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In vivo adaptation of regenerant plants of Fragaria vesca L. cultivars
Чорнобров, О. Ю | Ткачова, О. Е
Purpose. The adaptation of regenerant plants to environmental conditions is the final stage of micropropagation. According to a number of authors, when in vitro plants are transferred to in vivo non-sterile conditions, a significant percentage of mortality is recorded. In a previous publication, the regenerative capacity of strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.) in vitro tissues on MS culture medium (Murashige & Skoog, 1962) and a regenerants was obtained (Chornobrov O. Yu., 2019). The objective of the study is to develop an optimal protocol of acclimation of in vitro F. vesca plants to in vivo conditions. Methods. Biotechnological and statistical methods of research were applied. For the research ‘Ruiana’ and ‘Zhovte Dyvo’ cultivars were used with in vitro cultivation cycle of 30–35 days. Prepared plants were planted in 0.33 L plastic contai ners, one piece in a mixture of coconut substrate and perlite (3:1). Plants were kept under high relative humidity (85–90%) conditions for 3–5 days, 6–8 days and 10–14 days. The studies were carried out in the Plant Biotechnology Laboratory of SS of NULES of Ukraine “BFRS” during 2019–2020. Results. The duration of Fragaria vesca regenerant plants exposure in conditions of high relative humidity significantly affected adaptation efficiency. The proportion of ‘Ruiana’ and ‘Zhovte Dyvo’ plants adapted to the greenhouse conditions were 47.6 ± 2.5% and 60.0 ± 1.7%, respectively, when the plants were kept for 10–14 days. A significant efficiency of plant adaptation (more than 70%) was obtained under condition of preliminarily exposure the roots of the plants in an auxin solution for 25–30 minutes with daily application of 30% solution of glycerine as foliar spray. The plants adapted to the greenhouse conditions had pigmentation characteristic of the variety, without signs of chlorosis and vitrification. Conclusions. An optimal protocol for in vitro adaptation of F. vesca cultivars to in vivo conditions was developed and viable plants were obtained. Further research will be aimed at studying the growth and development of F. vesca regenerant plants in open ground.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Peculiaritis of Apomictic plants development Pyrus communis х Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. in vitro conditions
В. Є. Джафарова | Л. В. Голишкін | Є. О. Долматов | Л. В. Ташматова
The development features of four samples of apomictic plants during micropropagation are presented. These plants have been derived from embryos after pear pollination with the pollen of Chaenomeles japanica at 55 and 70 days of their development. Different responses of samples on the tested concentration of cytokinin (6BAP) and its combination with gibberell acid are shown. Tendency of increasing of the coefficient of the reproduction of separate numbers of apomictic plants has been noted under changing of BAP concentration from 1 mg/l to 2 mg/l or BAP combination with GA3. For the purpose of optimization of the stage of conglomeration forming (buds and shoots) BAP concentration 1 and 2 mg/l should be alternated in a passage on the background of GA3 1,5 mg/l. For the first time the origin of apomictic plant roots during rhizogenesis has been retraced and the anatomical structure of roots in conditions in vitro has been studied. Root formation in vitro occurs in internal tissues of a shoot. Roots of apomictic plants formed in vitro are primary as in plants developed in vivo.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Economic valuable traits of promising breeding samples and ‘Chornolysta’ variety of Mentha piperita L. after in vitro sanitation and micropropagation
Т. Є. Шкопинська | Ю. В. Коломієць | І. П. Григорюк | Н. І. Куценко
Purpose. To study the impact of clonal micropropagation and sanitation in vitro by viricide Ribavirin on ex vitro plant productivity, quantitative content and qualitative composition of peppermint essential oil components obtained from four breeding samples of peppermint plants (Mentha piperita L.) and the ‘Chornolysta’ variety. Methods. The study used methods of field agrotechnical one-factor experiment, essential oil distillation with water vapor according to the Ginzberg method, capillary gas chromatography and statistical analysis. Results. Due to the sanitation process in vitro, the yield of air-dried leaves of breeding samples increased by 2.9–7.1%, the ‘Chornolysta’ variety by 51.4% and rhizomes by 2.2–3.8% and 28.5% respectively, which amounted 0.35–2.74 t/ha. A significant increase of essential oil yield of breeding samples from 4.0 to 9.9 kg/ha was shown, and