oxygen hemoglobin saturation, Qs/Qt, Fshunt, and oxygen tension–based indices (OTIs; including Pao2:Fio2, alveolar-arterial difference in partial pressure of oxygen [Pao2 – Pao2], [Pao2 – Pao2]:Fio2, [Pao2 – Pao2]:Pao2, and Pao2:Pao2) were calculated at each Fio2; associations were evaluated with linear regression analysis, concordance, and correlation tests. Intermethod agreement between Qs/Qt and Fshunt was tested via Bland-Altman analysis. Results: Strong and significant associations and substantial agreement were detected between Fshunt and Qs/Qt. Relationships between OTIs and Qs/Qt varied, but overall correlations were weak. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Whereas OTIs were generally poor indicators of Qs/Qt, Fshunt was a good indicator of Qs/Qt at various Fio2s, regardless of the magnitude of Qs/Qt and could be potentially used as a surrogate for Qs/Qt measurements in healthy sheep.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Epidural anesthesia and postoperatory analgesia with alpha-2 adrenergic agonists and lidocaine for ovariohysterectomy in bitches
Pohl, Virginia H. | Carregaro, Adriano B. | Lopes, Carlize | Gehrcke, Martielo I. | Muller, Daniel C.M. | Garlet, Clarissa D.
The aim of this study was to determine the viability and cardiorespiratory effects of the association of epidural alpha-2 adrenergic agonists and lidocaine for ovariohysterectomy (OH) in bitches. Forty-two bitches were spayed under epidural anesthesia with 2.5 mg/kg body weight (BW) of 1% lidocaine with adrenaline (CON) or in association with 0.25 mg/kg BW of xylazine (XYL), 10 μg/kg BW of romifidine (ROM), 30 μg/kg BW of detomidine (DET), 2 μg/kg BW of dexmedetomidine (DEX), or 5 μg/kg BW of clonidine (CLO). Heart rate (HR), respiratory rate (fR) and arterial pressures were monitored immediately before and every 10 min after the epidural procedure. Blood gas and pH analysis were done before, and at 30 and 60 min after the epidural procedure. Animals were submitted to isoflurane anesthesia if they presented a slightest sign of discomfort during the procedure. Time of sensory epidural block and postoperative analgesia were evaluated. All animals in CON and DEX, 5 animals in ROM and CLO, 4 animals in XYL, and 3 in DET required supplementary isoflurane. All groups, except CLO, showed a decrease in HR. There was an increase in arterial pressures in all groups. Postoperative analgesia lasted the longest in XYL. None of the protocols were totally efficient to perform the complete procedure of OH; however, xylazine provided longer postoperative analgesia than the others.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Tuberculosis cross-species transmission in Tanzania: Towards a One-Health concept
Erasto V. Mbugi | Bugwesa Z. Katale | Sharon Kendall | Liam Good | Gibson S. Kibiki | Julius D. Keyyu | Peter Godfrey-Faussett | Paul van Helden | Mecky I. Matee
For centuries, tuberculosis, which is a chronic infection caused by the bacillus <em>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</em> has remained a global health problem. The global burden of tuberculosis has increased, particularly in the Southern African region, mainly due to HIV, and inadequate health systems which has in turn given rise to emergent drug resistant tuberculosis (TB) strains. Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) has also emerged as a significant disease with the tendency for inter-species spread. The extent of interspecies BTB transmission both in urban and rural communities has not been adequately assessed. The phenomenon is of particular importance in rural communities where people share habitats with livestock and wildlife (particularly in areas near national parks and game reserves). Aerosol and oral intake are the major routes of transmission from diseased to healthy individuals, with health care workers often contracting infection nosocomially. Although TB control has increasingly been achieved in high-income countries, the disease, like other poverty-related infections, has continued to be a disaster in countries with low income economies. Transmission of infections occurs not only amongst humans but also between animals and humans (and occasionally vice versa) necessitating assessment of the extent of transmission at their interface. This review explores tuberculosis as a disease of humans which can cross-transmit between humans, livestock and wildlife. The review also addresses issues underlying the use of molecular biology, genetic sequencing and bioinformatics as t tools to understand the extent of inter-species cross-transmission of TB in a ‘One Health’ context.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]New technologies to diagnose and monitor infectious diseases of livestock: Challenges for sub-Saharan Africa
