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Résultats 91-100 de 119
Serological survey of horses in Korea for evidence of Getah virus infection
Rhee, Y.O. | Heo, Y. | Kim, Y.H. | Sul, D.S. (Rural Development Administration, Anyang (Korea R.). Veterinary Research Inst.)
The prevalence of antibody to Getah virus was serologically followed among those horses in Korea. Blood samples were taken from 575 horses in Feb and 462 horses in Sep. 1985. Overall percentage of horses with seropositive to Getah virus was 37% in Feb and 47% in Sep. The data suggest that the Getah virus infection was endemic in Korea and the increase in prevalence may be associated with the seasonal activity of arthropod vectors. This entails preventive precautions of the horses against this viral infection before the entry into Korea
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Comparative study of histological structure in the tongue root of domestic animals
Lee, N.S. | Lee, J.H. (Kyongbuk National Univ., Taegu (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
In order to know the comparative histological structure of the tongue of some domestic and laboratory animals, the root of the tongue has been investigated by light microscopy. The filiform papillae were mainly distributed in the root of the tongue of most animals and many foliate papillae were also found in the dog and rabbit. The very well-developed mucosa was found in the cattle and in the dog, fowl, rat and mouse was fair. The lamina propria was well developed in the cattle, dog and pig. The muscle layer was well developed in the cattle. The adipose tissue which distributed between the muscle fibers was mainly found in the dog
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Chemically induced delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity in guinea pigs and rabbits experimentally infected with Mycobacterium bovis
Lee, C.Y. | Lee, C.G. | Park, Y.J. (Chonnam National Univ., Kwangju (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
In order to evaluate the effects of the cell-mediated immunity of the animal in the chronic diseases the guinea pigs and rabbits were inoculated with Mycobacterium bovis. After 6 weeks these animals were sensitized and challenged with 2, 4-dinitrochlorobenzene. The cutaneous reactions observed in these animal species were similar each other. Macroscopic and microscopic responses in the animal experimentally infected with M. bovis were markedly reduced compared to those in the control animals
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Angled capillary method for determining erythrocyte sedimentation rate of goat
Shin, S.S. | Lee, B.W. (Chonnam National Univ., Kwangju (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine) | Shin, J.U. (Kyongsang National Univ., Chinju (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
The purpose of this study was to develop a new method which enables the goat ESR to be used as an effective clinical test. Blood samples were taken from 61 Korean native goats aged above one year old and the effect of tube inclinations, tube bores, tube lengths, environmental temoeratures during tests and packed erythrocyte volumes (PCV) on the ESR were observed. The ESR/hr using capillary hematocrit tube (Micro-Ht-tube) was gradually increased as the tube angle inclined from 90 (vertical) to 15 degrees and the best angle in view of both security and fast sedimentation rate was found to be an angle of 45 degrees
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effects of superovulation and early embryonic development by pituitary transplants
Yang, M.P. | Kim, Y.H. | Yang, I.S. | Kwun, J.K. (Seoul National Univ., Seoul (Korea R.). Coll. of Veterinary Medicine)
The present study was undertaken to investigate the development of early embryos, the implantation rate in immature rats superovulated by transplantation of a pituitary gland. Thirty-day-old male rats were performed orchidectomy 15 days before removal of each pituitary orchidectomy 15 days before removal of each pituitary gland. A pituitary gland was transplanted under the right kidney capsule of 28-day-old female rat between 0700 and 1000h on the starting day of experiment which was designated as Day -2. Control rats were administered 4 IU PMSG at 1000 on day -2. Some of rats used to experiment were sacrificed to examine the changes of ovarian and uterine weights on days -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 and 5. Other rats were sacrificed to recover the ova and observe the ovaries on Days 1, 2, 3 and 5. The implantation sites were counted on Days 8
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Immunobiological studies in mice treated with chemical carcinogen, 3-methylcholanthrene, 1; footpad swelling reaction and antibody titer in serum
Song, H.J. | Kim, J.M. (Chonbuk National Univ., Chonju (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
Studies on Staphylococci from subclinical mastitic and bulk milk samples
Choi, W.P. | Park, N.C. | Lee, G.L. (Kyongbuk National Univ., Taegu (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
This paper deals with the incidence of bovine mastitis for 743 quarters and distribution of Staphylococci for the quarter and 70 bulk milk samples in the northern area of Kyongbuk during the period from Jan to Dec 1984. Isolated Staphylococci were examined for species, subgroups, antibiotic resistance and penicillinase production. A total of 25 (73.5%) of 34 herds, 102 (54.3%) of 188 cows and 208 (30.3%) of 743 quarters were found to be infected with subclinical mastitis. A total of 83 (83.1%) of 102 cows, 94 (45.2%) of 208 mastitic quarters and 55 (78.6%) of 70 bulk milk samples were isolated Staphylococci
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Studies on the factors influcing the growth of swine testicle cells and the END effect of hog cholera virus
Jeon, Y.S. (Seoul National Univ., Seoul (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
The bovine serum influencing the growth of swine testicle (ST) cell and the END effect of hog cholera SN test was studied. Bovine whole serum of 16 (76.2%) and 4 (19.0%) samples out of 21 have shown a positive ST cell growth and the END effect, respectively. However, all of 21 (100%) and 8 (38.1%) samples out of 21 serum supernatant fractions, prepared from the bovine whole serum, have shown positive ST cell growth and END effect, respectively
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Survey for antibodies to bovine leukemia virus in dairy cattle
Park, N.C. | Choi, W.P. (Kyongbuk National Univ., Taegu (Korea R.))
This paper described the distribution and transmissibility of BLV (bovine leukemia virus), the relationship between antibodies against BLV and lymphocyte count in 313 dairy cattle from 36 herds, the clinical signs and hematological findings of 2 lymphosarcomatous cattle in the northern area of Kyongbuk. Eighty three (26.5%) of 313 cattle from 36 herds were positive for BLV antibodies and 19 (52.8%) of 36 herds were infected with BLV by the immunodiffusion test with BLV-gp antigen. The rate of BLV infection in cattle varied from 9.5 to 87.5% in 19 positive herds, it was higher in herds pastured during summer and included lymphosarcomatous onset than the other and also higher with the age
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Incidence and morphology of Buxtonella sulcata from cattle in Chonnam area
Wee, S.H. | Park, Y.J. | Lee, C.G. (Chonnam National Univ., Kwangju (Korea R.). Dept. of Veterinary Medicine)
Samples of feces from 1,080 cattle than in Chonnam area were examined for Buxtonella sulcata. Of these, 231 cattle (21.4%) were found to be infected with the ciliate. The incidence was higher in the dairy cattle in the beef cattle. The cysts of the ciliate were almost spherical or sub-spherical and the mean length of 79.58 +- 11.76 micro m corresponds quite closely with the mean width of 77.29 +- 11.41 micro m. The trophozoite was characterized by the position of the cytostome near the open cytopyge and by the curved groove running down from cytostome to the end of the body
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