of the ‘Chornolysta’ variety – up to 28.6 kg/ha. After in vitro sanitation and clonal cropropagation of the breeding sample M 01-12, the content of essential oil was more than 4%. The following components of peppermint essential oil were identified: limonene, cineole, menton, mentofuran, isomenton, menthyl acetate, β-caryophyllene, isomenthol, menthol, pulegon, piperitone and carvone. A clear tendency to a decrease in the amount of menton and isomenthol with isomenton and menthol increase in plants, sanitated and propagated in vitro, was revealed. Conclusions. The use of tissue and organ culture methods and in vitro sanitation improves the qualitative composition of terpenoids by increasing the amount of menthol and menton reducing. The data obtained on the composition of terpenoids should be considered in peppermint selection as one of the integral criteria, which should be included in the list of economically valuable characteristics of peppermint plants, such as foliage, biomass of air-dried leaves, plant rhizomes and the amount of peppermint essential oil. Six indicators of the essential oil of the breeding sample M 01-02, namely citric acid, cineole, mentofuran, isomentone, pulegon, carvone, as well as the cineole / limonene ratio, meet the criteria of the European Pharmacopoeia, so it can be considered as promising for cultivation among the studied samples.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Clonal micropropagation of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) varieties of Ukrainian breeding
Таланкова-Середа, Т. Є | Коломієць, Ю. В | Григорюк, І. П
Purpose. Developing technology for clonal micropropagation of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) plants of Ukrainian breeding based on the complex of methods of isolated tissue and organ culture in vitro. Methods. During the experiment, such methods as isolated tissue and organ culture in vitro, clonal micropropagation, detached scion grafting, chemotherapy with adding of virucide Ribavirin to the nutrient medium, biometric and statistical ones were used. Results. The stepped procedure of sterilization that we have developed allows to receive 88–100% of sterile explants. For M. piperita L. introduction into culture and clonal micropropagation, Murashige and Skoog (MS) nutrient medium appeared to be optimal supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (0.75 mg/l), adenine (0.05 mg/l), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) (0.05 mg/l) and gibberellic acid (0.5 mg/l) on which the reproduction ratio on the 28th day ranged between 1:7 and 1:15. For recovery of plants from viral infection, virucide Ribavirin at concentration of 10 mg/l was added to the nutrient medium. The proposed nutrient medium for rhizogenesis, that contained IAA (0.5 mg/l) and indole butyric acid (IBA) (0.5 mg/l), allows to obtain the frequency of rhizogenesis up to 84–100%. Regenerated plants were adapted to the conditions in vivo on substrate peat : universal soil : perlite : sand in the ratio 2:1:1:1. The survival rate for peppermint varieties amounted to 96–100%. Conclusions. Biotechnological scheme was developed that permits to get healthy, purebred planting material and intensively propagate plants for supplying breeding programs of the Experimental Station for Medicinal Plants of the Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, among which such varieties as ‘Lebedyna pisnia’ and ‘Ukrainska pertseva’ were selected as the most promising for clonal micropropagation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Clonal micropropagation of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) varieties of Ukrainian breeding
Т. Є. Таланкова-Середа | Ю. В. Коломієць | І. П. Григорюк
Purpose. Developing technology for clonal micropropagation of peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) plants of Ukrainian breeding based on the complex of methods of isolated tissue and organ culture in vitro. Methods. During the experiment, such methods as isolated tissue and organ culture in vitro, clonal micropropagation, detached scion grafting, chemotherapy with adding of virucide Ribavirin to the nutrient medium, biometric and statistical ones were used. Results. The stepped procedure of sterilization that we have developed allows to receive 88–100% of sterile explants. For M. piperita L. introduction into culture and clonal micropropagation, Murashige and Skoog (MS) nutrient medium appeared to be optimal supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (0.75 mg/l), adenine (0.05 mg/l), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) (0.05 mg/l) and gibberellic acid (0.5 mg/l) on which the reproduction ratio on the 28th day ranged between 1:7 and 1:15. For recovery of plants from viral