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Pharmacokinetic model for predicting sulfamethazine disposition in pigs
Sweeney, R.W. | Bardalaye, P.C. | Smith, C.M. | Soma, L.R. | Uboh, C.E.
Concentration of sulfamethazine was measured in plasma and tissues (fat, liver, kidney, spleen, lungs, and skeletal muscle) of pigs given the drug IV and PC. The plasma concentration vs time curve was best described by a 2-compartment model, with a distribution half-life of 0.46 hour and an elimination half-life of 16.9 hours. Bioavailability after oral administration was 85.8 +/- 5.3%. The tissue and plasma sulfamethazine concentration vs time data ,ere used to develop a multicompartment pharmacokinetic model of sulfamethazine disposition in pigs. Plasma and tissue concentrations of sulfamethazine in pigs were measured at various intervals after multiple oral doses of sulfamethazine, and were compared to concentrations predicted by the model. Model predictions for tissue concentrations of sulfamethazine after addition of the drug to feed (110 micrograms/g of feed for 98 days; 550 micrograms/g for 30 days) were compared to results from other studies. The model accurately predicted the number of days for sulfamethazine concentration to fall below 0.1 Kg of tissue/g (0.1 ppm. the tolerated concentration) in various tissues.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Correlations between histologic endometrial lesions in mares and clinical response to intrauterine exposure with Streptococcus zooepidemicus
Troedsson, M.H.T. | deMoraes, M.J. | Liu, I.K.M.
The relationship between histologic lesions in endometrial biopsy specimens and susceptibility to chronic uterine infection (CUI) in mares was investigated. Mares were allotted to 4 groups on the basis of degree of endometrial lesions. Mares in group 1 (n = 6) had no pathologic changes, mares in group 2 (n = 5) had only mild pathologic changes, group-3 mares (n = 7) had moderate changes, and group-4 mares (n = 7) had severe inflammatory and fibrotic endometrial changes. Susceptibility to CUI was determined by the inflammatory response to intrauterine inoculation of 5 X 10(6) Streptococcus zooepidemicus. The inoculum was given on the third day of behavioral estrus and in the presence of a follicle > 30 mm. Mares with > 1 neutrophil/5 high-magnification (400 X) microscopic fields and > 20 colonies of S zooepidemicus at 96 hours after inoculation were considered to be susceptible to CUI. There was a significant association between biopsy grade and susceptibility to CUI among the groups. Histologically normal endometrium was associated with resistance to CUI, and severe histopathologic changes in the endometrium were associated with susceptibility to CUI. Mild to moderate endometrial lesions did not correlate consistently with susceptibility or resistance to CUI.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of deferoxamine-hydroxyethyl pentafraction starch on free, autogenous full-thickness skin grafts in dogs
Free, autogenous, full-thickness skin grafting was performed on 10 dogs; 5 dogs were given an iron chelator, deferoxamine-10% hydroxyethyl pentafraction starch (DEF-HES; 50 mg/kg of body weight, IV), and 5 dogs were given 10% hydroxyethyl pentafraction starch (HES) in 0.9% saline solution (5 ml/kg, IV). The percentage of viable graft on day 10 was higher, but not significantly so, in DEF-HES-treated dogs (mean +/- SD, 72.6 +/- 24.8%; median 76.5%) than in HES-treated dogs (mean +/- SD, 46.7 +/- 34.3%; median, 48.8%). A trend for a positive correlation between the percentage of viable graft (on day 10) and the percentage of original graft area (on day 28) was observed in HES- and DEF-HES-treated dogs; this trend was significant in HES-treated dogs (P = 0.012). Both groups had significant positive correlation between percentage of viable graft on day 10 and percentage of haired skin on day 28 (HES, P = 0.000002; DEF-HES, P = 0.0148). A unique finding in DEF-HES treated dogs was the consistent observation of foamy macrophages in the dermis adjacent to the grafts, in deep subcutaneous tissue below the grafts, and in normal dermis.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Sonographic brightness of the flexor tendons and ligaments in the metacarpal region of horses
Sonographic observations were made of the image mean gray scale (MGS) of the flexor tendons and ligaments in the left and right metacarpal regions of each of 10 clinically normal horses. In images made in the dorsal and sagittal planes, the MGS was measured at multiple sites in the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT), deep digital flexor tendon (DDFT), accessory ligament (AL), and suspensory ligament (SL), and at single sites in the medial and lateral limbs of the SL, and the palmar ligament. Relative sonographic brightness of each tendon and ligament was calculated by dividing the value of its MGS by the mean value for the MGS of images of 3 soft tissue equivalent phantoms. When a multivariate repeated-measures of ANOVA of the relative brightness values was statistically significant (P < 0.05), Tukey's method of multiple comparisons was used to determine which values were significantly different from each other. In the dorsal plane, the SL was significantly brighter than the DDFT, SDFT, and AL; relative brightnesses of the DDFT and SDFT were similar, as were those of the SDFT and AL. In the sagittal plane, the SL again was the significantly brightest structure, followed by the Al, and similar brightnesses of the DDFT and SDFT. In dorsal images made 25 cm distal to the accessory carpal bone, relative brightnesses of the SDFT, DDFT, and the medial and lateral limbs of the SL were similar. In images made 30 cm distal to the accessory carpal bone, relative brightness of the palmar ligament was significantly (P < 0.05) less than that of the SDFT and DDFT in the dorsal plane, but not in the sagittal plane, where it was significantly greater. Relative brightness values represented a unique sonographic characteristic of each structure and, in the future, may provide further insights into tendon and ligament structure and function.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Leukotriene B4 in cows with normal calving, and in cows with retained fetal membranes and/or uterine subinvolution
Slama, H. | Vaillancourt, D. | Goff, A. K.