Donald P. King | Miki Madi | Valerie Mioulet | Jemma Wadsworth | Caroline F. Wright | Begoña Valdazo-González | Nigel P. Ferris | Nick J. Knowles | Jef Hammond
Using foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) as an example, this review describes new tools that can be used to detect and characterise livestock diseases. In recent years, molecular tests that can detect and characterise pathogens in a diverse range of sample types have revolutionised laboratory diagnostics. In addition to use in centralised laboratories, there are opportunities to locate diagnostic technologies close to the animals with suspected clinical signs. Work in this area has developed simple-to-use lateral-flow devices for the detection of FMD virus (FMDV), as well as new hardware platforms to allow molecular testing to be deployed into the field for use by non-specialists. Once FMDV has been detected, nucleotide sequencing is used to compare field strains with reference viruses. Transboundary movements of FMDV are routinely monitored using VP1 sequence data, while higher resolution transmission trees (at the farm-to-farm level) can be reconstructed using full-genome sequencing approaches. New technologies such as next-generation sequencing technologies are now being applied to dissect the viral sequence populations that exist within single samples. The driving force for the use of these technologies has largely been influenced by the priorities of developed countries with FMD-free (without vaccination) status. However, it is important to recognise that these approaches also show considerable promise for use in countries where FMD is endemic, although further modifications (such as sample archiving and strain and serotype characterisation) may be required to tailor these tests for use in these regions. Access to these new diagnostic and sequencing technologies in sub-Saharan Africa have the potential to provide novel insights into FMD epidemiology and will impact upon improved strategies for disease control. Effective control of infectious diseases is reliant upon accurate diagnosis of clinical cases using laboratory tests, together with an understanding of factors that impact upon the epidemiology of the infectious agent. A wide range of new diagnostic tools and nucleotide sequencing methods are used by international reference laboratories to detect and characterise the agents causing outbreaks of infectious diseases. In the past, high costs (initial capital expenses, as well as day-to-day maintenance and running costs) and complexity of the protocols used to perform some of these tests have limited the use of these methods in smaller laboratories. However, simpler and more cost-effective formats are now being developed that offer the prospect that these technologies will be even more widely deployed into laboratories particularly those in developing regions of the world such as sub-Saharan Africa.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Epidemiological perspectives of ticks and tick-borne diseases in South Sudan: Cross-sectional survey results
Fredrick M. Kivaria | Angolwisye M. Kapaga | Gabriel K. Mbassa | Paul F. Mtui | Rhombe J. Wani
A cross-sectional study was conducted between September and October 2010 in five states of South Sudan that were selected on the basis of the perceived risk of tick-borne diseases. The purpose was to investigate epidemiological parameters of tick-borne diseases in South Sudan and their uses in future control strategies. A total of 805 calves were assessed by clinical, microscopic and serological examination and tick counts. The indirect Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA) was used to detect antibodies to<em> Theileria parva</em>, <em>Theileria mutans</em>, <em>Anaplasma marginale</em> and <em>Babesian bigemina</em>. Sero-conversion risks for <em>T. parva</em> and <em>T. mutans</em> were 27.3% and 31.3% respectively, whilst the risk was 57.6% and 52.8% for <em>A. marginale</em> and <em>B. bigemina</em>, respectively. Major tick species identified include <em>Rhipicephalus appendiculatus</em>, <em>Rhipicephalus decoloratus</em>, <em>Rhipicephalus microplus</em>, <em>Amblyomma variegatum</em>, and <em>Rhipicephalus evertsi</em>. There was great variation (<em>P</em> ≤ 0.001) in the number of all these ticks, both between herds in a