infection, virucide Ribavirin at concentration of 10 mg/l was added to the nutrient medium. The proposed nutrient medium for rhizogenesis, that contained IAA (0.5 mg/l) and indole butyric acid (IBA) (0.5 mg/l), allows to obtain the frequency of rhizogenesis up to 84–100%. Regenerated plants were adapted to the conditions in vivo on substrate peat : universal soil : perlite : sand in the ratio 2:1:1:1. The survival rate for peppermint varieties amounted to 96–100%. Conclusions. Biotechnological scheme was developed that permits to get healthy, purebred planting material and intensively propagate plants for supplying breeding programs of the Experimental Station for Medicinal Plants of the Institute of Agroecology and Environmental Management of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, among which such varieties as ‘Lebedyna pisnia’ and ‘Ukrainska pertseva’ were selected as the most promising for clonal micropropagation.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Peculiaritis of Apomictic plants development Pyrus communis х Chaenomeles japonica (Thunb.) Lindl. in vitro conditions
Джафарова, В. Є | Голишкін, Л. В | Долматов, Є. О | Ташматова, Л. В
The development features of four samples of apomictic plants during micropropagation are presented. These plants have been derived from embryos after pear pollination with the pollen of Chaenomeles japanica at 55 and 70 days of their development. Different responses of samples on the tested concentration of cytokinin (6BAP) and its combination with gibberell acid are shown. Tendency of increasing of the coefficient of the reproduction of separate numbers of apomictic plants has been noted under changing of BAP concentration from 1 mg/l to 2 mg/l or BAP combination with GA3. For the purpose of optimization of the stage of conglomeration forming (buds and shoots) BAP concentration 1 and 2 mg/l should be alternated in a passage on the background of GA3 1,5 mg/l. For the first time the origin of apomictic plant roots during rhizogenesis has been retraced and the anatomical structure of roots in conditions in vitro has been studied. Root formation in vitro occurs in internal tissues of a shoot. Roots of apomictic plants formed in vitro are primary as in plants developed in vivo.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Economic valuable traits of promising breeding samples and ‘Chornolysta’ variety of Mentha piperita L. after in vitro sanitation and micropropagation
Шкопинська, Т. Є | Коломієць, Ю. В | Григорюк, І. П | Куценко, Н. І
Purpose. To study the impact of clonal micropropagation and sanitation in vitro by viricide Ribavirin on ex vitro plant productivity, quantitative content and qualitative composition of peppermint essential oil components obtained from four breeding samples of peppermint plants (Mentha piperita L.) and the ‘Chornolysta’ variety. Methods. The study used methods of field agrotechnical one-factor experiment, essential oil distillation with water vapor according to the Ginzberg method, capillary gas chromatography and statistical analysis. Results. Due to the sanitation process in vitro, the yield of air-dried leaves of breeding samples increased by 2.9–7.1%, the ‘Chornolysta’ variety by 51.4% and rhizomes by 2.2–3.8% and 28.5% respectively, which amounted 0.35–2.74 t/ha. A significant increase of essential oil yield of breeding samples from 4.0 to 9.9 kg/ha was shown, and of the ‘Chornolysta’ variety – up to 28.6 kg/ha. After in vitro sanitation and clonal cropropagation of the breeding sample M 01-12, the content of essential oil was more than 4%. The following components of peppermint essential oil were identified: limonene, cineole, menton, mentofuran, isomenton, menthyl acetate, β-caryophyllene, isomenthol, menthol, pulegon, piperitone and carvone. A clear tendency to a decrease in the amount of menton and isomenthol with isomenton and menthol increase in plants, sanitated and propagated in vitro, was revealed. Conclusions. The use of tissue and organ culture methods and in vitro sanitation improves the qualitative composition of terpenoids by increasing the amount of menthol and menton reducing. The data obtained on the composition of terpenoids should be considered in peppermint selection as one of the integral criteria, which should be included in the list of economically valuable characteristics of peppermint plants, such as foliage, biomass of air-dried leaves, plant rhizomes and the amount of peppermint essential oil. Six indicators of the essential oil of the breeding sample M 01-02, namely citric acid, cineole, mentofuran, isomentone, pulegon, carvone, as well as the cineole / limonene ratio, meet the criteria of the European Pharmacopoeia, so it can be considered as promising for cultivation among the studied samples.