Two experiments were performed to study the relationship between leukotriene B4 (LTB4) synthesis and placental separation and uterine involution in the cow. In experiment I, the concentration and synthesis of LTB4 by caruncular tissue was lower in cows with retained fetal membranes (RFM cows, n = 11) than in cows that expelled the fetal membranes normally (NFM cows, n = 19). The presence of bacterial cell wall, especially of alpha-hemolytic streptococci and coagulase positive staphylococci enhanced LTB4 synthesis by allantochorion only in NFM cows. In the RFM group, Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide decreased allantochorionic LTB4 synthesis. With caruncle, only epidermal growth factor increased LTB4 production in NFM cows. In experiment II, the caruncular and endometrial secretion of LTB4 was lower in cows with subuterine involution (SUI cows, n = 5) or cows with SUI and RFM (SUI+RFM cows, n = 4) than in cows with normal uterine involution (NUI cows, n = 8). This decrease was especially noticeable in the previously gravid horn. In the three uterine involution groups, there were no differences in LTB4 synthesis by caruncular tissue taken from the previously gravid horn. However, progesterone and a bacterial suspension of E. coli reduced the synthesis of LTB4. Estradiol had no effect on LTB4 synthesis at the end of the postpartum period. These results suggest that LTB4 may play an important role in both placental separation and uterine involution in cattle and LTB4 synthesis may be modulated by endocrine and bacterial factors.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Evaluation of limb symmetry indices, using ground reaction forces in healthy dogs
Budsberg, S.C. | Jevens, D.J. | Brown, J. | Foutz, T.L. | DeCamp, C.E. | Reece, L.
Limb symmetry was evaluated by measuring ground reaction forces in 2 groups of normal-gaited dogs at a trot. Data were collected from 2 groups of 21 dogs trotted at dog/handler velocities of 1.25 to 1.55 m/s and 1.85 to 2.05 m/s, respectively. Of these dogs, 9 participated in both groups to allow comparison of data at both velocities. Additionally, 16 of the dogs in group 1 were measured in 2 directions of movement to determine whether directional dependence was present. Collected data were then applied to 3 described symmetry indices. Each index was easy to calculate, but all had limitations. A major limitation was variation in magnitude of ground reaction forces measured between the different axes and the effect of this variation on precision of the derived indices. Vertical ground forces provided the most consistent symmetry indices, in part because of their large magnitude. The indices indicated that no dog had perfect right-to-left symmetry during a trotting gait. Statistical differences were not found in any of the measurements of directional dependence. Likewise, comparing symmetry data in dogs trotted at both velocities indicated no significant differences in any axis. However, further analysis of the data revealed the actual amount that a variance attributable to right-left limb variation was negligible. Most of the variance was attributable to trial variation. Thus, the aforementioned indices, which use nonconsecutive footfall methods to evaluate limb symmetry, actually measure principally trial variation and not limb-to-limb variation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Endogenous creatinine clearance measurement of glomerular filtration rate in dogs
Finco, D.R. | Tabaru, H. | Brown, S.A. | Barsanti, J.A.