state and between calves in an individual herd. The low and intermediate sero-conversion risks observed in the study states suggest that immunisation against East Coast fever (ECF) is justified. Fortunately, three major genotypes that were identified by applying Polymerase Chain Reaction Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCRRFLP) analysis on the p104 to the blood samples and T. parva Muguga, matched very well with <em>T. parva</em> Kiambu 5 and <em>T. parva</em> Muguga; therefore the Muguga cocktail can be used for the immunisation of cattle in South Sudan. However, prospective studies are required to develop optimal control measures for tick-borne diseases under different ecological and husbandry practices in South Sudan.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of packing on changes in erythrocyte osmotic fragility and malondialdehyde concentration in donkeys administered with ascorbic acid
Folashade Olaifa | Joseph O. Ayo | Suleiman F. Ambali | Peter I. Rekwot
Experiments were performed with the aim of investigating the effect of packing on erythrocyte osmotic fragility (EOF) and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration in donkeys, and the effect of ascorbic acid (AA). Twelve apparently healthy donkeys raised under the traditional extensive system served as experimental subjects. Six donkeys administered orally with AA (200 mg/kg) and subjected to packing were used as experimental animals, whilst six others not administered with AA served as controls. Blood samples were collected pre- and post-packing from all the donkeys for the determination of MDA and EOF. At 0.3% Sodium Chloride (NaCl) concentration, the percentage haemolysis was 93.69% ± 2.21% in the control donkeys and the value was significantly (<em>P</em> < 0.05) higher than the value of 71.31% ± 8.33%, recorded in the experimental donkeys. The post-packing MDA concentration obtained in the control donkeys was 39.62 µmol ± 4.16 µmol, and was not significantly different (<em>P</em> > 0.05) from the value of 35.97 µmol ± 2.88 µmol recorded in the experimental donkeys. In conclusion, the increase in haemolysis obtained in the donkeys suggested that packing induced oxidative stress, which was ameliorated by AA administration.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Molecular characterisation of Newcastle disease virus isolates from different geographical regions in Mozambique in 2005
Raul Fringe | Anna-Mari Bosman | Karen Ebersohn | Shahn Bisschop | Celia Abolnik | Estelle Venter
Newcastle disease (ND) is regarded as a highly contagious and economically important disease in poultry and has a worldwide distribution. Viral determinants for Newcastle disease virus (NDV) virulence are not completely understood and viruses of different pathotypes can be found at live-bird markets in different geographical areas. The prevalence of Newcastle disease in village poultry in Mozambique is not well documented and strains of NDV involved in yearly outbreaks are unknown. The fusion (F) protein is an important determinant of pathogenicity of the virus and is used commonly for phylogenetic analysis. Newcastle disease viruses from various geographical regions of Mozambique were sequenced and compared genetically to published sequences obtained from GenBank. Samples were collected in three different areas of Mozambique and NDV was isolated by infection of embryonated chicken eggs. Sequence analysis of the F-protein encoding gene was used to classify 28 isolates from Mozambique into genotypes and compare these genotypes phylogenetically with existing genotypes found in GenBank. The isolates obtained from Mozambique grouped mainly into two clades. In the first clade, 12 isolates grouped together with sequences of isolates representing genotypes from Mozambique that were previously described. In the second clade, 16 isolates group together with sequences obtained from GenBank originating from Australia, China, South Africa and the USA. Eleven of these isolates showed a high similarity with sequences from South Africa. The number of samples sequenced (<em>n</em> = 28), as well as the relatively small geographical collection area used in this study, are too small to be a representation of the circulating viruses in Mozambique in 2005. Viruses characterised in this study belonged to lineage 5b, a similar finding of a previous study 10 years ago. From this data, it merely can be concluded that no new introduction of the virus occurred from 1995 to 2005 in Mozambique.
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