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Хозяйственно-ценные признаки перспективных селекционных образцов и сорта ‘Чорнолиста’ Mentha piperita L. после их оздоровления и микроразмножения in vitro | Господарсько-цінні ознаки перспективних селекційних зразків та сорту 'Чорнолиста' Mentha piperita L. після їх оздоровлення й мікророзмноження in vitro | Economic valuable traits of promising breeding samples and ‘Chornolysta’ variety of Mentha piperita L. after in vitro sanitation and micropropagation
Шкопинська, Т. Є. | Коломієць, Ю. В. | Григорюк, І. П. | Куценко, Н. І.
Цель. Установить эффективность воздействия клонального микроразмножения и оздоровления растений мяты перечной (Mentha piperita L.) в культуре in vitro вироцидом Ribavirin на продуктивность растений ex vitro, количественное содержание и качественный состав компонентов мятного эфирного масла, полученного из четырех селекционных образцов и сорта ‘Чорнолиста’.Методы. В исследованиях использованы методы полевого агротехнического однофакторного опыта, перегонки эфирного масла с водяным паром по методике Гинзберга, капиллярной газовой хроматографии и статистического анализа.Результаты. Благодаря процессу оздоровления в культуре in vitro урожайность воздушно-сухих листьев селекционных образцов увеличилась на 2,9–7,1%, а сорта ‘Чорнолиста’ – 51,4% и корневищ – на 2,2–3,8% и на 28,5% соответственно, что составило 0,35–2,74 т/га. Показано достоверное увеличение выхода эфирного масла у селекционных образцов от 4,0 до 9,9 кг/га, а у сорта ‘Чорнолиста’ – до 28,6 кг/га. После оздоровления и клонального микроразмножения в культуре in vitro у селекционного образца М 01-12 прослеживалось накопление содержания эфирного масла более 4%. Были идентифицированы такие компоненты эфирного масла мяты перечной: лимонен, цинеол, ментон, ментофуран, изоментон, ментилацетат, β-кариофилен, изоментол, ментол, пулегон, пиперитон и карвон. Установлена четкая тенденция к уменьшению количества ментона и изоментола, а также одновременное увеличение изоментона и ментола у растений, оздоровленных и размноженных в условиях культуры in vitro.Выводы. Применение методов культуры тканей и органов и оздоровления in vitro улучшает качественный состав терпеноидов за счет увеличения количества ментола и уменьшения ментона. Полученные данные о составе терпеноидов необходимо учитывать в селекции мяты перечной как одного из интегральных критериев, который необходимо отнести к перечню хозяйственно-ценных признаков культуры мяты перечной: облиственность, биомасса воздушно-сухих листьев, корневищ растений и количество мятного эфирного масла. Шесть показателей эфирного масла селекционного образца М 01-02, а именно: лимонен, цинеол, ментофуран, изоментон, пулегон, карвон, а также соотношение цинеол/лимонен соответствуют критериям европейской фармакопеи, поэтому среди исследуемых селекционных образцов его можно считать перспективным для культивирования. | Purpose. To study the impact of clonal micropropagation and sanitation in vitro by viricide Ribavirin on ex vitro plant productivity, quantitative content and qualitative composition of peppermint essential oil components obtained from four breeding samples of peppermint plants (Mentha piperita L.) and the ‘Chornolysta’ variety. Methods. The study used methods of field agrotechnical one-factor experiment, essential oil distillation with water vapor according to the Ginzberg method, capillary gas chromatography and statistical analysis.Results. Due to the sanitation process in vitro, the yield of air-dried leaves of breeding samples increased by 2.9–7.1%, the ‘Chornolysta’ variety by 51.4% and rhizomes by 2.2–3.8% and 28.5% respectively, which amounted 0.35–2.74 t/ha. A significant increase of essential oil yield of breeding samples