Renal clearance procedures were performed on adult mixed-breed dogs with a wide range of renal function. Endogenous creatinine clearance was computed after analyzing plasma and urine for creatinine by use of 2 methods, PAP and kinetic Jaffe. For 20-minute clearance procedures, [14C]inulin clearance was measured simultaneously with endogenous creatinine clearance. For 111 twenty-minute clearance procedures performed on 24 dogs, [14C]inulin clearance was highly correlated with creatinine clearance for both methods of creatinine analysis (R2 = 0.979 for [14C]inulin-PAP; R2 = 0.943 for [14C]inulin-Jaffe). The absolute values for PAP and [14C]inulin clearance were nearly the same (PAP-to-[14C]inulin clearance ratio = 1.03 +/- 0.08), but those for Jaffe clearance were substantially less than those for [14C] inulin clearance Jaffe-to-[14C]inulin clearance ratio = 0.88 +/- 0.10). The Jaffe-to-[14C] inulin clearance ratio was inversely correlated with degree of renal function (R2 = 0.464), whereas the PAP-to-[14C]inulin clearance ratio was not correlated with degree of renal function (R2 = 0.060). Thus, Jaffe-determined creatinine clearance varied, in relation to [14C] inulin clearance, depending on degree of renal function. In 4 clinically normal dogs, 20-minute and 24-hour sample collections analyzed by use of the PAP method gave clearance values significantly greater, for both periods, than did Jaffe analyses. The PAP-determined creatinine clearance values were less than, but not significantly different from 20-minute exogenous creatinine clearance values determined 10 days after 24-hour collections. For 20-minute and 24-hour collections, the difference in clearance values between the PAP and Jaffe methods was attributable mostly to lower plasma creatinine values for the PAP method (mean +/- SEM, plasma PAP-to-Jaffe ratio = 0.798 +/- 0.053). However, urine creatinine values also were less by use of the PAP method (urine PAP-to-Jaffe ratio = 0.943 +/- 0.103). We conclude that PAP-determined creatinine clearance reliably measured glomerular filtration rate during 20-minute collections, and probably during 24-hour collections as well. By contrast, Jaffe-determined creatinine clearance underestimated glomerular filtration rate by a variable amount.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Effect of ketoprofen on Escherichia coli heat-stable enterotoxin-induced diarrhea of calves
Roussel, A.J. Jr | Dodson, S.L. | Brumbaugh, G.W. | Sriranganathan, N. | Overbay, T.D.
To evaluate the effect of ketoprofen on fecal output during secretory diarrhea, 16 calves were given approximately 200 micrograms of heat-stable Escherichia coli enterotoxin by suckling on 2 occasions. On one day, treatment was not administered. On the other day, either 3 mg of ketoprofen/kg of body weight (n = 8) or 6 mg of ketoprofen/kg (n = 8) was administered 1 hour before and 3 hours after administration of enterotoxin. Fecal output was no different after 8 or 24 hours from calves given 3 mg/kg, but fecal output was less at 8 hours and 24 hours for calves given 6 mg/kg (P = 0.0588), compared with the control day.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Pharmacokinetics of and serum thromboxane suppression by flunixin meglumine in healthy foals during the first month of life
Semrad, S.D. | Sams, R.A. | Ashcraft, S.M.
Age and species reportedly affect the pharmacokinetic variables of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. We determined the effect of age on flunixin pharmacokinetic variables in foals during the first month of life. We also estimated the physiologic activity of the drug in neonatal foals by determining the effect of flunixin on thromboxane production during clotting of blood taken from the foals. Flunixin disposition and clearance were determined after IV administration of 1.1 mg of drug/kg of body weight to 5 healthy foals when they were 24 to 28 hours, 10 to 11 days, and 27 to 28 days old. The area under the curve (2,471 micrograms.min/ml), mean residence time (477 minutes), and zero-time intercept of the elimination phase (4,853 ng/ml) were significantly (P = 0.05) greater, the elimination half-life (339 minutes) and slope of the elimination phase (0.002 L/min) were significantly (P = 0.05) longer, and total body clearance (0.482 ml/min/kg) and zero-time intercept for the distribution phase (2,092 ng/ml) were significantly (P = 0.05) lower at 24 to 28 hours. At each age, a biexponential equation was best fitted to the plasma flunixin concentration from each foal. Thromboxane B2 production during clotting of blood was significantly (P = 0.05) suppressed for 12 hours after flunixin meglumine administration at all ages. Therefore, it appears that although age does alter the disposition and elimination of flunixin in neonatal foals, this effect may be of little consequence because the drug's physiologic activity in foals appears similar to that in mature horses.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Modulation of bronchial responsiveness in horses by phenylbutazone and furosemide
Aguilera-Tejero, E. | Pascoe, J.R. | Woliner, M.J.
Effects of phenylbutazone (PBZ) and furosemide (FUR) on the respiratory tract of horses were evaluated, focusing on bronchial responsiveness. Four healthy Thoroughbreds were used and data were analyzed by use of a Latin square design. Histamine provocation tests (0.5, 1, 2, and 4 micrograms/kg/min, IV) were done: (1) without prior treatment with PBZ or FUR, (2) 30 minutes after administration of PBZ (8 mg/kg, IV), (3) 1 hour after administration of FUR (1 mg/kg, IV), and (4) after administration of PBZ plus FUR. Pulmonary function tests (dynamic compliance, resistance, respiratory frequency, and tidal volume) and heart rate were monitored throughout the experiments. Phenylbutazone did not influence basal pulmonary function test results, whereas FUR caused a significant (P < 0.05) increase in dynamic compliance and decrease in resistance. Histamine infusion resulted in a dose-dependent decrease in dynamic compliance and a dose-dependent increase in resistance, respiratory frequency, and heart rate. Phenylbutazone administration significantly (P < 0.05) attenuated most of the changes induced by histamine, whereas FUR had less protective action. Administration of PBZ plus FUR before administration of histamine was less effective than administration of PBZ alone.
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