from 4.0 to 9.9 kg/ha was shown, and of the ‘Chornolysta’ variety – up to 28.6 kg/ha. After in vitro sanitation and clonal cropropagation of the breeding sample M 01-12, the content of essential oil was more than 4%. The following components of peppermint essential oil were identified: limonene, cineole, menton, mentofuran, isomenton, menthyl acetate, β-caryophyllene, isomenthol, menthol, pulegon, piperitone and carvone. A clear tendency to a decrease in the amount of menton and isomenthol with isomenton and menthol increase in plants, sanitated and propagated in vitro, was revealed.Conclusions. The use of tissue and organ culture methods and in vitro sanitation improves the qualitative composition of terpenoids by increasing the amount of menthol and menton reducing. The data obtained on the composition of terpenoids should be considered in peppermint selection as one of the integral criteria, which should be included in the list of economically valuable characteristics of peppermint plants, such as foliage, biomass of air-dried leaves, plant rhizomes and the amount of peppermint essential oil. Six indicators of the essential oil of the breeding sample M 01-02, namely citric acid, cineole, mentofuran, isomentone, pulegon, carvone, as well as the cineole / limonene ratio, meet the criteria of the European Pharmacopoeia, so it can be considered as promising for cultivation among the studied samples. | Мета. Встановити ефективність впливу клонального мікророзмноження та оздоровлення рослин м’яти перцевої (Mentha piperita L.) в культурі in vitro віроцидом Ribavirin на продуктивність рослин ex vitro, кількісний вміст і якісний склад компонентів м'ятної ефірної олії, отриманої з чотирьох селекційних зразків й сорту ‘Чорнолиста’. Методи. У дослідженнях використано методи польового агротехнічного однофакторного досліду, перегонки олії ефірної з водяною парою за методикою Гінзберга, капілярної газової хроматографії та статистичного аналізу.Результати. Завдяки процесу оздоровлення в культурі in vitro врожайність повітряно-сухих листків селекційних зразків збільшилася на 2,9–7,1%, а сорту ‘Чорнолиста’ – на 51,4% та кореневищ – на 2,2–3,8% і на 28,5% відповідно, що складало 0,35–2,74 т/га. Показано достовірне зростання виходу ефірної олії у селекційних зразків від 4,0 до 9,9 кг/га, а у сорту ‘Чорнолиста’ – до 28,6 кг/га. Після оздоровлення та клонального мікророзмноження в культурі in vitro у селекційного зразка М 01-12 прослідковувалось накопичення вмісту ефірної олії більше 4%. Було ідентифіковано такі компоненти ефірної олії м’яти перцевої: лімонен, цинеол, ментон, ментофуран, ізоментон, ментіл ацетат, β-каріофілен, ізоментол, ментол, пулегон, піперитон і карвон. Встановлено чітку тенденцію до зменшення кількості ментону та ізоментолу й одночасне збільшення ізоментону і ментолу у рослин, що оздоровлені та розмножені в умовах культури іn vitro.Висновки. Застосування методів культури тканин і органів й оздоровлення іn vitro поліпшує якісний склад терпеноїдів за рахунок збільшення кількості ментолу та зменшення ментону. Отримані дані щодо складу терпеноїдів необхідно враховувати в селекції м’яти перцевої як одного із інтегральних критеріїв, який необхідно ввести до переліку господарсько-цінних ознак культури м’яти перцевої: облиствіння, біомаса повітряно-сухих листків, кореневищ рослин та кількість виходу м'ятної ефірної олії. Шість показників ефірної олії селекційного зразка М 01-02, а саме лімонен, цинеол, ментофуран, ізоментон, пулегон, карвон, а також співвідношення цинеол/лімонен відповідають критеріям європейської фармакопеї, тому серед досліджуваних селекційних зразків його можна вважати найперспективнішим для культивування
Afficher plus [+] Moins [-]Micropropagation of plants of the genus Actinidia Lindl.
Києнко, Kyienko, Z. B., З. Б. | Кімейчук, Kimeichuk, I. V., І. В. | Мацкевич, Matskevych, V. V., В. В.
Мета. Аналіз технологій мікроклонального розмноження рослин для створення життєздатних міжвидових гібридів і сортів Actinidia Lindl.Методи. Загальнонаукові – гіпотеза, експеримент, спостереження, аналіз, метод синтезу для формування висновків.Результати. Упровадження технологій in vitro натепер стає панівним комерційним методом масштабного й швидкого отримання саджанців зі стабільним успадкуванням ознак сорту, високим коефіцієнтом розмноження, збереженням господарсько-цінних ознак за відсутності сезонності виробництва та обмежень у часі. Крім розмноження, пришвидшується й селекційний процес, зокрема мутагенез і гібридизація. Важливо одержати не лише стерильний експлант, а й морфогенно активний, тобто такий, що приживеться, і згодом регенерує рослину in vitro. Найліпшим за ефективністю деконтамінації є спосіб оброблення гіпохлоритом та додавання у живильне середовище біоциду РРМ, але за цих умов відзначено найменше виживання експлантів у всіх зразків. На ефективність введення в асептичну культуру на першому етапі мікроклонального розмноження впливають також і біологічні особливості первинних експлантів. У дослідженнях із поживними середовищами для A. arguta встановлено, що з елементів мінерального живлення лише 11 іонів є необхідними для життєдіяльності: п’ять макро- (N, K, P, Mg, S) і шість мікроелементів (Cl, Fe, B, Mo, Na, I). Рослини in vitro мають нижчий уміст сухих речовин та більшу кількість вологи, зокрема й вільної, яка за умови порушення водного балансу швидко втрачається.Висновки. Здатність до регенерації більшою мірою виражена у видів A. chinensis та A. deliciosa, меншою – в А. arguta. Для A. chinensis ефективним є застосування гідропонної технології адаптації регенерантів на етапі ex vitro. | Purpose. Analysis of plant micropropagation technologies for the creation of viable interspecific hybrids and varieties of Actinidia Lindl. Methods. General scientific – hypothesis, experiment, observation, analysis, synthesis method for drawing conclusions. Results. The introduction of in vitro technologies is now becoming the dominant commercial method of large-scale and rapid production of seedlings with stable inheritance of variety traits, high multiplication rate, preservation of economically valuable traits in the absence of production seasonality and time constraints. In addition to reproduction, the breeding process is also accelerated, including mutagenesis and hybridization. It is important to obtain not only a sterile explant, but also a morphogenically active one, that is, a plant that takes roots and subsequently regenerates in vitro. The best in terms of decontamination efficiency is the method of treatment with hypochlorite and the addition of PPM biocide to the nutrient medium, but under these conditions, the lowest survival of explants in all samples was noted. The efficiency of introduction into aseptic culture at the first stage of micropropagation is also affected by the biological characteristics of the primary explants. In studies with nutrient media for A. arguta, it was found that of the elements of mineral nutrition, only 11 ions are necessary for life: five macro- (N, K, P, Mg, S) and six microelements (Cl, Fe, B, Mo, Na, I). Plants in vitro have a lower dry matter content and a greater amount of moisture, including free moisture, which is quickly lost when the water balance is disturbed. Conclusions. The ability to regenerate is more pronounced in the species A. chinensis and A. deliciosa, and to a lesser extent in A. arguta. For A. chinensis, the use of hydroponic technology for the adaptation of regenerants at the ex vitro stage is effective.
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